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MessageEncore une facheuse "coincidence"?
par g.sandro Ven 2 Avr 2010 - 1:28

Sophisticated attack disables King World News site for 2 hours

loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions - Page 2 Gata_painting_small
Submitted by cpowell on 07:36PM ET Wednesday, March 31, 2010.
Section: Daily Dispatches
10:25p ET Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
Internet servers hosting the King World News Internet site, which today
posted a half-hour interview with three GATA board members, were attacked and
disabled tonight from approximately 8 to 10 p.m. ET.

The servers are maintained by one of the largest Internet site hosting
companies in the world and one of its technicians told King World News
proprietor Eric King, "We cannot figure out why this cluster of servers is being
attacked." The King World News site host has maintained the site on a "grid"
system of servers so that ordinary technical problems with any one server cannot
disable the site, but tonight's attack was sophisticated and brought down the
entire grid.

King and his family have not been attacked and one may suppose that what
happened tonight at least is preferable to being rammed by a hit-and-run driver,
as CFTC whistleblower Andrew Maguire and his wife were rammed in London the day
after GATA disclosed at last week's hearing of the U.S. Commodity Futures
Trading Commission that Maguire had given the commission detailed warning of a
manipulation of the futures market and the commission had done nothing about

At this hour the King World News interview with the three GATA board members
-- GATA Chairman Bill Murphy, Adrian Douglas, and your secretary/treasurer --
appears to be accessible again here:
cliquez ici
If King World News is becoming Radio Free America, this sort of thing may
happen again.
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Ven 2 Avr 2010 - 23:16

oui, Sandro == > attaque concertée et sophistiquée du site de Kingworldnews


Attack on King World News site meant to shut it down

Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2010-04-02 03:49. Section: Daily Dispatches
11:45p ET Thursday, April 1, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
King World News today received more detail about yesterday's attack on its Internet site, which happened soon after the posting of Eric King's half-hour interview with GATA Chairman Bill Murphy, board member Adrian Douglas, and your secretary/treasurer about last week's hearing of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
The major Internet hosting company that maintains the King World News site reported to King World News: "Your hosting account is the target of a distributed denial of service attack. To protect the network resources, we have temporarily placed your Web site behind a network filter. Once the attack has ended, service will be restored to normal. ... Computers were attacking your account."
Wikipedia says a distributed denial-of-service attack "is an attempt to make a computer resource unavailable to its intended users. Although the means to carry out, motives for, and targets of a DDoS attack may vary, it generally consists of the concerted efforts of a person or people to prevent an Internet site or service from functioning efficiently or at all, temporarily or indefinitely."

Eric King told GATA today, "We are on one of the top grid server systems in the world, where traffic is not an issue, and this has never happened before. This was a case of an entity needing to silence the messenger."
No Internet site has given as much voice to GATA and other pro-gold and free-market advocates as King World News has, so given the scope of the attack on the the King World News Internet site, it is hard not be awfully suspicious about it.
King's interview with Murphy, Douglas, and your secretary/treasurer can be found here:


Meanwhile, GATA's friend Trace Mayer, proprietor of RunToGold.com, reports that his March 28 commentary on last week's hearing of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission --


-- was followed by a similarly massive attack on RunToGold's Internet server. "To handle spikes in traffic," Mayer says, "I am on an expensive enterprise-level cloud server with a company that handles hosting for some of the big dogs, like Sony and Toyota, and my server got hammered. The site was down for 2 1/2 hours, from about noon to 2:30p PT on March 30. There were no issues with my hosting provider and it appears we have everything under control now. I have never had an issue like this before. Anyway, it looks like we have someone's attention. Keep yanking on that tail."
GATA indeed will keep yanking on that tail but our friends also risk getting bitten. We're grateful to them for that.
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Mar 6 Avr 2010 - 0:28

vous vous souvenez ? ( voir plus haut dans la file : 27 -03-2010 )

Citation :
Rob Kirby nous réserve une petite surprise sur les fanfaronnades du gars de chez HSBC, qui prétend pouvoir satisfaire à une demande de livraison de 1 millions d'onces sans problèmes, et en 1 seul jour ... tant il y a abondance de physique

un ordre de ce montant a été placé ce vendredi après midi , chez hsbc honk hong.. pour une livraison immédiate .. de physique

