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audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça

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Messageaudit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par marie Mar 31 Aoû 2010 - 14:47

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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par marie Ven 17 Sep 2010 - 17:59

les institutions suisses se le demandent aussi : où est passé l'or de Fort Knox... et comme le dit Murphy .. faut demander à Greeny ..

audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça  210770


Swiss Institutions Ask: Where’s the Gold?
By Ron Holland, Switzerland

With gold prices at record levels, he questions if the US still has the gold reserves claimed by the Treasury and makes the case for an audit of Fort Knox as proposed by Ron Paul. He believes an audit would confirm that most of America’s gold reserves were lost back in 1971 forcing Richard Nixon to close the gold window. This could be important news for global investors, foreign central banks and sovereign wealth funds buying dollar denominated Treasury obligations....



Ask Alan Greenspan!

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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par marie Lun 11 Avr 2011 - 17:42

Chris Weber vient de publier un bouquin sur l'or de Fort Knox," Good as Gold".

vous trouverez un apperçu de ses recherches, ici


on y apprend entre autres , qu'un courrier officiel datant de 1975 reconnait qu'il n'y a-aux usa - quasiment plus d'or, répondant aux critères de pureté !

ce pb de pureté a d'ailleurs déjà été évoqué ici.. on sait notamment que l'or de Roosevelt, fondu avec les moyens du bord, ne correspond pas aux critères requis ... et que certaines barres monétaires circulant sur les marchés financiers semblaient provenir de cette source .

Citation :

n my book, I uncover a 1975 letter from the Washington DC director of the General Accounting Office. Quoting US Treasury sources, the GAO director pretty much comes out and says that there was almost no more "good delivery" gold left. This means that the gold that would be acceptable on international markets and have a purity of .995 or better was almost gone by the time Nixon closed the gold window. They knew that there was almost nothing left that was of a purity acceptable to foreign central banks.
We can only guess at what remains, and the purity of it. In fact, we could do more than guess, if the government only let sunlight in. The technology now exists to scan each bar of gold and see how much gold it really contains. There could be independent accountants and a generally public procedure to show how much the US government has.

ça n'empeche nullement le trésor de publier régulièrement, et sans audit, un bilan des réserves officielles des usa.. dont la majeure partie est du "deep storage", donc des barres monétaires .. qui en principe, doivent avoir les critères de pureté requis ..

En outre, la valeur de ces réserves, calculées en us $ est complétement aberrante.. puisque c'est fait sur une once à 42.22 $, la dernière valeur officielle de l'or, du gold exchange standart, fermé par Nixon en 1971.

Que reste t'il de l'or confisqué par Roosevelt en 1933?
Que reste t'il des 702 millions d'onces que les usa avaient encore en 1949, du temps où ce pays était indéniablement, le plus gros détenteur d'or?

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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par marie Mer 8 Juin 2011 - 14:59

un récap rapide de Jesse avec également le point sur les certificats or de la FED


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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par marie Mar 14 Juin 2011 - 18:53

Ron Paul prend date pour le 23 juin pour questionner le trésor us sur ses réserves d'or .. cette fois ci, l'accent sera mis sur la pureté de l'or de fort Knox


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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par marie Sam 18 Juin 2011 - 17:53

la date s'approche.. le lendemain de l'annonce des taux par la fed.. et avant l'expiration des options or et argent du 27 juin

des voix s'élévent pour demander un audit des stocks du comex, qui sont comme on le sait ici, le talon d'achille du cartel


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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par marie Ven 24 Juin 2011 - 18:06

compte rendus des débats ...

réponses peu convaicantes sur certains points pourtant fort précis; notamment entre les onces d'or qui appartiennent réellement au trésor us, et celles qui sont gardiennés par les us, et tout particulièrement celles du FMI

le texte est assez complexe, pour des non initiés, mais on retiendra que les réponses font bien apparaitre un problème


