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Messageréserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Dim 17 Juin 2007 - 14:50

Stocks d'or USA / GATA /Freedom of information act

Gata lance une demande d'information,au sens juridique du terme,sur les réserves d'or des usa ..

-combien reste t'il d'or en stock à la FED, ou au trésor US et à qui appartient'il?
-quid des préts d'or ou autre leasing ( et si oui, à qui ? institutions financiéres agissant sur le marché de l'or ou gouvernements étrangers ?)
-et enfin,déterminer si les régles et usages concernant l'or des USA ont pour but d'influencer le cours de l'or

pour ce faire , il fait appel à un consultant, spécialisé en droit constitutionnel américain, dont la mission sera de sélectionner un cabinet d'avocats à washington afin de préparer une demande d'information dans le cadre du federal freedom of information act

ça c'est une grande 1ére !
Go Gold, Go Gata !


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Dernière édition par marie le Dim 9 Oct 2011 - 0:27, édité 2 fois




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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Jeu 25 Oct 2007 - 0:41

le plan de campagne du Gata sur ce sujet est fin prêt !réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act Applaudi
et la période qui s'ouvre, on ne peut plus favorable, et pour 2 raisons
- nouvelles régles de transparence édictées par le FMI ( voir plus bas )
- changement tout récent et signalé ici, dans le mode de comptabilisation des réserves d'or des USA
En effet,à l'occasion de la parution des nouvelles régles de tranparence du FMI et donc de la comptabilisation des réserves d'or par les banques centrales..on a la confirmation que les préts d'or ( loans, avances et autres swaps ) devront être mentionnés ... le tout pour 2008 .. ce qui ne manquera pas de faire envoler les cours de l'once d'or .

on verra donc dés 2008 que l'ensemble des Banques centrales occidentales n'a que la moitié de l'or qu'elle prétendait avoir .. le reste ayant été mis à la disposition des Bullions banks, pour impacter négativement, le cours de l'or.

Gata va donc lancer un freedom information act à la Fed et au Tresor US, leur demandant le statut précis des réserves d'or US..avec tout l'historique et plein d'autres questions qui devraient confirmer et valider les travaux et recherches effectuées depuis 1999.

s'il refusent de répondre, le Gata poursuivra avec plus d'une centaine de Q préparées minutieusement et depuis 4 mois ...

restons à l'écoute, ça promet d'être une très belle bataille !

source Midas

Now for the bonanza news for our camp…
Late yesterday and today I learned the following from Neal Ryan who presented remarkably astute commentary when he worked with Blanchard & Co. He has learned that the:
"IMF adoption on new transparency rules governing all fiscal assets (including gold reserves) has been fully and formally adopted, while just being made available on their website.

Here is the link:

There is nary a mention of gold until you reach page 74 and 75 in the document, but it's there without much description other than to say "additional breakdowns of assets should be provided...including loans and advances..."reporting loans and swaps of gold reserves.

The new changes are set to go starting in 2008."
Fabulous Neal and thanks … yeah baby, for whatever reason the bums are in big trouble and GATA is preparing an all out attack to bury them…
*Based on the Treasury’s own web site, we know some percentage of US gold reserves has been mobilized to some degree via some kind of gold loan/swap operations. THIS despite denials of such activity to the GATA camp for the last 9 years.
*If a majority of the IMF central banks comply with this requirement, the investment world will realize the central banks have HALF the gold they SAID they had. The jig will be up and there will be a rush for gold like never seen in history.
*GATA will soon launch a well publicized Freedom of Information Act request to the Fed and Treasury to account for the exact status of US gold reserves. All we will be asking for as US citizens is the truth. God forbid us peons should request such a thing as far as our US government is concerned.
*When they refuse to tell the American people the truth and not respond to our request, we will sue their butts. In addition to Edwin Vierra, GATA has retained the appropriate law firm to take the Fed and Treasury to court to compel them to answer the 100 QUESTIONS we have prepared. GATA has been diligently working on this for 4 months. We are ready to launch our latest ENVELOPING HORN (see SHAKA) battle tactic.

©️ Marie
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Dernière édition par marie le Dim 9 Oct 2011 - 0:32, édité 1 fois




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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Sam 27 Oct 2007 - 18:39

New IMF transparency rules likely prompted change in U.S. gold report, ici

et comme indiqué en tête de file :

Citation :
So a lot remains to be done before central banks come clean about their gold reserves. GATA aims to press the Treasury Department about this in a formal and legally demanding way in coming days.

danseur musike1 danseur musike1

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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Ven 7 Déc 2007 - 18:19

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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Sam 19 Jan 2008 - 21:00

1ere manche : une page de pub ds le wall street journal, une gde 1ere... pour le Gata, qui a tjs été censuré par les médias ..... histoire d'attirer l'attention du gd public, sur la question ... en préambule au lancement de la phase "freedom of information act"

Wall Street Journal agrees to print full-page ad from GATA

réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act GATA_WSJ_AD
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2008-01-18 21:46. Section: Daily Dispatches
1:45p PT Friday, January 18, 2008
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
This month GATA will place a full-page advertisement in The Wall Street Journal calling attention to the international central bank scheme to suppress the price of gold and to GATA's conference in Washington in April.
The ad was devised with great care by GATA's Board of Directors over the last several weeks and The Wall Street Journal today confirmed to GATA that it will publish the ad as submitted. In the belief that this ad can strike a profound blow against the rigging of the gold market and all related markets, GATA has cobbled together assets valued at the more than quarter-million dollars to be charged by the newspaper for printing the ad and expects to convert them to U.S. dollars and make payment to the newspaper next week.
You can see the advertisement here:
Please distribute the ad to anyone who might be interested in it.
GATA is not asking for contributions to underwrite the ad particularly. But if you approve of GATA's work generally (and would like to help us get our children back), you can learn how to support GATA financially here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

* * *
Join GATA here:
Vancouver Resource Investment Conference
Sunday-Monday, January 20-21,2008
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
GATA Goes to Washington -- Anybody Seen Our Gold?
Thursday-Saturday, April 17-19, 2008
Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, Virginia
* * *
Help Keep GATA Going
GATA is a civil rights and educational organization based in the United States and tax-exempt under the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Its e-mail dispatches are free, and you can subscribe at http://www.gata.org/.
GATA is grateful for financial contributions, which are federally tax-deductible in the United States.


