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JPM et DB veulent du platine physique

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MessageJPM et DB veulent du platine physique
par marie Jeu 28 Avr 2011 - 23:22

JPM et Deutsch bank prennent livraison sur les futures du platine !
ne peuvent pas le faire sur or et argent, pour des raisons évidentes ... mais ça envoie un signal très fort ... que 2 importantes banques d'affaire hedgent leurs positions contre l'inflation ... et couvrent aussi ( un peu ) leurs risques contre leurs ventes à découvert or et argent



JPMC has gone long physical platinum by taking net delivery through Comex of at least 58,200 troy ozs since last summer. Possibly another 5,000 ozs at the close of the April delivery. In April Deutsche Bank also got into the long physical game taking delivery of 9,700 ozs. Something seems afoot. Lately, silver has been moving from the deliverable category at Comex into the non deliverable category, with deliverable now down to just 33% of Comex inventory. The official cover story by the exchange is that this just reflects the holders of paper warrants who have not converted them into electronic warrants which are deliverable. A mere recording switch by the exchange. So that's alright then, except it isn't. The holders of the paper warrants have made a conscious decision to keep holding them so as not to be deliverable. In effect they have protected their holding from being liquidated by the exchange in any coming fiat currency crisis.
Two large banks have started swapping paper for physical precious metal, and on a deliberate basis. Officially JPMC stopped prop trading last October, but the prop desk traders just moved over to closely allied hedge funds. it is most likely that they are the ones still accumulating physical platinum via JPMC. A prop desk in all but name. So why Platinum? The market is much thinner than the other PMs, with annual production smaller, demand is rising as diesel truck growth rises across Asia, and in London the bullion banks are probably heavily short Platinum via their fraudulent unallocated account system. JPMC and now DB think they see a big inflation ahead and the easiest way to play it is via accumulating physical Platinum. They are further constrained against doing the same in gold as it would put them directly opposite the Fed and BUBA and the ECB, incurring ire to say the least, sending a signal that they have lost faith in the dollar and Euro. JPMC can't do it in silver since it is the largest short! It would signal the end of the short manipulation. DB probably isn't willing to appear to be squeezing JPMC lest it bankrupt them.
Both banks were probably hopping to acquire a lot more platinum before getting noticed, as their positions are still tiny in dollar terms relative to the amount of cash they can use to build inventory. My take on this is that we are seeing the start of an end run around fiat currency. China's CB acquires most of the gold mined in China. Russia's the same in Russia. Both only updating gold holdings sporadically after the fact. The leading western CBs still have a lot of gold that they could sell, but have probably already leased most of it and are unable to deliver much. In silver they hold no inventory at all. JPMC is effectively on its own. That may be why they are trying an offsetting Platinum hedge.
To me, this is explosive for PMs. Two leading banks are using physical accumulation to get around the paper shorts on the exchanges and the "unallocated" scandal in London. Since this process started last year, my guess is that they are hedging against next year's US election, the rout of the euro via bailouts, and the rout of western fiat currencies via QE programs.
Other explanations are possible, but this isn't happening by accident.

©️ Marie
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JPM et DB veulent du platine physique Sign-m10




  Inscription :   05/02/2005
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MessageRe: JPM et DB veulent du platine physique
par marie Ven 29 Avr 2011 - 0:12

à propos de demande de livraison, Adrian Douglas signale de très importantes et inhabituelles demandes d'exercice ( cad de livraison) d'options or et argent sur les contrats mai 2011
si c'est pas négocié en cash.. ça pourrait faire du grabuge ..


In a stunning development yesterday 18,366 MAY GOLD CALL options were EXERCISED for futures contracts and 21,721 MAY SILVER CALL options were EXERCISED for futures. If these are not settled in a backroom cash deal for large premiums a default is looming!

©️ Marie
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JPM et DB veulent du platine physique Sign-m10




  Inscription :   05/02/2005
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JPM et DB veulent du platine physique
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