| | augmentation appels de couverture comex sur or et argent | |
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augmentation appels de couverture comex sur or et argent par marie Sam 27 Aoû 2011 - 21:49 | |
| relévement appels couverture sur l' or du 25-08-2011toujours aussi farceurs, ces gars du CME, puisque ce relévement de 27 % ( excusez du peu ) intervient juste en amont de la cloture des options or du 25-08 http://community.nasdaq.com/News/2011-08/gold-futures-tumble-as-cme-margin-hike-weighs.aspx?storyid=92058effet immédiat, sur l'or qui s'est replié depuis son plus haut intraday supérieur à 1900$ jusquà 1700$ en intraday, jeudi 25 août, mais qui reprend déjà son ascension pas de nouveau relévement pour l'argent, c'est normal, c'est déjà fort elevé ... et tout ça ne va pas amah empecher la commerciale failure épique qui s'est mise en place lors de ce mois d'aout historique ... ******************* nota: c'est le 2eme relévement des appels de couverture de ce mois d'aout pour les futures de l'or, le précédent ayant eu lieu le 11 aoutdécidément, ça se confirme ... ya de la BIG panique dans les tuyaux et rien ne fonctionne ... ça n'est pas le cours de l'or qui capitule,mais bel et bien une grosse commerciale failure des familles qui s'annonce ... LA commerciale failure ? on verra, mais ça semble bien parti, s'ils n'ont pas été capables de faire face ici et maintenant... Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook
Dernière édition par marie le Mer 12 Oct 2011 - 19:00, édité 2 fois |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: augmentation appels de couverture comex sur or et argent par Invité Mar 30 Aoû 2011 - 9:36 | |
| Il semblerait en effet que les 177 tonnes d'or de la banque centrale lybienne n'ont pas encore été retrouvés...
Bon, cela étant, pour que le gold rejoigne le silver en termes d'appels de marge, je pense qu'il y a encore de la marge. De mémoire et sauf ereur, le levier sur le silver doit être de l'ordre de 7 environ quand celui du gold sur le Comex était de l'ordre de 32 avant les derniers relèvements (à vérifier tout de même, je ne retrouve plus le lien, je crois du Metropole, mais ce doit être de cet ordre).
Il me semble que le COMEX sera déjà une ville fantôme, désertée au profit de Londres et de Shanghai quand les appels de marge cesseront d'être grotesquement manipulés au profit des commerciaux. |
| Invité  
| | | Re: augmentation appels de couverture comex sur or et argent par marie Mar 30 Aoû 2011 - 23:13 | |
| - Citation :
- Bon, cela étant, pour que le gold rejoigne le silver en termes d'appels de marge, je pense qu'il y a encore de la marge. De mémoire et sauf ereur, le levier sur le silver doit être de l'ordre de 7 environ quand celui du gold sur le Comex était de l'ordre de 32 avant les derniers relèvements (à vérifier tout de même, je ne retrouve plus le lien, je crois du Metropole, mais ce doit être de cet ordre).
oui... mais non Pascal, puisque tu soulignes à très juste titre que pour ce qui est des relévements d'appel de couverture, l'argent est très en avance sur l'or c'est pas pour rien ... et on avait déjà évoqué cette question sous un angle qui était clairement de détourner les spécs argent vers l'or, histoire de calmer la fièvre de l'argent, puis d'attaquer l'or au moment voulu.ce qui a été tenté à diverses reprises cet été et on a vu avec quel succès == > complétement louppé, pire encore ==> début de commercial failure sur l'or, comme cela avait eu lieu pour argent, auparavant.puisque s'ils diminuent le levier sur l'or, autant qu'ils l'ont fait sur l'argent, cela deviendra contreproductif par rapport à leur motivation initiale qui était de détourner les petits de l'argent vers l'or, et ce pourrait être ce qu'ils craignent le plus, un retour en force sur l'argent et s'ils ne font aucune diminution de levier supplémentaire sur l'or ( ce qui serait logique, au regard des leviers autorisés sur les autres mp ), ils n'arriveront pas à calmer la fièvre de l'or bref c'est un choix perdant- perdant pour eux ceci d'autant plus valable que le 17 juin dernier les appels de couverture avaient été baissé pour l'or ... mais pas pour l'argent https://000999.forumactif.com/t12464-comex-baisse-des-couvertures-pour-l-or-mais-pas-pour-l-argent Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: augmentation appels de couverture comex sur or et argent par marie Ven 9 Sep 2011 - 15:34 | |
| appels de couverture futures or CME / rumeur d'augmentation imminente, démentie par la CMEtiens, voilà encore un bel exemple de manipulation baissière ... la fameuse rumeur, qui prédisait un relévement des appels de couverture imminent pour l'or .. est démentie par la CME, une semaine, plus tard ... sourire
