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Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.

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dérivés or- argent métal et metauxprecieux

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Messagedérivés or- argent métal et metauxprecieux
par marie Mer 15 Oct 2008 - 1:07

dérivés or- argent métal  et metauxprecieux / Scoop

d'apres la BIS ( BRI = banque des réglements internationaux) , le montant total et mondial des dérivés Or métal et métaux précieux est de 700 milliards de $ en notional value ( 81 milliards $ en gross value)

aux usa, ce marché se partage fort inéquitablement en 4 banques, dont les 2 plus importantes ( pour 97% du montant usa ) sont

jpm: 96 milliards de $ ( NV)
HSBC 34.4 milliards de $ ( NV)
citybank 3.5 milliards de $ ( NV)
bank of américa : 0.6 milliards de$ ( NV)
autres banques : 0.2 milliards $ ( NV)

total : 135 milliards de $ soit 5000 T de gold métal

on aurait donc un total mondial de 26000 T de dérivés Or, 10 ans de production annuelle mondiale -correspondant aux montant total de 700milliards de $ .... outche .... ça vous parle mieux ??

l'estimation du Gata de 10000 T de short résiduels en dérivés est vraiment tres conservatrice ...

QUI posséde donc les 560milliards de $ restant? ( voir le texte en vo et surligné en rouge )
sachant que le plus gros marché mondial de dérivés est celui de londres...
j'exclue le très secret ICE, site ICE , qui ne traite pas les métaux précieux..

en annexe sulfureuse, on notera que nos 2 1eres banques us sont custodian ( gardien ) de

- ETF or streettracks gold share ( code GLD sur le nyse) pour HSBC
- ETF silver barclays ( SLV sur l'amex ) pour JPM
- que AIG assurait comme tierce partie, avant de faire faillite ces 2 ETF.. contre le risque de crédit.. !


source www.lemetropolecafe.com

( Nick Laird est le patron de Sharelynx)
Australia’s Nick Laird with some good stuff Down Under…
Hi Bill
These PM derivatives should be getting hot by now - hot potato hot.
HSBC is also the bank behind the ETF Securities
These are the same ETF Securities that had to suspend some securities when AIG went down.
One has to wonder how people can trust putting money into these PM ETFs - SIVs created by the quants on Wall St.
I find it ironic that so much safe-haven money can be absorbed by the biggest crooks on Wall St
And that these SIVs have alleviated so much physical demand.
I can well imagine the rush after the first one fails.
It will be a goldrush out of fiat gold & into physical.
Now who is holding that other $550 billion in derivatives.
Perhaps Goldman Sachs will start reporting theirs.
Barclays, UBS, Deutsche - a few Japanese banks.
Someone is hogging too much in the shadows.

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note: de la BIS
différence entre
notional value : valeur faciale
gross market value : valeur brute

2 The notional amount, which is generally used as a reference to calculate cash flows under individual contracts, provides a comparison of market size between related cash and derivatives markets. The numbers are adjusted for double-counting resulting from positions between reporting institutions.

3 The gross market value is defined as the sum of the gross positive market value of all reporters' contracts and the gross negative market value of their contracts with non-reporters (as a proxy for the gross positive market value of non-reporters' positions). It measures the replacement cost of all outstanding contracts had they been closed out on the end of the period . The numbers are adjusted for double-counting resulting from positions between reporting institutions.

©️ Marie
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Dernière édition par marie le Lun 27 Jan 2014 - 19:10, édité 8 fois




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MessageRe: dérivés or- argent métal et metauxprecieux
par marie Sam 18 Oct 2008 - 19:40

tiens tiens ...le traker GBS passe sous la banniére ETF GLD.. dont le custodian ( gardien ) n'est autre que... HSBC ( voir post au dessus)

bienvenue à bord de celui qui shorte votre investissement !

merci à jean 4178 pour cette info ..


Lyxor, marque de la Société Générale, n'aura bientôt plus de lien avec le tracker GBS. Ce produit avait remporté un grand succès car il comportait une garantie sur de l'or physique. Selon un communiqué de la banque, l'accord de distribution arrivera à échéance le 24 octobre et la Société Générale n'assurera plus la liquidité du produit. ETF Securities devrait reprendre à son compte le GBS. Le produit va être renommé Gold Bullion Holdings.
Par ailleurs, ETF Securities a récemment subi quelques déboires en raison des problèmes du groupe américain AIG : 113 produits d'ETF Securities adossés à des contrats d'AIG Financial Products n'ont pas pu coter pendant trois jours à Londres. En raison de ces incertitudes et en l'absence de nouveaux éléments, nous préférons vendre les GBS.

