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MessageRe: Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques
par marie Mar 18 Avr 2006 - 1:39

evidemment , Sandro .. et justement c'est pourquoi je mets en avant ce nouvel article ..qui est tout à son honneur

car , amah Maund , contrairement à toi est avant tout un ateiste .. et seulement un ateiste .. et en plus un ateiste de moins bonne qualité ( ça c'est moi kil dit ... mais je le pense . 039 lion . )

et ça ça change pas mal de choses ds le contexte actuel ... ou il nous faut etre pluri armé .. ( at + cot + fonda ) pour survivre ...

midas nous a plante- sur le CT- un nb incalculable de fois ..avec son only fonda .. .n'empeche que et tu le sais bien .. c'est plus le cas now ... le fonda défie les lois de l'at ... (et même des cots .si on les lit basiquement .. ) jusqu'à ... nouvel ordre .. traduire jusqu'a ce que ce nouveau free market trouve un equilibre O/D ... peut etre pas demain la veille .. vu le retard accumulé ..

les regles ont changé ...

( et c'est un des pieges qui attend les anciens , comme nous ... comme tu le fais fort justement remarquer ... )

chacun son tour ... Wink car hamilton s'est bien planté aussi sur ces dernieres prévisions de correction du hui ... ET des métaux ..

ski fait que la plus part des golds bugs sont out now ... le train est parti sans eux ...et ça c'est bulladonf ... comme l'est ce silence pesant sur hardin et sur l'ensemble des gold forums ..
rarement vu ça ...
7 bien d'ailleurs l'un des seuls points positifs que je trouve à ce silence ICI ... je vous laisse lire entre les lignes ce que ça signifie pour les hardin members .. précisément ... ..

rien de vraiment teigneux ... r.ire.. désolée ça m'a échappé ...

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Messagela derniere at gold et silver de maund + autres topo
par marie Sam 22 Avr 2006 - 19:07

contrairement à ce qu'il affirme , aucune panique constatée jeudi 20 avril ..( cf chiffres oi de ce jour la + post Roberto /Ed Steer )

Citation :
. Given the monstrously overbought condition of the silver market this panic liquidation could continue for some days yet, and the normal pattern is that it will be followed by a period of “wound licking” as shell-shocked and battle-scarred speculators stagger about in dazed disbelief.


bien plus interessant amah ,

- le dernier Roffey

- et sur les oblig , Orlandini


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MessageAT gold & silver /Maund
par marie Mar 15 Aoû 2006 - 12:01

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MessageRe: Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques
par tripben Mar 15 Aoû 2006 - 14:49

je sais pas vous mais moi je sens le traquenard à plein nez ...
avec ce cessez le feu decreté hier lundi à 7h ...
le gold ne peut que baisser ...
enfin la masse apres avoir acheter ne peut qu à avoir envie de vendre et caballas pendant ce temps couvre ... une fois couvert le max de ces positions vendeuses à 650 ..
il va se remettre à vader si la situation n evolue pas ...
ce que j espere mais bon je suis sceptique pr la fin aout ...
et puis on a le pb du Hezbollah et de son rearmenent ..
et là qui on pointe du doigt
et oui la Syrie et l Iran ...
et vu que les neo les ont ds le viseur ..
ca arrivera un jour ou l autre mais lequel ..

Que le Gold vous protége !! Y a que la vérité qui compte Wink



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MessageRe: Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques
par marie Mar 15 Aoû 2006 - 18:18

je m'inquiere pas plus que ça en tout cas pas pour cette raison la .. ... gold n'a pas monté sur les tensions libanos israeliennes .., ( caballas a bossé pour ça ) , il ne baissera donc pas sur un cessez le feu ..

la masse n'a pas acheté , Tripben Wink

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MessageRe: Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques
par tripben Mar 15 Aoû 2006 - 22:09

oui quand je dis masse je m entend
c sur que c pas celle que l on entend d habitude
cela correspond plus à mon sens aux goldeux individuels
mais bon aujourd hui ca a bien tenu
sauf pr ITRO et Smxmf avec -20 ET - 10%
les indices en tt cas semble repartir de plus belle ...
nasdaq +2%

Que le Gold vous protége !! Y a que la vérité qui compte Wink



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MessageFil dédié aux analyses de Clive MAUND
par du-puel Ven 29 Sep 2006 - 14:28


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MessageMAUND , AT du secteur bear ++
par marie Ven 5 Jan 2007 - 18:11

la faute au rebond du $ et la guerre iran qui ne se ferait pas. ... en tout cas c'est son explication ..

le cuivre en bear market ..au passage .. carrément ...


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MessageRe: Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques
par du-puel Ven 5 Jan 2007 - 18:26

marie a écrit:
la faute ... la guerre iran qui ne se ferait pas.