le CME se fend même d'un communiqué pour démentir ... plus d'une semaine après sa propagation, et une fois que ses effets commencent à donner quelques espoirs aux raideurs sont trop farceurs, à la CME http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20110908-716170.htmlCME Holds Gold Margins Steady Despite Higher Volatility --Key volatility index hits highest level since Aug. 24, the last time margins were raised --Margin adjustments are based on volatility rather than price, CME says --Traders have been concerned that CME may again raise gold margins as prices have seen larger price swings and wider trading ranges in recent days NEW YORK (Dow Jones)--CME Group Inc. (CME) didn't raise collateral requirements for gold futures trading, despite a measure of volatility ... mais je vois que ça ne décourage pas la rumeur, puisque je lis sur certains forums de trader que la CME aurait augmenté la couverture sur les dérivés or du LBMA il se trouve que c'est pas la CME qui gére ce marché là ... puisqu'elle n'opére que sur marchés de futures et dérivés USA ! - Citation :
- CME raises margin requirements for cleared OTC London Gold forward to USD 9450 per ounce from USD 6751 per ounce..
je ne sais pas qui a inventé ce texte, mais c'est très fort, ça !! lisez bien les soit disants montants, pour une seule once !!! pour mémo le dernier relévement du CME pour l'or ( le 25 août dernier) c'était çaThe CME increased the so-called initial margin by 27% to USD9,450 per 100-ounce contract from USD7,425, ya pas un truc qui vous chiffonne là sur les montants par quantité d'onces du soit disant communiqué bidon de la CME sur les forwards du LBMA?, sans compter que, c'est pas la CME qui gére le marché des forwards du LBMA, évidemment et y'en, pour gober ça, et le répandre sur la toile Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: augmentation appels de couverture comex sur or et argent par marie Lun 26 Sep 2011 - 23:46 | |
| relévement des appels de couverture or et argent, sur le comexannonce du ve 23-09 à effet du lundi 26-09-2011 For GoldOld Margin New Margin$9,450 $11,475 Old Maintenance New Maintenance$7,000 $8,500 SILVER Old Margin New Margin$21,600 $24,975 Old Maintenance New Maintenance$16,000 $18,500 ************ j'ai déjà longuement discuté de ce nouveau relévement en file de suivi or, argent et minières, mais je vais y revenir encore une fois : ces rélévements interviennent TOUJOURS pour sauver les shorts de nos habituels suspects, (par ailleurs copains et complices de la CME ) pas de rélevement lorsque les prix explosent à la hausse ... ce serait justement mettre les cartels associates en difficulté on attend qu'une pression ( "extérieure" ou non ) soit mise sur les longs, qu'un début de correction s'enclenche , pour précipiter la correction en dégringolade abrupte c'est TOUJOURS le même mode opératoire, TOUJOURS et c'est comme ça qu'ils se font un maximum de pognon en très peu de temps .. faudra t'il encore que les gredins parviennent à couvrir ... now qu'ils ont viré tout le monde ... à qui von'ils pouvoir racheter au plus bas, tout ce qu'ils ont shorté ? à qui? bref ci dessous un excellent commentaire du www.lemetropolecafe.com**************** To assist The Gold Cartel in their efforts to destabilize gold, and cousin silver, they have resorted to their margin raising drill once again… COMEX 100 GOLD FUTURES (GC) Spec increase from 9,450/7,000 to 11,475/8,500 COMEX 5000 SILVER FUTURES (SI) Spec increase from 21,600/16,000 to 24,975/18,500 That represents a 21% increase in gold and 16% in silver. Speculative longs, already decimated by the worst two day drop in memory, are now hit hard again by the increases. The irony is whether they have raised margins enough. Let me explain. The futures market was initially designed a long time ago to assist farmers with their business operations. The farmers could plant their crops and if they thought the harvest profits would give them a nice profit, they could sell their crops in the months ahead in the futures market to assure profitability, as long as their production at least matched normal expectations. Speculators who thought prices might go much higher in the future could take a bet on the long side in the hopes of making a speculative profit. To make this form of business insurance and potential profit-making initiatives enticing, each party was only required to put up a fraction of the value of the crop in the form of a performance bond of sorts, or margin, which was placed with brokerage houses. The margin had to be enough to ensure that market participants don’t go into a deficit in which they have unsecured losses on the books that they might walk away from, leaving the brokerage houses with debts owed to the exchange. To get to the point, The Gold Cartel, who works closely with CME (Comex), as they all are buddy buddy with each other well, knows what the exchange has to do to protect its members from getting into trouble with deficits from unsuspecting longs. They know that if the market is traumatized with huge losses, the