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MessageRe: dérivés or- argent métal et metauxprecieux
par marie Mer 22 Avr 2009 - 0:23

mise à jour des statistiques BIS au 31-12-2008

les 2 bques us jpm et HSBC détiennent 95% du marché des dérivés gold , silver et mét précieux


Hi Bill
Here's the chart on the OCC Derivatives for Gold & PMs updated.
Would love to know who owns the other 724 billion?
Regards Nick
dérivés or- argent métal  et metauxprecieux Midas0421A

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Dernière édition par marie le Jeu 1 Avr 2010 - 15:29, édité 3 fois




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MessageRe: dérivés or- argent métal et metauxprecieux
par marie Sam 27 Mar 2010 - 1:47

à l'occasion des auditions CFTC gold et silver du 25-03-2010 .. Nick Laird de www.sharelynx.com
a actualisé ses graphiques .. à dec 2009

je ne vous reexplique pas comment ça fonctionne ( voir au dessus ) et vous joint les commentaires


Hi Bill,
I stayed up & watched the full hearing last night & ended up more hopeful than I thought I would be. I loved the bombshell you dropped on the whistleblower - wow all their faces dropped & you could hear a pin drop.
As well as your defence I thought that Mark Epstein & Harvey Organ were brilliant.
Mark classically described the "Gorilla" in the room whilst Harvey described the size of the "Gorilla" through the statistics of the CFTC & BIS.
A couple of points that I think should have been raised:

If a commission is to be held on the subject then shouldn't the irregularities that stand out be studied & looked into further? I mean if you want to study & observe a market then you need to put opinions to one side & study the facts to gather your analysis.> I saw lots of opinions today but only a few stopped to mention the facts (specifically Harvey Organ).
ie if they want to stop manipulation then shouldn't they look as to where the Traders see manipulation occurring. Mark Epstein alluded to the "Gorilla" in the trading pits who dumps huge positions in milliseconds.
Harvey alludes to JPM having a huge overwhelming position.

To my mind these two contentions outline the sum of the problem.
Seeing as there was 20 odd people reporting to the commission I would like to have seen every one of them asked to talk about these two aspects.
I am sure that they are all aware of this phenomena in trading but it seemed to me that most of the speakers - representatives from big companies - only wanted to talk about keeping the system the same as it is rather than reviewing what is wrong with the current market.
One aspect I think needs to be asked of Jeffery Christian in his defence of claiming he understands the hedging requirements of banks is how does JPM explain this position in the marketplace.
dérivés or- argent métal  et metauxprecieux Midas0326A
hardinvestor/ dérivés or métal et métaux précieux

Overall I got the impression from most of the speakers that they didn't want change or to ruffle feathers.
That they would rather let the markets continue as they are than change them.
My best guess on that is that they're all well suited to profiting from the current situation & are fearful that if changes come about then their positions & profitability will come into question.
I think most of the traders like the idea of JPM cornering the market - keeping it trading in ranges - keeping the volatility high.
That is a traders market waiting to be scalped. Hence their reluctance to let in any change. It is a market they know & understand & they would like it to stay that way.
That sounds to me a lot like the banks in the Global Financial Crisis.
Where even though it was their positions that caused the crisis that they don't want to change their "Modus Operandi" as it is so unregulated & profitable.
What they fail to recognise is that a fettered market is unfree & creates imbalances. One can see this in the chart below where JPM's position in the market has gone from controlling 30% of the market up to the current 80%
In other words they have gone from being the major trading bank to one now where their positions is "TOO BIG TOO FAIL".
And as the "Gorilla" in the market, when they dump 2000 contracts in milliseconds it has a profound & disturbing effect on the price & also players.
dérivés or- argent métal  et metauxprecieux Midas0326B
hardinvestor / jpm dérivés or métal et métaux précieux