©️ Marie
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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Mer 30 Jan 2008 - 21:06

parution au W street journal, prévue pour .. demain, jeudi !

danseur musike1 danseur musike1


lire également et à ce sujet :
Jason Hommel: Go GATA, go gold, en cliquant ici
Hommel ( et d'autres ) envisagent ce qu'on appellera plus tard , le Gata Gold rallye Wink

ou encore, jérome R.Corsi,
Half of gold in central banks gone?
Watchdog: 'We want to expose and stop the manipulation'

cliquez ici

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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Mer 30 Jan 2008 - 23:25

un des Gata soldier nous a concocté un petit préambule qui en dit long.. tchin
source http://www.lemetropolecafe.com/

On US gold reserves:
As we approach the release of GATA’s Wall Street Journal advertisement, I thought it would be a good idea to check the latest U.S. Mint reports. On November 14, 2007, the Office of Inspector General issued a report titled "Audit of the United States Mint’s Schedule of Custodial Deep Storage Gold and Silver Reserves".
Under section B – Basis of Presentation of page 14 they have the following paragraph:
"This schedule has been prepared to report the deep storage gold and silver reserves custodial position of the United States Mint. The books and records of the United States Mint have served as the source of the information contained herein. This schedule has been prepared in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America GAPP and United States Mint accounting policies."
Please note the underlined sentence. The auditors just review the books and records. In other words, no physical measurement of the precious metals was done. By the way, books and records are exactly what you would count if the holdings were swapped, leased or yet to be mined. The stated deep storage gold holdings are 245,262,897.04 ounces. This amount has not changed one gram for the entire 7 years of the Bush administration. On a personal level, the only other person who knows the combination to my safe is my wife. I trust her with this knowledge, but I am not going to go 7 years trusting her accounting of and access to our holdings with out any physical counting of the metal for myself. Regards,

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Ven 8 Fév 2008 - 0:35

comme prévu/ voulu ... la pub du W street journal fait le tour du monde..


Russian financial Internet site notes GATA's ad in The Wall Street Journal

Submitted by cpowell on 08:21PM ET Wednesday, February 6, 2008. Section: Daily Dispatches
8:15p ET Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

Our friend Dmitriy Balkovskiy has written a report about GATA's advertisement in The Wall Street Journal for the Russian Internet site of financial news and commentary,
Bankir.ru, which appears to be based in Moscow. While the report is in Russian, it could turn out to be more important than anything written about GATA in English or any other language, given the demonstrated past interest of the Russian central bank in GATA's work and the ability of that central bank to wreck the gold price suppression scheme. You can find Balkovskiy's report here:


et aussi en afrique du sud

source www.metropolecafe.com

Speaking of our ad, GREAT NEWS. South Africans for a Free Gold Market have come through again. Chris Hellinger, Casper Wolff and Quinton George ponied up $64,000 to put our ad in Business Day, South African’s version of our WSJ, tomorrow. GATA can’t thank them enough.

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Dim 20 Avr 2008 - 1:49

à la fois en relation avec la rengaine des ventes d'or FMI
et cette file ci concernant l'action entreprise par le GATA concernant les véritables stocks d'or des USA

il est particuliérement savoureux d'avoir ces 1ers éléments de réponse concernant l'or du FMI.. ça donne un sacré avant gout de ce qu'il en est pour l'or US!!!

réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 354172
First, correspondence between GATA and the International Monetary Fund suggests that the IMF cannot or will not account for the gold it claims to be preparing to sell. That is, the IMF will not specify how much of its gold is held at each its four national depositories, nor disclose whether that gold is audited. Further, the IMF's correspondence with GATA implies that the IMF's gold is actually just a claim on the gold reserves of its member nations, not gold segregated in any way from those national reserves.réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 210770 réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 210770 réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 210770

le FMI ne peut pas ou ne souhaite pas compter le montant des réserves d'or qu'il prétend se préparer à vendre

le FMI ne précise pas quel est le montant des réserves d'or stockées auprès des 4 principaux "gardiens" sur le territoire national , pas plus qu'il ne précise si le montant de ses stocks d'or a fait l'objet d'un audit

l'or du FMI n'est qu'une créance sur l'or des réserves de ses pays membres, et en aucune manière l'or séparé des mêmes réserves nationales

olala c'est un scoop ça .... lisez et relisez bien .... réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 354172

apres faudra se demander comment tout cela est compté :

créance du fmi : compté une fois
est ce que cette créance du fmi est décomptée des réserves nationales des pays membres??.. car ds le cas contraire, on aurait ENCORE des réserves comptées 2 fois ..réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 210770


Second, the Federal Reserve, in response to GATA's freedom-of-information request for access to documents involving gold swaps, has confirmed that it has such documents, that some of those documents contain secrets about gold, and that the
Fed plans to keep these secrets.

2- la fed en réponse à la freedom information act du Gata, pour accéder aux documents relatifs aux préts de gold, a confirmé qu'elle avait bien de tels documents, que certains d'entre eux contenaient des informations confidentielles , que la FED entend conserver confidentiels

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.


