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Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.

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Performances comparées de l'or et de l'argent en 9 devises sur 10 ans

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MessagePerformances comparées de l'or et de l'argent en 9 devises sur 10 ans
par g.sandro Dim 9 Jan 2011 - 11:45

Tableau des performances comparées de Gold et Silver en 9 devises sur 10 ans
By J.Turk

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Gold Price Rises 29.8% in 2010 to End a Stellar Decade

2011 January 3

Performances comparées de l'or et de l'argent en 9 devises sur 10 ans Pallets-of-400-ounce-gold-bars

James Turk writes --
Gold rose 29.8% in 2010 against the US dollar. It is gold's second best
annual gain this past decade and the tenth year in a row it climbed against the
world's reserve currency.
Gold also rose last year against eight other major world currencies, but its
greatest appreciation this past decade was against the US dollar. The following
table presents the annual change in gold's rate of exchange this decade against
nine major currencies.
Gold continues to excel as one of this past decade's best performing asset
classes and continues to garner the attention it rightfully deserves. The
increasing number of news reports and other media coverage is evidence that gold is in the second stage of its long-term bull market. The
third and final stage of this bull market is still in the future.
Nevertheless, it is understandable if we ask ourselves, can gold keep
climbing higher? Rising ten years in a row is clearly exceptional, so it is
reasonable to ponder whether gold can keep this upward path. Yes, it can,
and the reason is straightforward; we are witnessing the destruction of national
As long as governments and central bankers pursue policies that erode the
purchasing power of the currency they manage, gold will be exchanged for that
currency at an ever rising price.
It is important to recognize that all national currencies circulate because
of government fiat, i.e., force. Governments use legal tender laws and other
instruments of force to keep national currency in circulation. Because their
purchasing power is being eroded, national currencies no longer meet the goals
of what currency should be or the needs that currency should fill.
Gold is the numéraire - the measuring stick - that illustrates how
badly national currencies are being managed. Therefore, unless government
policies change - and I see no prospect of that - the price of gold will
continue to rise.
Consequently, it still makes sense to stay with the same strategy that we
have been pursuing throughout the last decade. Continue to accumulate gold under
a steady cost averaging program. Make gold purchases part of your regular
budget, and view gold to be your savings. As I have said many times - but it is
always worth repeating to understand the underlying logic of this gold
accumulation plan
- saving money is always a good thing, particularly when
it is sound money. That conclusion is clear from the above table.
While 2010 was a great year for gold, it was the best year of the decade for
silver. Silver rose against all nine of the major world currencies, topped by a
spectacular 97.0% jump against the euro. Silver's results are presented in the
following table.
The above table makes clear that silver is more volatile than gold. Silver
also fits well within a long-term accumulation plan, but only if you are
prepared to accept the volatility that comes with it. The reward for doing so
will be silver's continuing outperformance against gold over the long-run, as is
evident from the above tables. Silver has average annual rates of appreciation
in all nine currencies that are higher than gold.
To conclude, we should assume that gold and silver will both appreciate again
in 2011. After all, nothing has changed. The reasons that have been driving the
metals higher all decade long remain in place. Governments and central banks are
pursuing policies that are destroying the purchasing power of national
Published by GoldMoney
Copyright © 2011. All rights reserved.
Edited by
James Turk

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Performances comparées de l'or et de l'argent en 9 devises sur 10 ans 2wecua10




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