Ca, ce serait plutôt une bonne nouvelle.

Ca évitera aussi de creuser le déficit US et donc ça soutiendra, un peu, l'USD ; il pourrait ainsi se contenter de baisser lentement, avec des reprises, ce qui n'embêtera personne.


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Messageen contrepoint total cette at gold/ silver et hui d'Hommelbe
par marie Ven 5 Jan 2007 - 18:28

en contrepoint total cette at gold/ silver et hui d'Hommelberg
bien sur elle a été faite avt l'attaque du 3 janvier, MAIS ses remarques concernant le croisement bullish MM200 et MM50 restent valables... y compris sur le hui ... je viens de vérifier ..
ce serait une 1ere que ce puissant signal soit démenti ..


par ailleurs, et comme signalé ds mes bulletins COTS hebdo ... nous n'avons pas la marge du tout ... pour un recul consequent des métaux .. loin de la ..

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MessageRe: Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques
par marie Ven 5 Jan 2007 - 19:06

question de formulation , Armand... perso j'ai jamais cru que la hausse des MP etait due a ce "projet de guerre iran" ... j'ai mis "la faute à" pour tenter d'exprimer ce ke raconte Maund ...
et pour tout te dire je crois au contraire que si on baisse c'est que ça se fera ... ça ou pire ... ds le genre projet guerrier ...
cette attaque en pleine saisonnalité des métaux a un caractere tt à fait inhabituel qui correspond amah à une echeance désastreuse proche .. où il s'agit com dab d'empecher aux yeux de monsieur tt le monde la corrélation tensions géopo et gold UP...

car contrairement à ce qu'on raconte , cette corrélation est précisément mise à mal par le cartel ...
à chaque fois que les tensions géopo s'enveniment ... gold prend une claque ... de sorte que soit on nous dise
- que gold n'est plus un refuge contre ces tensions ( autement dit val refuge gold = zero )
- soit ces tensions que vous entrevoyez n'existent pas ... la preuve? le barométre gold ne répond pas à l'appel ...

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MessageRe: Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques
par marie Ven 5 Jan 2007 - 22:36

mieux encore ...

Deepcaster, and a select few others, have noted that the economy is moving into a phase of an apparent deflation.

on en avait deja parlé ici ya un moment de cette strategie de deflation apparente , je crois me souvenir que c'était avec un post de roberto ..


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MessageRe: Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques
par g.sandro Sam 6 Jan 2007 - 1:55

J'ai beaucoup de respect pour Clive Maund, tout le monde le sait ici, il suffit de mater le portail pour s'en convaincre, c'est pour moi une référence, l'un des Top analysts de la planète, mais sur ce couop là, je ne suis pas d'accord avec lui, ou plus exactement, pas encore d'accord...ou plus tout à fait d'accord, je trouve son AT soit précoce, car l'enfoncement des supports ne serait validé que lundi soir, soit carrément à la bourre vu que j'étais RED depuis un bon mois.

Je m'explique, ça fait 4 à 5 semaines maintenant que je vous bassine avec mon oscillo Long qui est RED...j'étais donc très en avance sur lui pour le coup (9 à 21% au dessus selon les mines)...mais maintenant, du coup, on n'est plus du tout en zone haute, voire même carrément en zone assez basse sur certains titres, bien que n'(étant pas encore en survente majeure.

Alors certes, on reste RED en longs et les swingers, (ainsi que je l'ai signalé jeudi) font de nouveau une sale tronche, c'est clairement mauvais...mais...on assiste à une cloture quasi au plus haut du jour sur les mines à NY et ce avec des métaux en forte baisse...je développerai tout ça au Bulletin 820...mais plus que la MM 200 dans l'absolu, gardons à l'esprit que c'est l'orientation de la MM 200 qui est déterminante (perso je préfère même la 315 pondérée) et elles sont encore UP.
Si on assiste à une nouvelle chute lundi soir en revanche, je serais plus enclin à un pessimisme "Maundien", mais si on assiste à un rebond, je crois que des supports auront été testés et tenus, et qu'il ne se sera agit que d'une (énervante, certes, mais somme toute banale) attaque des mains faibles (shaking of the weak hands)...d'ici là, suspense et vigilance.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques
par g.sandro Sam 6 Jan 2007 - 11:29

LOL, Midas dit un peu pareil que moi

If this isn't the bottom or very, very near it, we should sell everything and head down to our villa in Mexico. Here is the double gap down, a much better performance in the stocks, the final filling of the gap in GG at around $26, the high volume in the shares, a Friday widespread panic (very important.)

We should see a bunch of gold chartists turn bearish again over the weekend as the drop has violated their lines. Still the same ole drill that has been in place for 5 years.

