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Réserves d'or USA , un changement de comptabilisation intéressant !

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MessageRéserves d'or USA , un changement de comptabilisation intéressant !
par marie Mar 16 Oct 2007 - 22:57

Réserves d'or USA , un changement de comptabilisation intéressant !

un changement .. pas tres subtil apparait désormais dans les comptes des stocks d'or USA..
on y inclut l'or entreposé bien sur ... mais aussi celui qui a été prété ( swaps )

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The US Gold Reserve is Now in Play

By: James Turk, The Freemarket Gold & Money Report
….The US Treasury quietly made a subtle change to its weekly reports of the US International Reserve Position, which includes the US Gold Reserve. This change was first made on May 14th. The differences can be seen by comparing the report’s old format release on May 8th to the new format used the following week. Here are the links:
Note the additional description of gold provided in the new reporting format. It says the US Gold Reserve is 261.499 million ounces and importantly, that the gold is now reported "including gold deposits and, if appropriate, gold swapped" [emphasis added].
This description provides clear evidence that the US Gold Reserve is in play. Gold has been removed from US Treasury vaults and placed on deposit, presumably in the couple of bullion banks the Treasury has selected to assist with its gold price capping efforts.http://news.goldseek.com/JamesTurk/1192554861.php

le texte complet, ici

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Dernière édition par marie le Jeu 13 Oct 2011 - 14:43, édité 3 fois




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MessageRe: Réserves d'or USA , un changement de comptabilisation intéressant !
par marie Mer 17 Oct 2007 - 21:29

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MessageRe: Réserves d'or USA , un changement de comptabilisation intéressant !
par marie Jeu 18 Oct 2007 - 16:50

Murphy revient sur cet aveu, extrememnt bullish ... aveu qui confirme en tout point les travaux du GATA, et notamment ceux de Franck Veneroso , Reg Howe et James Turk

There will be a great deal of discussion in the weeks and months to come regarding the discovery that US gold has been mobilized in the form of gold loans and swaps. A few quick thoughts:

*The change in nomenclature for the US gold reserves was made in May. However, we don’t know how long US gold has been put in play to suppress the price of gold. My guess is for more than 10 years.

*Why the change now? Last October the IMF announced it was going to request that its member central banks properly account for their gold reserves. This is a step in that direction.

*In essence this stunning disclosure shows that GATA has been right all along. Our naysayers are all wet and have been put in their place.

*The implications are profound and could affect financial markets around the world.

*The work done years ago by GATA consultants Howe, Turk and Veneroso showing the central banks have far less gold than they say they have was spot on.

*As more and more investors realize the central banks have less than half the gold they say they have, there will be a greater rush to BUY what is around … which will push the price up dramatically in the months ahead.


et aussi ce point de vue tres interessant

On the US Treasury:
It is over nine years since Alan Greenspan gave his famous congressional testimony that, "central banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing quantities should the price rise." In spite of this damning statement the government has made every effort to imply, or deny, that it interferes in the gold market (among others). At all turns the Treasury, together with the rest of the Federal Government, has refused to acknowledge that even one ounce of gold had been sold or encumbered. Its allies on Wall Street and in the media have branded anyone who insists on examining the evidence with an open mind as "conspiracy nuts".
So, after all the stonewalling, why has the Treasury reversed course and publicly admitted that U.S. gold reserves include swapped gold? What could motivate this extraordinary moment of candor?
To answer that we should remember that it has always been clear, based on GATA’s discoveries, that two forces are compelling the demise of the central banks manipulative scheme: the finite supply of physical gold that the banks possess and a growing demand for that same physical gold by global buyers. These two realities reinforce one another, as growing demand hastens diminished supply. Which brings us back to the Treasury’s long-overdue confession. This strikes me as the quintessential CYA clarification. It would not have happened unless some of our public servants became concerned about their own legal liability in what will be one of the most dramatic stories of our time — the gold is gone.
The revised Treasury statement is a hint that we may be approaching the critical moment when demand overwhelms supply; the legendary "tipping point", after which a fall becomes unstoppable. When a vase tips it usually crashes — this one will be heard around the world.
My thanks to James Turk for bringing this significant development to our attention.
Best wishes,
Peter R.

