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Blood From A Stone By: Theodore Butler

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MessageBlood From A Stone By: Theodore Butler
par g.sandro Mer 27 Juin 2007 - 1:36

Blood From A Stone By Theodore Butler

bon sang , bien sur bienvenue ! titanic no comment !

50% de + que quand nous avions hurlé...

Un extrait particulièrement savoureux:


Citation :
Exactly one year ago, many of you petitioned the CFTC concerning the concentrated net short position held by the 4 largest traders on the COMEX silver market.

At the time, that net short position averaged around 34,000 contracts, or 170 million ounces. In terms of days of world mine production, the concentrated short position represented almost 100 days, towering over any commodity traded. The CFTC answered, as usual, no problem.

As of the most recent COT report, as of the close of business on June 19, the big 4 are short almost 255 million ounces, or 50% more than a year ago. In terms of what this represents in days of global mine production, it’s pressing on 150 days. No commodity comes close to this concentration or increase in concentration. That the NYMEX and CFTC can publicly overlook this obscene concentration is shameful and negligent. I can only imagine how much new funding the Senate will want the throw at the CFTC when the silver manipulation blows up.


fire mitraillette r.ire Wink king

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Blood From A Stone By: Theodore Butler
par marie Mer 27 Juin 2007 - 18:50

hello Sandro, j'y vais aussi de mon commentaire ..

sur la séance d'hier :
un mix d'expiration des options + mouvements suspects warehouse silver ..
un nom émerge, scottia mocatta

comme le fait remarquer Butler, ils annoncent clairement la couleur ... en plus ils st les patrons du fixing londres ...

11millions d'onces net sont réapparues dans les inventaires du comex !

Citation :

ScotiaMocatta, part of Scotia Capital and a division of The Bank of Nova Scotia, is a global leader in precious metals trading and finance, with roots dating back to 1671. We are the Chairman of the London Silver Fixing and are a leading market-maker with operations worldwide.

This website is designed to be a window on our activities through a global network of representation and alliances. We provide ideas and solutions to institutional clients, wherever precious metals finance or risk management is required.

Citation :

COMEX Silver Warehouse Movements

The past 7 days have seen some unusual movements in COMEX silver warehouse inventories. There were approximately 8 million ounces withdrawn and 19 million ounces received, for a net addition of 11 million ounces. This did not appear to be the same silver being shuffled around. There may be more large silver stock movements ahead. Interestingly, 90% of the gross 19 million ounces received, or 17 million ounces, came into one warehouse, operated by ScotiaMocatta, in the eligible category. As long-time readers know, I have previously speculated that ScotiaMocatta was one of the Silver (price) Managers. There is certainly no need to speculate that ScotiaMoccata is one of the dominant silver dealers, if not the most dominant.


©️ Marie
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