Gold encumbrances question elicits only hearsay at Paul committee hearing

Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2011-06-23 21:18. Section: Daily Dispatches
5:30p ET Thursday, June 23, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
The inspector general of the U.S. Treasury Department today testified to a House subcommittee hearing on the U.S. gold reserve that he has been "told" that "not one troy ounce is encumbered," but under questioning he could not say where the gold pledged by the United States to the International Monetary Fund resides or how it has been accounted for, if at all.
The hearing was held in Washington by the House Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology on legislation proposed by the committee's chairman, U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, to audit the U.S. gold reserve. (See http://www.opencongress.org/bill/112-h1495/text.) Paul opened the hearing with an excellent statement about the secrecy that long has enveloped the U.S. gold reserve, the speculation that U.S. gold has been swapped with foreign central banks or sold, and the inability to arrange a congressional inspection of the gold reserve at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Paul particularly distinguished between ownership of gold reserves and mere custody of them. He complained that the Treasury Department had not released certain information about the gold reserve until his legislation to audit it was filed.

The Treasury Department's inspector general, Eric M. Thorson, replied that Treasury audits the gold regularly, and he denounced those who raise doubts about the reserve.

Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Missouri, noted that the audit documentation submitted to the committee by the Treasury mentioned nothing about encumbrances of the gold reserve, and Thorson replied, "I'm not aware of anything." But Thorson backed off when Luetkemeyer followed up by asking about the U.S. gold pledged to the IMF and when Paul asked if the IMF's supposed gold is being counted twice, once on the IMF's own books and again on the books of the United States and other IMF member nations.
Three years ago GATA pressed the IMF for straight answers to this very question, particularly as to the possession and location of the IMF's supposed gold, eliciting only evasion and then abrupt termination of the questioning:
Thorson replied weakly to Paul, "We do not audit the IMF."
Luetkemeyer wouldn't let go. Is the U.S. gold contribution to the IMF, he asked Thorson, counted in the U.S. gold reserve? If it is, Luetkemeyer added, audits of the U.S. gold reserve should record the gold as encumbered.
Thorson replied, "We've been assured that none of it is encumbered." But he added that he would have to research the question before providing a definitive answer.
Of course testimony that one has been "told" and "assured" that nothing is happening is only hearsay, and authoritative answers to questions about the U.S. gold reserve and the U.S. government's officially designated agency for surreptitious market intervention, the Exchange Stabilization Fund, probably can be obtained only from the treasury secretary or the president themselves, who under the law have exclusive control of the ESF and answer to no one for it:
Much of today's hearing dealt tediously with procedures for assaying and tallying gold bars, which would seem relevant to the question of surreptitious market manipulation only if gold bars in the U.S. reserve have been replaced with tungsten or other base-metal bars coated with gold -- not that a government that establishes an agency precisely to rig markets surreptitously should be given a pass on even the wildest questions.
While the Treasury's having given the Federal Reserve certificates for the gold that was taken from the Fed to the Treasury in 1933 has always seemed to have little meaning, both Thorson and the hearing's other witness, Gary T. Engel, director of financial management and assurance for the U.S. Government Accountability Office, testified that the Fed could never use the certificates to reclaim the gold. They said that any presentation by the Fed of the gold certificates to the Treasury would result only in the Treasury's paying the Fed in dollars at the statutory rate of $42.22 per ounce.
Rep. Carolyn B. Maloney, D-New York, whose work on the committee consists largely of making excuses for the Obama administration and the status quo, made a pompous idiot of herself, arriving in the middle of the hearing and asking the witnesses if they didn't think that Paul's gold reserve audit legislation would duplicate the audits already being done and cost a lot of money. The witnesses had said so in their opening statements and in responses to earlier questions from committee members who arrived on time.
It's not clear where, if anywhere, Paul will take the issue of potential encumbrances on the U.S. gold reserve. But since the most relevant testimony on the issue today was only hearsay, not authoritative, all questions remain open.
The hearing lasted a bit more than an hour and the subcommittee has posted video of it here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


lire également le compte rendu sur mineweb , qui en fin d'article insiste sur la mise en gage des réserves d'or us envers le fmi, question à laquelle il n'est apportée aucune réponse : on répond carrément ne pas savoir où sont entreposées précisément les réserves us-FMI

assez incroyable, puisque et si je comprends bien, la quote part us d'or FMI pourrait etre comptée 2 fois
-une fois dans les réserves du FMI
- et aute autre fois dans les réserves des US

sans que cela ne semble géner les interlocuteurs de Ron Paul ... qui soulève là un joli lièvre ..