Rob nous tiendra au courant des suites

eh bien comme on pouvait s'y attendre .. ce fameux ordre pour 1 milions d'onces n'est toujours pas satisfait , à l'heure qu'il est .. sacré Jérémy Charles ( le type de Hsbc qui prétend que de l'or il sait plus quoi en faire, tant il est en abondance )


Rob Kirby of kirbyanalytics.com has noted that some big trader has called Jeremy Charles bluff. In the CFTC meeting Mr. Charles (Global Head of PM Trading HSBC) tried a cheap trick of saying that there was plenty of metal around and HSBC could fill a million ozs order for gold in a day. If he wanted to be convincing he should have said they have one oz of gold bullion for every oz they sell…but we know that would have been a lie because they have approximately one oz of bullion for every 100 ozs they sell. Kirby reports that a trader put in an order for 1 million ozs with HSBC the following day and it was not filled by three days later and apparently can not be filled. The music is about to stop and there will be a mad grab for available “chairs”!


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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par g.sandro Mar 6 Avr 2010 - 3:03

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Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Lun 12 Avr 2010 - 23:57

décidément, ce pauvre Jeffrey Christian n'en loupe pas une ..
il récidive sa contreperformance lors de cette interview donné à Jim Puplava et brillamment commentée chez zéro hedge


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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Mar 13 Avr 2010 - 19:38

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Dernière édition par marie le Ven 18 Mar 2011 - 23:12, édité 1 fois




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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Mar 13 Avr 2010 - 23:13

excellente couverture de l'affaire sur Digital Gold Currency Magazine


loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions - Page 2 DGCMagCover

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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Mer 21 Avr 2010 - 23:10

décidément.. les révélations involontaires de Jeff Christian sur le ponzi schéma du LBMA font couler beaucoup d'encre...

il parait que c'est de notoriété publique ce qu'il a raconté devant la CFTC

loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions - Page 2 210770

ci dessous, un 1er article auquel répond Chris Powell

Did everyone already know what Jeff Christian told CFTC?

Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2010-04-21 12:49. Section: Daily Dispatches
8:45a ET Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
In an essay posted at Financial Sense this week, an investor named Erik Townsend criticizes GATA at great length for making much of CPM Group founder Jeffrey Christian's March 25 testimony to the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission about the London gold market at the CFTC's hearing March 25. Townsend insists that everybody already knew what Christian explained to the commission. Townsend's essay is headlined "Debunking the Precious Metals Fear-Mongering Campaign" and you can find it at Financial Sense here:
Your secretary/treasurer has replied to Townsend with an essay headlined "A Reply to Erik Townsend: You Contradict Yourself," which you can find at Financial Sense here:
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Mar 27 Avr 2010 - 23:01

nouveaux échanges Gata et Jeffrey.M.Christian sur financial sense


Christian, Townsend tag-team GATA at Financial Sense over CFTC hearing

Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2010-04-26 23:31. Section: Daily Dispatches
7:32p ET Monday, April 26, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
The wrestling match over the March 25 hearing of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission continues at Financial Sense, where CPM Group founder and CFTC hearing witness Jeffrey M. Christian rebuts your secretary/treasurer here --
-- and is joined again by his defender, the Hong Kong-based investor Erik Townsend, here:
Your secretary/treasurer's reply to Christian will have to suffice as a reply to both of them, and you can find it here:
This debate has turned into a bit of a tar baby for Financial Sense and the above entries should be the last there on this topic for a while. GATA is grateful for the indulgence of the Financial Sense folks.
CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par g.sandro Mer 28 Avr 2010 - 1:45

CHRIS POWELL lui a collé un direct au foie de grande classe...loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions - Page 2 354172 loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions - Page 2 210770 loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions - Page 2 Alcooliq

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageLa division anti-trust du DOJ envisage de poursuivre JPM
par du-puel Sam 1 Mai 2010 - 22:27

La division anti-trust du DOJ (le ministère de la justice US) envisage de poursuivre JPM pour manipulation du marché de l'argent (le métal).


Après les mafieux de GS, les truands de JPM ?