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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Lun 21 Avr 2008 - 16:15


But GATA may have somewhat bigger news than that today.
Last week GATA's Washington law firm, William J. Olson P.C. of McLean, Virginia, received a letter from the Federal Reserve in response to the freedom-of-information request we sent to the Fed and the Treasury back in December, seeking access to all documents in their possession that mention "gold swaps." The Fed's letter confirms that it has such documents and says that some of them will be made available to us but others will not be made available or will be redacted because they contain, among other things, "trade secrets" and "privileged or confidential" memorandums or letters. By telephone the Fed has told our law firm that about 400 pages are being reviewed for release to us.
Right now we can only speculate about these documents, but the Fed's letter does admit something important: that the U.S. government knows things about gold that it does not want the public to know, that the U.S. government has secrets about gold, and that these secrets involve the gold market, not the mere location of U.S. government gold reserves.
Maybe the financial media should pursue these issues too. For what is there to hide about the U.S. gold reserves unless it involves market manipulation?


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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Sam 24 Mai 2008 - 0:44

GATA appeals Fed's denial of access to gold records

Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2008-05-22 19:00. Section: Daily Dispatches
3p ET Thursday, May 22, 2008
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
In response to our request for access to documents involving gold swaps and the U.S. gold reserve, the Federal Reserve Board has provided GATA about 900 pages that are nearly all just copies of correspondence from the public to the Fed. As might be expected, the only documents that seem as if they might have useful information have been withheld from us or redacted into meaninglessness.
But as you may see from the most recent letter from GATA's Washington law firm, William J. Olson P.C. of McLean, Virginia, GATA is pursuing the Fed's appeal procedure in regard to the withholding and redacting, and our freedom-of-information initiative already has proven worthwhile. For it has established that the Federal Reserve does have secrets about the U.S. gold reserve -- that things have been done with their gold that the American people might object to if they were allowed to know, or that things have been done with the gold reserve that can be accomplished only by deceiving the financial markets.
The Fed's acknowledgement that it is withholding information about the U.S. gold reserve may be taken as more evidence that the U.S. government is surreptitiously manipulating the gold market.
You can find GATA's letter of appeal here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Lun 23 Juin 2008 - 13:43

2 nouveaux courriers ont été échangé , où il est bien question de swaps- échange d'or, sans que leurs auteurs en disent d'avantage ..

réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 210770

et les commentaires sur le midas

Bill, Chris,
The letter responding to the GATA FOIA request from Treasury is a complete joke. The letter is signed by Tim Dulaney. The e-mail that has been attached is the print out of a message that has been forwarded to Tim Dulaney from Tim Dulaney’s Blackberry!!!
This header shows it is being displayed by Outlook on a desktop or laptop computer……
réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act Midas0623A
But look at what was forwarded
réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act Midas0623B
Tim Dulaney was on the CC of the original message. This means he must have received the original message on his laptop as well. When a message is forwarded it can also be EDITED without trace. Why hasn’t the original message been provided instead of this forwarded message?
Are they really serious that the change to the Treasury website reserve accounting in compliance with IMF template was only ever documented or referenced by this one solitary e-mail???!!! That is a joke!
While doing a Google search on Tim Dulaney and Treasury I found the following document that credits Dulaney with input.
The Exchange Stabilization Fund: How It Works
William P. Osterberg is a senior economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, and
James B. Thomson is a vice president and economist at the Bank. The authors are grateful to Tim Dulaney, Owen Humpage, Dino Kos, and Walker Todd for numerous helpful comments and suggestions.
This document includes the following
Thus the relevant measure of resources available for ESF interventions depends on whether foreign exchange is being bought or sold. Dollar assets are needed to buy foreign-currency-denominated assets. On the other hand, purchases of dollars are financed from international reserves, which include official holdings of gold, foreign government securities or deposits at foreign central banks, the reserve position in the International Monetary Fund (IMF), and special drawing rights (SDRs). ESF accounting for SDRs provides another example of why total assets is a poor measure of available resources. The SDR is an international reserve asset created by the IMF (under the First Amendment to its Articles of Agreement) to supplement existing reserve assets. The value of an SDR is determined by reference to a basket of currencies of the five largest industrial-economy member countries of the IMF. Pursuant to the Special Drawing Rights Act of 1968, SDRs allocated to the United States or otherwise acquired by the United States are resources of the ESF.
The Treasury is clearly hiding something.

Even the tone of this e-mail seems conspiratorial. It roughly translates to: Hey, we have been forced to change our gold reserve accounting; probably no one will notice [because we have put everyone to sleep about gold with our manipulation of the gold price] but if anyone asks tell them this [this is not the truth but it will do].
I wonder if Tim Dulaney knows Scott McClellan!

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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Mar 26 Aoû 2008 - 5:00

curieuses coincidences, depuis l'opération lancée par le Gata, la "fable " des ventes de 403 tonnes d'or appartenant au FMI a fait long feu ..,lire nos infos sur les ventes d'or FMI

silence radio sur les ondes ..

se pourrait'il que nous ayions un "petit pb' avec les 403 T d'or du cambodge cédées au FMI en 1999-2000
or immédiatement prété par le dépositaire à une bullion banque et shorté sur le comex
... au cours de 300$ l'once
petit pb: la banque s'est engagé à retourner le gold ainsi emprunté .. pas rembourser en $ .. , nuance !

