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Messagecrise bancaire
par nofear Lun 12 Oct 2009 - 22:48

Tout va bien...

Nationalisation en urgence d'une banque néerlandaise
Dans un communiqué, la banque centrale néerlandaise précise qu'elle
devient administratrice de DSB Bank, un établissement de crédit qui
détient environ huit milliards d'euros d'actifs. Les craintes suscitées
par le devenir de DSB avaient incité de nombreux clients à vider leurs
comptes. La banque centrale néerlandaise a tenté de faire racheter DSB
par un consortium de cinq banques, ING, SNS Reaal, Rabobank et les
groupes nationalisés ABN Amro et Fortis Bank Nederland. Les risques
élevés de pertes sur crédit et les craintes liées aux risques de
poursuites judiciaires ont fait capoter l'opération.


Très peu commentée cette info , mais j'ai vu sur bloomberg TV très vite passé la semaine dernière que HRE (Hypo réal) a été nationalisée à 100%.


  Chef cuistot
 Chef cuistot


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MessageRe: crise bancaire
par nofear Mer 14 Oct 2009 - 10:28

07:40 BOE's Posen says banking system still faces problems that could spur a second dip in the economy -- wires
Per the wires citing BOE's Posen speaking at a conference in Brussels, says
it is unusual to see a downturn followed by a recovery without relapses
and it is possible
we will have another banking sector-led problem in
the US and elsewhere
. - SA London


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 Chef cuistot


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Messagedepeche reuters
par nofear Ven 23 Oct 2009 - 13:26

L'indonésie en banqueroute

JAKARTA, Oct 22 (Reuters) - Indonesia's central bank failed to absorb any funds from its 21-day and 66-day reverse repo auctions on Thursday as there were no incoming bids.
The central bank, Bank Indonesia, had aimed to absorb a total of 2 trillion rupiah ($212.4 million) of excess cash from commercial banks by selling series of treasury bills and fixed-rate bonds.
In its latest such auctions, Bank Indonesia absorbed 500 billion rupiah through its 21-day reverse repo auction and received no bids from the auction of 66-day reverse repo.
The central bank held 22.08 trillion rupiah worth of tradeable rupiah government bonds as of October 20, down from 23.36 trillion rupiah at the end of September, finance ministry data showed.

($1 = 9,415 rupiah)

(Reporting by Sonya Angraini; Editing by Sara Webb)

((ga.arka@thomsonreuters.com; Reuters Messaging: ga.arka.reuters.com@reuters.net; +62 21 384 6364 ext 911)) Keywords: INDONESIA ECONOMY/REPO
(If you have a query or comment on this story, send an email to news.feedback.asia@thomsonreuters.com)


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 Chef cuistot


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Message7 de plus hier
par nofear Sam 24 Oct 2009 - 17:51

Seven more banks failed Friday, pushing the 2009 total to 106 and
marking the first year since 1992 that at least 100 have gone under.

Citation :
CreditSights, which tracks the dismal data, predicts that in the
current cycle, from 2008 through 2011, as many as 1,100 banks will
That would wipe out 13.4% of all U.S. banks, representing 7% of
U.S. banking assets.



  Chef cuistot
 Chef cuistot


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MessageRe: crise bancaire
par nofear Dim 25 Oct 2009 - 23:22


Citation :
Possible Credit Dislocation: Be Warned

  • JP Morgan's "cash position" was analyzed by a writer who published on SCRIBD, which showed that actual cash held has deteriorated radically. By more than half in the last year. The deterioration is continuing, not slowing.
  • I am hearing repeated anecdotes from multiple areas that foreclosed property held by banks with multiple full-price offers that include a financing requirement are being sold instead to people with actual cash at radical reductions from that price. This
    implies that these financing contingencies are regarded as not only
    potentially no good but factually no good, as if the banks know for a fact that the credit pipeline will (not might), within weeks or months (in the time required to close), disappear. There is no other rational explanation for this behavior.

  • Citibank's credit-card terms change implies a willingness to accept and even provoke a complete and intentional destruction of their credit card business
    as a very high probability outcome, given that nobody in their right
    mind will accept a 30% interest rate who has an alternative. The
    obvious implication is that only those who can't transfer balances out
    will remain and if your credit is that impaired there's a good chance you will default - either intentionally or otherwise. This too implies foreknowledge of a near-complete impending freeze in the credit markets.

  • The change in terms on credit accounts is NOT confined to Citibank. I have received a fax from a customer of Infibank with substantially identical terms, in which both the standard and penalty rate was adjusted to 29.99%. This strongly implies that whatever Citibank smells the problem is not confined to them.