The gold/silver shares held up very well considering the silver/gold plunge. The XAU lost 1.38 to 132.19 and the HUI gave up 2.97 to 304.12.


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques
par du-puel Sam 6 Jan 2007 - 11:36

g.sandro a écrit:
(perso je préfère même la 315 pondérée)]

Essaie avec 313 ou 317 Cap'tain ;-)


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MessageClive Maund/ gold manipulation ... mieux vaut tard que
par marie Mer 7 Fév 2007 - 15:56

Clive Maund/ gold manipulation ... mieux vaut tard que jamais Wink
l'analyste ( comme de plus en plus de ses confréres d'ailleurs ) commence à admettre l'évidence ... tout en précisant que ça n'a pas d'importance ..
pas d'importance , LOL ...

à quoi donc peut bien servir une AT traditionnelle d'un marché manipulé , je vous le demande ?
on se heurte toujours au même hic ... un marché manipulé ne fonctionne pas comme un marché libre ....
et ne s'analyse donc pas de la même façon et encore moins avec des AT réglées pour un marché libre ...
simple évidence pourtant !

l'argument final qui consiste à dire.. ça n'a pas d'importance puisque ça ne fonctionne pas .. ou plutot ça ne fonctionne plus est d'une maufaise foi hallucinante r.ire ...

car si ça ne fonctionne plus , c'est précisément parce que le cartel est à cours de munitions ... et uniquement à cause de ça !

quoiq'il en soit , superbe graph gold en francs suisse( 3 ans )

regardez bien le point de rupture indiqué sur ce graphe: 3éme trimestre 2005... point que j'avais mis en évidence début 2006 dans mon topo commercial failure

Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques - Page 2 Goldinswissfranc

et l'intégralité de son article ici

+ le commentaire de Cpowell

Clive Maund: Gold is probably manipulated but I don't care
Submitted by cpowell on Tue, 2007-02-06 22:20. Section: Daily Dispatches
5:20p ET Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Gold market and technical analyst Clive Maund's new commentary asks the musical question: "Gold price manipulation -- Does it matter?" He concludes that the answer is no more important than whether the chewing gum loses its flavor on the bedpost overnight.

But Maund's commentary itself is important for signifying that manipulation of the gold market is increasingly accepted as a given by analysts, if only grudgingly, since, of course, manipulation makes a mockery of analysis and analysts alike. Indeed, technical analysis of a manipulated market is worthless if it takes no account of the manipulation. That is, despite their conscientiousness, people like Maund have been largely wasting their time.

In his new commentary Maund sounds just like another technical analyst, Dennis Gartman of The Gartman Letter, who even just a few days ago was not only expressing indifference to manipulation of the gold market but also was arguing fatuously that suppression of the gold price should be welcomed by gold advocates and investors because it gives them a chance to accumulate more metal at a discount. Of course this opportunity does nothing for those who are already fully invested in gold and shares of gold mining companies and want fair valuation of their investment now. Nor does this opportunity avail those gold investors who will die today or tomorrow or soon after having been long deprived of fair value for their investment. For manipulation of the gold price expropriates ALL gold investors EVERY day.

Maund writes that the gold price suppression scheme is sure to be beaten by the market eventually. Maybe, but eventually really isn't soon enough. And Maund fails to note the purposes of the gold price manipulation outside the gold market -- the deception of investors in stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate, and everything else.

Those who have been exposing the manipulation of the gold market may be glad that Maund is coming around a bit. But it's really not enough if Maund himself is starting to figure things out. There's still a whole world that may not be as complacent about its screwing as Maund is.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

lire la suite post suivant

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Dernière édition par le Dim 11 Fév 2007 - 0:46, édité 1 fois




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Messageréponse de Clive Maund
par marie Sam 10 Fév 2007 - 2:43

Wink Clive Maund réagit ... C Powell aussi + quelques courriers de "café "members .... comme d'hab sur ce théme la rép de MAUND n'est non seulement pas argumentée mais insultante pour le coup ... que ces gens qui nient la manip m'amusent ... déja on dit que ça ne compte pas ... qu'est ce qui compte alors? comme le dit Powell, un marché manipulé ne mérite pas de s'appeler marché .. marché et manipulé c'est CONTRADICTOIRE ... un marché étant LIBRE par définition ! ...donner l'appellation "marché" à un marché manipulé est une tromperie ou une fraude , comme vous préférerez !

et ensuite si ça coince, on traite l'autre de conspirationniste ... toujours sans argumenter évidemment ... que c'est banal .. courant mais lassant que ce genre de stratégie peu constructive qui consiste à nier, refuser, tout de go ... sans vouloir analyser ce qui est dit ... et prouvé ... ( à tel point que les acteurs principaux de cette manip ont tous reconnu les faits à présent cliquez ici... ça devient comique et Maund me décoit profondément sur ce coup la .mais il a surement ses raisons comme le suggére un des courriers café members Wink )

