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Hardinvestor- Investir sur l’or et l’argent Hard Investor   |  Silver is King, Go gold!

Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.

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le cours de l'argent métal dépassera les 500 $ l'once, d'ici 2020 / Jason Hommel

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Messagele cours de l'argent métal dépassera les 500 $ l'once, d'ici 2020 / Jason Hommel
par g.sandro Sam 15 Jan 2011 - 3:38

Silver: From $30/oz to over $500 by 2020

(And from $500 to $5000 by 2030!)

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, January 12th, 2011

Silver: From $30/oz. to over $500 by 2020. In under a minute, I can tell
you why that price must happen, and likely when.

It seems to me that the public will one day wake up and start buying silver to protect from inflation.
Thus, long before, say 10-20% of people buy silver, at least 1% of the American public
will buy silver. We can calculate what might happen to the silver price when
that happens.
The amount of money in US Banks is about $18 trillion. 1% of that is $180
Very little silver is left; it's mostly all been consumed, so most of what is
available to buy is the annual new mine supply which is 700 million ounces.
$180 billion is $180,000 million.
Divide that by 700 million, and we get an implied price of $257 per ounce. Do the math yourself. I'll wait.
But that price would mean that there is no newly mined silver left over for
any industrial use, and that nobody else outside of the USA could buy any of the
world's newly mined silver. Clearly that can't happen; those two groups would
continue to buy silver, competing to buy, and driving up the price even
Thus, silver is very likely to be about $500/oz., by about the time that 1%
of the American public wakes up and starts to buy silver. That will be the very
beginning of the bull market in silver, when measured by "popular demand" -- and
at that price, silver would still be very unpopular.
Just remember these key facts, and don't let anyone, or even yourself, trick
you out of this developing bull market in silver. Don't try to time the peaks,
don't wait for dips, just buy and hold real silver, not any kind of paper silver

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Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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le cours de l'argent métal dépassera les 500 $ l'once, d'ici 2020 / Jason Hommel 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
  Messages :   14570

le cours de l'argent métal dépassera les 500 $ l'once, d'ici 2020 / Jason Hommel Empty
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Messagesa nouvelle interview
par g.sandro Sam 5 Mar 2011 - 17:00

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook

le cours de l'argent métal dépassera les 500 $ l'once, d'ici 2020 / Jason Hommel 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
  Messages :   14570

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le cours de l'argent métal dépassera les 500 $ l'once, d'ici 2020 / Jason Hommel
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