exchange will raise its margins to meet the size of the drops. IMO this one particular fact is why the prices of gold and silver were deliberately hit so hard over a two day period. The margins in gold, and especially silver, were already very high. In order to affect even higher margins, the cabal force needed to bury the precious metals prices to the extent they did over specific daily trading periods. For crying out loud, gold was mangled to $1530 last night, with few traders around … the same Gold Cartel trick they played with silver on one of their recent takedowns. The collective bums in the gang know the drill like the back of their hand. The Exchange never raises the margins ahead of time as price rises sharply, as we just saw in gold, because that would put increasing pressure on their Exchange’s buddies, the shorts. No, they always wait until the spec long is under the greatest of pressures when they make their move. It is pitiful to listen to the Orwellian Gold Cartel sycophants at the Comex explain they are increasing margins to reduce volatility, as the margin increases make volatility more so, as we saw when gold dropped another $100, with silver falling to $26 this morning in Asia, when the least amount of traders were around. If these Gold Cartel groupies on the Comex really wanted to decrease volatility, they would do so as the price moves up and up. Then, vulnerable spec longs (where deficits occur for the most part) would have that much more of a cushion to protect against debacles like this one. Thus, the volatility on breaks would be far less. Now, for whether they have raised margins enough to prevent deficits? Under the new margin requirements a spec long could go into deficit if gold drops more than $115 in a single trading session. For silver that could happen if silver drops $5 in a single trading session. Silver did more than that on Friday and fell another $4 at its lows during the sparsely traded Asian trading hours overnight, but one in which Access Market trading is ongoing and brokerage houses are placing stops to prevent deficits. The Gold Cartel knows this and can pick off those stops, which escalates even further selling. The cabal forces all know how this game is played and are in on the orchestrated scam. Which brings me to another sore subject: the clueless have no understanding there is a price suppression scheme and how The Gold Cartel operates. Many of them say if there is a Gold Cartel, they must be doing a lousy job because look at what precious metals prices have done the past decade. What these people don’t appreciate is the windfall profits made by the cabal forces in very short periods of time. The Gold Cartel makes a fortune in days and weeks following an operation like this. Silver just dropped $16 in a week. It dropped $13 in 2008 over a more extended period of time. It dropped $18 in early May of this year. Then, there have been so many other milder corrections over the years. That adds up to a significant amount of money made over time by JP Morgan and its cohorts. The Gold Cartel, and JP Morgan when it comes to silver, bombs the market in an orchestrated fashion with its allies, flushing out the spec longs, and then book massive profits. You think the JPM traders and execs aren’t smiling today? The sick part is these cretins operate in an unlawful, collusive manner, which is what the silver class action lawsuits against JP Morgan are all about. But, as we know, Morgan has the CFTC in its back pocket. No matter what occurs, the CFTC does nothing. For precedence of this cozy lack of oversight you only have to appreciate what happened in Enron’s case and Bernie Madoff. The whistleblowers at Enron were laughed at, or fired. The SEC ignored Harry Markopolos for a decade in the Madoff Ponzi scheme. In both cases the perpetrators of their respective massive frauds were in tight with the money powers and regulators … just like JP Morgan is with the Fed, the CFTC, and the politicians in Washington. In this Ring Around The Rosy orchestrated Gold Cartel maneuver, over margined specs are taken to the cleaners. As a result, the precious metals market will need time to heal and regroup, and back up we go again as the drop stimulates huge demand in the physical markets. The demand will surface all over the world and already has… Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
| Skipper  
Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
| | | Re: augmentation appels de couverture comex sur or et argent par marie Mar 27 Sep 2011 - 0:56 | |
| et tjs sur www.lemetropolecafe.com de cesoir,, cet excellent commentaire dont j'ai surligné en bleu quelques passages c'est EXACTEMENT ce que j'ai posté ce w end à ce sujet dans la file suivi or argent et minières ...remarque, c'est tellement evident ... mais apparemment pas pour tout le monde Bill H: In the real world?