DONC, 2008 arrive et le FMI aimerait bien disposer de ce gold ...pour le vendre, comme annoncé à gd renfort de trompettes ..

fastoche, il sufit que la bullion banque rachéte ces 403 T au cours actuel et encaisse une perte de 6 milliards de $

réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 354172

pour le moment, on rigole encore ...c'est pas voté ... mais imaginez un peu si le congres, à qui on n'aurait pas dit toute la vérité, votait cette vente du FMI ... bonjour le merdier ..des déluges d'offres d'achat au portillon ... ça ferait désordre

peut être bien pour ça qu'on n'en parle plus, de cette fameuse vente gold FMI..

réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 354172 réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 210770 réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 354172

source www.lemetropolecafe.com

Good Afternoon Bill (from Qatar)
Who still focuses on the vague "non answers" given by Conny Lotze, an IMF press officer ,to the probing questions of GATA's own Chris Powell back in April 08? That date just about coincides with the issue of the proposed sale of 403.3 tons of IMF gold COMPLETELY FALLING OFF THE RADAR SCREEN. After the G7 meeting earlier this year, there are literally thousands of references to this proposed sale. Then suddenly complete silence, coinciding with just about the precise minute that Conny Lotze admitted that she was close to clueless as to the specific details of the whereabouts of the IMF's gold hoardings of 3,217 metric tons.Why so much noise and initial excitement and then silence? WAS GATA GETTING TOO CLOSE FOR COMFORT? Bill, I have spent hundreds of hours trying to understand IMF gold holdings. Permit me to tabulate my thoughts and then let anyone with more precise knowledge on this arcane subject rebut them.
1.The 25% initial quota subscriptions of the member countries to the IMF were only ever PLEDGED in gold, and no physical tranfers of the metal occurred, leading to the further presumption that in many instances the IMF's reported gold hoardings have continued to be DOUBLE COUNTED as both reserves of the IMF and (part of) the reserves of the pledging central banks.
2.By the IMF's own admission the gold received from Cambodia of 0.7tons in 1992 and 402.6 tons received in 1999-2000 as repayment of IMF credits (total 403.3 tons) was always housed by a designated depository.
3. The depository (BOE?/FED?) then leased this 403.3 tons of gold to a bullion bank who then bombed the spot market. The bullion bank enjoys the proceeds of this gold sale (and pays a minuscule lease rental) but also has a "nominal" obligation to the depository for the return of the swapped gold.
4.2008 arrives and the IMF wants to dispose of this 403 tons. A very bad time for the bullion bank to enter the spot market and repurchase 403 tons of physical gold. Simple-pay up the current value of the 403 tons to the depository who then transmits the dollars to the IMF. No disruption to the spot gold market. One small problem-if the leased gold was sold around 2001, the gold price was well south of $300 per oz. and consequently somebody now has to book a realised loss of up to $6 billion dollars, just when the bullion banks are under the microscope for other categories of loss -but not an insurmountable problem with a FED loan and a John Negroponte reporting exemption.
5.The real problem could occur if the USA Congress gives approval for the IMF sale. The internet is full of speculation about "non compliant" central banks (and others) lining up to buy 403 tons of gold at today's bargain basement prices. The IMF could receive a deluge of offers! Think of the disorderly consequences for the gold market if the truth was ever leaked that the IMF gold has long ago been sold. The aggrieved parties might still decide to enter the physical gold market anyway, realizing the future implications of the unravelling of the gold price suppression conspiracy. Now is a particularly inconvenient time for the world's attention to be turned towards the opaque world of the true state of central bank gold reserves and the ("criminal") suppression of the gold price.
The simple solution is that which we are now witnessing- veil the issue of proposed IMF gold sales in absolute silence. Does this explanation make sense? How otherwise do you explain such a hot topic as IMF gold sales being completely and suddenly atomized?


tiens donc c'est bizzarre, mais les récentes révélations de Butler sur les agissements de 3 bancaires US sur le marché de l'or pourraient bien trouver ici, leur explication

- plus de 244 Tonnes d'or vendues à découvert sur le comex entre juillet et aout par 3 banques us
- soldes des ventes WAG en cours sur le quota de 500 t / 180 t
soit un total de 424 Tonnes d'or

ça collerait pil poil avec l'agenda du vote du congrés, qui aurait Pu exiger des banques us qu'elles agissent préalablement, en tant que vendeuses de cet or prété ?..

possiblement citi, morgan et bank of américa .. qui auraient donc agi sur ordre..et pour une opération blanche, hors commissions de courtage .. qui aurait servi des intérets communs .. à la politique monétaire us, aux banques us en question, tout en sauvant la mise de la bullion bank emprunteuse des 400 Tonnes d'or du FMI... ça fait beaucoup d'intérets convergents, tout ça ..

c'est un scénario tout à fait crédible ma foi .. et si tel est le cas .. l'or du fmi a déja été vendu ( préalablement à un vote, soit dit en passant )..

et pire encore, il a été vendu, alors qu'il n'était pas dans ses coffres ...

ne vous laissez pas berner, quand ils annonceront le vote favorable du congrès

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Gold and the IMF…
Connecting the dots between Ted Butler’s discovery of massive bank sales of Comex gold and Nicholas’ missive on the status of remaining WAG2 sales and the proposed IMF sales we may have the cause of this latest gold price mauling. Could the U.S. Congress have promised that it would approve the IMF gold sale of 403.3 tonnes with the condition that U.S. banks act as the sales agent for much or all of this gold. The IMF would definitely get a much better price by having sold in the previous weeks than if it waited until after Congressional approval. This gold could have been sold by these 3 banks, probably Citi, Morgan, and Bank of America, via Comex December 08 futures, knowing that this gold would be released by then. This would be a no lose trade by these banks as they would get a commission either way and if prices dropped they could rebuy cheaper and if prices rose they were backstopped by real physical gold. The 11 fold increase is futures sales by the 3 banks, noted by Butler, was from 778,700 ounces to 8,639,800 ounces. This is an increase of 244.5 tonnes which is in the ballpark with the proposed IMF sale of 403.3 tonnes and the remaining WAG2 2008 sales of 180 tonnes. Additional IMF sales could be attributed to the 2009 year sales as well. This arrangement would serve the U.S. governments needs well in that it would contribute needed funds to these banks, would bash the gold price, and increase the U.S. dollar. So far it looks like mission accomplished for the Wall Street thugs. Regards,

