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Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.

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les BC cessent brutalement de préter leur or aux bullions banks !

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Messageles BC cessent brutalement de préter leur or aux bullions banks !
par marie Mer 8 Oct 2008 - 17:58

lisez l'article en détail ... ya des trucs savoureux... par exemple ceci:

Citation :
Central banks usually do not ask borrowers to post any guarantee -- or collateral -- to secure bullion loans. "The key word now is safety," an official from a Europe-based central bank said.


©️ Marie
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  Inscription :   05/02/2005
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MessageRe: les BC cessent brutalement de préter leur or aux bullions banks !
par du-puel Mer 8 Oct 2008 - 18:07

y a qu'a voir l'envolée des "lease gold" !



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  Inscription :   18/08/2005
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MessageRe: les BC cessent brutalement de préter leur or aux bullions banks !
par marie Mer 8 Oct 2008 - 18:18

Adrian Douglas du www.lemetropolecafe.com
remarque que la tension s'est déplacée du comex vers le LBMA ( london market gold) qui est le marché de livraison du physique..

ça devient hot mes zamis ..
ye.s clap clap


By Adrian Douglas
What has captured my attention the last few days is that the major gold moves are occurring in London. This is totally different from the history over the last 10 years where most of the major moves would occur on COMEX. Furthermore any major up moves would be hammered down and the price capped or the market would be hammered down at the opening after the London PM fix. What appears to be happening now is that the major moves are on LME and the COMEX and Asian markets appear to be trying to cap the advances. This is extremely significant because London is the physical delivery market.
Lease rates have exploded indicating that no one wants to lease gold for fear of not getting it back. We have seen that the retail market is sold out. It is extremely exciting that the gold war now appears to have moved to the major market where physical can take on paper, as opposed to all the other markets where speculators fruitlessly try to take on the paper gold manipulators with paper! Every piece of information I see now indicates we are days away from a massive move up.
les BC cessent brutalement de préter leur or aux bullions banks ! Image001

Adrian Douglas
October 7, 2008


ainsi qu'un excelent commentaire sur l'article cité en tête de file :


Big Shift In Gold Fundamentals: Central Banks Not Rolling Forward Gold Leases
October 08, 2008
les BC cessent brutalement de préter leur or aux bullions banks ! Montyhigh1008A
Here's an important quote from a 10/7/2008 Financial Times article: "central banks... are not rolling forward old leases after maturity."
To understand what this is about, one must understand the basics of central bank gold leasing. The Gold Antitrust Action Committee (GATA) is convinced (and I accept their claims), that the US Treasury and its allies, including the European central banks, have been suppressing the price of gold for about a decade by strategically selling their gold. They do this, GATA claims, to limit gold's ability to supplant their fiat (not backed by anything) currencies (US$, GBP, Euro) while they continually debase these currencies.
Whether you accept GATA's claims or not, the fact is that the supply of gold (as seen by those buying and selling gold) has been increased by two central bank actions:
(1) Direct gold sales. The amount to be sold was negotiated four years ago by a treaty known as the Washington Agreement which expired in September 2008.
(2) Gold leases to third parties (at extremely low interest rates). Those third parties then sold the gold and used the proceeds to invest in other vehicles where they expected higher returns. When such a gold lease matures it must either be rolled over, or the lessee must obtain (buy) the leased amount of gold and return it to the central bank.
With this in mind we can see the importance of the following two quotes from the above article:
(1) "Central banks have all but stopped lending gold to commercial and investment banks and other participants in the precious metals market" - this eliminates a significant fraction of supply seen by the gold markets. It also implies that central banks have changed their view of the significance of gold and will probably not continue to sell it as they have in the past (again eliminating a significant fraction of gold supply, roughly equivalent to 20% of annual mine production).
(2) "central banks... are not rolling forward old leases after maturity." - this means that as these leases mature, the lessees must buy gold to return it to the central banks. This creates a significant new form of demand for gold.
Together this is a significant increase in demand relative to supply equivalent to something like a 20 to 25% reduction in gold mine production. This should, according to economics 101 and with all things being otherwise equal, push the price of gold significantly higher. Its interesting to note that what happened to the price of lead (Pb), the heavy metal, when it took only a 3% reduction of supply in the form of a mine closing in 2007. The price of lead (Pb) rose more than 100% (from $.80/lb to around $1.80/lb). Its a natural to conclude that the price of gold, based on this larger change in demand / supply dynamics, will react even more substantially. We'll see. Only God knows what is going to happen in the future, especially with the crazy things happening now.
Click here for an earlier discussion of central bank selling and gold fundamentals from August 2008.
MontyHigh, worldofwallstreet.us

les BC cessent brutalement de préter leur or aux bullions banks ! Montyhigh1008B

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