  • Both of these credit card "adjustment" letters are of course marginal rate
    changes. That is, they are both based off the PRIME rate. The
    importance of that is missed by many. Don't be one of them (more on
    that below.)
  • I recently received a back channel communication indicating that The Fed is aware that this has been and still is a solvency problem and has so briefed certain members of Congress. This from a source believed reliable, but which cannot be independently confirmed.

This data is not conclusive. But - if you are dependent on credit access and these anecdotes are in fact indicative of actual knowledge of an impending lock-up you are at grave financial risk.


  Chef cuistot
 Chef cuistot


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MessageRe: crise bancaire
par nofear Mer 18 Nov 2009 - 23:52

La SG branche anglaise annonce un'armagedon prochain.

Citation :
Société Générale has advised clients to be ready for a possible "global
economic collapse" over the next two years, mapping a strategy of
defensive investments to avoid wealth destruction.


en VF



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 Chef cuistot


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MessageRe: crise bancaire
par nofear Mer 25 Nov 2009 - 16:34

La porcherie n'est toujours pas nettoyée:

Citation :
PARIS (Reuters) - Half of the losses suffered by banks could still
be hidden in their balance sheets, more so in Europe than in the United
States, the International Monetary Fund's chief, Dominique
Strauss-Kahn, was quoted as saying on Tuesday.

In an interview with French newspaper Le Figaro, Strauss-Kahn also
said the IMF thought the euro currency was probably a bit too strong.

"There are still some important losses that have not been unveiled,"
Strauss-Kahn was quoted as saying in response to a question on banks,
according to excerpts of the interview that were sent to media ahead of
publication on Wednesday.

"It's possible that 50 percent (of bank losses) are still hidden in
their balance sheets. The proportion is greater in Europe than in the
United States," he said.

Asked about currencies, Strauss-Kahn noted that Europeans were the
ones who have been complaining the most about the strength of their

"The IMF also thinks that the euro is probably a bit too strong, but
it's very difficult to determine in a way that is unquestionable the
level at which currencies would be balanced," he said.

"Europeans must, however, better affirm their economic strategy if
they do not want to let the Sino-American couple dominate the global
debate for the next 20 years," he said.

Strauss-Kahn said the two crucial factors to achieve the status of
major economic power today are a big population and technological

"The enlarged Europe has a big population, with 500 million
inhabitants, but on the technological front things have not moved on
sufficiently since the Lisbon strategy was launched in 2002," he said,
referring to the 27-member European Union.

The Lisbon strategy was an EU roadmap that was supposed to cut red
tape, promote growth and make the bloc the world's most innovative

"I note that the technological debate, which today is focused
particularly on energy, is much more vigorous in the United States than
in Europe," Strauss-Kahn said.



  Chef cuistot
 Chef cuistot


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MessageRe: crise bancaire
par nofear Lun 30 Nov 2009 - 19:48

Citation :

Regulators list systemic risk institutions: report

LONDON (Reuters) - Thirty global financial institutions have been
selected for cross-border supervision exercises by regulators, the
Financial Times reported on Monday.

Compiled under the guidance of the Financial Stability Board (FSB),
an international body of regulators and central bankers, the list is
part of an effort to pre-empt the spread of systemic risks in the event
of a future financial crisis.

Those featuring in the list will also be asked to write so-called
"living wills" that outline plans to wind up banks in the aftermath of
a crisis.

The FSB was established in the summer of 2009 to address the dangers
posed by systemically-important, cross-border financial institutions
through better supervision and co-ordination.

The list in full, as cited by the FT:

North American banks:

Goldman Sachs (GS.N), JP Morgan Chase (JPM.N), Morgan Stanley (MS.N), Bank of America-Merrill Lynch (BAC.N), Royal Bank of Canada (RY.TO)

UK banks:

HSBC (HSBA.L), Barclays (BARC.L), Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS.L), Standard Chartered (STAN.L)

European banks:

UBS (UBSN.VX), Credit Suisse (CSGN.VX), Societe General (SOGN.PA), BNP Paribas (BNPP.PA), Santander (SAN.MC), BBVA (BBVA.MC), Unicredit (CRDI.MI), Banca Intesa, Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE), ING (ING.AS)

Japanese banks:

Mizuho (8411.T), Sumitomo Mitsui (8316.T), Nomura (8604.T), Mitsubishi UFJ (8306.T)


AXA AXA.PA, Aegon (AEGN.AS), Allianz (ALVG.DE), Aviva AV.l, Zurich (ZURN.VX) and Swiss Re (RUKN.VX)



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 Chef cuistot


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