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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Mer 15 Avr 2009 - 16:09

du fait du changement de présidence, Gata remet à nouveau le couvert... nouvelles injonctions au trésor et à la fed


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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Mer 23 Sep 2009 - 21:02

du nouveau à ce sujet , et du gros ..

la Fed reconnait bel et bien qu'elle a eu des arrangements sur des échanges d'or- swaps avec d'autres banques centrales ... mais refuse de donner d'avantage de détails


ci dessous le rapport de presse complet, publié par le gata dans business wire

ou encore sur yahoo


ça tombe très bien tout ça ... avec Ron Paul et sa campagne pour un audit des stocks d'or de la Fed ... et Obama qui compte rendre plus difficile au gouvernement de se retrancher derrière le secret d'état, lorqu'il cache certains détails stratégiques

Report: Obama to Raise Bar for State Secrets

Administration will unveil a new policy that will make it much more difficult for the government to claim it is protecting state secrets when it hides details of sensitive national security strategies


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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Dim 3 Jan 2010 - 15:57

le texte complet de la plainte déposée ( le 30-12-2009 ) par le Gata, contre la fed .. disponible en accès libre

2010 commence fort

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avec un fort interessant commentaire de A Douglas, relatif aux menspnges éhontés de Greeny


Adrian checks in regarding my commentary at The Matisse Table…
GATA Lawsuit Versus The Federal Reserve System

I would like to point out that Alan Greenspan lied when he wrote to Senator Bunning and said
"The Federal Reserve owns no gold and therefore could not sell or lease gold to influence its price. Likewise the Federal Reserve does not engage in financial transactions related to gold, such as trading in gold options or other derivatives. Most importantly, the Federal Reserve is in complete agreement with the proposition that any such transactions on our part, aimed at manipulating the free price of gold or otherwise interfering with the free trade of gold, would be wholly inappropriate."
The Federal Reserve owns ALL the US gold because it has been given as collateral against the issuance of Federal Reserve Notes that the US Government uses to fund its never ending budget deficits. This is from the Federal Reserve Annual report….
Payment for the gold certificates by the Reserve Banks is made by crediting equivalent amounts in dollars into the account established for the U.S. Treasury. These gold certificates held by the Reserve Banks are required to be backed by the gold of the U.S. Treasury. The U.S. Treasury may reacquire the gold certificates at any time and the Reserve Banks must deliver them to the U.S. Treasury. At such time, the U.S. Treasury's account is charged, and the Reserve Banks' gold certificate accounts are lowered. The value of gold for purposes of backing the gold certificates is set by law at $42-2/9 a fine troy ounce. The Board of Governors allocates the gold certificates among Reserve Banks once a year based on the average Federal Reserve notes outstanding in each Reserve Bank.
The gold may (or may not) be held physically by the Treasury but its "title" has been transferred to the FED who promises to sell it back at any time for $42.22/oz. The FED and Treasury may hide behind the semantics and legalese but the FED owns the gold and the Treasury claim they own it too!
Look at the assets reported below in the FED’s annual report. They claim gold certificates as assets of 11.037 B$. If you divide by $42.22/oz this is 260 Million ozs of gold, which is 8,134t which is ALL the gold that the US Treasury claims IT owns yet it is residing on the balance sheet of the FED as "gold certificates" that "are required to be backed by the gold of the US Treasury".
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This is why the FED can not answer questions about gold swaps because they have been dealing in gold because all the US gold belongs to them. It has to be returned at any time at a price of $42.22/oz…that would be an interesting challenge to achieve in the open market!
Adrian is right on. Greenspan is a LIAR and one of the biggest hypocritical phonies in US financial market history. From my December 7th piece, THE GREAT GOLD SCANDAL," also at The Matisse Table:
The GATA camp recently uncovered some comments made by former Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan which he made in 1993 during a Federal Open Market Committee meeting:
Page 40 of the transcript here (Page 42 of the PDF version:
"I have one other issue I'd like to throw on the table. I hesitate to do it, but let me tell you some of the issues that are involved here. If we are dealing with psychology, then the thermometers one uses to measure it have an effect. I was raising the question on the side with Governor Mullins of what would happen if the Treasury sold a little gold in this market. There's an interesting question here because if the gold price broke in that context, the thermometer would not be just a measuring tool. It would basically affect the underlying psychology."
What Greenspan was saying way back when was that by secretly putting gold into the market, it would affect the psychology of the markets, investors and the public. This was the beginning of the gold price suppression scheme. Greenspan used the word thermometer. For a decade GATA has used the word barometer to explain why The Gold Cartel was surreptitiously suppressing the price … they SHOT THE MESSENGER!

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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Jeu 30 Sep 2010 - 16:10

des nouvelles du front :


tout ça coute des sous .. les gens du Gata détestent faire la manche.. pour ça que j'insiste ..

aidez les et aidez VOUS aussi..

puisque c'est bien notre / votre cause qu'ils défendent .

