| | Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice | |
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| Chef table à cartes  
Inscription : 18/08/2005 Messages : 3541
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mar 17 Mar 2009 - 21:19 | |
| ventes nettes de 5.5 T d'or, par une seule banque centrale signataire du WAG.. une autre, ayant encore acheté de l'or www.lemetropolecafe.comTuesday’s ECB weekly statement of condition indicates that the group shed E105Mm (5.25 tonnes at the present book value) in "gold and gold receivables". The previous week’s quantum was 1.85 tonnes; the week before that was 10.86 tonnes. Possibly importantly, the fall is once again attributed to a sale by one CB and "a purchase of gold by another Eurosystem central bank." Before last week, purchases were invariably described as being for (or actually of) gold coin. This and the fact that the average sale for the previous three weeks was 8.97 tonnes supports the idea that a selling program by one ECB captive CB is being partially offset by purchases by another. It is a long time since any European CB bought significant amounts of gold. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 13:34, édité 1 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | | Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mer 1 Avr 2009 - 14:55 | |
| la BCE annonce avoir vendu 35.5 Tonnes d'or, le 31 mars57 01Apr09 RTRS-ECB sells 35.5 tonnes of gold, worth $1 bln FRANKFURT, April 1 (Reuters) - The European Central Bank said on Tuesday it had sold 35.5 tonnes of gold on March 31. At the current gold spot price of $918.55 for an ounce, the sale would have brought just over $1 billion, or close to 800 million euros, to ECB coffers. The sale was in line with with the central bank agreement from Sept. 27, 2004, which sets limits on the amount of gold central banks can sell, the ECB said in a statement. The ECB and other European central banks pledged to cap their total sales at 2,500 tonnes in the 2004-2009 period in the gold sale agreement, compared with 2,000 tonnes in the previous five years. (Reporting by Sakari Suoninen; Editing by Victoria Main) ((sakari.suoninen@reuters.com; +49 69 7565 1267; Reuters Messaging: sakari.suoninen.reuters.com@reuters.net)) Keywords: ECB/GOLD Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 13:37, édité 1 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mer 1 Avr 2009 - 22:59 | |
| comme d'hab et pour ses propres ventes, la BCE les comptabilisera plus tard ds ses comptes rendu hebdo ... faudra donc faire gaffe à ne pas double compter les mêmes ventes .. ) www.lemetropolecafe.com commentaires sur l'annonce vente 35.5 T BCE A curt announcement from the ECB today reports: "On 31 March 2009, the European Central Bank (ECB) has completed gold sales amounting to 35.5 tonnes of gold." Presumably the ECB is following its former habit of announcing its own sales (in tonnes, rather than in Euro book value) before running them through the weekly consolidated statement of condition. On past form, this sale will show up in a few weeks. As Andy Smith points out today, the lack of a definitive statement that this fills the selling objective for the year has to be read as meaning there is more to come. Why the ECB undermines the veracity of its weekly statements in this way is a mystery. The sale, however makes even more interesting the apparent purchases of gold by one of the subordinate CBs noted yesterday. *********** la bce a par ailleurs et cette fois, ci pour ses bques captives annoncé la vente nette de 4.15 T, la semaine passée ( avec une Bc vendeuse, et une autre, acheteuse d'or et non plus de pièces ) The ECB’s weekly statement of condition indicates that "gold and gold receivables" fell E82 Mm last week: 4.15 tonnes at the present book value. This "reflected" the sale of gold by one "Eurosystem central bank… and the purchase of gold by another". This is the third time in four weeks that this form of language has been used. It is quite distinct from what is said when a coin program is under way: it looks very much as if a CB has broken ranks and is buying for FX reserve purposes. This could be an important precedent. (Last week two CBs were reported to have sold 0.65 tonnes in total.) Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | achats NETS d'or Banques centrales sur janvier 2009 , positifs par marie Jeu 2 Avr 2009 - 4:42 | |