  Chef table à cartes
 Chef table à cartes


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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Dim 2 Mai 2010 - 21:25

excellent !!

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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par g.sandro Lun 3 Mai 2010 - 2:30

Parfait, mais en même temps, JPM ne peux plus arrêter de shorter à mort, car si le cours de l'argent monte juste après l'annonce d'une enquête, ça prouvera sa culpabilité, et s'il continue à shorter il va dans le mur, donc gaffe aux soubresauts de la bête traquée et blessée; par ailleurs, ne sous-estimons pas la capacité de Cabalas à convaincre en haut lieu que la manipe etait une mission sacrée pour sauver le système Dollar et qu'y mettre fin déclencherait l'apocalypse financière...Il va être tentant d'invoquer la raison d'Etat et l'interêt supérieur de la Nation...alors ne sous estimons pas non plus le fait qu'avec GS ils sont parmi les ( les?) + gros sponsors de la campagne Obamienne ( et Mc cainienne aussi pour être certains de ne pas se gourrer)...ne sous estimons pas, enfin, la corruption généralisée de l'oligarchie...loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions - Page 2 43594 loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions - Page 2 463330

donc, pour résumer; ça va clairement dans le bon sens, (du reste les oscillos courts sont repassés bull en majorité), mais...
pas d'œuf au riz poor otan...loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions - Page 2 282616 loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions - Page 2 917615

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Dim 9 Mai 2010 - 17:12

précisions supplémentaires sur le cv de Jeremy Charles, le type de HSBC

en plus de ce que j'avais reporté plus haut, il a bossé chez Rotshchild...

et bien entendu point historique sur HSBC et son entrée sur le marché de l'argent .. liée à l'achat de republic national bank ( qui avait d'importantes shorts positions sur l'argent ) ... la boite avec laquelle était en relation martin armstrong .. et dont le patron a disparu ds un incendie criminel ( voir nos archives )

cf Adrian Douglas sur www.lemetropolecafe.com

This is what I sent you about Jeremy Charles of HSBC before the CFTC meeting. Notice the comments about Johnson Matthey Bank…..
Johnson Matthey Bankers were taken over in 1984, after someone managed to lend out pretty much the entire bank’s capital and then didn’t get paid back
What capital does a bullion bank have? BULLION? They were bailed by the BOE to prevent systemic risk in the gold market! Imagine how bad it must be now if that was 26 years ago.
I am sure there is a story here.
I was checking out the bio’s of the other panelists. Jeremy Charles is the Head of Precious Metals for HSBC. He gave an interview for the "Alchemist Magazine" which is the quarterly publication of the LBMA. He was up until fairly recently the Chairman of the LBMA. But there is something of interest he says. He worked initially for Rothschild’s and then Johnson Matthey Bank. He gives this answer when asked about how he got from JMB to HSBC:-
A: Johnson Matthey Bankers were taken over in 1984, after someone managed to lend out pretty much the entire bank’s capital and then didn’t get paid back. Fortunately for me, JMB held a lot of central bank accounts in gold and so the Bank of England had to step in. The Bank was concerned about systemic risk to the gold market as JMB was such a big clearer. I worked for the Bank of England for about a year before the company was bought by Mase Westpac. Mase was started by Warren Maji, who had come up with a novel idea to offer gold loans for financing gold mines in Australia. It was a very entrepreneurial business and the idea enabled the industry to expand massively across the globe. Westpac sold the business to Republic National Bank, whose prime business was trading. Republic was not keen on the producer side of the business, but did like the physical and the trading business. The centre of Republic’s business was in New York, but as we were based in London, we did give them the global reach they were looking for at that time. There was a very limited management structure at Republic, which enabled it to be extremely dynamic. I don’t recall there being a compliance officer at the Bank and I certainly never met one. There were no written contracts that I can recall and it appeared that business was done on the shake of a
hand. Oh how times have changed! At the end of 1999, HSBC bought Republic National Bank primarily for the private bank business. However, with this business came two unusual niche businesses, the Precious Metals and Banknotes, which were both then integrated into HSBC’s infrastructure.
So here you can see why HSBC is one of the big manipulators because they hold Central bank gold accounts that they inherited. They also bought the company that started bullion financing which he says "It was a very entrepreneurial business and the idea enabled the industry to expand massively across the globe".
Then when asked about the forward market he says:
The forward market is significant and the reason for this is that it provides the foundation for most of the bullion financing that goes on around the world. There are many contracts based on a Libor minus GOFO plus a credit spread and the LBMA’s provision of the GOFO benchmark is of crucial importance to all those who make deposits, take loans or trade as a result of these activities. Being responsible for this benchmark is a vital role of the LBMA.
How come the forward market is growing when hedging has reduced 90% in the last decade? Notice how gold is not the "barbarous relic" ..he says "There are many contracts based on a Libor minus GOFO plus a credit spread". I am sure there must be a link into Gibson’s paradox here!
So this is the guy who will be making testimony for HSBC.