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MessageRe: Réserves d'or USA , un changement de comptabilisation intéressant !
par marie Ven 19 Oct 2007 - 1:14

Gold bugs: "We told you so ... "
Commentary: U.S. disclosure cited as proof of cartel's price-capping attempts
By Peter Brimelow, MarketWatch

The yellow metal promptly went off the boil. But then it bubbled up again to multiyear highs.
The ultra-long term $U.S. 5 X 3 Point and Figure chart made available freely by the public-spirited The Privateer Website looks better than ever. See chart
Throughout gold's post-2000 bull market, the much-maligned gold bug services, scarred by 20 years of losses, have been confident but cautious.
Right now, they readily acknowledge that Market Vane's Bullish Consensus survey of advisors, which has been above 90% for five straight days, is negative contrary-opinion-wise. (But this indicator spent two weeks above 90% while gold continued to rise in May 2006)
And booming India's offtake of physical gold, which has swallowed every price increase since 2000 with the occasional brief gagging, may be gagging again. (But for technical reasons this isn't completely clear).
The Gartman Letter, not at all a gold bug service but thought to reflect key hedge fund's rekindled interest in gold, sold half its holdings yesterday. But Gartman is a nervous trader. See May 7 column
Nevertheless, for the longer term, the gold bug faction lead by Bill Murphy's LeMetropole Cafe Website is cockahoop. It has long argued that the metal's price has been repressed by what it calls "The Gold Cartel " an alliance between the official sector (central banks, the U.S. Treasury) and chosen instruments (key investment banks and co-opted bullion dealers and others) to create a financial assets boom. See Website See Sept. 10 column
Reason for rejoicing: The discovery by James Turk of the Freemarket Gold & Money Report that, as Turk puts it: "the U.S. Treasury quietly made a subtle change to its weekly reports of the U.S. International Reserve Position, which includes the U.S. Gold Reserve. This change was first made May 14 ... It says the U.S. Gold Reserve is 261.499 million ounces and importantly, that the gold is now reported 'INCLUDING GOLD DEPOSITS AND, IF APPROPRIATE, GOLD SWAPPED' (emphasis added).
"This description provides clear evidence that the U.S. Gold Reserve is in play. Gold has been removed from U.S. Treasury vaults and placed on deposit, presumably in the couple of bullion banks the Treasury has selected to assist with its gold price-capping efforts. Gold placed on deposit gets loaned out by these bullion banks, and then sold into the spot market to try capping the gold price."
This is exactly what the LeMetropole Cafe gold bugs have long said was happening.
It may seem like an arcane point. But I remember when the idea that central banks were systematically selling gold at all was dismissed as crankishness. Yet it's now universally acknowledged.
And gold, by the way, has fought its way much higher just as the gold bugs said it would.
Turk's conclusion: "This new evidence provided in the U.S. Treasury report as well as the rising gold price itself suggest to me that we are now witnessing the last scramble by the gold cartel to cap the gold price. It is a vain attempt by them, acting under the instructions of the U.S. Treasury, to make the world think the dollar is worthy of being the world's reserve currency when in fact everyone knows that it is not. In short, the wheel has fallen off the truck. The dollar is heading for a train wreck. Use whatever metaphor you want, but the message is clear - the dollar is in serious trouble ...
"The flight out of dollar-denominated assets is gaining momentum, and gold is one of the safest places to be in a currency collapse."


et Murphy ce soir :

What is most important about all of this for fellow Café members is that it reveals that the GATA camp has been correct, while all our critics were wrong. We have been correct about what the price of gold was going to do since 2001. What we said at the GATA AFRICAN GOLD SUMMIT in Durban, South Africa was right on the money. So were the deliveries at Gold Rush 21 in Dawson City on August 8 and 9, 2005. (To get a gist of the commentary, watch our 2 minute trailer at www.GoldRush21.com.)

Why so important? Because many of us in the GATA camp have predicted a gold price of $3,000 to $5,000 per ounce for some time. Once you realize how right we have been for so long, it is much easier to have confidence that we will be right on our grandiose prediction. Our credibility has grown by leaps and bounds. Thus, while most people think the move is mostly over, we believe it is just about to kick into high gear. Believers in what GATA has said and done ought to have more confidence in what is to come and why … and can invest accordingly.

©️ Marie
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