| données wgc .. achats NETS d'or Banques centrales sur janvier 2009 , positifs comprendre : les banques centrales européennes et signataires du wag, vendent de moins en moins d'or , tandis que les autres Banques centrales passent fortement à l'achat d'orbref le solde de janvier 2009 se traduit par achat NET de 33.4 Tonnes d'or www.lemetropolecafe.comCentral Bank Gold Purchases Bill, The World Gold Council just posted gold sales for January 2009. Ecuador bought 28.3 tonnes, Russia bought 4.1 tonnes, and Venezuela bought 7.5 tonnes. France, Mexico, and Sweden combined to sell 6.5 tonnes. For the month of January, central banks were net buyers of gold to the tune of 33.4 tonnes. Russia has now purchased 54.7 tonnes of gold for the 7 months from July 2008 thru January 2009. Regards, Bryant India… Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 13:42, édité 1 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mer 8 Avr 2009 - 23:09 | |
| www.lemetropolecafe.com0.63 T vendues contre 4.13 la semaine précédente les 35.5 t annoncées par la BCE apparaitront vraisemblablement dans un mois The ECB’s weekly statement of condition marked up consolidated gold holdings with a new book value – E690.186 compared with E621.542 at the year end. One captive CB was reported to have sold E14 Mm last week, only 0.63 tonnes. Last week’s net sale was 4.13 tonnes. Disappointingly for gold’s friends, there was no report of any CB buying. The 35.5 tonne sale by the ECB itself, announced last week, has yet to show up in these weekly statements. Usually it takes over a month. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | ventes d'or de la banque centrale de france par marie Lun 13 Avr 2009 - 22:46 | |
| la france a vendu 516 Tonnes d'or de 2004 à 2008 dont 103 Tonnes d'or en 2008 pour mémo entre 2004 et 2008, le cours de l'or est passé de 320 à 630 € www.lemetropolecafe.comOn Friday the Bank of France published its annual report, indicating that in 2008 it sold 103 tonnes of gold. Over the past 4 years it has sold a total of 516 tonnes, during which time gold in Euros has risen rather smoothly from some E320 to 2008’s closing E630. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 13:44, édité 1 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mer 15 Avr 2009 - 23:11 | |
| dérisoire : 0.14 T gold vendues, contre 0.63 T, la semaine d'avant ( mis à part les 35. 5 T de la BCE qui seront râpportées ultérieurement www.lemetropolecafe.com The ECB’s weekly statement of condition indicated a drop in "gold and gold receivables" of a derisory E3Mm – 4,374 ozs, or 0.14 tonnes. This was said to be caused by a sale by one of the captive CBs. Last week’s sale was reported at 0.63 tonnes. As expected, the 35.5 tonne sale by the ECB itself announced at month-end has not hit up. On past form it will not do so for several more weeks. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par phv Mer 15 Avr 2009 - 23:19 | |
| D'où sort cette "règle" disant que la BCE ne publie les ventes (manipulations) d'Or qu'avec un mois de retard (c'est-à dire lorsque l'information est totalement inutilisable par les investisseurs, alors que le cartel en est informé immédiatement, voire à priori) ???
Ils sont où, les connards (et les connasses) de la CEE qui ont décidé que les industriels de l'agro-A pouvaient maintenant magouiller les prix au Kg en mettant sur le marché des contenus dont le SEUL but est de tromper le consommateur (genre le paquet de biscuits de 174 grammes, au lieu des 200 grammes antérieurs)
Et ce sont qui les connards (et connasses) de politicards qui ont permis à la BCE de magouiller tranquilles (et de plus avec un air hautain...) |
| Barreur  
Inscription : 02/03/2009 Messages : 245
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mer 15 Avr 2009 - 23:25 | |
| alors ça, Prv...c'est une bonne question... mias t'as pas du bien comprendre .. le cout des conditionnements en 124gr ou 327 gr c'est bien sur pour stimuler la concurrence... des fabricants d'emballage .. et aussi pour lutter contre l'inflation.. à leur manière .. en ce qui concerne les rapports de la BCE, c'est pas la seule anomalie.. car si en effet les ventes d'or des banques centrales captives sont rapportées chaque semaine ( contrairement à celles de la BCE, elle même ) , elles ne sont jamais nominatives.. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 13:47, édité 1 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mar 28 Avr 2009 - 22:59 | |
