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Messageinvestir sur l'argent métal / un superbe document pour vous guider
par g.sandro Mer 9 Mar 2011 - 1:21

Guide de l'investisseur argent métal / meilleur article depuis 10 ans



Comment investir sur l'argent ?, meilleur article écrit depuis 10 ans


Best Article on Silver in Ten Years!

(Not written by me!)

Silver Stock Report by Jason Hommel, March 7th, 2011

NDR: Nous avons publié cet article dans le coin du Physique, je vous l'avais chaudement recommandé; c'est maintenant jason Hommel himself qui s'y colle pour lui rendre hommage, il en profite pour nous glisser des infos tonitruantes sur l'activité de JPm sur le Crimex cette semaine ; il est désormais question de 80% de prime sur l'argent métal pour dissuader les contractants de prendre livraison, c'est de la folie (pas douce) et croyez bien que ça aussi, ça déchire les muqueuses à Blythe Masters...investir sur l'argent métal / un superbe document pour vous guider 354172 investir sur l'argent métal / un superbe document pour vous guider 210770
Je vous laisse savourer
: c'est juste de la balle... investir sur l'argent métal / un superbe document pour vous guider Temps04 investir sur l'argent métal / un superbe document pour vous guider 46501c7_ investir sur l'argent métal / un superbe document pour vous guider 923766 investir sur l'argent métal / un superbe document pour vous guider 773409

This is probably the best article on silver (not written by me) in the
last ten years.

The Silver Bullet And The Silver Shield
By Silver
Shield, on February 25th, 2011
The Ultimate FREE Silver Investors

article covers so much, so well. I have almost no arguments with the author,
and that's really saying something. I linked to this article once already, when
I had scanned it, but after having read it, I can say you MUST READ

The best argument for silver is that when you buy real silver, you
own real wealth, with allodial title. Unlike your car, your home, or your bank
account, or your brokerage. All the other stuff can be encumbered easily. Your
car is registered annualy for a fee. On your home, you pay property taxes. On
your bank account, you lose money due to inflation, and it's really the bank's
money. Your brokerage accounts, you pay a fee, and your stocks are also in the
name of the DTCC. http://www.dtcc.com/

With silver and gold,
in your hand, ONLY YOU own them, and you don't owe anyone else anything at all,
they are not registered, you pay no ongoing taxes or fees. Storage will cost
you only slightly more than to keep yourself safe. Buy a vault, and a gun, and
take responsibility for your own wealth, it's really simple.

This one
article is making waves, and already making enemies, and revealing bias among
others in the precious metals community.

My Skirmish With 321Gold
Silver Shield, on February 27th, 2011

author tried to get it published at 321gold.com, and ran into a problem. The
article is too good, kind of like an article I wrote and submitted to
321gold.com about 4 years ago, when silver was just over $6/oz., see:

Insanely Bullish on Silver

published Bob's nasty comments to me here:

of 321gold.com, is part of the problem. He would rather not publish well
researched facts, to "save his readers" from buying into what he thinks was a
near term top that might see a 10% pullback. He doesn't want his readers to buy
into a top; to protect his readers, or to protect his reputation? OK, I hope I
helped to expose him for what he is. Apparently, Bob was trying to protect his
readers from the risk of buying silver at $6/oz.,
too! HA HA!!investir sur l'argent métal / un superbe document pour vous guider 354172 investir sur l'argent métal / un superbe document pour vous guider 210770

Well, I'm
also part of the problem. I'm selling silver, oh no! I'm helping to keep a lid
on prices! (Not really). I just raised my prices just a bit tonight because we
are selling out of inventory just a bit too fast. There will be absolutely no
discounts for anyone after 10AM tomorrow, unless someone orders over $100,000,
and is willing to wait for delivery from our wholesalers. Today, we sold over
$280,000 worth of precious metals, or more, and bought about $5000 worth from
the public,
the rest was repurchased from our suppliers; mints, refiners, and
wholesalers. Tomorrow will be another shockingly busy day.

Here's my
worry: The news is that JP Morgan has shorted 6000 contracts last week,
there were no other sellers, and is rumored to be paying out 80% premiums
holders of silver futures to take cash settlement offers, because they can't
come up with the silver to deliver. This is a delivery default, the
one we were watching for.
JP Morgan sold 30 million oz. of silver, on paper, which is over twice the world mine supply for the week.


a key source following and reporting on this ongoing silver


people who are getting these 80% premium cash settlements need to buy physical
silver, as it will quickly sell out, or run to $59/oz., the rumored level of
their payout, or bribe.

Furthermore, two of our best wholesale
suppliers of silver eagles are SOLD OUT! That means we
must ration our remaining supply, or find other suppliers. If there are any
suppliers of Silver Eagles reading this who have them IN STOCK for immediate
shipment and delivery at less than $3/oz. over spot, please contact me at

far, I can survive this ongoing default and silver eagle shortage, since I can
sell low on Eagles, and simply stock up on other forms of silver.

another shocker! JP Morgan Chase is our bank. Sorry. They just asked us, as
if it's standard business practice for all of their clients in the bullion
trade, to name all of our suppliers. I said, "Why bother, you have our banking
records, you know who our suppliers are, but I'm not going to tell you
specifically." If they insist, I'll simply list the LBMA refiners


are JP Morgan's suppliers, there appear to be about 100 refiners on their list,
and they can't find enough silver to back even 5000 contracts, for 25 million
oz. of silver!