Clive Maund: You hurt my feelings
Submitted by cpowell on 01:14PM ET Thursday, February 8, 2007. Section: Daily Dispatches
4:13p ET Thursday, February 8, 2007
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Gold market analyst Clive Maund has responded to Tuesday's GATA dispatch (
www.gata.org/node/4789) criticizing his grudging acknowledgement of and hearty indifference to manipulation of the gold market.
Maund calls that criticism a "personal attack" and declines to answer any of it. But he does quote approvingly another analyst who writes that "markets being managed is nothing strange or evil."
Of course a market that is "managed" is not really a market at all, and when it is presented as being a market, it is a fraud.
But since Maund refuses to engage on the issues, taking refuge in his hurt feelings, there's no harm in letting him have the last word, which can be found at his Internet site here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.
* * *
One of the many responses to Mr. Clive Maund:
Dear Mr. Maund,
I read your commentaries regularly as well as many other analysts and newsletter people. I try my best to keep an open mind on all subjects and discern the facts.
In your latest, concerning the writing of Chris Powell, you claim that it was a "personal attack". I have read and re-read what Mr. Powell wrote and can't for the life of me figure out how you took that as a personal attack. I think that what Mr. Powell says rings with a lot of truth. How can a "managed" or "manipulated" market not matter? If a market is not free and fair, like our regulators say they are, is that not the same as robbing or stealing from innocent people? Wouldn't that make your technical analyst useless if the markets do not respond to honest supply and demand forces? How many of your technical calls have been wrong because of interference with fair market practices? Quite a few I bet.
I'm not a "gold bug" or a "conspiracy nut", but I do believe that GATA has amassed a whole lot of evidence of manipulation. Too much to be dismissed as though it doesn't matter.
Mr. Powell in my opinion just stated the facts, and for you to take that as a personal attack, and attack back, shows extreme immaturity at best. And that is a fast way to lose respect in this business. I suggest that in the future, if you have an issue with what someone writes about you or your analysis, you might consider a polite debate instead.
Michael Anderson
My two cents:
If markets being secretly managed, to the benefit of the rich and powerful, at the expense of general investing public, is not evil and is of no consequence, then stop the hypocrisy. Get rid of the SEC, CFTC, anti-trust laws, etc. Let the Robber Barons reign even mightier than they are now. Let Goldman Sachs make the financial market rules for the rest of America ... and at least let the general public in on what is what.
Silver bulls will like this … sent last night:
While silver may not be garnering headlines as it rises in tandem with gold, it is actually demonstrating even more momentum. Last year the two precious metals closed at $636.00 and $12.85, respectively. Thus far, in 2007, gold has moved up $21.50, or 3.4% higher. Over the same time span silver is up 83¢, or 6.5%. Significantly gold has had 11 down days in 2007 while silver has come in lower just 8 times.

This quiet strength is showing up in the silver mining company shares. Silver Standard, Pan American and some of the smaller silver plays have hit new highs this year while the shares of big gold miners like Newmont, Goldcorp and Freeport-McMoran are still far from their previous peaks.

It is hard to imagine how these important moves in gold and silver could remain so far below the investment world’s radar, but they are – courtesy of an irresponsible and clueless media, themselves led around by the nose by governments, central banks and their inside information-trading cronies. The consequence of this knowledge vacuum, for example, is a deserted Yahoo! page devoted to a junior silver company that owns one of the ten largest undeveloped silver deposits in the world. A year ago this Yahoo! forum was filled with lively discussion. Now, over the first 8 days of February 2007, there have been a total of 6 postings and one of those is a reprint of an interview. Investors are not merely asleep, they are comatose!

Given this background, it will be no surprise to me if physical silver’s price is the first to clear its old high with gold not far behind. I am convinced we are about to experience excitement in the precious metals that will astonish most investors. Too bad that so few (Midas readers excluded, of course) understand or expect the fireworks to come.
Best wishes,
Peter R.

