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banking holiday et MF global

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Messagebanking holiday et MF global
par marie Ven 6 Jan 2012 - 21:43

Ann Bamhardt et Warren Pollock discutent de la crise financière et des précédents jetés par l'affaire MF global, incluant la façon dont pourrait se passer un banking holiday

la vidéo est en anglais...mais ça vaut le coup ...


Citation :
Ann Barnhardt and Warren Pollock have an interesting discussion about the financial crisis, the setting of legal precedent, netting, settlement, and future trends including a possible bank holiday.

They talk about MF Global as it applies to savings and commercial banking, brokerage, insurance, and commodities.

They also discuss the numeric impossibility of solving the debt problem, the partnership between government and finance, and the injustice of having the victims pay the price for the crisis rather than the perpetrators.

Ann and Warren also explain how the MF Global bankruptcy process could define the ways in which customer funds may be treated during a bank holiday.

This idea of a bank holiday is intriguing, particularly with regard to the scope of it.

Rather than just including the US, such a financial holiday could involve the greater part of the developed world in a coordinated restructuring of sovereign debt, and the revaluation of the world's major currencies according to some formula.

A new world order for the financial system if you will. It is certainly in the realm of possibility.

©️ Marie
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