une violente attaque baissière de l'argent métal a t'elle les chances de réussir maintenant? par marie Mar 18 Sep 2012 - 17:25 | |
| Ted Butler vient de sortir sa dernière analyse ( disponible sur souscription ), analyse dont Ed Steer reproduit quelques extraits : la question est donc de savoir, si en dépit des nombreuses nouvelles applications industrielles de l'argent métal , un sell off peut encore être possible : amah tout est possible dans ce domaine et à court terme, le meilleur comme le pire ... et la dernière analyse de Ted livre quelques informations inquiétantes - Citation :
- With silver analyst Ted Butler's kind permission, I was allowed to extract one paragraph from his Saturday weekly review. It's nothing that I haven't said already in one form or another, it's just that he's so much better at it than I am...
"I would peg JPMorgan's silver short position to be around 27,000 contracts as of the Tuesday cut-off, or the equivalent of 135 million oz. From the 14,000 contracts they held short at the beginning of July, JPMorgan has roughly doubled their manipulative silver short position. If my calculations are correct, this is a short concentrated short position without precedent, except by previous JPM benchmarks in silver. After removing spreads (in the Disaggregated COT report), JPMorgan's share of the true net total COMEX silver open interest is now 28.8%. In any normal and non-manipulated major futures market, regulatory alarms should go off if any one participant held more than a 5% or 10% share of the market (remember the proven copper manipulation in which the Sumitomo trader was called Mr. 5%?). Even if my calculations for JPMorgan are off a bit (I don't think they are), the fact that the 4 largest shorts hold more than a 46% share of entire net COMEX silver futures market indicates a dominance and control rarely, if ever seen in any other market before. It's actually worse if some other big entities in the Big 4 are working collusively with JPMorgan, rather than JPM doing all the heavy silver shorting as I contend. That the regulators (the CFTC and the CME Group) and JPMorgan have been silent in the face of such specific allegations of concentration and manipulation is astounding, particularly as more come to learn the true facts." en revanche, il y a d'autres excellentes nouvelles , sur les délais de livraison, quii s'allongent ,notamment http://www.caseyresearch.com/gsd/edition/new-innovations-boost-silver-demand-could-price-be-taken-down-againJpm et co vont'ils réussir à fair plonger les cours, alors que les hedgies ont enfin couvert leur brut short position, et que le tableau de l'hyper inflation devient de plus en plus menaçant? Il faut bien comprendre que les raids manipulatoires de Jpm et co, ne peuvent fonctionner qu'en synergie avec une panique vendeuse des longs... et le contexte hyperinflationniste ne s'y préte guère voir dernière interview de Norcini http://kingworldnews.com/kingworldnews/KWN_DailyWeb/Entries/2012/9/14_Norcini_-_A_Violent_Wave_Of_Short_Covering_In_Gold_%26_Silver.html Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
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