Ted Butler reveals that JP Morgan, acting like a cornered
rat, sold short 6000 contracts of silver, and increased their manipulation even

Silver Shocker
By: Theodore Butler
Posted 7 March, 2011

to do? More good advice: Buy physical:

�I Get It Now.�
By Silver
Shield, on March 3rd, 2011
A beginners to guide to investing in physical

problem I have with that report is that the author says to avoid bullion
dealers, or coin shops. Well maybe most of them, but not all of them. We, at
JH MINT, don't push any numismatics on anyone. We steer people away from
numismatics, and into the cheapest bullion we can find. Then, we buy back more
of it, in bulk, fast.

So, we recently read that Jim Puplava waited 3
months for a tonne of silver, and Sprott waited for 2 months for a few million
. We never wait for more than 7 days for silver; we only buy it from
people who have it available for immediate delivery. And we only sell what we
have. And if we don't have it, we know we can get it fast.

a shame that these other people never contacted us. We would have loved to help
them find out where to order silver. Again, contact the suppliers on the LBMA
list, it's no secret. But be prepared for $300,000 minimum orders, or even a
minimum order for 300,000 oz. of silver from a big producer like Penoles; that's
about what they produce every day.

JP Morgan's problem is that the
Penoles silver production, less than 9 million oz. over 30 days, is likely
already spoken for, and is less than they need this month.

It will be
an interesting month.


I strongly advise you to take
possession of real gold and silver, at anywhere near today's prices, while you
still can. The fundamentals indicate rising prices for decades to come, and a
major price spike can happen at any time.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Dernière édition par g.sandro le Jeu 29 Nov 2012 - 15:36, édité 5 fois




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MessageGata news:PDAC-Sprott says silver will keep outshining gold
par g.sandro Mer 9 Mar 2011 - 1:27

PDAC-Sprott says silver will keep outshining gold



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Tue Mar 8, 2011 10:59am EST

* Hedge fund boss says more dollars flows favor silver

* Wary of investing in base metal due to uncertain economy By Euan Rocha and Pav Jordan TORONTO, March 8 (Reuters) - Silver is likely to keep
outperforming gold thanks to strong dollar flows, though both
are still good investments compared with copper and other base
metals, according to Eric Sprott, the hedge-fund manager and
Canadian investment guru. "I watch where the money goes and the money's going into
silver. There's as much money going into silver as into gold in
dollar terms,"
said Sprott in an interview with Reuters. Sprott, who heads Toronto-based hedge-fund Sprott Asset
Management, said it is important to note that silver available
to buy is relatively scarce in terms of value, and that bodes
well for further gains. "There is 75 times more dollars worth of gold to buy than
silver, but the money's going in one to one,"
says Sprott,
while speaking on the sidelines of an investor event held in
conjunction with the annual PDAC mining convention in Toronto. Silver stocks in COMEX warehouses are near their lowest
since April 2006,
when the metal traded at $5 an ounce. Demand
for silver coins has also picked up, especially in the United
States, where it was at record levels early this year. "My biggest thing is silver -- I think silver is going to go
up a lot here. Gold's right in there, but not as good as
silver," said Sprott, following a presentation to hundreds of
investors in a resplendent ballroom at Toronto's Royal York
Hotel. Gold and silver -- traditionally viewed as a safe store of
value in turbulent times -- have soared on inflation concerns,
political turmoil in the Middle East and North Africa, an
uneven U.S. economic recovery and the European sovereign debt
crisis. Gold touched an all-time high of $1,444.40 on Monday, while
silver hit a 31-year high of $36.70 an ounce, after rating
agency Moody's downgraded Greece's debt and violence flared
anew in Libya. [IDLDE72625A]
For a graphic on metal prices: r.reuters.com/baw38r
For more stories on PDAC convention: [IDN02153893]
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^> "I have a little website that sells gold and silver maple
leafs, and we sell about four times more silver than gold in
dollars (terms)," said Sprott, who had earlier in the day
addressed a room full of miners and investors and others at the
PDAC convention. The PDAC event is the world's largest gathering of people
tied to the mining industry, and this year's event is expected
to attract more than 22,000. The mood among delegates is
exuberant, thanks to record or near-record prices that both
precious and base metals are commanding. BASE METALS RISKY While bullish on precious metals, Sprott is wary of base
metals - copper, nickel and zinc - as their fortunes are too
closely tied to the fate of the broader economy. "I agree with the prices of precious metals. I'm not as
much of a bull on base metals," said Sprott. "I still worry
about the financial system, it's massively over-levered and
will still come undone."

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Messageéchange d'argent métal contre de la monnaie biodégradable : y'en a plus pour très longtemps ...
par g.sandro Sam 19 Mar 2011 - 3:21

l' échange d'argent métal contre de la monnaie biodégradable : y'en a plus pour très longtemps ...la porte est en train de se refermer

The Silver Door Is Closing

un apéro pour vous mettre en bouche?

Citation :

The Silver Door Is Closing

Don't tread on Me

MARCH 15, 2011

By Silver Shield, on March 13th, 2011
I have a little theory that I’ve been kicking around for a couple of years. The theory is that there will come a time that you will not be able to buy silver at any price.
It will not be because there is not any silver around to be purchased
or that silver will not have any value. I think that we won’t be able
to buy silver at any price because there will be a very sudden and a
very dramatic shift in the perception of silver’s value.A
time will come when the value of silver is so strong and the value of
the dollar so weak, that only a fool would ever trade silver for the

la suite, c'est là ==>

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: investir sur l'argent métal / un superbe document pour vous guider
par marie Lun 28 Mar 2011 - 19:17

controverses avec Bob Moriarty,


et réponse aussi cinglante qu'argumentée de David Bond

cliquez ici

suite au mail d'un lecteur, je précise que l'article dont il est question est bien un article de Silver Shield et non de Max Keiser , contrairement à ce qu'indique David Bond... ce qui n'enléve absolument rien à ses mérites.

©️ Marie
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