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blé et silver futures markets/un rapport du sénat vient de tomber !

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Messageblé et silver futures markets/un rapport du sénat vient de tomber !
par marie Lun 29 Juin 2009 - 22:11

blé et silver futures markets/un rapport du sénat vient de tomber .. pour le blé

les manips de marché reconnues , ou stipendiées c'est TOUJOURS du coté long ... voyez plutôt :

le sénat us vient de concocter un rapport sur les futures du blé .. stipendiant la CFTC et son manque de régulation sur la taille des positions..autorisant, selon lui, une spéculation longue, exagérée ...

Ted Butler: Wheat manipulation admitted, even as silver is worse

Submitted by cpowell on 12:38PM ET Monday, June 29, 2009. Section:
Daily Dispatches
3:30p ET Monday, June 29, 2009
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
In commentary posted today, silver market analyst Ted Butler reviews a new Senate investigative report on manipulation of the wheat market and notes that it reaches conclusions similar to those he long has drawn about the silver market. Particularly, Butler notes, the Senate report cites the failure of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission to enforce position limits in the wheat market, even as this failure is infinitely worse in the silver market, where as a practical matter there are no position limits at all, resulting in the grotesque concentration of the short position in silver.
Butler writes: "The problem is that there is a double standard when it comes to manipulation or excessive speculation. Most have grown to view the long side as the only side that can be manipulated. That's not true, nor is it how the law is structured. However, it is how most people think, especially politicians and regulators. That's the problem in silver (and gold)."
Butler's commentary here could not be more factual, specific, cogent, and persuasive. U.S. citizens should copy it and send it to the CFTC and their congressmen and ask for a response. It is headlined "The Senate Report" and you can find it at GoldSeek's companion site, SilverSeek, here:

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

ce rapport du sénat sur le blé est tout de même génial .. puisqu'il valide absolument TOUT les arguments de Butler, et notamment la comparaison de la taille des positions vs production mondiale..
sachant que c'est bien pire encore pour silver que pour le blé ..

jugez en plutôt
blé et silver futures markets/un rapport du sénat vient de tomber ! Ted%201

blé et silver futures markets/un rapport du sénat vient de tomber ! Ted%202

- pire aussi , puisque la position des shorts silver est éminemment concentrée entre3 ou 4 mains, et que ces 4 mains sont TRES actives..

-la seule différence notable étant que ce sont des positions shorts et non longues ..

-si la différence de traitement ne vous saute pas aux yeux .. c'est qu'il y a un problème .. Wink

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MessageRe: blé et silver futures markets/un rapport du sénat vient de tomber !
par marie Mer 8 Juil 2009 - 0:26

Butler pense que désormais, il y a bien trop d'éléments connus publiquement sur la manip du silver, pour que celle ci n'arrive pas à son terme rapidement ... la cftc, ne pouvant plus se cacher les yeux plus longtemps

ce pourquoi, il titre : "la dernière"


personnellement et si c'est le cas..je pense que "la dernière" devrait etre sanglante.. faut bien qu'ils puissent couvrir AVANT, les "pauvres" ..

tout ça pour dire, qu'en attendant la "fin" on est pour le moment en plein dedans amah.. et que c'est pas la peine de s'exciter en levier ( y compris mines ), avant..
par contre, ne pas lacher son physique.. et garder une core position minière ... au cas où.. ça démarre à l'arraché ..
as usual, quoi .. Wink

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MessageRe: blé et silver futures markets/un rapport du sénat vient de tomber !
par marie Sam 11 Juil 2009 - 0:03

nouvelles régulations CFTC en projet :

pas mal de news sont tombées mais ces 2 dernières sont encore plus détaillées ..

qu'est ce qui nous pend au nez?

hoho ... sont ce de belles paroles ou est ce plus sérieux?

ici, on évoque clairement GS et JPM.. ET aussi gold et silver markets !

c'est une 1ere ça... reste à savoir si ça va se concrétiser ou si ça restera du vent .. et surtout de quelle façon??? ( uniquement le long side, comme c'est évoqué ?? )

un gros bémol tout de même, et puisque comme d'hab on n'évoque la spéculation, cad le long side ..est ce à dire qu'on compte limiter seulement, les positions longues??? !!!!

