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Messagestats dérivés / silver et gold
par marie Ven 25 Déc 2009 - 14:51

les dernières statistiques, publiées par la BIS ( BRI en français) viennent de sortir et sont éloquentes :


quelques chiffres :

- production annuelle mondiale silver = 600 millions d'once x 17$ l'once = 10 milliards $

- dérivés silver des banques , pour ces 6 derniers mois : 107 milliards $
soit 10.70 fois la production annuelle mondiale !

source :http://silverstockreport.com/

Silver Stock Report

by Jason Hommel, December 21st, 2009

Once again, the BIS data on derivatives is totally ignored by all gold and silver market participants and commentators. Nobody mentioned this new BIS data update from my last newsletter.

The BIS data proves the huge extent of the fraud in the banking system, particularly in all forms of paper silver accounts.

The "other precious metals" derivatives notional value, which are mostly all silver, (but also tiny amounts of platinum and palladium) grew, over the last 6 months, from $96 billion to $203 billion, for an increase of $107 billion.

But the size of the silver market cannot be significantly larger than annual production, which stands at about 600 million ounces, x $17/oz. = $10 billion.

Simple question: How can the banks of the world, owe $107 billion more in brand new "mostly silver" derivatives positions over a 6 month time frame, given that world annual production stands at a mere $10 billion, without that silver being mostly all fraud?


Scroll to the last chart.

This "paper silver selling" is fraud, it is inflation, it is hyperinflation, it diverts investment demand away from real physical silver.

This paper silver selling suppresses real silver prices.

If you own such paper silver, you are acting to help suppress silver prices, and you are actively working against your own best interests, as you are directly lending to the very people who are short selling silver.

Many people ask me, "When will the short selling of silver end?" It will end when you, the collective "you" in the marketplace, stop giving them the silver to short sell!

I have had many conversations with people who own this kind of paper silver. They think their bank will not default on them. They have already defaulted. They just released the numbers which prove they cannot possibly have the silver.

If any commercial bank or brokerage house is storing your silver for you, it is likely NOT THERE, and is likely ALL FRAUD.

Furthermore, if you are letting any 3rd party hold your silver for you, it is likely the least safe place to store silver, as all silver held by other people is likely to be the first form of silver to be confiscated in any sort of national emergency.

They cannot confiscate what they cannot find, which is why you must put your silver into your own vault in your own property. Bolt down the vault from the inside, and consider building a cabinet of some sort around it, or carpet over it, or put up a wall over it.

©️ Marie
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Dernière édition par marie le Mer 6 Jan 2010 - 18:53, édité 1 fois




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MessageRe: stats dérivés / silver et gold
par marie Mer 30 Déc 2009 - 22:29

les commentaires de Bill Murphy


Jason is so right. If what is going on in silver doesn’t qualify as market manipulation, then there never will be such a thing. Until the CFTC answers Jason and Dave from Denver’s questions, they are nothing more than a fraud, or inept beyond comprehension, as the SEC was in the Madoff Ponzi scandal.
The insidious aspect of the gold/silver price manipulation scheme is the CFTC already has the answers and knows exactly what the deal is. However, their Chairman, an active member of The Working Group on Financial Markets (President, Treasury Secretary, CFTC and SEC Chairmen), is a former Goldman Sachs honcho. Goldman Sachs is the Treasury’s bank. Much of the silver short position is held by JP Morgan Chase, which is the Fed’s bank.
GATA has been on this Goldman/Morgan case for more than a decade. Their role in the gold/silver price suppression scheme has been clearly laid out over the years, yet only the GATA camp raises a stink about the mess. The only generic positive on this issue is a growing awareness of Goldman and Morgan’s role in the derivatives markets as a whole…


à voir également cette très interessante réponse de Bart Chilton , sur l'abscence de loi, rellement utilisable .. quand à la manipulation des marchés .. surlignée en bleu, dans le texte

It seems like today is the day to get into the manipulation story. As I’ve mentioned in the past, I have gone to Washington and met with Bart Chilton, and believe him to be a man of integrity and one who is doing his best in that bureaucratic world to deal with the gold and silver manipulation issues raised by so many of us. Just in, in an email from Bart C to Florida Café member Donna B:

"I proposed a rule to implement hard cap position limits is imminent from the CFTC. As I think I’ve said, holding a large percentage of the market isn’t currently considered manipulation. That’s why we need our position limits and why we need to change the manipulation standard of the Commodity Exchange Act or CEA – that currently requires that we prove intent (an email or wire tap etc..) and that an artificial price existed. I’m working with members of congress on that an hope such a change in the law will be included in any financial regulatory reform bill that is approved."

Bart is explaining what we are dealing with, not justifying it. But huh? Why have any market manipulation laws at all? Not with the way the tail can wag the dog these days with the use of derivatives. To grasp where I am coming from, all we have to do is review what Jason Hommel had to say last week…

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: stats dérivés / silver et gold
par marie Mer 6 Jan 2010 - 18:52

comme à chaque publication de la BRI, notre partner Reg Howe stats dérivés / silver et gold 22815 stats dérivés / silver et gold 46501c7_ décortique en détails les changements .. pour gold et silver

dérivés gold et silver en nette augmentation , encore plus pour silver que pour gold

January 5, 2010 (RHH). Precious Metals Derivatives: Louder Music, Fewer Chairs


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