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Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.


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les manipulateurs du marché de l'Or, désertent en cascade /Rothschild, Anglo gold et Goldman Sachs

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Messageles manipulateurs du marché de l'Or, désertent en cascade /Rothschild, Anglo gold et Goldman Sachs
par marie Sam 29 Déc 2007 - 1:13

Rothschild, Anglo gold et Goldman Sachs / désertions en cascade des manipulateurs du marché de l'Or

Bill Murphy insiste beaucoup sur ce point, ce soir .. et à raison amah ..

Pour ceux qui nous ont rejoint depuis mi 2004 ,
rappelons simplement que Rothschild a quitté le LBMA ( london gold market ) en avril 2004 , prétextant qu'il n'y avait plus rien à y faire .. ( à peu pres à la même période, AIG abandonnait le marché des Futures de l'argent ) ...

on a vu ce que les prix ont donné , depuis ... les manipulateurs du marché de l'Or, désertent en cascade /Rothschild, Anglo gold et Goldman Sachs 210770

et à présent, nous avons 2 importantes désertions, concommittentes ...
-Anglogold qui veut un hedge book nul d'ici fin 2008
-GS ( goldman Sachs) qui déserte le Tocom ( marché des Futures de Tokyo)

on peut donc s'attendre à un nouveau doublement du cours de l'or, en l'espace de quelques années Wink


source midas

Some time in April, 2004 Rothchilds withdrew from the LBMA and the gold fixing business after hundreds of years of participation. They said something like "there was no future in it."

This made no sense back then. No future in it? My comment at the time was that Rothchilds knew what The Gold Cartel had done, knew the price would go bonkers down the road, and knew that those playing the gold short game, using derivatives, could lead to major defaults in the years to come. They wanted out, not wanting to be the one holding the Humpty Dumpty bag. That line of thinking led to comments in later MIDAS commentary that year:
September 8 - Gold $445.60 up $1.60 - Silver $6.94 down 13 cents
It was GATA's contention that when Rothchilds withdrew from the gold Fixing ring in London, it was because they knew what lie ahead re the price and of potential severe market problems due to the short position of The Gold Cartel. The following email from a fellow Café member opened my eyes a bit more:
Hi Bill,
In the back of my cluttered mind the issue of the Rothchilds selling off their position in setting the price of Gold in England keeps bothering me. They made a billion a year off of that job. These guys just do not throw away money. There was something else that looked better.

As a functionary in the setting of the gold price, I read that they could go only short. At the time gold was pretty flat so no one really ran with this situation for more than a day or two. I might have missed something.
Anyhow, the Rothchilds have had gold in their veins for over 700 years. I would bet that they are the best leading indicator of what will happen to gold. The issue of finding out what they were doing could be tough, but with your contacts it might be worth exploring. When gold explodes someone has to have gold to sell to the stupid central bankers that have leased all of theirs out, with no return address. I'll bet the Rothchilds will be to the rescue, but will make a huge fortune in the process as fiat money fails everywhere.
Your thoughts.
So why get into this again? Two MAJOR reasons:
*The abrupt decision by AngloGold to close out all their hedges next year.
*The desertion of the TOCOM short position by Goldman Sachs (see Adrian below).

Rothchilds, AngloGold, Goldman Sachs … they are the insiders, the ones with the political, insider information connections, etc. The price of gold has more than doubled since Rothchilds left the business because there was "no future in it." Now it is time for AngloGold and Goldman to get out of Dodge because they know the price of gold is going to double again and they have to extricate themselves from their short positions and Gold Cartel activities as fast as possible.
I like to think the GATA camp knows the gold market better than anyone else out there EXCEPT for The Gold Cartel camp. Those crooks know what they have done, why, and what is coming price-wise as they run out of enough available central bank gold to keep their suppression scheme going and viable.
Gold shorts beware: first it was Rothchilds, now it is AngloGold and Goldman Sachs. Do you want to fade them? … not by what they say, but by what they do?

©️ Marie
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les manipulateurs du marché de l'Or, désertent en cascade /Rothschild, Anglo gold et Goldman Sachs Sign-m10

Dernière édition par marie le Sam 19 Mar 2011 - 19:42, édité 5 fois




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les manipulateurs du marché de l'Or, désertent en cascade /Rothschild, Anglo gold et Goldman Sachs Empty
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MessageRe: les manipulateurs du marché de l'Or, désertent en cascade /Rothschild, Anglo gold et Goldman Sachs
par marie Sam 29 Déc 2007 - 1:15

et toujours chez Midas, le dernier point GS ( Goldman Sachs) sur le Tocom ( marché des futures de l'or au japon ) de Adrian Douglas

en rouge, la net short position de GS
en jaune le cours de l'once d'or
on voit très nettement que la courbe rouge a cassé par le bas, son canal oblique baissier

In the December 27 session on the TOCOM Goldman Sachs COVERED an astonishing 1,722 short contracts and went long 2 contracts to bring their net short to 6364 contracts. This is the LOWEST net short position they have ever held since I have been tracking their position in January 2006.
Look at the chart of their net short position. It is quite a sight for sore eyes. Yesterday I hypothesized that the gold price would explode when GS has completely covered or is net long. I estimated this would be between March and July but at this rate it could be in January. This is a gob-smacking rate of covering. This is signs of severe stress in the Gold Cartel. This comes at a time when Anglogold announced they are closing out their hedge book to zero. I long ago stopped believing in coincidences in the gold world. The lid is about to blow off this pressure cooker. This is NOT an arbitrage play as some have suggested. Stay tuned.

les manipulateurs du marché de l'Or, désertent en cascade /Rothschild, Anglo gold et Goldman Sachs Midas1228A

©️ Marie
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les manipulateurs du marché de l'Or, désertent en cascade /Rothschild, Anglo gold et Goldman Sachs Sign-m10




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les manipulateurs du marché de l'Or, désertent en cascade /Rothschild, Anglo gold et Goldman Sachs
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