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Dernière édition par marie le Ven 18 Mar 2011 - 23:15, édité 1 fois




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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Dim 16 Mai 2010 - 1:24

feed back de Ted Butler .. qui comme vous le savez, n'a pas participé aux auditions .. mais en est l'instigateur de longue date .. et a rencontré les jours qui ont précédé .les responsables de ces "auditions"

la CFTC demandait en outre de ces auditions, les observations du "public" ... observations qui ont été rendues publiques .. pas moins de 3000 réponses ... les silver guys ont répondu , une fois de plus, présents à l'appel ...
et c'est à présent IN the records , et non plus .. OFF

c'est un signe ça, non??loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions - Page 2 Icon_wink


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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Lun 17 Mai 2010 - 18:04

Andrew Maguire pense que sa femme et lui, ont bel et bien été victimes d'une tentative d'assassinat

CFTC whistleblower believes crash was attempted murder

Submitted by cpowell on Mon, 2010-05-17 15:30. Section: Daily Dispatches
11:30a ET Monday, May 17, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
World Net Daily reports that silver market manipulation whistleblower Andrew Maguire has "reluctantly come to believe" that the hit-and-run traffic crash in which he was involved shortly after his communications with the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission were disclosed was an attempt on his life.
"The police told us the assailant was known to them and even that they arrested him," World Net Daily reporter Jerome R. Corsi quotes Maguire as saying. "But recently the police won't say anything, and I haven't been able to learn anything about the assailant."
The World Net Daily report is headlined "'Serious Manipulation' of Gold, Silver Markets" and you can find it a World Net Daily here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par Invité Lun 17 Mai 2010 - 20:12

marie a écrit:
"The police told us the assailant was known to them and even that they arrested him," World Net Daily reporter Jerome R. Corsi quotes Maguire as saying. "But recently the police won't say anything, and I haven't been able to learn anything about the assailant."

Hum...ça sent les services. loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions - Page 2 934535



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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Ven 28 Mai 2010 - 21:23

J.Christian répond encore une dernière fois à gata


avec les commentaires de C Powell


A tribute to Jeff Christian, loyal soldier in the battle against gold

Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2010-05-28 03:27. Section: Daily Dispatches
11:36p ET Thursday, May 27, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:
CPM Group executive Jeffrey M. Christian this afternoon posted at Kitco what is headlined as his "final response to GATA," insisting that he has refuted GATA at every point of disagreement in our exchanges in recent weeks, but so angrily that he doesn't quite seem to believe it even as he writes that he will have no more time for it. GATA too is prepared to let readers draw what conclusions they will from our documentation file
-- http://www.gata.org/taxonomy/term/21 --
but we should not let Christian terminate our exchanges without a fond farewell.
For while Christian indeed has disagreed with GATA in many respects, in perhaps the most important respect we have agreed completely and we are indebted to him for confirming our case -- not just with his testimony to the March 25 hearing of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission, where he remarked that there are many more claims to gold in the London market than there is gold to back them, but again with his "final response" today, which confirms at great length that the London gold market, the biggest gold market in the world, is a "fractional reserve" market.