car c'est pas le tout de compter ou d'auditer un nombre de lingots entreposés quelque part aux USA, si on n'est pas capable de dire ce qui appartient à tel ou tel !!!

et encore, la question des réserves d'or d'autres pays, gardiennée par les US, n'est pas soulevée...
ce sont les pays concernés qui vont être contents ...
si on leur répondait, comme à Ron Paul, qu'on ne sait pas distinguer dans les réserves entreposées aux usa ce qui leur appartient et ce qui appartient aux us

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par nofear Sam 25 Juin 2011 - 4:49

Citation :
on ne sait pas distinguer dans les réserves entreposées aux usa ce qui leur appartient et ce qui appartient aux us

par contre big brother and Co sait parfaitement vous fliquer et connaitre vos vir et autres comptes bacaires.

ça me fatigue ces guignoleries hypocrites illusoires pour satisfaire désir pouvoir domination guerre tueries spoliations forcés permanents c'est ça la démon-cratie occi-dentale de dégénérés.

©️ Nofear / Hardinvestor / On appelle esprit libre celui qui pense autrement qu'on ne s'y attend de sa part en raison de son origine, de son milieu, de son état et de sa fonction, ou en raison des opinions régnantes de son temps. Il est l'exception, les esprits asservis sont la règle. Ce que ceux-ci lui reprochent, c'est que ses libres principes, ou bien ont leur source dans le désir de surprendre ou bien permettent de conclure à des actes libres, c'est-à-dire de ceux qui sont inconciliables avec la morale asservie." (Friedrich NIETZSCHE, Humain, trop humain) mon tweet perso: @ghostbikerman


  Chef cuistot
 Chef cuistot


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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par marie Dim 26 Juin 2011 - 17:24

déclaration de Ron Paul


Ron Paul: Time for transparency with the U.S. gold reserve

Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2011-06-24 16:46. Section: Daily Dispatches
Opening Statement by U.S. Rep. Ron Paul
Committee on Financial Services
Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology
Hearing on HR 1495, the Gold Reserve Transparency Act
Thursday, June 23, 2011

For far too long the United States government has been less than transparent in releasing information relating to its gold holdings.
Not surprisingly, this secrecy has given rise to a number of theories about the gold at Fort Knox and other depositories. Some people speculate that the gold has been involved in gold swaps with foreign governments or bullion banks. Others believe that the gold has secretly been shipped out of Fort Knox and sold. And still others believe that the bars at Fort Knox are actually gold-plated tungsten.

Historically, the Treasury and Mint have dismissed these theories, rather than addressing these concerns with substantive rebuttals. No one from Congress has been allowed to view the gold at Fort Knox in nearly 40 years, recent photographs of the gold holdings seem to be hard to come by, and the Mint's and inspector general's audit statements contain only the bare minimum of information.

Because the government has for so long refused to provide substantive information on its gold holdings, it is not surprising that so much confusion abounds, both within and without the government. The difference between custody and ownership, questions about responsibility for U.S. gold held at the New York Fed, and the issue of which division at Treasury is ultimately responsible for the gold reserves are just some of the questions that have come up during the research for this hearing.
In a way, it seems as though someone decided to lock up the gold, put the key in a desk somewhere, and walk off without telling anyone anything. Only during the preparation for this hearing was my office informed that the Mint has in fact conducted assays of statistically representative samples of gold bars, and we were provided with a sample assay report. This type of information should be reported or at least tabulated and published, so that the public knows how many bars of gold exist, what their fineness is, and whether they are encumbered in any way through loans, swaps, etc.
While the various agencies concerned have been very accommodating to my staff in attempting to shed some light on this issue, it should not require the introduction of legislation or a congressional hearing to gain access to this information. This information should be published and available to the American people. This gold belongs to the people, especially since much of it was forcibly taken from them in the 1930s, and the government owes it to the people to provide them with the details of these holdings.
We would greatly benefit from a full, accurate inventory, audit, and assay, with detailed explanations of who owns the gold and who is responsible for ownership, custody, and auditing. While the Mint and the inspector general trust the accuracy of the audits performed between 1975 and 1986, this still means that at least two-thirds of the gold reserves were last audited over a quarter century ago. Surely a full audit every 25 years is not too much to ask.
I look forward to the testimony of the witnesses regarding the condition of the gold reserves, the accounting audits that are regularly performed, and the inventories and assays that have been conducted on some of this gold over the years. I am also very interested to hear their comments on the Gold Reserve Transparency Act so that we may put forward a measure that provides the public with accurate and complete information on their gold.