ça serait la meilleure ... mais avec ces bandits et la manière dont ce texte est rédigé ... on peut s'attendre à tout ..


US's Geithner seeks clampdown on derivatives dealers

* Says aims to prevent mark manipulation, other abuses

* Major dealers to be subject to supervision, regulation

* SEC, CFTC would impose recordkeeping, reporting rules

WASHINGTON, July 10 (Reuters) - U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner on Friday proposed clamping down on dealers in freewheeling markets for little-understood derivatives that helped create a crisis in U.S. and world financial markets.

In testimony at a joint hearing by two congressional panels that will play a role in writing legislation on derivatives, Geithner set out proposals that would make big dealers like JPMorgan Chase and Goldman Sachs subject to much stronger supervision than was the case in the past…

CFTC to move quickly on position limits

WASHINGTON, July 10 (Reuters) - The Commodity Futures Trading Commission will move aggressively to rein in excessive speculation in the energy and metals markets by focusing largely on expanding their existing authority, and could have new regulations in place as early as late October.

"We're looking at a pretty fast time line," Bart Chilton, a CFTC Commissioner, said in an interview. "We're going to use our authority to the fullest extent possible. That doesn't mean we're going to be draconian or go too far."

In response to recent swings in oil prices, the CFTC announced this week it was considering clamping down on big market players by implementing position limits on all commodity futures contracts, focusing especially on energy
and metals such as gold and silver.

Chilton said while he couldn't ultimately predict what the CFTC will do, he would like to put out proposed rules in September, open them up to public comment and implement them by late October or November.

What stood out was the mention of GOLDMAN SACHS and JP MORGAN CHASE in the first article and the mention of "focusing especially on energy and metals such as gold and silver" in the second.
This is quite the development because of the concentrated positions of JP Morgan Chase in both the gold and silver markets. How can their concentrated short position be allowed to stand for the public to see in the banking reports if Geithner is actually telling the truth and does what he says he is going to do? Goldman Sachs is now a bank, so that goes for them too.
Could it be the Obama Administration is really going to do something meaningful when it comes to market manipulation? (Before I get a zillion emails decrying this notion, I am only saying there is a shot here.) That shot entails the Obama camp knowing the prices of gold and silver are WAY underpriced and undervalued due to the price suppression scheme. After all, the architects of the scheme include Geithner and key economic advisor, Lawrence Summers. But, the key is, if the GATA camp is correct, THEY know The Gold Cartel is going to hit the wall in the months and years ahead when it comes to available central bank gold and silver to meet annual supply/demand deficits. It just won’t be there, especially as other governments want to hold on to the gold they have left and other governments are accumulating gold.
At the same time, there could be a split in the Obama Administration … those who wish to continue the scheme and those who want it ended before it blows up. This might be the way the one camp opposed to the scheme gets their way.

©️ Marie
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MessageCFTC's Chilton wants position limits on gold, silver trading
par g.sandro Dim 12 Juil 2009 - 9:36

CFTC's Chilton wants position limits on gold, silver trading

blé et silver futures markets/un rapport du sénat vient de tomber ! Gata_painting_small
Submitted by cpowell on 12:17PM ET Friday, July 10, 2009.
Section: Daily Dispatches
By Edward Beeson
Compliance Reporter, New York
Wednesday, July 8,
Bart Chilton, a member of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, told
Compliance Reporter today that he supports mandating position limits on all
metals and believes the commission should explore whether limits should be
introduced on financial instruments such as foreign exchange, eurodollars, and
Treasury bills. He is aiming to make the ideas part of the debate about new
rules on oil and gas trading.
The CFTC this week announced that it will hold public hearings this month and
in August to consider position limits in oil and gas markets. Some observers
have blamed what they say is excessive speculation for price fluctuations in
those markets.
Chilton said he daily hears concerns about large positions being held in
metals, particularly in silver and gold. Since last September, the CFTC's
enforcement division has joined other federal and international regulators in an
investigation into potential manipulation and concentration of positions in the
silver market, he added.
Chilton said he is unsure whether his fellow commissioners would support
position limits on metals, but is hopeful the idea will gain momentum during the
hearings on oil and gas. "I'm hopeful that when we produce a rule" on oil and
gas position limits "we have metals in there," he said.
While Chilton is not sure the markets need position limits on financial
instruments, the idea should be explored. "Our job is to be looking at these
things, to be nimble, to be quick. To look around the corner, to look at what we
should be doing," he said.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: blé et silver futures markets/un rapport du sénat vient de tomber !
par marie Mer 15 Juil 2009 - 15:37