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MessageThis time it's for real...! By Clive Maund
par g.sandro Lun 23 Juil 2007 - 1:55

This time it's for real...! By Clive Maund je plane pour toi tchin soleil

Je ne vous refais pas mon couplet sur Clive Maund...
il fait partie des 3 analystes que je respecte le plus... chinois chinois chinois


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageMaund /la derniére AT gold et silver APRES la correction
par marie Mar 25 Mar 2008 - 2:29

un must read .. non seulement pour les graphes, mais aussi pour les commentaires ..
je pratique MAUND depuis un bout de temps .. et c'est la 1ere fois que je lis ce genre de commentaires de sa part ...
il est plutot enclin d'habitude à dénier toutes interventions manipulatoires .. Wink

est un début de ralliement aux thèses défendues par le Gata .. comme l'ont fait avant lui, Grandish, Tim Wood et tant d'autres?

nous verrons bien, mais je vous mets ce fort intéressant § en citation .qui vient en suite de son intro, où il précise que la correction des métaux a bel et bien débuté ( en mode mineur puis creshendo ) avec la nouvelle du "renfloument de bear stearns par JPM ... rappelez vous, c'était dimanche dernier ) ... dans des conditions graphiques tout à fait favorables .. sont pas si k.ons..( contrairement aux techs funds )


There has been some speculation in recent days that the reason why gold and silver fell so heavily last week was that a part of the rapidly dismembered carcass of Bear Sterns was a large gold position that got dumped onto the market. This may be possible but it seems far-fetched. What is more believable is that Bear Sterns may have been scapegoated because it went its own way and didn’t play ball with the other big players on the block and is believed to have been heavily shorting the dollar. So it was scuttled and JP Morgan, a major shareholder in a private corporation called the Federal Reserve, which just happens to have a lot of influence on the US economy, was granted first rights of salvage, the name of the game being to cherry pick the assets and farm the debts and trash off onto the taxpayer. The JP Morgan elite must feel like the islanders on that Scottish island Eriskay when a boat crammed full with crates of whisky was shipwrecked and washed onto the rocks, which story inspired a highly amusing film called Whisky Galore.


j'ai lu ailleurs d'autres sentiments similaires sur le sujet bear stearns ..( voir post du 25 mars 02h04) ici

et pour en revenir à l'AT... gold et silver sont à présent fortement survendu sur le CT et plus tres loin d'une zone achat


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MessageClive Maund repasse BULL
par g.sandro Jeu 3 Avr 2008 - 23:23

Maund, qui avait été charrié en passant bear (il avait encore raison) repasse BULL des mains et des pieds


Silver is king, Go Gold !

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par g.sandro Jeu 3 Avr 2008 - 23:26

En revanche, le GEGFI reste pourrave


Silver is king, Go Gold !

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Messagele dernier clive maund
par marie Lun 9 Mar 2009 - 15:10

voit ds la hausse du cuivre et du pétrole, la fin imminente de la crise ..
suis pas trop d'accord avec lui.. amah c'est plutot la chine qui tire cuivre vers le haut...j'ai jamais trop cru à une dépression en chine..perso


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MessageClive Maund: Attaque attendue sur l'Or
par menthalo Lun 10 Aoû 2009 - 15:51


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MessageLire: Clive Maund and the Art of Getting Fleeced; So? who is right?
par g.sandro Ven 23 Juil 2010 - 23:35

Très intéressant contre point de Ed Wener qui conteste l'analyse ( pessimiste) de Clive Maund sur les mines...j'avoue qu'outre le fait qu'ils m'arrangent bien, les arguments de Wener sont très crédibles, il faut avoir lu cet article...

Clive Maund and the Art of Getting Fleeced

A few days ago Clive Maund published an article with the provocative title
“Don’t get fleeced-get rich CRASH UPDATE” The purpose of the article was to warn
investors not only to get out of shares in general but specifically Precious
Metal shares which have successfully protected them from ongoing currency
debasement. What I would like to do is examine the logic of Maund’s argument.
I’ve copied the bulk of his article below in italics along with his two charts
and added my comments with a chart and table plus an older chart that Bob
Moriarty used in 2008.
Maund’s article, after a long introduction continues as follows (my
“the stockmarket has recouped most of its 2008 losses so everything’s back
to normal - that drop in 2008 was just an aberration and now everything’s back
to normal and its business as usual.” According to our interpretation of the
charts if you fall for this spin you are going to get seriously fleeced in short
order, and this could also apply to those who listen to the siren calls of those
exhorting the virtues of Precious Metals stocks at this time. So let’s make this
as clear as possible - if there is another market crash soon as expected,
investors are going to do what they always do, which is go into blind panic and
toss almost everything overboard, and that can be expected to include gold,
silver and PM stocks
. Yes, we fully understand that the fiat money system
is rapidly approaching its nemesis and that gold is the ultimate safe haven

and is set to soar as currencies become worthless, but that won’t help it
much short-term during the crash phase, which is likely to result in a heavy
reaction in gold back probably to its long-term uptrend support line. Silver
will be treated as a base metal and will plunge precipitously as in 2008
which it is now perfectly set up to do. PM stocks will tank and many PM
stock investors will be devastated as their cheerleaders slink into the shadows.
All of this looks very, very close.

Let’s summarize what Maund is saying here:

  1. He thinks the share market is about to soon crash “All of this looks very,
    very close”
  2. This includes Precious Metal shares and Silver bullion.
  3. Gold is set to soar but not before it retreats to its long-term uptrend
    support line.

