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les producteurs continuent à déhédger au Q42009

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Messageles producteurs continuent à déhédger au Q42009
par marie Mar 23 Fév 2010 - 0:11

-4 millions d'oz sur 4eme trimestre
-8 millions d'oz pour 2009
carnet de hedge restant à fin 2009 : 7.9 millions d'onces ..

soit si ça continue au même rythme qu'en 2009.. plus de hedge à fin 2010 les producteurs continuent à déhédger au Q42009 Icon_wink

et après ça, on voudrait nous faire croire que ce sont des
producteurs qui hedgent leurs positions sur les futures??

les producteurs continuent à déhédger au Q42009 Langue15

Global Gold Hedge book falls 4Moz in Q4.
According to a report by the VM Group, the Global hedge book now sits at 7.9Mo and is likely to continue to get smaller
Author: Geoff Candy
Posted: Friday , 19 Feb 2010

Outstanding global gold hedges fell by 4.0Moz in the fourth quarter, bringing the total decline in gold hedges for 2009 to 8Moz.This is according to the VM Group/Fortis Bank Gold Hedging Report, which says that at the end of 2009, the total global hedge book stood at 7.9Moz.
According to the report, the fall, the biggest single quarter decline since the first half of 2008 was largely the fault of Barrick Gold (which closed out the remaining 2.9Moz of its hedge book) and AngoGold Ashanti, which is now the largest hedger of gold in global mining.
During the quarter, AngloGold cut 407,963oz, which brings its total dehedging activity for the year to 2.1Moz. Over the full year, Barrick closed out its hedge book of 5.4Moz.
However, the report does note that, "At 8.0 Moz, the level of dehedging in 2009 (on a delta-adjusted basis) was the lowest since 2005 (a similar trend applies to the committed-ounces measure). Yet while this slowdown is important to note in terms of the market-impact of dehedging, it reflects simply the fact that at the beginning of 2009 there was 15.9 Moz of hedging outstanding, whereas at the beginning of (say) 2006 there was 53.6 Moz.
It adds, "In percentage terms 2009 saw just more than half of outstanding hedging closed out, the highest ever, beating 2008's 41%, showing that the ardour for dehedging has never been stronger."

pendant ce temps là, barrick et anglo gold ont des productions ralenties dans certaines de leurs mines

Barrick sees lower gold output from Peru in 2010
LIMA, Feb 19 (Reuters) - Barrick Gold Corp (ABX.TO) said Friday it sees production at its two Peruvian mines falling this year as it gets into lower ore grades, and that it expects to extend the life of its Pierina mine to the middle of 2013.
The company, which operates the Lagunas Norte and the Pierina gold mines in Peru, is the world's largest gold producer…
AngloGold suspends ops at Ghana mine

*Seeks new storage facility for toxic mine tailings
* Will try to recover lost output in course of year
JOHANNESBURG, Feb 19 (Reuters) - AngloGold Ashanti (
ANGJ.J) the world's No. 3 gold producer, said on Friday it had suspended operations at its Iduapriem mine in Ghana to find a new storage facility for environmentally harmful mine tailings…

mais la "fée" GFMS prétend que la production d'or à progressé pour atteindre plus de 2500 Tles producteurs continuent à déhédger au Q42009 502844

on se demande bien comment.. alors queréguliérement nous parviennent des nouvelles, comme les 2 que j'ai posté plus haut ..

©️ Marie
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les producteurs continuent à déhédger au Q42009
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