Butler revient sur le sujet.. et après avoir lu attentivement le dernier communiqué de Gary Gensler ( voir ds le topo de Butler ), je suis d'avantage convaincue .. puiqu'il fait très précisément allusion aux dérogations de limitation des positions des hedgeurs ( comprendre les commerciaux, bullion bancks, qui bénéficient de ce statut )

donc Gary lance un sondage d'opinion... pour savoir ce que nous en pensons ..

à nous de lui expliquer ce qu'il sait déjà .. à savoir que les dérogations des commerciaux sont absolument anormales.. et sont au coeur de la manip silver


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MessageRe: blé et silver futures markets/un rapport du sénat vient de tomber !
par marie Mer 15 Juil 2009 - 23:45

réactions ..

évidemment, et en admettant que la CFTC limitent les positions des b banks, ça ne leur serait pas très difficile d'agir à travers leurs filiales offshore, voir même d'en creer de spéciales, pour ce faire ..

je suis plutôt d'accord avec Adrian, ça ne suffit pas ... ( de faire comme si aucun délit n'avait encore été commis.. et de changer simplement les régles.. que ces gens là s'empresseront de contourner )

en attendant, Bill et Adrian iront faire entendre leurs voix à la réunion CFTC organisée à cet effet


Position Limits…
The CFTC Enforcement Division has been investigating the possible manipulation of the silver and gold market for over 9 months. What takes so long? It is not like trying to find a serial killer among 340 million Americans. We know that the manipulators could only be the entities that hold large positions on the COMEX, so that narrows the investigation down to about 4 possible suspects and then they don’t need to go wire tapping or finger-printing they have all the market data they need. It is NOT rocket science.
But wait a minute we are now hearing that the CFTC is going to impose position limits and the gold and silver markets were specifically referenced by Bart Chilton. The only reason a rule change that would apply position limits would be proposed is that it is recognized that position size is currently a problem. In other words that the gold and silver markets are manipulated by excessively high short positions (Duh! As if we hadn’t spotted that with the CFTC’s own COT and Bank Participation reports!! And it didn’t take us 9 months to work it out!).
Is this all we are going to get? Are we going to get the fix without ever admitting there was a problem? If it is then I am sorry to say it is not good enough for me. If the massive manipulation isn’t categorically recognized and STOPPED including people punished for it, then the new position limits will just get abused like the current commodity law. The latest fashion among regulators is to pretend that it wasn’t that there was lax regulation that caused the financial meltdown it was because we didn’t have enough rules!! When 2 or 3 banks hold 85% of the net short position in a commodity they are breaking commodity law. We don’t need any new rules. If I owned even 10% of the commercial net long position the FBI would be knocking on my door! When 5 US banks control over 96% of 201 T$ of notional value of derivatives as reported by the latest OCC report they are breaking the law. Period!
Without punishing people for breaking the existing law then all you do when you change the law is to encourage them to break that one too (and to have a big fat laugh at how stupid the regulators are and how smart they are!). When the CFTC impose position limits watch the Cartel have a myriad of offshore subsidiaries holding short positions. Instead of one Cartel bank holding 30,000 contracts short then 20 mini Cartel entities will miraculously start trading on the COMEX and as their names are all kept secret for reasons of increased transparency (cough, cough) we won’t know they are JPM 1, JPM 2, JPM 3, etc.
The head of the CFTC is ex-Goldman Sachs. I have yet to see any ex-Goldie in a government position implement anything that hurts Goldman Sachs…but may be Gary Gensler will be the first….ooops, was that a Lean Hogs futures contract that just flew over my roof?
The manipulation of the gold and silver markets will end with people getting fed up of waiting for regulators to do their job. They will simply buy real physical gold and silver and stand for delivery and the fraud will be exposed. The news that Greenlight Capital switched their GLD shares for real bullion is fantastic news
I think this could be the start of a Ghandi style bloodless revolution that will blow the Cartel out of the water and expose the regulators for the worthless, procrastinating bunch of government paper pushers and Cartel apologists that they really are.
Let’s applaud Greenlight Capital for having cast the first stone!
Just like the Olivia Newton John song of the same name "Let’s Get Physical"!
Hey, Adrian:
Yes, I remarked to Bill the other day that as soon as position limits are imposed in gold and silver, Goldman Sachs and JPM just open or recruit surrogates offshore to take up the positions they have to unload domestically. But that can be guarded against if the CFTC wants to guard against it – not that I would count on it. I think the important thing is that the position limits issue has made our concerns legitimate and put them on the table for a national discussion. Now we go to the CFTC hearings and complain in front of both regulators and, presumably, some financial press about the rigging of the gold market by specific firms -- and those firms may be compelled to answer for themselves. That could be very big.
Are these hearings open to all or is it totally democratic and is by invitation only to Cartel apologists? Can GATA be represented? Could we get a Ron Paul type of Revolution going at the hearing and really be noticed?