Two quick points:

  1. The above must imply that those selling all these crashing shares and gold
    and silver will be buying fiat currencies such as the Dollar, Euro etc.
  2. We are only a little over 3 months away from the November Congressional

Maund continues:
“Think I’m joking, or have “lost my marbles”? - it’s time for a little
mental exercise then. Take a look at the 2 charts below, one a 2-year chart for
the S&P500 index and the other a 3-year chart for the large PM stock XAU
index. Having given a Dow Theory bearmarket signal (this signal is disputed
by Tim Wood, Ed)
at the turn of the month by dropping to clear new lows, the
market has rallied as expected and predicted to alleviate the short-term
oversold condition, back up to a target near its falling 50-day moving average.
Whilst acknowledging that there is an outside chance of it rising up as far as
its January high at about 1150 before turning lower, it looks very close to
rolling over to complete the Head-and-Shoulders top shown on the chart,
breakdown from which will lead to a severe decline. This rally is therefore
regarded as presenting a final chance to get out, and is also viewed as an
excellent shorting opportunity. The MINIMUM or rather first downside target
is the early 2009 lows below 700, but this time it won’t come back up again, as
governments around the world have used up all their options
(no pun
intended) and blown their credibility to boot…..

This last sentence is quite interesting as he seems to suggest that “this
time” governments won’t be able to prevent the crash nor should a crash take
place will they be able to reverse it.
The “this time” implies that in the
past (such as 2008) it was government that reversed the crash. Why not again?
Because they have used up all their options? No evidence for this is offered but
let me say that given Bernanke’s Helicopter/Printing Press remarks the only
thing preventing them from avoiding/reversing a future crash is a soaring Gold
price which would lead to rising interest rates. The 2008 Crash saw Gold fall
below $700 only to soar to over $1200 as the government assisted share market
recovery took place.
Here is Maund’s first chart of the S&P 500 followed by the Philadelphia
Gold Index the XAU. How are these two charts connected? See below for Maund’s
argument and logical errors. You must read Maund’s comments found within the

Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques - Page 2 Image001

Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques - Page 2 Image002
Maund continues:
“Now here’s where you are asked to exert your grey matter a little. Look
at these 2 charts, one then the other and ask yourself where you think the XAU
index will be if the S&P500 drops to the bottom - or off the bottom of its
chart THIS YEAR. Get my point? - it’s not likely to be up is it? The XAU
day to confirm that the 2008 style crash has started. Remember all those poor
fools who froze like bewildered sheep in 2008 and were then summarily fleeced -
that doesn’t have to include you this time round, does it? “

I do not plan to argue with Maund’s S&P500 Crash prediction except to
repeat that he has not proven that the Government is out of options and that
given the upcoming elections one would expect them to prevent the markets from
crashing if at all possible. Two points that are related:

  1. Notice the S&P500 spike down in November 2008 was followed by another
    low in March 2009. The XAU in contrast hit its low in October 2008 and by March
    2009 was already on the road to recovery.
    These two charts are very
    different. The fact that both crashed in late 2008 does not imply that they are
    connected or that one caused the other or that a future crash of one will lead
    to the other crashing as well. Maund is confusing Cause and Effect. The 2008
    crash is more likely an aberration. How else could one explain that over the
    past decade the PM shares have quadrupled while the S&P500 has lost 30%.
  2. Maund places great store in the fact that the XAU has not confirmed
    Gold’s breakout to new highs. Therefore he argues the Gold breakout will fail.
    Once again this is a logical and factual error.
    The Gold shares, as my chart
    below shows, have been underperforming bullion for several years now and this
    has not prevented Gold from breaking and rebreaking its old highs. One could
    argue that the Gold shares should rise with the Gold price but the fact that
    they haven’t has not prevented bullion from continuing upward.

Now let’s take a closer look at the two charts below. Both charts show the
XAU/Gold ratio. The first chart was created by Bob Moriarty in 2008 before the
great crash. It shows the BUY and SELL zones where historically Gold shares were
considered expensive or bargains. During the whole bear market from 1980 to
2001 the Gold shares NEVER fell below .1700 except at the very end when the last
Gold bulls capitulated.
Look also how much of this period was spend in the
SELL ZONE above .2700.

Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques - Page 2 Image003
The chart below brings the first one up to date. Since the 2008 crash the
PM shares have never left the Really Buy Zone where the shares are considered
dirt cheap. Today with Gold near $1200 it is sitting at .142, a low level never
even remotely approached during the long Bear Market from 1980 to 2001.
only that but the PM shares would have to rise 50% from here to reach the pre
2008 crash levels. They would have to DOUBLE to just touch the SELL zone. And
they would have to almost triple to hit the spike high recorded in 1996-7.

Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques - Page 2 Image004

An Alternate Explanation
Clive Maund tells his readers to SELL. Not only that but:
“The great thing is that you can do more than just protect your interests
and watch idly from the sidelines as all hell breaks loose, you can
position yourself to reap massive profits from bear ETFs and Puts
as set out on www.clivemaund.com as the market plunges - we just have to hope
that the markets survive long enough for you to cash in your gains.”

And Maund is not alone. On the weekend Jim Puplava said he too was
expecting a selloff and has moved his clients into cash. Surprisingly he has
also shorted some PM shares
. One could argue at current levels the PM shares
have already (mistakenly?) discounted a crash.
The problem with Maund’s forecast is that it is based on a poor understanding
of what happened to Gold and the PM shares during the crash of 2008. We now know
thanks to Ted Butler’s work that the Bullion Banks went massively short just
before the crash. We also know that liquidity was denied certain funds that
forced them to sell leveraged positions in the precious metals and oil. Even
funds that were not leveraged were hit with abnormally high redemption requests
by panicked investors. Those holding illiquid juniors were forced to sell into a
vacuum causing many share prices to fall 90% and more. We also know that bullion
demand from Asia soared and hundreds of tonnes of Gold were shipped East.
I’ve created a Table showing how this was reflected in the purported holdings
of the largest Gold ETF. During the initial panic GLD lost 13% of its bullion.
But from that low of 614.35 tonnes on Sept 10th 2008 GLD added 500
tonnes of bullion to reach a new high on March 20 2009. Why is that important?
Well take a look at Maund’s chart again. March 2009 was when the S&P500 hit
its panic low of 666.
DatePM Gold FixGLD Holdings (tonnes)Comment
July 15/08986.00701.91High before CRASH
Aug 29/08833.00651.37
Sept 10/08775.75614.35GLD low for Crash
Oct 8/08903.50763.90Bullion bounce
Nov 13/08713.50748.94Bullion Low but GLD steady
Dec 31/08869.75780.25
Jan 30/09919.50843.59
Feb 20/09989.001028.29
Mar 20/09954.001114.00This when S&P500 crashes

Clive Maund and others want us to believe that there is a connection between
the S&P500 and the Gold Market. That if the S&P500 crashes the PM index
is “not likely to be up is it”? He indirectly implies that the government will
be unable to prevent the crash. The Gold market, on the other hand, is unlikely
to be government supported is it Clive? Rather the opposite wouldn’t you agree?
Could they, and would they if they could, instigate another Gold crash similar
to 2008. Possibly, maybe even necessarily, but it will be at great cost. And the
cost would be measured in tonnes. Tonnes of Bullion shipped East and 500 tonnes
now supposedly in the vaults of GLD. Even if GLD does not have the Gold Bullion
they’ve dramatically increased their Gold liabilities which is a reflection of
the strength of the market.
Clive Maund and others are advising their clients to sell shares at the
bottom of a thirty year price range and to hold fiat cash which is guaranteed to
depreciate. Nimble traders might well pull this off, assuming it occurs, but
look again at Maund’s two charts. The S&P500 crashed to just below 750 in
November 2008 and then rose 200 points into the New Year. The XAU chart shows a
very similar pattern. But then look at the divergence. From Jan 1/09 the
S&P500 crashed 30% to 666. The XAU, on the other hand, which began the year
at 124.80 should have, following Maund’s logic, crashed below its Oct 2008 low
of 63.52. Instead it trended higher to around 140 at the time the S&P
finally bottomed. Well Clive, here is a case when the S&P500 crashed and the
XAU was up. How many investors were able to get these trades right? Did Clive
Maund? Did Jim Puplava? Would you?
The function of a Bear Market is to separate you from your money. The
function of a Bull market is to separate you from your shares. We are in a
powerful Gold Bull Market. Are you about to be fleeced out of your position?
Wouldn’t it be more prudent to just sit tight?