This, Christian insists again, should not be a revelation, as fractional reserve banking has gone on for "thousands of years." GATA concedes that it has been going on for a while but maintains that it has special significance with gold, significance Christian doesn't seem to acknowledge, insofar as gold traditionally has been considered the primary hedge against monetary debasement because of its supposedly tightly limited supply. Such traditional thinking was displayed prominently in a leading financial newspaper, the Financial Times, just last week, in an essay about gold written by Merryn Somerset Webb and headlined "The Only Currency that Can't Be Printed on a Whim":
But of course a fractional reserve gold market disproves that most basic assumption about limited supply. A fractional reserve gold market, no matter how established it may be and no matter how familiar it is to Christian, permits the virtually unlimited inflation of the supply of what people may think is gold.
This explains why, as is often noted, with puzzlement by gold's friends, with a sneer by gold's enemies, gold's price in recent decades has badly lagged inflation and the rate of appreciation of other assets even as the world's population has risen substantially and gold mine production has fallen.
The British economist Peter Warburton may have been the first to perceive and explain the situation with his 2001 essay, "The Debasement of World Currency: It Is Inflation, But Not as We Know It":
Warburton wrote:
"What we see at present is a battle between the central banks and the collapse of the financial system fought on two fronts. On one front the central banks preside over the creation of additional liquidity for the financial system in order to hold back the tide of debt defaults that would otherwise occur. On the other, they incite investment banks and other willing parties to bet against a rise in the prices of gold, oil, base metals, soft commodities, or anything else that might be deemed an indicator of inherent value.
"Their objective is to deprive the independent observer of any reliable benchmark against which to measure the eroding value not only of the U.S. dollar but of all fiat currencies. Equally, their actions seek to deny the investor the opportunity to hedge against the fragility of the financial system by switching into a freely traded market for non-financial assets. [Emphasis added.]
"It is important to recognize that the central banks have found the battle on the second front much easier to fight than the first. Last November I estimated the size of the gross stock of global debt instruments at $90 trillion for mid-2000. How much capital would it take to control the combined gold, oil, and commodity markets? Probably no more than $200 billion, using derivatives. Moreover, it is not necessary for the central banks to fight the battle themselves, although central bank gold sales and gold leasing have certainly contributed to the cause. Most of the world's large investment banks have overtraded their capital so flagrantly that if the central banks were to lose the fight on the first front, then their stock would be worthless. Because their fate is intertwined with that of the central banks, investment banks are willing participants in the battle against rising gold, oil, and commodity prices."
The fractional reserve gold banking system in London that Christian defends and from which he makes his living -- he says he has advised most central banks in the world -- is a primary mechanism in central banking's battle against gold and commodity prices, and Christian is a loyal soldier in that battle, a derivatives salesman helping to inflate and sustain the supply of imaginary gold so that, as Warburton wrote, the world might be deprived of its main "benchmark against which to measure the eroding value not only of the U.S. dollar but of all fiat currencies."
Christian says the fractional-reserve nature of the gold market "is well understood by professionals in the industry and by most investors involved in these assets." GATA suspects that it could be understood more widely, that the more widely it is understood, the less happy Christian's central bank clients will be with him for helping to make it understood, and that this may be the cause of his recent ill humor.
GATA hopes that Christian's central bank clients are not shutting him up. For he may have done more to advance understanding of the gold market than any of us, and we're grateful to him.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Jeu 22 Juil 2010 - 14:30

d'apres la dernière vidéo produite par la CFTC, il n'est plus question de savoir si oui, ou non la nouvelle législation doit établir des limitations de positions pour le silver ..

mais quand et de combien !

apres ce 1er pas, reste plus quà en fixer les modalités ..

Butler propose une limitation à 1500 contrats .. sans exemption bien entendu ..

Citation :
What should the position limits be in COMEX silver? As I have maintained for two decades, and with which almost 3000 public comments concurred, 1500 contracts is close to the proper number. I based this on real world production and consumption, world and exchange inventories, and an objective comparison of silver with all other commodities of finite supply. The case is easy to make and has been made repeatedly. Now it is up to those opposed to the 1500 contract position limit to state what the limit should be instead and why. There has been conspicuous silence on this matter to date. It is time to break the silence and initiate an honest debate. Of course, it is not just about the level of limits, but in enforcing those limits on the big shorts, like JPMorgan. I assume Commissioner Chilton wasn’t excluding JPMorgan from the new law, but he can speak for himself.


