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or et argent métal virtuels / le singapour mercantile exchange l'a fait !

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Messageor et argent métal virtuels / le singapour mercantile exchange l'a fait !
par marie Mer 13 Avr 2011 - 21:49

en effet, le Singapour mercantile exchange lance , pour le 15 avril, des contrats cuivre, or, et argent métal en cash settlement .
c'est à dire qu'il n'y aura aucune obligation pour les vendeurs de livrer le métal, au terme du contrat, le réglement s'effectuera en devises biodégradables.
ça démarre fort, cette nouvelle place d'échanges, crée en aout dernier .. Wink
décidément, tout est bon pour faire spéculer.. sur du papier.. et pas du réel .. voir la création récente de 4 nouveaux ETF métaux précieux , or, argent,platine et palladium

ps: un ami qui connait bien l'asie, et cette région .. me souffle dans l'oreillette, que Singapour, c'est l'un des repéres asiates des banksters ..
merci pour cette confirmation, amigo or et argent métal virtuels / le singapour mercantile exchange l'a fait !  640581 or et argent métal virtuels / le singapour mercantile exchange l'a fait !  8939278_ or et argent métal virtuels / le singapour mercantile exchange l'a fait !  471266


Imaginary gold, silver, and copper to trade on Singapore exchange

Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2011-04-13 04:10. Section: Daily Dispatches
Singapore's SMX Launching Copper, Gold, Silver Trade
By Nick Trevethan
Tuesday, April 13, 2011
SINGAPORE -- The Singapore Mercantile Exchange will launch cash-settled gold, silver, and copper futures contracts on April 15, the exchange said in a press release, which may carve out a new market for speculators seeking arbitrage opportunities.
The exchange "will begin trading cash-settled gold, silver, and copper futures contracts from April 15, 2011, in contract sizes of 100 troy ounces, 5,000 troy ounces, and 5 metric tons, respectively," the exchange said in the note.
SMX, controlled by India's Financial Technologies, has previously said it plans to launch a cash-settled iron ore futures contract, based on the iron ore index by data provider Metal Bulletin which uses a 62 percent iron content benchmark.

Currently the exchange, which began trading on Aug. 31 2010, offers physically deliverable euro-denominated gold futures as well as euro-dollar and oil futures.

Traders said the copper contract might gain attention.
"The copper contract looks very interesting. If it develops sufficient liquidity, we could see a golden opportunity to arbitrage between this new contract and the LME-SGX minis," a Singapore trader said. "We'll keep an eye on the gold and silver offerings too, but I am less confident of success there."
In February, the Singapore Exchange (SGX) launched small-sized, cash-settled metal futures with the London Metal Exchange.
"We are also confident of gaining the attention of arbitragers, algorithmic, and high-frequency traders to use our low-latency, robust, and scalable trading platform," SMX CEO Thomas McMahon, said.
But the trader said an arbitrage opening was not guaranteed. "Arbitrage relies on market inefficiencies to cause prices to fall out of step," he said. "Both SMX and SGX say their platforms are fast and the contracts are cash-settled."
"That may mean any arbitrage opening will be narrow and short-lived. That may make it a playground for the algo-guys, but not necessarily for us. We will have to see."

©️ Marie
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