Finally I ask myself why are the Gold shares performing so poorly. Yes, it
might possibly be simply shorting, perhaps discounting some real or imagined
future crash but in addition there are two other reasons seldom mentioned.
First of all I think there is poor understanding of proper mine management.
This was briefly discussed during a recent Puplava interview with Sean Boyd, CEO
of Agnico Eagle. When the Gold price rises, especially a significant rise, the
Mine Manager can redirect production to less economic zones of the Mine. These
Zones are now profitable even though the grade is lower. So what happens? A
tonne of ore is shifted, the grade is lower, fewer ounces are produced, the cost
per ounce is higher and profit per share DROPS. The miner reports lower grades,
lower production and smaller profits. The share price drops.
But wait! Mine life has been extended at no additional capital expenditure.
The high grade zones remain to be exploited. Reserves and resources have to be
recalculated higher. When they are mined, and assuming in a Bull Market the Gold
price does not fall, the profit per tonne of ore moved will skyrocket. The
market is certainly mistaken here focusing on the immediate bottom line and
forgetting the future of the mine. It is discounting a weaker rather than
stronger miner going forward.
The second point which is even more important, I think, is that the Gold
market is no longer the same as it was ten years ago and earlier. The buyers of
bullion, in Russia or Asia or the Middle East, are not, for the most part buying
the PM shares. There is a disconnect between the two. So a North American
investor might decide to buy or sell both bullion and the shares at the same
time. The universe of bullion buyers has expanded enormously while at the same
time the number of PM share investors is stagnant or even dropping because of
poor performance. This process will eventually correct itself. Why? Nothing
cures low prices like low prices. The shares are becoming so cheap that it will
soon become apparent (even to Central Banks) that they can acquire a miner like
Goldcorp for $30 Billion and soon get 100 tonnes of Gold a year (never mind the
bonus tonnes of Silver) for many years to come. At $1200/oz a hundred tonnes
would cost $3.85 billion. At $2000/oz this jumps to $6.4 billion per year.
Cheers from Auckland, Ed Wener

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Clive MAUND / Analyses techniques
par marie Sam 24 Juil 2010 - 1:22

merci Sandro, c'est en effet très interessant ..

le point le plus facile à capter pour tout le monde est le décalage dans le temps de la baisse du xau et du sp500 qui a fait son bottom seulement en mars 2009 ...
et son plus haut, précédent la baisse de 2008.. en oct 2007 à 1500 !! ( c'est pas sur le graph de maund )

donc pour la corrélation graphique des mines et des actions ... faudra repasser, en effet .. y'en a pas ..

ce qu'il y a par contre, c'est que xau a dévissé en bien moins de temps que sp 500, mais bien d'avantage en profondeur .. il est utile de le rappeler.. bien que ceci n'ait aucun rapport avec la soit disant corrélation de maund ..
ou alors il faudrait croire que les investisseurs etaient 2 fois plus bardés d'action miniéres que des autres actions ==> foutaise
ça montre surtout que en plus du largage à tout crin des positions à la marge .. ya eu afflux de shorts sur les minières ..

la corrélation que fait maund entre les actions et le bullion est encore plus ridicule .... c'estdu typique "market action make commentaries"

et surtout, comme le rappel ED, Maund oublie totalement de nous rappeler les monstrueuses et subites shorts positions des jpm et co sur gold et silver de juillet 2008... qui ont justement OBLIGE les fonds appelé à la marge à larguer leurs positions gold et silver.. ( ces gens là ont largué pour ça et pas parcequ'ils devaient se refaire des pertes actions ...c'est trop facile d'expliciter tout et n'importe comment... et impardonnable quand on a les infos ! )

enfin.. la derniere partie de l'article confirme amah bien ce qu'on disait ici, Sandro et moi ..que les mines subissent une désaffection invraisemblable, y compris de la quasi majorité des goldeux qui ne jurent que par le TOUT physique ...
( que ce soit du tangible ou du papier...eh oui, même les spéculateurs de CT préférent tater du cfd, du warrant, des certifs que des mines .. c'est dire ! )

ceci étant dit et pour etre tout à fait claire, j'exclue pas du tout une redite à la 2008 sur les mines et les actions.. et je me méfie un maximum..chat échaudé craint l'eau froide..
et je me demande- tout le monde étant comme moi ( et contrairement à 2008 qui a pris tout le monde à revers ) ..s'l se passera réellement qq chose de si dramatique..
je sens néammoins et pour les mines, que chaque rebond semble etre vendu, donc je reste sur mes gardes ..

mais si ça se passe, ce sera pas pour les raisons dites par maund ..
comme quoi on peut avoir raison, en étant completement à coté de la plaque ..

c'est pas pour ça que je vais larguer TOUTES mes positions minières, et encore moins shorter les mines ..
je reste donc confortablement allégée en attendant la rentrée et un euro $ qui se stabilise, ou en tout cas qui ne retombe pas en quenouille

si même un Puplava s'y met ( et le conseille à ses lecteurs ) .. c'est un signal contrarian de 1ere ça..pour vous dire le fond de ma pensée..
un goldeux qui shorterait certaines mines !!!

j'oubliais une dernière chose : le shangai index
cet indice est notoirement précurseur ..et il semble pour le moment donner des signaux de reprise bull..
sans compter qu'il est très loin de ses plus hauts de fin 2007 ( 6000) ..
voyez plutot :
il a dévissé bien avant sp 500 , au tout début 2008 ( donc précurseur ), et là que fait'il??


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