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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Jeu 7 Oct 2010 - 13:42

interview audio ( 16 mn ) de Chris Powell
GoldSeek interviews GATA secretary about lawsuit seeking Fed's gold records

Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2010-10-07 03:22. Section: Daily Dispatches
11:21p ET Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Your secretary/treasurer was interviewed for about 16 minutes today by Chris Waltzek of GoldSeek Radio. Among other things, we discussed GATA's federal freedom-of-information lawsuit against the Federal Reserve for access to gold-related documents and particularly the Fed's records of gold swaps. If mainstream financial news organizations ever pressed the Fed for an explanation of these gold swap agreements, the surreptitious Western central bank gold price manipulation scheme would end quickly. You can listen to the interview at GoldSeek Radio here:


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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Mar 28 Déc 2010 - 15:41


GATA's lawsuit for Fed's gold documents slogs on

Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2010-12-27 20:36. Section: Daily Dispatches
3:37p ET Monday, December 27, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
GATA's lawsuit against the Federal Reserve in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia slogs on amid the Fed's desperate obstructionism. Last week, through its lawyers, William J. Olson and Jon S. Miles of the Vienna, Virginia, firm of William J. Olson P.C. (http://www.lawandfreedom.com/), GATA filed a long brief replying to the Fed's objection to a couple of GATA's requests. We have asked the court to review privately the gold-related documents the Fed doesn't want to disclose and to permit GATA to pose a limited number of questions to the Fed.
Our lawyers' mastery of freedom-of-information law and precedent is amazing even as their reply brief may make any layman's eyes glaze over after reading just a few of its 25 pages. The brief has been posted at GATA's Internet site so our supporters and gold's friends can see just how much effort is going into the lawsuit:
If you're inclined to help us carry on the struggle, please visit:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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MessageLe GATA fait condamner la FED : bonne nouvelle ?
par Invité Mar 11 Jan 2011 - 12:38

Le Metropole adresse ce message à ses correspondants : réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 093

Judge orders Fed to deliver gold records for her review

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

GATA today scored a small but perhaps auspicious victory over the Federal Reserve in our lawsuit seeking access to the Fed's secret gold files. The judge presiding over GATA's federal freedom-of-information lawsuit in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Ellen Segal Huvelle, granted GATA's motion to order the Fed to produce in complete form for the judge's private review 20 gold-related documents the Fed has sought to keep secret. The judge ordered the Fed to deliver the documents by Friday.

Through its lawyers, William J. Olson P.C. of Vienna, Virginia -- www.LawAndFreedom.com -- GATA has argued that the Fed's production of gold-related documents has been so inadequate and the Fed's arguments for keeping them secret so weak that the court should review the documents acknowledged by the Fed and order the Fed to answer 25 questions from GATA about the Fed's search for relevant information.

While Judge Huvelle still could grant at any time the Fed's motion to dismiss GATA's lawsuit, her ruling today at least implies a little skepticism about the Fed and its tactics. Combined with today's statement by U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, the new chairman of the House Financial Services Committee's Subcommittee on Monetary Policy (
http://www.gata.org/node/9495), Judge Huvelle's ruling gives hope that the Fed's enormous secret power to rig markets and bestow the most fantastic patronage on a parasitic financial elite can be brought to account eventually.

The judge's order to the Fed to produce documents for her private review can be found at GATA's Internet site here:


Those who are skeptical of GATA's complaint that the Federal Reserve is part of an interntional gold-price rigging scheme should reflect on the meaning of the Fed's refusal to disclose all its gold-related records, records that include gold swap arrangements with foreign banks:


If the U.S. gold reserves are just sitting somewhere, inert, unencumbered, and unused for surreptitious market intervention, what's the problem with full disclosure?

Financial journalists unafraid of aggravating the world's financial powers should start putting gold-related questions to the Fed and other central banks and stop simply assuming that secrecy should be the normal order of things with central banks and gold.

And people everywhere who believe in free markets in the monetary metals and who have not already supported GATA financially can join our struggle here:


This struggle could have been undertaken easily and likely more effectively by the World Gold Council, which aims to represent gold mining companies and gold investors. But the council's indifference to questions of surreptitious central bank intervention in the gold market has left the struggle to GATA. We need your help to pursue this struggle to victory for free markets, limited government, and a better, fairer world.

Eh bien figurez-vous que je ne suis pas du tout certain que ça soit une bonne nouvelle pour les cours des MPx...réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 125380

Du moins à court terme.

A quand une mesure de rétorsion de la Fed qui déversera des montagnes de PQ pour faire baisser les cours ? réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act 934535



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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Mar 11 Jan 2011 - 13:01

ça c'est une excellente nouvelle, Pascal
je précise, pour ceux qui comprennent pas l'anglais .. que le juge a ordonné à la FED de produire les pièces demandées par le gata.. ce que jusqu' à présent était refusé.. au prétexte du secret nécessaire ..

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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Ven 4 Fév 2011 - 13:29

ça progresse encore, et Gata va notamment mettre la main sur quelques documents déclassifiés du secret, par la juge Ellen Segal Huvelle..

et en tout état de cause.. Gata aura confirmé ses travaux sur le rôle de la Fed dans la manipulation du marché de l'or, en conduisant des opérations secrétes.., et notamment des swaps -échanges d'or..

sans compter qu'on espére bien que Ron Paul, nouveau patron de la House Financial Services Committee's , sous commission de la politique monétaire domestique.. reprendra le BB !