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par marie Lun 27 Juin 2011 - 23:51

très interessant commentaire d'un contributeur régulier du Midas

- qui pense que l'or du FMI est comptée 2 fois ( dans les réserves us et dans celles du fmi
- qui s'interroge sur le fait que US mint se fournit sur le marché, crainte de briser les fameux scellés ?


Good Afternoon Bill, (from LAGOS on Sunday)

I have just viewed all 71.04 minutes of the Committee on Financial Services ‘hearing on the need to audit the USA gold reserves. This was a very trying task because none of the speakers were practiced at speaking into the microphone, so the audio quality was generally poor.

I spent several months of my leisure time a few years ago researching the topic of whether the IMF’s quota allocations of gold reserves were co mingled (ie. double counted ) with the reserves of the signatories to the founding charter of the IMF and came to the conclusion that that (ie. double counting) was probably the prevailing practice. This conclusion was then affirmed by the Sept 15th 1947 Weekly Bulletin of the American Institute for Economic Research. I find it absolutely disgraceful-shocking beyond belief-that Treasury Gold Auditor Thorson was ABSOLUTELY clueless about the issue. After all, auditing the Treasury’s gold is what he does for a living. The members of the Committee came back to this question several times and auditor Thorson was left just mumbling that he couldn’t be expected to know the answer because he didn’t audit the IMF. Just a simple and vital question that concerns a major encumbrance or otherwise of up to 2,800 tons of gold
and the auditor didn’t even know that the issue existed at all.

Neither auditor Thorson or Engel had a clue as to the cost of auditing the Treasury’s full gold holdings although they claim that the gold reserves are audited every year by themselves. Apparently most of the gold reserves are entombed behind seals that have been unbroken for decades, and therefore the audit presumption is that if the seals are unbroken, then there is no need to conduct any further auditing procedures. As the auditors stated, there is no movement of product, so there is no need ever to break the seals. Therefore it is axiomatic that the only audit procedure that is performed on the ground is to verify that the seals to the storage chambers remain unbroken. AuditorThorson also asserted to Senator PAUL that transparency is WHAT HIS DEPARTMENT DOES, since all the Treasury gold audit reports are available on line. The auditors also believed that assaying gold reserves by drilling would result in the loss of some gold (or indeed tungsten-my aside)...
The auditors also asserted that the MINT buys its working stock for gold coin fabrication on the OPEN MARKET. That is indeed very interesting. Is that because there is one inviolable rule-the seals must never ever be broken or because of the additional corollary that, if the seals were ever broken, the lack of gold hoardings would be thereby revealed. The overall message from auditors Thorson and Engel was ‘trust us because we are government and we are transparent’.
Congress woman Maloney (D-NY) seemed to treat the Committee with the upmost disrespect by arriving very late and merely stating that the costs of any additional audit would be wasted duplication. Since nobody knows what the costs would be or even the full extent or otherwise of the existing (lack of) auditing procedures, this assertion of the congresswoman was not well based, but it was her solitary input.. To complete her abysmal display of arrogance, the Congresswoman made the point of leaving the proceedings just before Senator Paul formally adjourned the hearing. All in all, my take away impression of the 71 minute recording was that of NOT VERY CREDIBLE WITNESSES desperately trying to assert that all is well because we say so and the ancient seals are unbroken.