May be this is the Washington building that is depicted in the GATA print that is in our destiny?
From Bart Chilton this morning re CP and going to the CFTC hearings…
Hey Bill
The hearings will be at the CFTC. I will get you a contact in the Chairman's office (and certainly I support you having an opportunity to have your voice heard!).

Also, here is my statement on the matter for your information.

I'll get back with you.

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: blé et silver futures markets/un rapport du sénat vient de tomber !
par marie Sam 18 Juil 2009 - 21:11

de son coté, l'auteur de cet article pense que Gensler ne vise qu'à réguler les positions des hedges funds..on the long side .. et que les exemptions seront maintenues pour nos si qualifiées institutions financières ( on the short side )


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MessageRe: blé et silver futures markets/un rapport du sénat vient de tomber !
par marie Mer 29 Juil 2009 - 2:50

ayé , le meeting de la CFTC a eu lieu ... et comme on s'en doutait, c'est de la daube ++++ et du footage de gueule ..


GATA’s Adrian Douglas travels the world as one of its leading oil consultants…
The CFTC meeting today to discuss speculation in futures markets is a sham. A Kangaroo court. Notice that the concern of the CFTC portrayed here is ONLY why oil went up last year. They have no concern as to why it fell so abruptly from $147 down to $35 even though Don Coxe was widely quoted at the time of having knowledge that the Government had instigated a massive take down. Their focus is on commodities of "finite supply" and preventing speculation. This is the most ridiculous initiative by the CTFC to date! Up until about 10 years ago the world was always living with a glut of commodities, and particularly the most important one…crude oil. Technology had allowed the production capacity of oil to always grow much faster than demand increase was growing. This is why OPEC was continually trying to impose production quotas, but they had little effect as poor discipline always led to over-supply. In the first half of 2008 the world was struggling to produce enough oil to meet demand. In 2007 we saw a rice shortage and producing countries put restrictions on exports. We saw a shortage in corn as an ill-fated plan to solve the growing energy crisis involved making ethanol from corn!
Shortages in commodities lead to higher prices. The response of the US-aligned crony capitalists over the last decade was to foster a derivatives monster to manipulate prices down even as shortages began to occur. The OTC derivative market grew to 1.4 Quadrillion dollars…20 times bigger than the GDP of the world! This hardly garners any discussion in the Press. This was the mechanism by which the US and its cronies tried to defy the laws of economics and push down the price of things in short supply. It worked for a while but it is now failing. Commodity prices and in particular, Oil prices are now rising rapidly again. There is nothing to say that shortages can’t exist in the middle of a recession. In fact it is the hallmark of inflation and hyperinflation. In Zimbabwe there is a shortage of everything!
History shows that when monetary inflation starts to be evident in prices of real goods the first thing that governments do is impose price controls. Here we have exactly that in a different flavor. The CFTC is trying to find a way to disadvantage those on the buy side of commodities of "finite supply". They are in effect trying to control prices under the guise of preventing excessive speculation!! The very use of the term "finite supply" means there is a supply crisis in commodities!! If these commodities were in abundance the free market deals with speculators automatically because as they drive the price up the producers produce more, the price comes down and the speculators lose their shirts. What the Government likes to happen is as the speculators drive up prices, instead of the producers producing more, the Cartel produces more paper promises of more production so that speculators lose their shirts. When the buyers are not speculators but buyers who want delivery the game ends. The inference from the CFTC comments is that this is the end of the game and the start of a super-bull in commodities. The problem is not speculators…the problem is the commodity of "infinite supply"…the US dollar. Trillions are being created and are chasing commodities of finite supply. Economics tells us what the result will be with or without the King Canute policies of the CFTC.
