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Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.

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Inde /fondamentaux argent métal en hausse

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MessageInde /fondamentaux argent métal en hausse
par marie Jeu 14 Avr 2011 - 15:34

l'inde, traditionnnellement demandeuse d'or est en train de changer de mentalité?
les petits investisseurs arbitrent l'or contre l'argent .. !!
rien quà Munbai, la demande argent métal est de 400 à 500 kg par jour
la demande d'argent métal est tellement importante qu'il y a même un début de pénurie à Ahmedabad

Citation :
Ordinary investors are buying silver as if there is no tomorrow," Suresh Hundia, president emeritus of the Bombay Bullion Association, told Dow Jones Newswires. "Many people are selling their gold and buying silver because gold has not given them as good a return."

According to him, Mumbai alone is recording daily silver purchases of 400-500 kilograms.


©️ Marie
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MessageRe: Inde /fondamentaux argent métal en hausse
par g.sandro Jeu 14 Avr 2011 - 20:15

Indien.........vaut mieux que 2 tue l'aura kiiil je suis un saint mitraillette

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Inde /fondamentaux argent métal en hausse
par marie Mar 19 Avr 2011 - 19:48

le vrai prix de l'argent métal
ce topo confirme les informations du post précédent, sur la demande des investisseurs en inde, pour l'argent métal

les raffineries indiennes sont à sec d'argent métal ..n'arrivent plus à suivre la demande ..

c'est pas vraiment la bulle sur l'argent métal .. Wink

Citation :
Now, here is some up-to-date information that you will not find on any website. Refineries in India have been out of silver since April1, 2011. The only silver that has been traded since that day has been scrap. April 4 was GudiPadwa, which is the Maharashtrian New Year. It is an extremely auspicious day in the State of Maharashtra, and significant amounts of jewelry are bought around that time. Bombay, or Mumbai, with all its wealth, is in Maharashtra. Ordinarily, you’d expect demand to wear off after a big holiday like this. But it hasn’t. And, of course, there is a shortage. People who want to buy bullion are asked by the dealers to call back in 7-10 days. The refineries are idle.


The True Price of Silver

I would like to reassure Gold-Eagle readers that the daily price shenanigans on the Comex do not reflect the true price of silver bullion. How do I know this? I know the price of silver prevailing in the largest silver jewelry market in the world - India. And you can, too. All you have to do is visit the website of the Bombay Bullion Association at www.bombaybullion.com to confirm the silver price. Silver prices are quoted in Rs. per Kg. The closing price on Thursday, April 14, 2011 was Rs.61,585 per Kg. Since there are 32.1oz to a kilo, the price per oz comes out to Rs.1918.54 per Kg.
Next, check out the rupee-to-dollar conversion rate. At the time of writing, the rate was Rs.44.4050/US$. Using this conversion rate, we arrive at the price of silver at $43.21/oz. In fact, the price has hovered around $43/oz for several days now. Compare this to the manipulated price on the Comex, which has varied from $37 and change to almost $42 per oz.
Now, here is some up-to-date information that you will not find on any website. Refineries in India have been out of silver since April1, 2011. The only silver that has been traded since that day has been scrap. April 4 was GudiPadwa, which is the Maharashtrian New Year. It is an extremely auspicious day in the State of Maharashtra, and significant amounts of jewelry are bought around that time. Bombay, or Mumbai, with all its wealth, is in Maharashtra. Ordinarily, you’d expect demand to wear off after a big holiday like this. But it hasn’t. And, of course, there is a shortage. People who want to buy bullion are asked by the dealers to call back in 7-10 days. The refineries are idle.
So, please, don’t buy the silver bubble story. Instead, buy silver with both hands!
Tehmaas S. Gorimaar
April 14, 2011

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: Inde /fondamentaux argent métal en hausse
par marie Mar 26 Avr 2011 - 23:32

l'attrait de l'argent métal pour les hindoux, ne se dément pas .. à tel point que certains experts prévoient un doublement des importations d'argent en inde .. c'est d'ailleurs un comportement radicalement différent de celui observé jusquà présent pour l'or... puisque les investisseurs indiens n'hésitent pas à acheter l'argent de plus en plus cher ..

Separately, Bloomberg has a story alarmingly entitled India's investor ‘euphoria’ to drive silver demand which follows a similar one yesterday in which a spokesman for the para-statal commodity importer MMTC once again predicted the concern would double silver imports this year:


It is not the traditional for the Indian public to chase precious metal prices and JBGJ is inclined to see this as a phenomenon divorced from the gold market. The monetary amounts involved, of course, are very different.

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