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GS / quand les corsaires du Comex se font pirater

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MessageGS / quand les corsaires du Comex se font pirater
par menthalo Mar 7 Juil 2009 - 13:15

Eh oui !
Ce ne sont pas des pirates du Comex ... ce sont des corsaires puisqu'ils travaillent avec l'aval du gouvernement, ce que l'on appelait à l'époque des "lettres de course".
Mais le gag, c'est que GS s'est fait piquer ses softs de trading ...


July 7 (Bloomberg) -- Goldman Sachs Group Inc. may lose its investment in a proprietary trading code and millions of dollars from increased competition if software allegedly stolen by a former employee gets into the wrong hands, a prosecutor said.

Sergey Aleynikov, an ex-Goldman Sachs computer programmer, was arrested July 3 after arriving at Liberty International Airport in Newark, New Jersey, U.S. officials said. Aleynikov, 39, who has dual American and Russian citizenship, is charged in a criminal complaint with stealing the trading software. Teza Technologies LLC, a Chicago-based firm co-founded by a former Citadel Investment Group LLC trader, said it suspended Aleynikov, who started there on July 2.

At a court appearance July 4 in Manhattan, Assistant U.S. Attorney Joseph Facciponti told a federal judge that Aleynikov’s alleged theft poses a risk to U.S. markets. Aleynikov transferred the code, which is worth millions of dollars, to a computer server in Germany, and others may have had access to it, Facciponti said, adding that New York-based Goldman Sachs may be harmed if the software is disseminated.

“The bank has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways,” Facciponti said, according to a recording of the hearing made public yesterday. “The copy in Germany is still out there, and we at this time do not know who else has access to it.”


The prosecutor added, “Once it is out there, anybody will be able to use this, and their market share will be adversely affected.”

The proprietary code lets the firm do “sophisticated, high- speed and high-volume trades on various stock and commodities markets,” prosecutors said in court papers. The trades generate “many millions of dollars” each year.

Defense attorney Sabrina Shroff said in court that the government’s allegations are “preposterous.” The firm was aware that Aleynikov, who is the father of three young girls, was downloading programs to his personal computer to do work at home and that he hasn’t disseminated the code, the lawyer said.

“If Goldman Sachs cannot possibly protect this kind of proprietary information that the government wants you to think is worth the entire United States market, one has to question how they plan to accommodate every other breach,” she said.

Michael DuVally, a spokesman for Goldman Sachs in New York, declined to comment.

$750,000 Bail

U.S. Magistrate Judge Mark Fox ordered Aleynikov, who earned $400,000 a year, to be held by on $750,000 bail, after prosecutors claimed he posed a threat to the community. Aleynikov planned to earn three times his salary by joining a startup company and engaging in high-volume automated trading, prosecutors said. Aleynikov posted bail yesterday and was released.

Aleynikov didn’t speak at the hearing, except to say that he understood the conditions of his bail.

Teza, co-founded by former Citadel trader Misha Malyshev, said in an e-mailed statement that it first learned of the allegations on July 5 and suspended Aleynikov without pay following an investigation.

The firm “was not aware of the alleged misconduct” and offered to cooperate with the government, according to the statement.

Reverse Engineering

“Someone stealing that code is basically stealing the way that Goldman Sachs makes money in the equity marketplace,” said Larry Tabb, founder of TABB Group, a financial-market research and advisory firm. “The more sophisticated market makers -- and Goldman is one of them -- spend significant amounts of money developing software that’s extremely fast and can analyze different execution strategies so they can be the first one to make a decision.”

Someone could use the code “to implement the same strategies and maybe on certain stocks they can be faster and, in effect, take away money that would normally be Goldman’s,” Tabb said in a phone interview. “The second thing that they can do is actually analyze the code so that they know what Goldman’s going to do before Goldman does it and kind of reverse engineer Goldman’s strategies and make money basically at the expense of Goldman.”

‘Wake-Up Call’

Harvey Pitt, former chairman of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, said proprietary electronic data poses significant risks for all financial institutions.

“This is a wake-up call to all financial institutions to review their security systems, not just with respect to trading codes, but with respect to all proprietary information,” said Pitt, now chief executive officer of Kalorama Partners LLC in Washington.

Goldman appeared to have taken some steps to prevent the theft of its code, Pitt said. “The real question is whether, in light of this outrageous conduct on the part of one of its employees, it should have taken more steps,” Pitt said.