CFTC to Issue ‘New and Better’ Report on Speculation
By Tina Seeley and Daniel Whitten
July 28 (Bloomberg) -- The U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission will issue a "new and better report" next month bolstering the case for regulation of swaps dealer and index investors in markets it oversees, Commissioner Bart Chilton said today.
"The report should send an alert to Capitol Hill that we need regulatory reform that provides the agency with oversight into dark, over-the-counter markets," Chilton said in an e- mailed statement as the commission began three days of hearings to consider whether to impose limits on speculators.
The panel on Sept. 11 issued a report finding that the level of investment by index investors was declining in the first half of 2008 as crude oil prices were increasing. Former CFTC Acting Chairman Walter Lukken told Congress at the time it "doesn’t seem there’s a correlation" between index investors and higher prices.
New CFTC Chairman Gary Gensler has said speculators did affect commodity prices last year and that he wants the agency to "seriously consider" imposing certain limits on speculative trading.
"This hearing is an opportunity to determine how speculative position limits could be used to address excessive speculation, not how we can eliminate speculation," Gensler said at the start of today’s hearing.
Chilton, who dissented from the commission’s report last year, said today that "many will have a greater degree of confidence" in the new report.
The commission is considering whether it should impose position limits on speculative trading in energy markets or other markets of "finite supply."
‘Spinning’ Data
The August report "will be better and we will not try to spin it and say speculators had no role, like we did last year," Chilton said in an interview today on Bloomberg Television. Chilton said he can’t prejudge what the report will say…
In dissenting from the report last year, Chilton said he had "significant concerns relating to the underlying analysis on which the recommendations are based."
‘Right Balance’
Chilton said today the agency hasn’t already decided to put position limits in place. The agency will "strike the right balance to make sure that markets operate efficiently and avoid fraud or abuse," he said.
"If we have it my way, we will not go slow" and will "have something by the end of the year," Chilton said.
To contact the reporter on this story: Tina Seeley in Washington at tseeley@bloomberg.net; Daniel Whitten in Washington at dwhitten2@bloomberg.net.


More from Adrian…
Last week Al Grayson asked Bernanke if the fact that the dollar rose by 20% in 2008 at exactly the same time as ½ trillion dollars in currency swaps were arranged with Foreign Central Banks was a coincidence.
After about a 3 second pregnant pause, and the look of deer in the headlights, Bernanke answers simply "Yes"!
Today we have another coincidence. The CFTC hold hearings to discuss speculation in the energy markets on OPTION EXPIRY day on the COMEX. Then Gensler, in opening remarks, talks about imposing strict position limits on speculators. It is clear that by "speculators" they are referring ONLY to long side positions. The hearing is biased to the politically popular view that rising commodity prices are unwelcome from the point of view of the general public. This is NOT a hearing on regulating the futures markets to have accurate price discovery process. It is all about how can we disadvantage the "longs" because those market participants are exposing the fact that we are producing US dollars like confetti?
The fact that this sham is conducted very visibly on the option expiry day I am sure is just another coincidence like the one Bernanke referred to! I didn’t see anything that indicated that Gensler made reference to the ongoing investigation into the SHORT SIDE manipulation of the gold and silver markets which is now in its 10th month!...but that is probably just another coincidence too! Nor did I see any mention of the suspicions that there was massive short side manipulation in commodities last year to bring down prices and allow a massive reduction in OTC commodity derivatives of the 5 big US banks who hold 96% of the OTC derivatives…just another coincidence I suppose!...and the fact that Gensler is ex-Goldman Sachs is just another coincidence!

©️ Marie
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