Petite revue de presse du net sur cette présentation de Van Rompuy devant le Bilderberg juste avant sa nomination officielle...
Herman Van Rompuy, le nouveau président de l'Union Européenne, et soutenu par Sarkozy, participe aux réunions du groupe Bilderberg. A la demande d’Etienne Davignon, il a prononcé un discours à un dîner du groupe mondialiste le 15 novembre 2009 à Bruxelles, au Hertoginnendal.
A peine nommé, Van Rompuy a proclamé que 2009 serait la première année de la gouvernance mondiale. ‘Un homme extrêmement décidé qui sait où il va’ a déclaré Nicolas Sarkozy, après son élection consensuelle.
Le déchaînement médiatique unanime qui a suivi, sur le manque de personnalité du candidat ou au sujet de son aspect effacé, a masqué l’implication d’ Herman Van Rompuy dans les plus hautes instances mondialistes. Cette appartenance de Van Rompuy à ces cercles laisse augurer, sous sa présidence, d’actions déterminantes au service de la politique mondiale de ces officines influentes.
Pour Sarkozy, ‘ Herman Van Rompuy n'est "pas du tout un choix par défaut, ce n'est pas du tout ça", a-t-il souligné. Au contraire, M. Van Rompuy est "profondément européen", c'est "un homme extrêmement décidé qui sait où il va’ Le groupe Bilderberg a-t-il désormais incarné son contrôle de l’Union européenne en faisant placer son homme à la tête de la structure ? New EU President Rompuy announces 2009 as “first year of global governance”
Daniel Taylor
OLd-thinker News
November 20, 2009
The new EU President, Herman Van Rompuy, has proclaimed 2009 as the “first year of global governance.” During Rompuy’s intervention as President on November 19th, he stated,
“2009 is also the first year of global governance, with the establishment of the G20 in the middle of the financial crisis. The climate conference in Copenhagen is another step towards the global management of our planet.” Future EU president attends Bilderberg dinner
November 15, 2009 by Infowars Ireland
Wim Craeye
Sunday, Nov 15th, 2009
According to ‘De Tijd’, Belgian Prime-minister Herman Van Rompuy (Christian Democrat), who’s name is widely circulating as the first European President, attended a Bilderberg dinner at Hertoginnendal, Brussels last night.
In his speech he talked about the implementation of a green tax in Europe; a necessary measure to rebuild the economy. Apparently this news of a possible new eco-tax is rapidly spreading through the cabinets in Europe’s capitals. This might put a mortgage on Van Rompuy’s candidacy for European Presidency.
According to the article Van Rompuy was invited to give a speech at the dinner by Bilderberg chairman Etienne Davignon under the guarantee that the content of those meetings never leaks. A promise not quite kept.
One might wonder how the information got out on to the websites of all the mainstream Belgian newspapers today, considering that reporting in mainstream media about the Bilderberg group, and their historical relation to political candidates, has always been effectively silenced.
Then again, the authors of the article in ‘De Tijd’, who broke the story give the impression that Van Rompuy has pulled an act of bravery by making his bold statements at such dinner, rather then questioning why a Prime-minister, and possible first European President, was taking part in such a secretive private event with highly influential statesmen and captains of industry.
None of the other newspapers have the intent to pose this question either. By spinning the story, they make it seem as if Van Rompuy is bringing the Bilderberg group up to date about the fact that political leaders are developing the idea of generating a European ‘green’ source of income. While this idea of ‘green’ taxes is something that many have stated has been brewed up by elite think-tanks such as the Bilderberg group.
Its amazing to see that a highly sensitive issue like Bilderbergers, that has either been ignored or ridiculed for the past 50 years, is now being treated by the media as somewhat of a casual old men’s dining club.
More and more people would like to put that in a different perspective. As so many times in the past, the dinner that took place last night could be regarded as a fancy job interview between the leaders of a rising ‘corpocracy’, and a man who might be picked to represent what’s left of our democracy.
But after these ‘accidental’ leaks, chances are getting slim Herman Van Rompuy will be the chosen one. Besides don’t we need someone who’s more fit for TV?
De Standaard and RTL have also reported on this story.
Stratégie impériale pour un nouvel ordre mondial: les origines de la Troisième Guerre mondiale.
par Andrew Gavin Marshall
Le 20 novembre 2009
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