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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par marie Sam 9 Juil 2011 - 12:39

Discrepancies found in Fed and Treasury gold statements
Submitted by cpowell on 07:09PM ET Thursday, July 7, 2011. Section: Daily Dispatches
10:09p ET Thursday, July 7, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Financial writer Adam Rabie, CEO of GoldNews.com in Toronto, has examined Federal Reserve and Treasury Department statements involving the U.S. gold reserves and reports discrepancies. Rabie concludes:
"There appear to be many gaps in audit work already done. The remaining issues that stand are that past audit work was not thorough or of a strict enough standard to ensure against possible misstatement. In short, independent auditors are often not directly involved in the physical audits and rather are admittedly working off of numbers provided to them by a potentially biased party. Furthermore, there have been no thorough and complete checks on whether the Treasury's use of their gold stock complies with current legislation, in particular the Gold Reserve Act. In addition, a lack of matching between Federal Reserve and Treasury financial statements calls into question some possibly obvious and odd errors. Moreover, there still lacks any audit on the Treasury's gold held at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York or the working stock of gold. Lastly, the issue of encumbrances remains as a major possibility of abuse of the Treasury's gold stock and will be difficult to settle without an extensive audit of all historical government financial dealings."
Rabie's report is headlined "On Auditing the Treasury's Gold" and you can find it at GoldNews here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par marie Jeu 14 Juil 2011 - 22:33

hier au congrès : Bernanke à Ron Paul : l'or n'est pas une monnaie ..

je vous passe sur le QE3, très rigolo aussi ...

après ça, faut pas se demander plus longtemps pourquoi l'or a fait de nouveaux plus hauts historiques, hier ... et que l'argent s'envole littéralement... toujours depuis hier

quel timing, ce Ben !

audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça  354172


12:13 In response to a question regarding potential for QE3, Bernanke says "all options are on the table"
* Comment follows yesterday's disclosure in the FOMC Minutes of 21-22 Meeting, where it was revealed that there was some debate regarding QE3 and the comments in today's prepared text that there may be a re-emergence of deflationary risks, "implying a need for additional policy support."
* * * *
Thank you Mr. Bernanke, and not just for that. What a day for GATA! Bernanke was blindsided by Congressman Ron Paul, who Chris P and I met with in May. He made one of the boneheaded comments of the age. Here is what happened..
Hi Bill,
The internet should be buzzing today after Ron Paul asked Ben Bernanke if gold was money only to hear him respond "no."

It's fascinating Bernanke said central banks hold gold because of "tradition". As if holding gold was akin to a handshakes, birthday cakes, and yelling "Geronimo" when jumping into water. Who would have thought central banks keep billions of assets in gold simply because of a tradition. That's all - that's the only reason.
Take care,
Here you go, from the FT.com…

Bernanke Fights Ron Paul In Congress: ‘Gold Isn’t Money’
Jul. 13 2011 - 11:26 am
audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça  Bernanke-ronpaul-300x115<A href="http://blogs-images.forbes.com/afontevecchia/files/2011/07/bernanke-ronpaul.jpg">
Bernanke faced Ron Paul in Congress
Chairman Ben Bernanke faced-off with Fed-hating Representative Ron Paul during his monetary policy report to Congress on Wednesday. The head of the Fed was forced to respond to accusations of enriching already rich corporations while failing to help Main Street, while he was pushed on his views on gold. "Gold isn’t money," Bernanke said. (See video below).
While most of Bernanke’s reports to Congress serve politicians to pursue their own agendas by gearing the Chairman towards their issues, with Republican Rep. Bacchus talking of the unsustainability of Medicaid and Rep. Frank (D, Mass.) asking about the need to raise the debt limit without cutting spending, it was a stand-off between Bernanke and Ron Paul that took all the attention.
Rep. Ron Paul, Republican for Texas, asked Bernanke why a capital injection of more than $5 trillion "hasn’t done much" to help the consumer, who makes up about two-thirds of GDP in the U.S., and prop up the economy, while it helped boost corporate profits. "You could’ve given $17,000 to each citizen," Ron Paul claimed.
Bernanke, clearly on the defensive, told Rep. Ron Paul that his institution hadn’t spent a single dollar, rather, the Fed has been a "profit center" according to the Chairman, returning profits to the federal government. As Bernanke began to sermon Rep. Paul on the history of the Fed ("we are here to provide liquidity [in abnormal situations]," the Chairman said), he was interrupted.
"When you wake up in the morning, do you think about the price of gold," Rep. Paul asked. After pausing for a second, Bernanke responded, clearly uncomfortable. that he paid much attention to the price of gold, only to be interrupted once again.
"Gold’s at about $1,580 [an ounce] this morning, what do you think of the price of gold?" asked Rep. Paul. A stern-faced Bernanke responded people bought it for protection and was once again cut-off, with Ron Paul once again on the offensive.
So … the Russians, Chinese, and Indians, etc., are accumulating gold for "tradition" reasons. The Fed chairman just handed GATA a bonanza for our Gold Rush 2011 by telegraphing one of the reasons behind the gold price suppression scheme, and for the world to know at this point. The Fed and bullion banks have been manipulating the price of gold because it is REAL money versus the feeble currencies in Europe and the US which support bankrupt fiscal institutions. What fun!
Bernanke live on the Hill:


la réponse de NIA ne s'est pas faite attendre !!

audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça  Alcooliq
July 13, 2011

Bernanke is Wrong, Gold is Money

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke today said that the Federal Reserve is prepared to act with an additional round of quantitative easing if there is any weakening of the U.S. economy and threat of deflation. Bernanke also said that the Fed could act in other ways to stimulate the economy, such as cutting the interest rate that the Fed pays to banks on their $1.5 trillion in excess reserves that they currently keep parked at the Fed. NIA believes this $1.5 trillion alone would multiply into $15 trillion once it circulates through the U.S. economy and if Bernanke on top of that unleashes any additional quantitative easing, it will just about guarantee hyperinflation. Bernanke has made it very clear that he is prepared to print money until the U.S. dollar becomes worthless and the incomes and savings of all U.S. citizens are destroyed.

Ron Paul today asked Bernanke whether or not he watches the price of gold and if he thinks gold is money. Although Bernanke admitted that he does watch the price of gold, Bernanke said that gold is not money, but it is only an asset. Bernanke explained that central banks only hold gold as a "tradition". The truth is, gold has been accepted as money throughout all civilizations over periods of thousands of years. Bernanke doesn't want U.S. citizens to wake up and realize that they can opt-out of the criminal Federal Reserve system if they get rid of their U.S. dollars and store all of their wealth in gold and silver. To see a video of Ron Paul's exchange today with Bernanke, simply visit our blog by clicking here.

The U.S. Constitution defined gold as legal tender and the current fiat currency system we have today where Bernanke can steal from the purchasing power of the poor and middle-class and redistribute this wealth to his banker friends on Wall Street is unconstitutional, immoral, and illegal. The U.S. dollar originally only had purchasing power because it was backed by gold. Today, the U.S. dollar is a fiat currency that is backed by nothing. Any remaining purchasing power the U.S. dollar still has is just an illusion and will soon evaporate due to Bernanke's actions.

In order for an item to function as money, it should be liquid and easily tradable, easily transportable, and durable. It should be divisible into smaller units without destroying its value and should also be fungible, meaning one unit of equal weight must be equivalent to another (which is why diamonds can't be used as money). The item must also be a specific weight, measure, or size, so that it is easy to count. It must be long lasting, durable, and not perishable or subject to decay (which is why food items can't be used as money).

Money must be easily recognizable and most importantly, it must be difficult to counterfeit. The U.S. dollar simply isn't real money because Bernanke has been counterfeiting trillions of dollars out of thin air. Money shouldn't require a mark or image to be valuable, but it should just be valuable based on weight and measure. Gold is valuable based on its weight and measure, and fits all of these other qualities and characteristics as well. Never do people explore shipwrecks hoping to discover U.S. dollars, because dollars that Bernanke can print at will even if they could survive the corrosion of the ocean, simply won't have any purchasing power left by the time explorers can locate them. People explore shipwrecks for gold, because it will last underwater for thousands of years and always retain its value.

When Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe ordered their central bank to implement exactly the same monetary policies that Bernanke has been ordered to implement here in the U.S., the Zimbabwe dollar became worthless and Zimbabweans were forced to pan their rivers for gold. Citizens of Zimbabwe who were able to find 0.1 gram of gold after a long hard day's work of shifting through thousands of buckets full of mud, were able to take that 0.1 gram of gold and exchange it for a loaf of bread. Those who were too old or weak to pan for gold simply couldn't afford food and starved to death.

