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Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.

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Messagel'or regagne son statut de monnaie d'échange
par marie Mar 24 Avr 2012 - 16:41

les implications des sanctions contre l'iran seront lourdes pour les usa et le dollar.

la chine envisage de contourner l'embargo en réglant ses factures de pétrole iranien avec de l'or


courte analyse de Jim Sinclair sur le sujet



son de cloche différent et tout aussi interessant sur Asia times :

les conséquences des sanctions contre l'iran aboutiraient à une monnaie standart "hydrocarbure"


merci à Bilbo pour l'info !

l'or regagne son statut de monnaie d'échange Alcooliq

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MessageJim Willie /l'or va gagner la guerre des monnaies
par marie Ven 27 Avr 2012 - 13:39

la dernière analyse de Jim Willie en clair sur usawatchdod, à lire absolument


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Messagemême son cloche chez Bill H
par marie Ven 27 Avr 2012 - 14:04

quelque chose de Gros se prépare


"Deals" ahead of "revaluation".

To all: I had a wonderful 3 days stomping some very prospective mineral properties and also visiting the beginning stages of a new mine being constructed. It is always good to do this once in a while because it reminds me just how much labor and capital it takes to create real money as opposed to punching a few keystokes with lots of zero's and "presto", mega supply of new and soon to be valueless Monopoly money. While away, a few interesting pieces of news came out.

First and maybe most important, China announced that they will purchase oil from Iran and will pay in Gold. This follows the same type of arrangement announced by India a couple of weeks ago. THIS is a very big "in your face" to the western world's SWIFT transfer and settlement system. No matter how you look at it, this is Dollar negative and further proof that Dollar demand will drop as the world distances itself from the use of Dollars.

Economic numbers out of Euroland have turned decidedly weak as Britain looks toward the double dip abyss and Spain is rapidly "sliding" down the Greece'd totem pole towards bailouts. Spain however is no Greece by a long shot, they are "Greece squared" or maybe cubed because they are so much bigger and their banks are suffocating on home loans where the collateral has collapsed. The European sovereigns are doing the exact same things as are the Fed and Treasury, whatever you want to call it, the bottom line is plain and simple monetization. The Fed already is the largest buyers of Treasury bonds, it is only a matter of time before they become the ONLY buyer. Same story in Europe where the ESM, EFSF and other "programs" (funded also in a big way by out wonderful Federal Reserve providing "currency swaps") provide "liquidity" to the banks who in turn buy sovereign debt. It is one big merry go round of Ponzi laid upon Ponzi that is already obvious. It is just a matter of time before it becomes "obvious enough" for Jane and John Doe to see, realize and understand.

A week ago we had several announcements from the IMF, BIS and World Bank regarding levels of and use of Gold as "money" (maybe Ben Bernanke read these?), preparations are being made. Russia and China are doing "cross border deals" that exclude the Dollar. We have both India and China doing deals directly with Iran for oil. Asian nations have made multiple trade deals amongst themselves. Germany has made individual deals with Russia over natural gas, again without using Dollars. While all this is happening, the U.S. in it's ultimate wisdom has continued to push the ignorance that "SWIFT" isolation is some sort of punishment through isolation. When all is said and done, the only one "isolated" will BE the U.S. and with a currency that will no longer "spend".

Yes, these "preparations" are being made across the globe for their own protection and so that the Western IMF and World Bank can say "we told you so" or "you were warned". I have harped about "revaluation" for several years since 2008 as I saw the mathematics to this equation then. If you noticed, Jim Sinclair warned us yesterday that "Gold could gap up to $3,000" which is another way of saying that FIAT Dollars would be "devalued" by roughly 50 %. Whether he is correct and we first get a "mini devaluation" or whether it is the big enchilada where a "0" or two gets added to Gold's fiat price I do not know. What I do know is that Jim has not been an "alarmist" in the past and that Mother Nature is screaming revaluation at the top of her lungs. I believe that devaluation plans behind the scenes are at a minimum being discussed and probably better than 50/50 already decided on. Please remember, a "bank holiday" is the same thing as the music stopping in a game of musical chairs. Once the music stops you will not be afforded the chance to re-position yourself in any way shape or form. It will be the beginnings of a very different world. Regards, Bill H.

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Messagela Chine avec un yuan indexé sur l'or ?
par marie Mar 8 Mai 2012 - 13:48

selon l'analyste Lombardi, la Chine est engagé dans le processus de faire du yuan, une monnaiede référence et d'échange internationale,

et pour cela, elle va continuer à acheter de l'or, du physique, et pas des ETF !

d'apres ce même Lombardi, la Chine envisagerait de faire remplacer la £ par le yuan dans les transactions du London market exchange ( futures des métaux sur la place de Londres )


Merci à Manu pour cette info

l'or regagne son statut de monnaie d'échange Alcooliq

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