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la désinformation / mode d'emploi

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Messagela désinformation / mode d'emploi
par marie Sam 9 Déc 2006 - 16:11

un excellent décryptage d'un papier de Market Watch .. commentaires de Rob Kirby

From Rob Kirby:

Not sure whether you caught this Market Watch piece or not:

Steve Goldstein, MarketWatch
Last Update: 8:50 AM ET Dec 8, 2006

LONDON (MarketWatch) -- Worries about the strength of the global economy pressured the metals sector in London share trading Friday, though a solid report on U.S. payrolls growth and speculation of banking takeovers helped lift shares of other top British companies.
Merrill Lynch downgraded the entire metals sector to neutral on economic-growth fears and concerns about the manipulation of metals prices.

So I contacted the author:
Mr. Goldstein;
Could you elaborate on Merrill's comments about manipulation of metals prices?
"Merrill Lynch downgraded the entire metals sector to neutral on economic-growth fears and concerns about the manipulation of metals prices
Here was the response I got:
I'll quote what they said:
Our view is that spot metal prices have been pushed to over-inflated levels by hedge / investor fund manipulation (eg 1 investor holding >50% LME Al stocks), and that there is a much greater risk to the downside from spot prices than to the upside. With slower global demand growth likely in 2007, particularly in the US, and a likely de-stocking of metals inventory in the G7 after a very strong demand growth in 2006, the risks are that base metals prices could correct ~30% from current spot levels, and this would negatively impact the equities. We continue to believe in the super-cycle, that metals prices will be stronger for longer; however, this means stronger than long-term average prices, not stronger than current spot prices. History shows us that no matter how much we believe that weaker commodity prices are already factored into equity prices, if the commodity prices re-trace, the equity prices of leveraged stocks follow. Whilst metals prices have outperformed the equities on a 12-month view, over the last 6 months, global mining equities have outperformed the LME index. In fact, as seen by the Bloomberg World Mining index in the margin chart, equities have been moving higher in recent weeks and have recovered much of the sector pull-back that occurred in early November. The laggard has been the AsiaPac mining index. However, we remain convinced that if the metals prices do see a correction from current elevated spot positions, equity prices will also correct. It is amazing to us that despite statements that liquidity will continue to flow, when sentime
So I replied with this;
I wonder if you bothered to question them about "a likely de-stocking of metals inventory in the G7 after a very strong demand growth in 2006".
The reality is that de-stocking of base metals HAS ALREADY OCCURRED!! - witness the all time critical lows of copper, aluminum, lead, zinc and nickel in LME warehouses.
Before "DE-STOCKING" can occur in the future - INVENTORIES HAVE TO FIRST BE REBUILT.
Rebuilding of critically low inventories would CONTRADICT this forecast
- wouldn't it?
Rob Kirby
And Mr. Goldstein then replied with this;
You may well be right -- we pass on the news, leave it to you to accept or reject.
Cheers, Steve

Two HUGE issues here:
First, these "allegedly professional" mega financial institutions put forth fundamentally FALSE and often CONFLICTED research for unknowing, unsuspecting consumers and - Second - the media so often takes this false and / or conflicted research, asks few questions as to its veracity, and presents it to the public as "NEWS" and then – only if pressed / questioned or cornered – it’s like we’re "all free" to accept or reject what they report as news.
Whatever happened to responsible journalism where errant reporting led to a retraction and an apology? I guess it goes hand-in-hand to assume that would have to be suppressed right along with the gold price, eh?
What a shame,
Rob Kirby

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: la désinformation / mode d'emploi
par g.sandro Sam 9 Déc 2006 - 21:32

LOL r.ire

Dépêchons nous d'en rire avant d'avoir à en pleurer...

et encore, il s'appelle Golstein...( ce qui, en allemand, signifie pierre d'Or, ou peut être même pépite ) imaginez s'il s'appelait Morgan ... la désinformation / mode d'emploi 512646

"Journaliste"... PFFF quelle belle éthique...!! pinochio

Heureusement que l'on a le décryptage via GATA, la conclusion de Rob est accâblante et j'y souscris:
And Mr. Goldstein then replied with this;
You may well be right -- we pass on the news, leave it to you to accept or reject.Cheers, Steve
Two HUGE issues here:
First, these "allegedly professional" mega financial institutions put forth fundamentally FALSE and often CONFLICTED research for unknowing, unsuspecting consumers and - Second - the media so often takes this false and / or conflicted research, asks few questions as to its veracity, and presents it to the public as "NEWS" and then – only if pressed / questioned or cornered – it’s like we’re "all free" to accept or reject what they report as news.Whatever happened to responsible journalism where errant reporting led to a retraction and an apology? I guess it goes hand-in-hand to assume that would have to be suppressed right along with the gold price, eh?
What a shame,Best,
Rob Kirby

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: la désinformation / mode d'emploi
par marie Dim 10 Déc 2006 - 1:41

eh oui .. au départ on te présente le truc comme une INFO DE MARCHE.... sauf que ça n'en est pas une ... puisque les faits sont tout simplement FAUX..... pinochio

c'est donc une désinformation présentée ultérieurement comme un avis ,basée sur des faits erronnés .. .. et ce n'est pas pareil du tout ..et surtout c'est monnaie courante .. ce pourquoi nous relevons cet exemple précis !

et le journaliste qui fait mal son boulot bonnet d'âne et pris la main dans le sac, de répondre aux justes remarques de Kirby ..
c'est à prendre ou à laisser.. faites vous votre opinion . genre cool .. bon sang , bien sur . à partir de faits inexacts voir mensongers et présentés comme des news??

faire semblant ( et une fois pris à parti par des remarques génantes) de confondre un avis et une news .. PFTTTT

kelcul no comment !

de qui se moque t'on? onechoc crane

©️ Marie
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