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Brazil, Russia, India, and China are considering buying each other's bonds and swapping currencies to lessen dependence on $

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MessageBrazil, Russia, India, and China are considering buying each other's bonds and swapping currencies to lessen dependence on $
par g.sandro Mar 16 Juin 2009 - 22:35

Talking the dollar up while plotting to get out of it

Brazil, Russia, India, and China are considering buying each other's bonds and swapping currencies to lessen dependence on $ Gata_painting_small
Submitted by
cpowell on 08:53AM ET Tuesday, June 16, 2009. Section: Daily Dispatches
BRICs May Buy Each Other's Bonds in Shift from Dollar
By Lyubov Pronina and Alex Nicholson
Bloomberg News
Tuesday, June 16,
Brazil, Russia, India, and China are considering buying each other's bonds
and swapping currencies to lessen dependence on the
U.S. dollar as their leaders
meet for a summit in Russia's Ural Mountains.
The leaders of the so-called BRIC countries will discuss measures to promote
regional currencies, including "possibly placing part of reserves in the
financial instruments of partner countries," during their meeting in
Yekaterinburg, Arkady Dvorkovich, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev’️s top
economic adviser, told reporters.
The BRIC countries have combined reserves of $2.8 trillion and are among the
biggest holders of U.S. Treasuries. The first BRIC summit comes after Brazil,
China and Russia announced plans to shift some foreign reserves into
International Monetary Fund bonds, driving Treasuries and the dollar lower.
"This is not something for the immediate future, but rather a direction of
movement," said Stanislav Ponomarenko, a fixed-income analyst at ING Groep NV in
Moscow. "I don't think more than a few percent of reserves could be reinvested
into BRIC bonds. What we're seeing is a continuation of discussions to find an
alternative to the dollar, yet nobody is going fundamentally to alter anything
Brazil's zero-coupon bonds due January 2010 rose today, pushing the yield
down less than a basis point to 9.005 percent, the lowest level on record,
prices compiled by Bloomberg show. Russia’️s 11 percent dollar-denominated
bonds due July 2018 were little changed, yielding 4.877 percent, according to
ING Groep NV data on Bloomberg. The yield on India's 6.07 percent note due May
2014 climbed 4 basis points to 6.67 percent. China’️s 3.02 percent bonds
maturing May 2019 were unchanged, yielding 3.15 percent.
The ruble strengthened 0.7 percent to 31.0926 against the dollar at 16:42
p.m. in Moscow after earlier weakening as much as 0.3 percent.
Medvedev is hosting back-to-back summits of developing economies in
Yekaterinburg as he seeks to ease the world economy's dependence on the U.S.
dollar. Medvedev began talks this afternoon with Chinese President Hu Jintao,
Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da
The summit will be "a launch pad for our future talks," Medvedev said at the
start of the meeting. The talks would give the countries the opportunity to
"implement new economic programs and reform international financial relations,"
he said.
Medvedev and Hu earlier today attended a summit of the Shanghai Cooperation
Organization, which also includes the four former Soviet republics of
Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan.
The Russian leader reiterated his intention to push for the creation of a
"supranational currency" to challenge the dollar and encouraged China and called
on other Shanghai group members to use each other’️s currencies for trade.
"There can be no successful global currency system if the financial
instruments that are used are denominated in only one currency,"
Medvedev said.
"Today this is the case and the currency is the dollar."
Hu pledged $10 billion to help the Shanghai group's Central Asian members
weather the global recession, joining Russia in seeking greater influence in the
region through aid. Medvedev in February said Russia would contribute $7.5
billion to a regional fund created by the Eurasian Economic Community, which
also includes Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan.
Today's meetings "show a very strong desire of developing countries to play a
bigger role in world finance, especially given the growing insecurity related to
the current crisis," said Masha Lipman, a political analyst at the Carnegie
Center in Moscow, in an interview with Bloomberg Television today.
On June 10, Alexei Ulyukayev, first deputy chairman of Russia's central bank,
said Russia may move some of its reserves from Treasuries into IMF bonds. About
30 percent of Russia’️s international reserves, which stand at $409.5 billion,
are currently held in Treasuries, he said.
Russian Finance Minister Alexei Kudrin said on June 13 that the dollar's
"fundamental indicators" are "fine" and that he was confident in the currency's
strength. A week earlier, Medvedev said the dollar isn't in "a spectacular
position" and questioned its future as a global reserve currency.
Dvorkovich said the positions of Medvedev and Kudrin aren't contradictory and
that the Russian government is united on its dollar policy.
"In the long term, it is beneficial for all and all agree that the world
needs a few strong currencies," Dvorkovich said. "It cannot happen

* * *

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©️ G.Sandro

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Brazil, Russia, India, and China are considering buying each other's bonds and swapping currencies to lessen dependence on $ 2wecua10




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