NIA recommends to all U.S. citizens that they read this eHow article about homemade gold panning. This is a skill all Americans will need to have in order to survive hyperinflation. Unfortunately, unlike in Zimbabwe, most gold in U.S. rivers has already been explored for, so Americans might not be as lucky as Zimbabweans.

In order for an asset to be considered money, its supply must be kept scarce. Bernanke has spent a total of $4.7 trillion since the financial crisis of late-2008, which has flooded the world with excess liquidity of U.S. dollars and led to massive inflation in the prices of food and energy, the two items that Americans need most to live and survive. The inflation problems in China are a direct result of their currency peg to the U.S. dollar and willingness to accept the dollars we print in return for the real goods they produce. As soon as the Chinese central bank decides to end their currency peg, China's currency will increase in purchasing power and all of the monetary inflation the U.S. has exported to them will flow back to the U.S. like a giant tsunami.

Ron Paul today pointed out exactly what we said in our last article. Since the last Presidential election about three years ago, the U.S. dollar has lost about half of its purchasing power priced in gold. Although the U.S. government's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) has reported only 2% annual price inflation over the past three years, when you account for how the U.S. government used to calculate price inflation before the implementation of hedonics and quantitative easing, annual price inflation has actually been closer to 9%. Soon when price inflation begins spiraling out of control, Bernanke will be forced to raise the Fed Funds Rate north of 10%, which will cause our interest payments on the national debt to soar to over $1 trillion per year. The U.S. government will then need to immediately end Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and all other entitlement programs, to have any chance of survival.


©️ Marie
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Dernière édition par marie le Jeu 14 Juil 2011 - 23:14, édité 1 fois




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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par g.sandro Jeu 14 Juil 2011 - 23:13

Le lien me donne une page quasi blanche...audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça  E949b0f_ audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça  120730

Dommage, j"aurais bien aimé voir la tronche de Bernie...audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça  354172 audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça  210770

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par marie Jeu 14 Juil 2011 - 23:23

la vidéo CNBC a du changer de toutes façon, Sandro ... depuis hier ..

autrement et toujours sur l'or, Midas titre avec cette citation de JP Morgan ...

ils devraient se mettre d'accord avec Bernanke ..

audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça  354172

Citation :
"Gold is Money. Everything Else is Credit." … J.P. Morgan

l'or est la monnaie, tout le reste n'est que crédit .

sinon, ya ça aussi qui est pas mal ... donc BB est un excellent banquier central, oui, oui, oui !

Citation :
"The last duty of a central banker is to tell the public the truth." … Federal Reserve Board Vice Chairman Alan Blinder, Nightly Business Report, 1994

le dernier devoir d'un banquier central est de dire la vérité au public
Alain Blinder, vice président de la FED en 1994

©️ Marie
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Dernière édition par marie le Jeu 14 Juil 2011 - 23:29, édité 1 fois




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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par g.sandro Jeu 14 Juil 2011 - 23:28

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par etudes.exterieures Ven 15 Juil 2011 - 0:29

bonjour Sandro
au cas où ton lien ne fonctionnerait pas, un de nos lecteurs nous transmet celui ci ( merci à lui ) :

vidéo Bernanke au congrès : gold is not money

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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par g.sandro Ven 15 Juil 2011 - 0:46

Merci +++ audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça  Alcooliq

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: audit des réserves de fort Knox / Ron Paul remet ça
par Invité Mer 17 Aoû 2011 - 0:18

Un moment edifiant sur Comedy Central cite par ZH a propos du squeezage intensif de Ron Paul par les medias US :


(desole pour les accents, clavier US).



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Message7000 tonnes d'or, disparues de Fort Knox entre 1973 et 1974
par marie Ven 19 Avr 2013 - 21:26

7000 tonnes d'or, disparues de Fort Knox entre 1973 et 1974

Silverdoctors a remis la main sur un article du Globe, datant de 1981, et rapportant que 7000 tonnes d'or ont été évacuées de Fort Knox entre nov 1973 et avril 1974 ..

par une poignée de grands spéculateurs internationaux, incluant les grandes banque US ... et avec la bénédiction du trésor US!


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