Fed can keep most gold secrets but must yield one, judge rules

Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2011-02-04 01:48. Section: Daily Dispatches
8:55p ET Thursday, February 3, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
The Federal Reserve can keep secret most of the gold documents at issue in GATA's freedom-of-information lawsuit against it, a federal judge ruled today. But the judge, Ellen Segal Huvelle of U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, ordered the Fed to disclose to GATA a potentially crucial document by February 18.
Judge Huvelle ruled that most of the Fed's documents were exempt from disclosure under the U.S. Freedom of Information Act for being "pre-decisional or deliberative" or for containing privileged or confidential commercial or financial information obtained from a person or corporation.
Among the documents so exempted, the judge found, is "an email exchange" among Federal Reserve Board and Federal Reserve Bank of New York staff members "discussing what information to include in response to requests from Congress regarding the Federal Reserve's involvement in gold."
Similarly exempted, the judge found, is "a September 17, 2001, draft document entitled 'Confidential Draft: Potential Repo/Swap Involving Treasury Gold.' The document identifies issues that would be raised if a swap or repurchase transaction involving Treasury gold were to occur."
The one document whose disclosure was ordered by the judge was described in her memorandum of decision as "a staff member's notes on the discussion by the Gold and Foreign Exchange Committee of the Group of Ten (or "G-10"), as well as a transmission memorandum from Mr. [Ted] Truman to the board." The notes, the judge found, "are a straightforward factual recounting of a meeting with representatives of foreign central banks, detailing what each of the participants said."
Judge Huvelle ruled in favor of the Fed and against GATA on the adequacy of the Fed's search for documents relevant to GATA's FOI request. GATA considered the search inadequate for several reasons, not least because the Fed never acknowledged the gold swap arrangements with foreign banks that were acknowledged by Fed Governor Kevin M. Warsh in his denial of GATA's FOI request in September 2009:
Regardless of the adverse parts of the judge's decision, GATA considers its lawsuit a success for having established in open court that the Fed has many secrets about gold, a subject where secrecy's only plausible purpose can be surreptitious market intervention, which would be fully consistent with the official documentation GATA has compiled about such intervention. (See http://www.gata.org/taxonomy/term/21 and particularly http://www.gata.org/node/9545.)
That the Fed has participated in gold swaps for market-rigging purposes has been established, among other things, by the January 1995 minutes of its own Federal Open Market Committee (http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/files/FOMC19950201meeting.p...) and by the refusal two months ago of Germany's central bank, the Bundesbank, to deny that it has undertaken gold swaps with the United States (http://www.gata.org/node/9363).
Further, the record of GATA's case may be useful to U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, new chairman of the House Financial Services Committee's Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy, should he, as many hope and expect, formally question Federal Reserve officials about the Fed's surreptitious involvement in the gold market.
Of course GATA's case also suggests all sorts of questions that could put to Fed officials about gold should financial journalism ever report on that market seriously.
Judge Huvelle's memorandum of decision in GATA's lawsuit against the Fed can be found here:
The judge's order can be found here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Lun 21 Fév 2011 - 22:53

j'attire votre attention sur un des documents que Gata a réussi à obtenir de la FED..

il ne s'agit pas moins que les minutes du G10 de 1997 où les principaux banquiers centraux de la planéte se sont concerté au sujet des cours de l'or.. qui faisaient bien trop de résistance à leur goût, et ce en dépit des opérations de leasing ( cad de prét d'or par les banques centrales aux bullions banks pour gonfler artificiellement l'offre d'or sur le marché )

et la délégation anglaise de trainer du pied.. expliquant qu'on a déja basardé un an de production mondiale d'or sur le marché ....

Citation :
The minutes show committee members acknowledging the heavy involvement of central banks in gold leasing, with the British delegate estimating that a year's worth of gold production already had been sold forward.

c'est d'autant plus savoureux cette réflexion de la délégation anglaise .. quand on sait ce qui s'est passé à peine 2 ans plus tard ..

vente de la quasi totalité des réserves d'or de la BOE au plus bas du cours de l'or .. 250 $ l'once ..

et cerise sur le gateau : figurez vous que lors de ce G7 DE 1997, un certain Tony Blair venait juste de prendre ses fonctions en tant que 1er ministre ( le sortant étant John Major)
..avec bien évidemment G. Brown en ministre des finances ( chancelier de l'échiquier, selon la terminologie british )

pour mémo et sur la vente d'or banque d'angleterre au plus bas du spot
, à 250 $, par l'ami G. Brown

bref.. ce document OFFICIEL confirme en tout point les thèses et travaux que ménent le Gata depuis 1999

la vérité est en marche

et on le doit à l'inlassable travail de pionniers comme Murphy, Powell, Butler qui se sont battu, et se battent encore pour ça