| Augmentation phénoménale des réserves d'or de la chine de 1054 Tonnes d'or, www.lemetropolecafe.com1.6 tonnes d'or vendues la semaine passées par 1 banque centrale européenne 37.10 Tonnes dont on retranche les 35.5 Tonnes annoncées par la BCE, fin mars et qui ont fort probablement servi à secourir Deutsche bank ventes or BCE pour sauver Deutsche Bank? Today’s ECB weekly statement of condition indicates a drop of E823 Mm in "gold and gold receivables" which "reflected the sale of gold by two Eurosystem central banks". This is 37.1 tonnes. Of this, 35.5 tonnes must be the sale by the ECB itself, revealed at the end of March. A 1.6 tonne sale by one of the captive CBs is a bit higher than the recent pace – last week’s reported sale was only E6Mm or 0.27 tonnes. Far below the notional 9.6 tonne average implied by WAG2. Why the ECB chooses to wreck the veracity of its weekly statements of condition (initially so impressive) remains a puzzle. An ECB Council member told Reuters today that Bank plans to "renew its commitment to the Central Bank Gold Agreement (CBGA)" which expires in September and is running late for renewal. That goes some but not all the way to meaning that there will be a new one. See http://www.forbes.com/feeds/afx/2009/04/28/afx6346677.html . Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 14:16, édité 2 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mer 6 Mai 2009 - 16:43 | |
| 0.54 t vendues la semaine passée avec encore une des BC qui achéte de l'or .. www.lemetropolecafe.com The ECB weekly statement of condition reports that "gold and gold receivables" fell E12 Mm last week – 0.54 tonnes. Last week the ECB 35.5 tonne sale announced at the end of March hit up. Net of that, the weekly disposal was 1.6 tonnes. Of more interest, the ECB indicated that while one captive CB sold, the net number "reflected…the purchase of gold by another Eurosystem central bank". The lack of reference to this purchase being for a coin program will encourage gold’s friends once again to hope that a European CB is buying gold for FX purposes. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Ven 8 Mai 2009 - 21:21 | |
| bilan des ventes d'or par les banques centrales européennes depuis 1999 ..perte nette ou manque à gagner :40 milliards de $ ( en tenant compte du réinvestissement des ventes d'or en obligataire ) les plus grandes perdantes sont la banque nationale suisse et la banque centrale d'angleterre *********************************** Decade of gold sales cost European central banks $40 billionSubmitted by cpowell on Thu, 2009-05-07 21:44. Section: Daily Dispatches By Javier Blas Financial Times, London Thursday, May 7, 2009 http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/3c16f228-3aa0-11de-8a2d-00144feabdc0.html?ncli...Europe's central banks are $40 billion (L26.4 billion) poorer than they might have been after they followed a British move taken 10 years ago today to shrink the Bank of England's gold reserves, analysis by the Financial Times has shown. London's announcement on May 7, 1999, that it would sell a large share of the Bank's gold reserves in favour of assets offering a return, such as government bonds, was the high-water mark of so-called "anti-gold" sentiment among European central banks. Many of these banks, such as those in France, Spain, the Netherlands, and Portugal, decided later in 1999 to follow Britain and sell off their reserves. At that time, gold was worth about $280 an ounce, less than a third of its current level of more than $900. European banks eventually sold about 3,800 tonnes of gold, reaping about $56 billion, according to calculations from official sales data and bullion prices. Taking into account the likely returns from the investments in bonds, the banks have gained another $12 billion. But because today's gold prices are far higher, they are about $40 billion poorer than if they had kept their reserves. The biggest loser is the Swiss National Bank, which sold 1,550 tonnes over the decade and at today's gold prices is $19 billion poorer, followed by the Bank of England, which is $5 billion poorer. The Treasury yesterday defended its decision to sell gold as a way to diversify reserves and cut risk. "As a result of the programme, a one-off reduction in risk of approximately 30 per cent was achieved," it said. The Swiss National Bank declined to comment other than to say that it did not plan to sell more gold. However, central bankers are confident that over the long run their move out of gold and into bonds will pay off and reduce the volatility of their portfolios, people familiar with their thinking said. Analysts also argue that because some banks had more than 90 per cent of their assets in gold, some disposals were warranted. The proportion of European reserves held as gold remains extremely large even after years of sales, at an average of about 60 per cent, compared with the world average of 10.5 per cent. After 10 years of steady sales, Europe's gold sales are set to slow to their lowest levels since 1999, while central banks outside Europe have already become net buyers of gold. The US, the world's biggest holder of gold, decided not to follow Europe's move. Germany and Italy are the only two big European central banks that did not follow the UK, mostly because of domestic disputes about what to do with the proceeds. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 14:19, édité 2 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mar 12 Mai 2009 - 23:19 | |