To all; we watched Thursday and Friday as Gold and Silver prices were slaughtered on the COMEX (paper) exchange. Then, lo and behold, after the close of business the CME group raised margin requirements. WOW, what a coincidence! Can you say...somebody KNEW about the margin hikes ahead of time, SOLD furiously to knock the prices down and put the longs in a hole so they would HAVE to sell Monday morning? Can you say...a forced liquidation by insiders, for insiders and condoned by the COMEX, CME group and the CFTC? THIS is the most brazen action of market manipulation I have ever seen in the 15 years since 1996 when I bagan to smell a rat! But here is the best part which has only happened to the current extent twice before. While "prices" were crashing on the paper markets, real and deliverable metal has been bought up, swept off the street and completely disappeared! That's right, while so called "prices" were crashing (which occurs because there are more sellers than buyers), physical metal has for the most part disappeared and that which remains is for sale at HUGE premiums to the paper prices! While the paper games were being played, there were more, many more buyers than sellers! THIS is exactly what I have written about many times before, a 2 tier market. I have always maintained that we would see a "paper price" and a different, much higher real world physical price. I did not believe it would be caused this way however. I always thought it would be caused strictly by physical buyers stepping up and "outrunning" the paper price. I never believed that the manipulators would show such brazen, obvious and public chutzpah as to do what they have just done! This IS what happened back in 2008 with both Gold and Silver, and again back in May in Silver alone. THIS I believe has set up a VERY dangerous situation for the paper marauders. The problem being a huge probability of someone BIG who wants real physical metal stepping up in the paper markets saying "I BUY BIG! I WANT IT ALL!" Of course if this were to happen, the buyer would probably suffer death threats and be told it is "illegal" to buy or own THAT MANY CONTRACTS for delivery! So in the real world this past week, physical metal was bought up at prices down less than half of how much the paper prices dropped and the funniest thing of all...this has all happened WHILE the CFTC is "supposedly" investigating the Silver market! Maybe these investigaors are the same ones who "investigated" the massive put buying in airline shares back in 2001? Wink, wink. Maybe the protests over the weekend on Wall St. were about the Silver and Gold market manipulations? Naw, only kidding, I don't think they even know why they were protesting other than the fact that the quality and standard of living has dropped to a level "that pretty much sucks". The current demonstrations, manipulations and "blind eyed" regulation will continue...well...until it doesn't at which point we will witness an entire system that has seized up. All of the current paper games (with official blessings) will cease and we will go back to the basic of basics...ie "something for something" even if that requires barter! I am fighting my own battles at present and the current paper games are not a help but I know deep down that when all is said and done that "reality will trump whatever false perceptions TPTB put forth", period. How wide does the chasm between physical and paper prices need to be before we get a market failure? I have no idea but I do know that it IS coming! I will leave you with the following thoughts. When the current farce of what "they" call fair and just markets are exposed for the shams and frauds that they are, do you think there might be a little bit of unrest? When it turns out that Ft. Knox is empty, do you think the people might be a little pissed off? Do you think "the regulators" will get by with saying "who coulda' known?". The current market shenanigans are like the butcher who advertises filet mignon for $2.99 per pound when the butcher across the street has a sign in his window that says $3.99 per pound for hamburger. When you go to get your "cheap" filet mignon you will hear, "sorry, we just sold out"! It will not even take a huge buyer to expose and thus explode the Silver market, my guess is that the number is less than a $1 Billion cash order which is now less than how much the U.S. government needs to borrow in less than every 6 hours just to keep the doors open! $1 Billion. A ham sandwich I say...and it may take more than $1 Billion to buy one of these tasty treats when all is said and done. Regards and keep the faith, Bill H. Marie Pas de copier-coller: merci de faire un lien vers ce post. Suivez Hardinvestor sur Twitter et sur Facebook |
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Inscription : 05/02/2005 Messages : 20140
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