Aleynikov spent four hours with a Federal Bureau of Investigation agent after his July 3 arrest, Shroff said. He told the agent that he’d done nothing wrong, authorized prosecutors to seize his personal computers, and said he hadn’t known the server he was using was in Germany, she said.

32 Megabits

Only 32 of 1,024 megabits of the software code was transferred, Shroff said.

“It is not disseminated,” she said of the code.

Facciponti said at the hearing that Aleynikov could disseminate the code “in 10 minutes” using a cell phone. Once the government obtains access to the German server, prosecutors will see if Aleynikov transferred other confidential data as well, he said. It’s logical to conclude that Aleynikov planned to use the code at his new company, the prosecutor said.

“This is the most substantial theft that the bank can remember ever happening to it, in the sense the entire platform has been taken from it,” Facciponti said. “There has been no breaches anywhere on this magnitude at the bank.”

Aleynikov worked at Goldman from 2007 until June, the government said in the complaint. He was part of a team of workers responsible for improving the computer platform. His alleged transfer of computer codes ran from June 1 to June 5, according to prosecutors.

Moscow, Rutgers

Aleynikov studied applied mathematics at the Moscow Institute of Transportation Engineering before transferring to Rutgers University, where he received a bachelor’s degree in computer science in 1993 and a master’s of science degree, specializing in medical image processing and neural networks, in 1996, according to his profile on the social-networking site LinkedIn.

Before joining Goldman Sachs, he worked for about eight years at IDT Corp., the U.S. vendor of prepaid calling cards, where he led the team responsible for developing routing systems, according to the profile.

His profile on LinkedIn describes him as a vice president in equity strategy at Goldman Sachs and includes two recommendations from colleagues at the firm.

Goldman Profit

Goldman was the world’s biggest and most profitable securities firm until it converted to a bank in September following the bankruptcy of smaller rival Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. Goldman earned $2.3 billion last year, down from a record $11.6 billion in 2007, as market turmoil caused it to report a fourth-quarter loss, its first in a decade as a public company.

Goldman’s equities business generated $2 billion of revenue in the first three months of 2009, down 20 percent from the first quarter of 2008, the company reported in April. Second-quarter results are due to be reported next week.

Goldman rose $2.97, or 2.1 percent, to $146.46 in New York Stock Exchange composite trading yesterday.

surtout ce passage ci très instructif

“The bank has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways,


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  Inscription :   28/04/2009
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MessageRe: GS / quand les corsaires du Comex se font pirater
par marie Mar 7 Juil 2009 - 14:05

LOL ... le gars était vice président equity stratégy chez GS et se barre avec le "programme de manip" aaarf

bien entendu.. le fbi sur le coup .. et personne pour s'offusquer qu'un tel programme de manip existe
.. pourvu que ce soit ds les mains de GS



le topo de Béchade, La chronique agora.com


Avez-vous entendu parler de l'arrestation, vendredi dernier, d'un dénommé Sergei Aleynikov, citoyen immigré russe aux Etats-Unis ? Il a été intercepté par des agents du FBI à l'aéroport de Newark, alors qu'il rentrait de Chicago. C'est un petit génie (ou même grand, pourquoi pas ?) de l'informatique vivant aux Etats-Unis depuis 19 ans.

Le motif de l'inculpation ne manque pas d'originalité mais l'affaire reste en apparence banale : "vol de secret de logiciel de trading". L'anonymat du plaignant n'a pas été préservé plus de quelques heures -- il s'agirait de Goldman Sachs... qui n'est autre que son ex-employeur !

M. Sergei Aleynikov n'est apparemment pas un vulgaire pirate informatique de seconde zone, payé quelques dizaines de milliers de dollars par an... plus un abonnement à Pizza Hut. Goldman Sachs lui versait un salaire annuel de 400 000 $ ; cela peut apparaître confortable mais ne représenterait que le tiers de ce qu'une firme concurrente de Chicago -- la capitale mondiale de la spéculation sur les matières premières -- lui verserait aujourd'hui !

Il est assez rare de voir le FBI déployer un zèle aussi singulier concernant le vol de codes open source (c'est-à-dire théoriquement accessibles au grand public) d'un simple logiciel de trading : il en existe des milliers sur le marché.

M. Aleynikov n'est pas un escroc. Il n'est pas question d'arnaque pyramidale à la Madoff, ni de piratage de comptes, ni d'une subtile méthode de détournement de sommes d'argent appartenant à Goldman Sachs -- qui aurait pu porter discrètement plainte un fois un tel forfait découvert.