| 054 T de gold vendues..idem la semaine précédente.. un vrai cauchemar pour le cartel www.lemetropolecafe.com This week’s ECB statement of condition produced the news that consolidated "gold and gold receivables" had fallen by a paltry E12Mm, 0.54 tonnes at the present book value. This is exactly the same as last week – an unprecedented event. It was reported to be caused by a sale by one captive CB. Of course, this is well below the average sales pace needed to fill the WAG2 quota. (Renewal of this sales quota agreement is now quite overdue.) ... The lack of gold selling by the European Central Banks is a nightmare for The Gold Cartel. This falls right into my line of thinking that as time goes by they will not want to be seen as major sellers while the Chinese, and other central banks, are buying. The worse their former selling goes offside, the less they will want to be visible selling even more of their depleted gold reserves. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mar 19 Mai 2009 - 23:50 | |
| tjs aussi faiblissimes, les ventes d'or WAG.. 0.63 T semaine passée www.lemetropolecafe.com The ECB weekly statement of condition indicates that "gold and gold receivables" fell E14Mm which "reflected the sale of gold by one Eurosystem central bank." That is 0.63 tonnes: last week’s sale was 0.54 tonnes. At present, the ECB squadron appears unwilling to be seen in the gold market. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mar 26 Mai 2009 - 23:48 | |
| 0.63 Tonnes d'or vendues la semaine passée .. toujours aussi minable .. par ailleurs la banque centrale d'australie précise qu'elle n'a pas vendu une seule once d'or, en 2008 www.lemetropolecafe.comThe ECB weekly statement of condition indicated a fall in "gold and gold receivables" of E14Mm, which "reflected the sale of gold by one Eurosystem central bank". This is 0.63 tonnes at the present book value – exactly the same as last week. An option triggering off? Clearly the ECB group does not care to be seen in the market at present. The Austrian Central Bank in its Annual Report said it sold no gold in 2008. The identity of one ECB seller remains undisclosed. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 14:20, édité 1 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mer 3 Juin 2009 - 23:40 | |
| tjs aussi peu d'appétit des bc signataires du wag à vendre de l'or .. 0.27 T la semaine passée www.lemetropolecafe.com The ECB weekly statement of condition showed a reduction in "gold and gold receivables" of E6Mm (0.27 tonnes). Last week the reduction was 0.63 tonnes. Intriguingly, this was said to be the consequence of a sale by one captive CB and "the purchase of gold by another…" The lack of reference to the purchase being for coin purposes continues to keep alive the possibility that an ECB CB is making portfolio purchases. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Jeu 11 Juin 2009 - 0:37 | |
| toujours aussi peu de ventes d'or .. 0.81 Tonnes semaine passée.. heuresement qu'il y a la vente d'or FMI votée au congrès pour mettre un peu d'animation .. et du beurre ds les épines du cartel .. www.lemetropolecafe.comI omitted the ECB weekly statement of condition yesterday. Sorry .Two captive CBs were said to have sold E18Mm of gold settling last week; 0.81 tonnes. The previous week’s volume was 0.63 tonnes. Such tiny amounts suggest option positions triggering off. Far below the notional average needed to meet the WAG2 quota. Presumably the gold market will soon have to deal with the fanfare announcing IMF gold sales, permission for which is currently being smuggled through Congress. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 14:21, édité 1 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | | Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mer 24 Juin 2009 - 1:01 | |
