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Perth Mint ( australie ) cesse les ventes

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MessagePerth Mint ( australie ) cesse les ventes
par marie Sam 22 Nov 2008 - 17:55

perth mint c'est l'équivallent australien de US Mint.. dont Hommel parle souvent .Wink . voir nos archives pénuries ..

décidément .. le phénoméne pénurie ( organisée ? ) s'accélére .. en attendant ça asséche artificiellement la D de physique..


©️ Marie
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  Inscription :   05/02/2005
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MessageRe: Perth Mint ( australie ) cesse les ventes
par g.sandro Sam 22 Nov 2008 - 21:32

ca entretient surtout les primes et démontre de manière de plus en plus difficile à dissimuler la dichotomie entre le Crimex et le "vrai" prix des vrais gens dans la vraie vie...

en plus, moins c'est facile de trouver des pièces, moins ceux qui en détiennent seront enclins à les lâcher...aaarf

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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MessageRe: Perth Mint ( australie ) cesse les ventes
par marie Mar 25 Nov 2008 - 1:51

excellent commentaire de Adrian Douglas à ce sujet


News items are coming at us at break neck speed it is almost like being a character it some video game. As a result the gravity and importance of some events go unnoticed.
Last week I reported on what a mega-bullish report the WGC Q3 Gold demand report was, which was scantily reported on by the media and it was only a reading of the report itself which showed how phenomenal gold demand growth has become.
I think the news from the Perth Mint also needs some extra examination and emphasis
This news absolutely blew me away. This is one of the World’s biggest mints. They are working 24 hours a day and seven days a week and STILL they CAN NOT KEEP PACE WITH DEMAND!
We are in the grips of a world wide economic contraction (recession or depression you pick what descriptive you want). I don’t believe there is another sector of industry anywhere in the world that in the current climate can not meet demand for their product even working flat out (with perhaps the exception of bankruptcy lawyers!). But this is not the entire story. The Perth Mint is REFUSING ORDERS until January. What business today would turn down orders? Who would turn customers away? This means that they are hopelessly swamped with orders running so high it is multiples of their capacity and/or exceeding their ability to source gold bullion.
But they are not alone. We are seeing the same situation in all mints around the world. We are seeing all retail stocks completely sell out. With this back drop the COMEX spot price has been driven down 30%! This is a stealth bull market of epic proportions. The general public still can’t spell gold, yet the world retailers have almost completely sold out of stock and new stock is almost impossible to source. Mines are closing down and supply is declining at alarming rates. There is clearly a PANIC to buy precious metals and pent up demand is being frustrated by customers being turned away or told they will need to wait months. BUT then there is the COMEX supposedly sitting on 2.4 Mozs of "Registered" gold and 80 Moz of "registered" silver. This represents the ONLY visible significant stash of available above ground precious metals left in the world. And please, some one pinch me and slap me just to wake me up, THEY ARE SELLING IT AT A DISCOUNT TO THE PHYSICAL MARKET! Talk about a "sitting duck". The COMEX is the Lusitania with no naval support sailing into waters infested with enemy submarines.
Markets typically have participants of opposing views otherwise there would be only buyers or only sellers. What is brewing in the precious metals markets is a situation where no fundamental case can be formulated for holding the short side at these price levels. This is what we have seen on TOCOM where over 30 months the big commercials who have traded the short side for decades have become neutral to net long. If there are no precious metals available in quantity and mine supply is diminishing who can justify taking the short side until prices have risen dramatically higher to attract some physical into the market? The last stand in the gold war is going to take place on the COMEX. Once it gets going and it is clear that they don’t have enough ammo the price will rise to incredible levels as no short sellers appear to take the other side of the contract. The age old threat of Central bank dishoarding will not work. There are coin melt bars circulating and the WAG quota isn’t being met suggesting they have reached the bottom of the barrel. The CB’s have no disposable gold left.
I don’t think we have much longer to wait. We are real close to the Gold Cartel’s Waterloo.

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: Perth Mint ( australie ) cesse les ventes
par marie Mar 25 Nov 2008 - 2:15

félicitations à Hommel qui a certainement raison depuis le début sur agissements de Perth Mint...pour preuve la news en tête de file

Perth Mint Fraud Revealed

At last, the media wakes up.

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, November 23rd, 2008

Of all the frauds that I work to expose, one of the hardest for people to see is the Perth Mint Fraud. The Perth Mint has issued $1.5 billion in gold and silver certificates, for the express purpose of "working inventory," but it is probably being used for "legacy debt," and so, I believe most of it is totally unbacked, based on customer complaints and reports of how they operate.

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: Perth Mint ( australie ) cesse les ventes
par du-puel Mar 25 Nov 2008 - 17:37

Il va falloir aller piquer dans les stocks des ETF ; comme les "gens" n'y manipule que du papier, des promesse, en les confondant avec le métal, ce qui est promis, ça va le faire ... un certain temps.

Je parle de ça parce que sur le blog de Paul Jorion, ça n'en finit pas de discuter monnaie centrale vs bancaire. Ils confondent les deux et après s'étonnent qu'il y ait des problèmes.

Quand il comprendront que même la "vraie" monnaie fiduciaire n'est-elle même qu'une promesse basée sur une dette future ...


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