G-10 minutes from 1997 show central bankers conspiring about gold

Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2011-02-18 22:35. Section: Documentation
3:43p MT Friday, February 18, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
Western government and central bank officials discussed coordinating their gold market policies at a private meeting of the G-10 Gold and Foreign Exchange Committee in April 1997, according to minutes of the meeting released to GATA today by the Federal Reserve Board upon the order of a federal court. The minutes also quote a U.S. delegate as warning that a rising gold price would increase the U.S. government's debt burden.
The document was only one of many whose release was sought by GATA in its freedom-of-information lawsuit against the Fed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The judge, Ellen Segal Huvelle, ruled two weeks ago that other documents containing the Fed's gold-related secrets were exempt from disclosure under the law.
The G-10 committee minutes were compiled by New York Fed official Dino Kos and were transmitted to the Fed's Board of Governors by Edwin M. Truman, then director of the Fed's International Finance Division and a participant in the meeting.
They quote a British delegate as saying that while the gold price seemed "sluggish," the gold market itself was actually showing "resilience" and "physical demand is high." The British delegate described the gold market as "traditionally secretive."
The minutes show committee members acknowledging the heavy involvement of central banks in gold leasing, with the British delegate estimating that a year's worth of gold production already had been sold forward. That was 14 years ago and of course much central bank gold leasing followed until the last year or so.
According to the minutes, the U.S. delegate cited above, identified only as "Fisher" -- apparently Peter R. Fisher, head of open market operations and foreign exchange trading for the Federal Reserve Bank of New York -- also warned that central bank gold sales and leasing might be construed as positive for gold. The minutes say: "First, he noted that some market cynics viewed central bank activity as a contrary indicator and therefore one had to be conscious of possible feedback effects. Second, he noted that the price of gold, unlike other commodities, had historically not trended toward the cost of production. This seemed to suggest an ongoing supply/demand imbalance. Third, he had the sense that the gold leasing market was an important component in this puzzle, though he did not understand enough about that market, particularly the credit risk aspects of gold lending."
A Canadian delegate, the minutes say, wondered whether data about the gold market could be trusted -- a point much pressed by GATA and others lately.
U.S. delegate Fisher, the minutes say, "explained that U.S. gold belongs to the Treasury. However, the Treasury had issued gold certificates to the Reserve Banks, and so gold (by these means) also appears on the Federal Reserve balance sheet. If there were to be a revaluation of gold, the certificates would also be revalued upwards; however [to prevent the Fed's balance sheet from expanding] this would lead to sales of government securities. So the net benefit to Treasury would need to be carefully calculated, since sales of government securities would expand the public portfolio of government securities and hence also expand the Treasury's debt-servicing burden."
This seems to be as candid an acknowledgement as any of the U.S. government's profound interest in suppressing the price of gold.
Two years after the G-10's Gold and Foreign Exchange Committee discussed coordinating Western central bank policies toward gold, most of those central banks announced just such a formal mechanism of cooperation, the Washington Agreement on Gold:
The minutes of the April 1997 meeting of the G-10 Gold and Foreign Exchange Committee, which the Fed sought to conceal, along with the secrecy on which the Fed successfully has insisted for its other gold records, are powerful confirmations of Western central bank interest in controlling the gold market surreptitiously. The minutes have been posted at GATA's Internet site here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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MessageENORME!!! La FED condamnée à payer $2,870 au GATA
par g.sandro Dim 15 Mai 2011 - 2:57

ENORME!!! La FED condamnée à payer $2,870 au GATA

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Le Metropole Members,

For illegally withholding gold information, Fed pays GATA

Submitted by cpowell on 01:28PM ET Friday, May 13, 2011. Section: Daily Dispatches
4:37p ET Friday, May 13, 2011

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):

The Federal Reserve System this week paid GATA $2,870 in attorney's fees and costs for illegally withholding a gold-related document GATA sought in its federal freedom-of-information request and lawsuit against the Fed in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia.

While the judge in the case, Ellen Segal Huvelle, allowed the Fed to withhold most of the gold-related documents GATA sought (http://www.gata.org/node/9560), the document she ordered disclosed, the minutes of a secret meeting of the G-10 Gold and Foreign Exchange Committee in April 1997, showed Western central bankers conspiring to coordinate their gold market policies:


GATA's freedom-of-information request also elicited an admission from a member of the Fed's Board of Governors, Kevin M. Warsh, that the Fed has gold swap arrangements with foreign banks and insists on keeping those arrangements secret:


From what GATA's case extracted from the Fed and from what the case showed the Fed was determined to keep secret, it now has been established on the official record that the Fed and likely the U.S. Treasury Department too are heavily involved in surreptitious action to suppress the gold price. Thanks to GATA, financial journalists now have plenty of documentation to pursue the story of gold price suppression:


All they need now is the courage to pursue it.

GATA continues to approach many news organizations to urge them to pursue this story.

A letter from the Fed's associate general counsel, Katherine H. Wheatley, to GATA's lawyers, William J. Olson and John S. Miles of William J. Olson, P.C., of Vienna, Virginia (http://www.lawandfreedom.com/), conveying the check for the attorneys' fees and costs, has been posted here:


A copy of the Fed's check payable to GATA has been posted here:


Of course the attorneys' fees and costs paid to GATA by the Fed are just a small fraction of the total costs incurred by GATA in the case. To cover those costs, to explore more legal action against the Fed and other government agencies, and to continue its work generally, GATA is always grateful for financial contributions, which are federally tax-deductible in the United States:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

voir la photo du chéque de la Fed au Gata

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: réserves d'or USA / GATA /freedom of information act
par marie Ven 27 Mai 2011 - 14:15


GATA urges Paul to probe Fed's gold swaps; he tells CNBC he will

Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2011-05-25 22:09. Section: Daily Dispatches
6:14p ET Wednesday, May 25, 2011
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
Yesterday GATA Chairman Bill Murphy and your secretary/treasurer met in Washington with U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, R-Texas, chairman of the House Subcomittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology, and two of his staff members. We reviewed GATA's work and the information produced by our recent successful freedom-of-information lawsuit against the Federal Reserve and urged him to press the Fed for accountability, particularly in regard to its manipulation of the gold market, its involvement with the U.S. gold reserve, and its secret gold swap arrangements, the latter admitted to GATA by Fed Governor Kevin M. Warsh as we began our litigation in 2009:
Paul told us that he planned to address these issues at hearings of his subcommittee in June on legislation to audit the U.S. gold reserve, and he elaborated this afternoon in an 11-minute interview with CNBC. Paul told CNBC:
"I'd sort of like to see how much gold is actually there and whether we've made any agreements to loan out our gold or sell the gold, because there's a lot of questions about that. As a matter of fact, I'm going to have hearings on having a true audit of the gold, and they're very, very resistant to that. But if the gold is all there and there are no attachments to the gold, what's the big deal? Why shouldn't the people know that it's there?"
Paul added in the CNBC interview that his broader objectives include getting the Fed out of central economic planning, getting the United States out of its fantastically expensive foreign military adventures, and allowing people to keep more of the fruit of their labor.
GATA will be providing information to Paul's office for possible use in interrogation of the Fed.
You can watch CNBC's interview with Paul at its video archive here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

©️ Marie
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