Here can be seen where JPM is taking control of market share in an ever rising derivatives market.
dérivés or- argent métal  et metauxprecieux Midas0326C
hardinvestor/ dérivés or métal et metauxprecieux

Also I would like to ask how is it that since 2000 we've seen global hedging fall from 3000 tonnes to 230 tonnes yet the derivative positions in the major Hedger Bank JPM have risen ever since.
Also what should be questioned is the "Gorilla" approach to certain trading days; Option Expiry, Gov't Report Releases etc where it's common practice to move the price to suit the Gorilla.
As you know I've been plotting the gold price on my website for the last decade.
The data I have is intraday 2 minute tick data for 24 hours a day - 5.5 days per week. I have the gold price history stored for analysis & would like to showcase these special anomaly days when gold is hit.
My intentions are to break this huge dataset down into monthly sets of daily data to showcase the US effect on the Price.
It would also be good to get some historical dates & times on Gov't Report releases so I can highlight the Guerrilla attacks.
ie which reports & what time of day are they released?
Perhaps you can help me with this later when you have some spare time.
Will keep you informed of this as I go.
Keep up the good work & don't let the bastards get you down.
All the best
Cheers Nick

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: dérivés or- argent métal et metauxprecieux
par marie Lun 20 Juin 2011 - 23:50

mise à jour des graphs dérivés or et argent pour mars2011


Hi Bill
I just updated the OCC Derivative charts & thought you'd be interested.
I think they clearly tell their own story - blatantly.
Cheers Nick

dérivés or et argent us ===> en violet : JPM
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Messageles 4 banques US sont désormais longues sur l'or, pour 81 milliards $
par marie Lun 27 Jan 2014 - 19:09

ça devient intéressant là : d'après Dave qui a épluché le dernier rapport, et en ce qui concerne les dérivés OTC  US,
les 4 banques US sont désormais longues sur l'or, pour 81 milliards $
(Jpm, Citi, Goldman Sachs et Bank of America  )
Citation :
But maybe not all of it.  In addition to the huge ratio of paper gold to physical gold visible on the Comex, according to the latest OCC bank derivatives report the top 4 banks - JPM, Citi, Goldman, Bank of America - are long over $81 billion in gold OTC derivatives.  That's the equivalent of about 1800 tonnes of gold at current at the current price.  1800 tonnes is slightly less than than the annual amount produced globally by gold mines.  That amount dwarfs by many multiples the ratio of paper/gold on the Comex that has drawn everyone's attention.  Maybe that's why the Comex publishes as much data as it does about Comex futures positions and inventory.  It draws everyone's attention from the much bigger gold derivatives problem.

Here's a link to the OCC derivatives report for anyone interested (it's from Q3, 2013 - there always a big time lag):  Latest OCC Bank Derivatives Report

Something really ugly is coming at our system.  Have a great weekend. 

voir les tableaux de la page 26, graphe 8

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Message JPM c'est 60 % des dérivés or
par marie Lun 3 Fév 2014 - 17:07

JPM se taille la part du lion : 60% des dérivés or sur l'OTC US

 ces 108 milliards de dollars,  se répartissent ainsi
- JP Morgan pour  65 milliards
- Citi pour  16 milliards
- 27 milliards sur d'autres banques US ( ni goldman sachs, ni Bank of america )
dérivés or- argent métal  et metauxprecieux JPM%20Gold%20Derivatives_0


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Messagecours de l'or controlé par Jpm avec la BRI comme contrepartie
par marie Mar 29 Mar 2016 - 18:57

Jp Morgan controle le cours de l'or, à travers les dérivés,
avec la BRI comme contrepartie

étude accablante de Nico Simons, avec mult graphiques

le volume des dérivés or représente 92 fois le volume d'or physique, et sur ce volume de dérivés, JPM détient une position ultradominante
par exemple : % de dérivés or détenus par JPM : 60% actuellement avec pics  à 98% en 2009-2010

dérivés or- argent métal  et metauxprecieux 3b5432eb97ea0c2b3e724584a6a44e98

dérivés or des banques US
Jpm leader avec Citi et HSBC comme quasi figurants

dérivés or- argent métal  et metauxprecieux 6ba767804e09de9f87817305d8d2a2aa

dérivés or de JPM et de la BRI

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par Contenu sponsorisé 

   Contenu sponsorisé


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