** Non, l'affaire, vu les moyens déployés pour neutraliser l'informaticien est beaucoup plus sérieuse. Goldman Sachs se serait fait dérober tout ou partie des composants d'un logiciel très particulier... du type de ceux qui peuvent rapporter des centaines de millions de dollars en quelques heures.

Il s'agirait d'un système de trading automatique reposant sur des algorithmes mathématiques. Il serait redoutablement efficaces lors des phases d'hyper-volatilité des marchés (appelons-les par leur vrai nom : "vagues de panique" ou "phases maniaques"), qu'il s'agisse d'un panier d'actions ou d'un sous-jacent spéculatif comme le pétrole par exemple.

Le logiciel serait capable de générer des milliers d'ordres en tous sens avec un nombre impressionnant d'écarts gagnants... tandis que la majorité des opérateurs sont totalement déboussolés, les systèmes classiques et la simple intelligence humaine étant complètement dépassés par la tournure (volontairement ?) insaisissable des évènements.

Un logiciel qui serait comme un poisson dans l'eau dans un océan spéculatif déchaîné, alors que la peur d'être victime d'une baisse ou au contraire de manquer un rebond entraîne des variations de cours abyssales puis des retournements de situation dont personne ne comprend fondamentalement les origines.

Nous savions que de telles machines à générer un maximum de cash en climat de krach (ou de pré-krach) existaient. Cependant, il était difficile de prouver que certains opérateurs influents avaient les moyens d'en tirer de substantiels profits... lorsque tant d'autres se font hacher menu par le marché en multipliant les décisions inappropriées.

Avec l'affaire Sergei Aleynikov, nous découvrons en partie le dessous des cartes et subodorons la taille réelle des enjeux.

Il a fallu 20 ans pour actionner la justice face à une e scroquerie aussi élémentaire que celle de Bernie Madoff (les dizaines de milliers de victimes ne sont qu'au fond que de simples particuliers) ; il n'aura fallu que quelques semaines pour faire procéder à l'arrestation d'un informaticien dont la malhonnêteté ne repose pour l'heure que sur les preuves avancées par un seul plaignant... mais quel plaignant !

Il pèse plusieurs dizaines de Madoff sur les marchés... et Henry Paulson (l'ex-secrétaire d'Etat au Trésor, qui signa l'arrêt de mort de son concurrent Lehman), en était encore le président lorsque M. Aleynikov fut recruté !

©️ Marie
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GS / quand les corsaires du Comex se font pirater Sign-m10

Dernière édition par marie le Mar 7 Juil 2009 - 23:45, édité 3 fois




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MessageRe: GS / quand les corsaires du Comex se font pirater
par g.sandro Mar 7 Juil 2009 - 14:33

Va-t-il se "suicider" ou être tiré comme un lapin en "prenant la fuite"?

parce que s'il parle... ça pourrait déranger...Oh, remarquez, non, même s'il parle, les médias ne répercuteront que quelques phrases ambigûes et décalées de leur contexte...le vrai risque serait qu'il écrive et soit publié...ce serait sa meilleure assurance vie.

Bref, un accident de convoi cellulaire...une grippe fortuite?

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: GS / quand les corsaires du Comex se font pirater
par marie Mar 7 Juil 2009 - 23:20

tiens, tiens ... voilà une id fort interessante d'Adrian Douglas..
j'avoue ( en toute modestie) avoir eu un flash du même type, vu la consonnance russe du patronyme du gars en question ..



"The bank has raised the possibility that there is a danger that somebody who knew how to use this program could use it to manipulate markets in unfair ways,"
As opposed to manipulating markets in fair ways!!!...ie to the benefit of the cartel and the US.
Incredible. I think this story is HUGE. This is the software program of the cartel black book…now someone else has it! This is perhaps why we have seen the market trading differently. Someone big seems to be taking on the cartel. The cartel has built up a massive short position like they always do expecting to win like they always do…then just as they are about to go "all in" the other side lets them have a look at the hand they are holding….and it’s a Royal Flush. This is NOT one lone nut who has infiltrated GS since 2007 and then stolen the software, not for financial gain, but to publish it on a website. This guy is on the payroll of someone’s secret service and most likely that of Russia. This is a full fledged conspiracy if ever I saw one.

pendt ce temps là ... Chris Powell du Gata écrit à la cftc et à la SEC pour leur demander d'enquêter sur ce fameux programme



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