| vente d'or : 09 Tonnes, cad tjs peanuts .. comme je le disais ds la file FMI ( et en admettant que cet or ne soit pas fictif ) ça reboostera fictivement ( amah ) les ventes wag qui en avaient bien besoin .. juste pour une année hein .. 400 Tonnes FMI vs quota WAG 500 Tonnes annuel qu'on a du mal à atteindre snif ! les temps sont difficiles pour le cartel .. www.lemetropolecafe.comThe ECB this morning reported a fall in "gold and gold receivables" of E20Mm, "reflecting the sale of gold by one Eurosystem central bank". This is 0.9 tonnes, and compares with 0.945 tonnes reported last week. Far below the 9.6 tonnes weekly pace notionally needed to sell the WAG2 quota evenly, let alone the pace which would be needed to sell the annual 500 tonne amount by the end of September, when the WAG year ends. After a decade of public official sales in the 400-500 tonne range from the European Banks, it appears that the c.400 tonne IMF sale Congress recently approved is desperately needed if this pace of sales (or documentation of sales) is to be sustained. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 14:22, édité 1 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mer 1 Juil 2009 - 1:51 | |
| hoho, ça se réveille... subitement .. 4.32Tonnes d'or ( chiffres à la louche marie), vendues semaine passée :
Tuesday June 30, 02:24 PM ECB-Gold reserves down by 96 mln euros in wk FRANKFURT, June 30 (Reuters) - Gold and gold receivables held by euro zone central banks fell by 96 million euros ($136 million) to 240.629 billion euros in the week ending June 26, the European Central Bank said on Tuesday. Net foreign exchange reserves in the Eurosystem of central banks fell by 0.3 billion euros to 216.6 billion euros, the ECB said in its regular weekly consolidated financial statement. Gold holdings fell because sales of gold by 1 euro zone central bank and sales of gold coins by 2 central banks, consistent with the 2004 Central Bank Gold Agreement, the ECB said… Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 14:23, édité 1 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mer 8 Juil 2009 - 22:25 | |
| 0.23 t cette semaine ... dérisoire www.lemetropolecafe.com This morning’s weekly statement of condition from the ECB indicated an E5Mm fall in "gold and gold receivables" attributed to a sale by one captive CB. This is a derisory 0.23 tonnes (7,510 ozs) - last week’s quantum was 4.33 tonnes. Perhaps it was an option being exercised. US approval of IMF gold sales was smuggled through Congress last week. The recent behavior of the ECB CB flock suggests the 433 tonnes said to be involved is desperately needed to sustain the 400-500 tonne CB sales pace of the past decade. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Mar 14 Juil 2009 - 22:35 | |
| 0.09 T, la semaine passée .. plus que dérisoire.. le bilan des ventes d'or pour fin de ce wag ci, dans 3 mois, sera pas fameux.. www.lemetropolecafe.comLast week’s ECB statement of condition disclosed a fall in "gold and gold receivables" of a derisory E2Mm – 0.09 of a tonne. One CB was reported to have sold. Such a small amount implies an involuntary transaction – perhaps an option being called. Last week the sale was 0.23 tonnes. With less than three months lest of the final WAG2 year, it is plain that the ECB squadron of CBs has effectively withdrawn from the market. The Bears badly need the promised IMF sale – at least for documentation purposes. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 14:23, édité 1 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: Vente réserves d'or des Banques centrales /statistiques/ Wag 2 / 4eme exercice par marie Lun 20 Juil 2009 - 23:33 | |
| à quelques mois de l'expiration de ce 4ème exercice du WAG2 ( 20 sept 2009 ), le bilan est calamiteux ... le plus mauvais score de ventes d'or des banques centrales, depuis le 1er washington agreement act de 1999 136 tonnes d'or seulement ont été vendues par les banques signataires, pour un quota de vente d'or annuel de 500 tonnes .. TD Securities… Gold & Precious Minerals Precious Metals Outlook Central Bank Gold Sales: Slowest Pace Since 1999 With a few months to go under the final year of the current Central Bank Gold Agreement ("CBGA"), central banks that are signatories to the agreement have sold or have announced sales of only 136 tonnes of gold, well below the 500 tonne limit and tracking towards the lowest amount sold since the inaugural agreement was signed in 1999. The current agreement expires on September 26, 2009 and is generally expected to be renewed for a further five year period. The IMF's planned sale of 400 tonnes of gold, recently approved by the US Congress, is expected to be executed under the limits of a new agreement. Whether or not the agreement is renewed, arguably the CBGA has less impact on the gold market than when it was introduced in 1999. We believe the creditcrisis has renewed interest in holding gold among central banks and certain central banks, notably the Chinese and Russian, have been adding to their holdings over the past few years. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Ven 7 Oct 2011 - 3:24, édité 1 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
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