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Hardinvestor- Investir sur l’or et l’argent Hard Investor   |  Silver is King, Go gold!

Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.

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inde / importation silver

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Messageinde / importation silver
par marie Mer 22 Oct 2008 - 0:25

compte tenu du prix tres attractif silver, regain d'intéret de l'inde.. depuis le mois d'aout ... importation de 250 T/ mois


ci dessous un commentaire très interessant sur cet article et également sur la décorrélation des prix physique et silver pour les 2 métaux..
certains ne s'y trompent pas , tels Julius Baer, banquier zurichois, qui lance un gold fonds or physique..
c'est pas ce genre d'investisseur qui va se laisser intimider par les conditions de livraison du comex .. Wink


Peter R…
I once had a teacher who liked to say, "You can call a bull a cow, but you can’t milk it." I’m reminded of this bit of wisdom as I watch the goings-on in the precious metals markets. Though Comex can try to pin a $750/oz. price on gold and a $10/oz. price on silver, not many holders will sell at those levels, so the supply has dried up. In India, for instance, Reuters reports, "…imports (of silver) stood around 800 tonnes so far this year as against around 2,280 tonnes in all of last year." Why, you ask? Again, Reuters, "Many banks are unable to get silver even if we tell them we will give them the full sum of money for the consignment," said Daman Prakash…a wholesaler in Chennai."1
But the global shortage of metal in the retail channel is already an old story around here. What we all want to know is, what will put an end to this sham? An essential step will be to sweep away the sources of false price information — like the commodity exchanges. As their warehouses empty, their power to influence prices will wither, too. Up until now, though, that’s been easier to predict than to do. The ante for a single contract’s worth of gold is about $80,000 (for 100 oz.) at this time; steep enough to discourage all but the most well-heeled and ardent retail buyers. This barrier allows the exchanges to continue their paper shuffling game among players who nearly never take delivery.
It’s been said that the cure for high prices is high prices. That applies equally well to low prices. We’ve lately been hearing about how investors and traders are moving to capture the vast gap between Comex and retail silver prices. Now comes an announcement that the same process is underway in gold.
One week ago, Boris Collardi, the CEO of Zurich-based Bank Julius Baer commented, "Right now, you are seeing a very strong focus on real assets, financial investments…You'll probably find right now that clients who have ordered a luxury car may reconsider that order."2 Today the same bank moved to take advantage of the cockamamie Comex price scheme when they announced, "Julius Baer Holding AG…is launching a physical gold fund, meant as a safe harbor from turmoil on securities markets. The fund invests in 400-ounce gold bars, is hedged against currency fluctuations and offers investors the option of physical delivery in gold."3
It seems clear that the availability of cheap precious metals in the Comex gold and silver warehouses has now drawn the attention of participants who are not intimidated by its contract sizes, margin requirements or other barriers to entry. At the same time, abysmally low prices are causing many mines to shut down, strangling supply further. The bears are trapped: if they don’t permit a rapid rise in the exchange prices of precious metals to bring them into line with real-world levels, they are destined to soon be cleaned out; shut down by the same market forces they have for so long insulted.
Best wishes,
Peter R.


©️ Marie
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inde / importation silver Sign-m10

Dernière édition par marie le Mer 22 Oct 2008 - 17:05, édité 1 fois




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