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La Slovénie rejoint WAG2

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MessageLa Slovénie rejoint WAG2
par marie Sam 23 Déc 2006 - 16:40

La Slovénie rejoint WAG2 , 10 jours avant d'adopter l'euro comme monnaie nationale

ECB Says Slovenia's Central Bank Signs Agreement on Gold Sales
2006-12-22 05:16 (New York)

Dec. 22 (Bloomberg) -- Slovenia signed an agreement that limits how much gold 15 participating European central banks can sell until 2009, 10 days before the eastern European nation adopts the euro, the European Central Bank said.

The five-year agreement from March 2004 was signed by the ECB and all 12 euro region central banks, so that the maximum annual sales as well as the total sales will remain unchanged over the period of the agreement, the ECB said. The other two members are Switzerland and Sweden.
According to the ECB statement, Slovenia's central bank also agreed not to expand its gold leasing and its use of gold futures and options. Slovenia, a former Yugoslav republic of 2 million, that joined the European Union in May 2004, will be the first of the 10 new members to adopt the euro. It has sacrificed higher growth at the expense of keeping a lid on inflation, government spending and debt.

comme le dit ce lecteur du Midas, on peut se demander pourquoi cet empressement de la part d'un si petit pays ( dont les réserves sont inférieures à 10 T ) à rejoindre les accords de WAG2.. ça sent à plein nez la pression du Cartel ça ... t'aurais pas 1 tonne?na !

Citation :
Le Patron, Can you spare a Ton?

The Gold Cartel must be pan handling in Central Europe for more gold. This day the Bank of Slovakia joins the gold thug team. The Gold Cartel must be running out of World Bank Gold. Why would a small country and its bank, not even making the top 40 gold hoards among banks, join the WAG2? The European Banks must be pals. The Gold Cartel must be desperate if it is pan handing for a mere 10 tons. The European Banks are probably asking, Hey Buddy, Can you spare a ton? Derrick

22 December 2006 - Banka Slovenije joins the Central Bank Gold Agreement, In the interest of clarifying its intentions with respect to its gold holdings, Banka Slovenije agrees with and becomes a party to the joint statement dated 8 March 2004 by the European Central Bank, Banca d’Italia, Banco de España, Banco de Portugal, Bank of Greece, Banque centrale du Luxembourg, Banque de France, Nationale Bank van België/Banque Nationale de Belgique, Deutsche Bundesbank, Central Bank and Financial Services Authority of Ireland, De Nederlandsche Bank, Oesterreichische Nationalbank, Suomen Pankki, Schweizerische Nationalbank and Sveriges Riksbank. In this respect, Banka Slovenije makes the following statement: Banka Slovenije will adhere to the Central Bank Gold Agreement of 8 March 2004. The maximum annual sales, as well as the total sales, both as specified in the agreement of 8 March 2004 by its signatories, will remain unchanged over the period of the agreement. Banka Slovenije has agreed not to expand its gold leasing and its use of gold futures and options over the period of the agreement.

©️ Marie
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