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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Sam 24 Juil 2010 - 16:15

Bart Chilton ne lache pas le morceau, et vient de réaliser une vidéo sur le sujet


CFTC's Chilton explains hope for freer, more transparent gold, silver markets

Submitted by cpowell on Sat, 2010-07-24 03:39. Section: Daily Dispatches
11:38p ET Friday, July 24, 2010
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):
The member of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission who has been advocating imposing position limits on traders in the precious metals markets, Bart Chilton, has made a video explaining why he thinks the financial regulation law just enacted by Congress and President Obama promises great progress, particularly in making the commodity markets freer and more transparent. The law, Chilton explains, requires the CFTC to establish position limits and authorizes the commission to prosecute "disruptive trading practices." Chilton says he is especially pleased with that, because the commission's market manipulation standards have failed almost completely for many years.
Chilton has been amazingly conscientious on the precious metals manipulation issue and has been amazingly responsive to gold and silver investors who have complained to the CFTC about market manipulation. He'll need their support as the CFTC writes the position limits regulations required by the new law. The big commercial shorts are sure to be heard as the commission continues to take public comment, so gold and silver investors can't let up yet.
You can watch Chilton's presentation at YouTube here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par g.sandro Sam 24 Juil 2010 - 17:28

Il a l'air d'y croire...

Perso, je suis de moins en moins impressionnable en la matière, après, il faut l'admettre, m'être plusieurs fois laissé convaincre pour, le plus souvent, sinon chaque fois, retomber plus bas dans la confiance que m'inspirent toutes ces autorités corrompues par les Cabalas associates.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par Invité Lun 17 Jan 2011 - 11:10

Victoire ! Miracle ! Triomphe ! Justice ! ye.s

Enfin, la CFTC tire les conséquences de la manipulation odieuse et avérée des marchés en décidant...

... de ne rien changer. resssssort

Chris Martenson - "JP Morgan Wins: CFTC Position Limits
Do Not Apply (To Them)"

Speaking of changing the rules...

Gold and silver are now down hard over the past two
days, and the reason may have something to do with the
fact that the CFTC utterly caved to JPM in their
long-awaited decision on position limits in a 4-1 vote.

(article mailé par le Metropole à ses adhérents).

Allez, encore un ou deux petits tours de manège avant de fermer. I don't want that



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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Lun 17 Jan 2011 - 16:51

Salut Pascal, il semble que cette analyse date de juillet dernier.. voir l'article complet

Citation :

On July 21, 2010, the Congress passed the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act. Among other things, the Dodd-Frank Act amended the Commodity Exchange Act to:

  • Require the Commission, as appropriate, to limit the amount of positions, other than bona fide hedge positions, that may be held by any person with respect to commodity futures and option contracts in exempt and agricultural commodities traded on or subject to the rules of a designated contract market (DCM).
  • Require the Commission to establish position limits, including aggregate position limits, for swaps that are economically equivalent to DCM contracts in exempt and agricultural commodities (collectively, economically equivalent swaps). Such limits must be imposed simultaneously with limits on DCM contracts.


selon les derniers articles parus sur le site du Gata, les choses sont toujours en pourparlers entre Bart Chilton, qui veut faire avancer les choses, et les autres ..

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par Invité Lun 17 Jan 2011 - 17:18

Possible Marie, auquel cas tu peux effacer mon post qui n'a effectivement plus lieu d'être, mais ce n'est pas exactement ce qu'écrit ZH qui se réfère au "background" de l'affaire pour citer la date du 21 juillet dernier. Il est vrai qu'il n'y a pas de date précise dans le mail reçu hier du Métropole qui présentait l'info comme une nouvelle.

A vérifier, tout de même.



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MessageRe: loi Dodd Franck/CFTC/ limitations de positions
par marie Lun 17 Jan 2011 - 17:25

est tu certain qu'il s'agissait d'un mail du métropole?
j'ai rien reçu de tel, personnellement ..

je relis l'article .. et tout les commentaires st relatifs à ça ..
d'ailleurs, tu vois bien en lisant la file dédiée à Bart Chilton .. que les négociations / tractations sont toujours en cours depuis cette date ..


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