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Hardinvestor- Investir sur l’or et l’argent Hard Investor   |  Silver is King, Go gold!

Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties)

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MessageLes Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties)
par g.sandro Ven 29 Mai 2020 - 19:54

Les Podcast de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir etc... (notamment ceux, généralement excellents de Palisade Radio, mais pas que)...

(Sous-titre pour mieux retrouver la reco en cas de recherche ultérieure)
Hardin mini-fonds SILJ Silver Juniors et Royalties,

je me farcis, on a weekly basis, une flopée de podcasts, dont certains sont particulièrement intéressants.
Mon souci, c'est qu'ils abordent souvent plusieurs de nos classes d'actifs et qu'il n'est jamais évident de bien les classer dans le bon forum thématique.

Alors j'ouvre un fil dédié avec cet interview (particulièrement conforme à notre biais de confirmation, donc agréable à entendre) de David Brady  qui aborde cette notion dont je pense avoir eu la primeur en 1998 'hyper-stagflation" dans "Lettres d'Or"puis ici dès 2005 et que je n'ai retrouvée que très rarement depuis dans tous les articles que je lis.

je prouve ce que j'avance:

Bref, son pronostic sur les mines en général, les juniors principalement et les SILVER Juniors en particulier (SILJ) est ébouriffant.

Ne sachant pas trop où le caser, je le mets en "mines" (mais si vous préférez le retrouver plutôt en Forum Gold, signalez-le nous, argumentez et si les raisons invoquées nous semblent pertinentes, il va de soi qu'on le déplacera).

ATTENTION, ce qui suit est important:
Trouver un Broker pas prohibitif permettant d'acheter du SILJ (dont l'intérêt est d'être beaucoup plus réactif que le GDXJ, qui lui même est plus violent que le GDX, et même que le XAU ou le HUI) c'est quasiment mission impossible, même les chers ne le font pas... Pas grave, on a la Sélection d'Hardin...

On peut se faire un "SILJ TURBO" à nous, sur mesure et encore plus péchu !!! Mais gardez en tête que ce n'est pas pour les émotifs! OK?

avec du AG, SILV, MAG, SVM, SILV, FSM, DSV, GPL, EXK, MSV, RSLV, AXU, CNX, AUN, ELEF, CKG...pour ne retenir que les plus leveradged des Silver...donc les plus incroyablement prometteuses.

Les Cies Minières sont les actifs les plus volatils qui existent, les minières Juniors, à plus forte raison et celles spécialisées sur Le SILVER, encore bien plus...autant dire qu'il n'y a RIEN de plus excitant (terrifiant) à part les altcoins cryptos.

Donc la beauté de ces chéries là, c'est qu'avec relativement peu de tunes, un estomac solide, un peu de patience, beaucoup de constance et de détermination et une bonne paire...d'ovaires...ou de couilles ... il y a vraiment moyen de changer de vie.

idéalement, pour compenser "un peu" de cette exposition extrêmement radicale au plus spéculatif des métaux, ce mini fonds sera mâtiné d'un peu des meilleures Streaming Royalties Séniors (WPM, FNV, RGLD) et surtout juniors comme

SAND (Sandstorm) MTA (Metalla), MMX (Maverix), OR (Osisko).

On en reparle dans quelques mois?


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10

Dernière édition par g.sandro le Sam 30 Jan 2021 - 19:02, édité 6 fois




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageMark O'Byrne: Silver Should be 10x Higher
par g.sandro Dim 31 Mai 2020 - 18:16

Mark O'Byrne: Silver Should be 10x Higher...

NB: Vu le levier des Minières, ( et de celles de la sélection Hardin en particulier) je ne te raconte même pas...

Tu veux bien finir ton week-end? Fastoche: prends ta calculette, assieds-toi avec un vieux Scotch et un cigare au Cognac et applique les ratios...

tchin aaarf amur je plane pour toi r.ire aaarf king sous les palmiers soleil yeuxx en bille affraid yeuxx en bille tchin tchin tchin

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageSilver Update, Key Levels & Targets
par g.sandro Lun 1 Juin 2020 - 13:47

Silver Update, Key Levels & Targets

regardez bien le graphique multicolore qui replace l'actuel mouvement en perspective des précédents bull markets

tchin amur je plane pour toi aaarf r.ire ye.s chinois chappo

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageMichael Oliver: All Structural Momentum Pointing to the Sky for Gold, Silver, and Junior Miners
par g.sandro Ven 5 Juin 2020 - 0:10

Michael Oliver: All Structural Momentum Pointing to the Sky for Gold, Silver, and Junior Miners

Déchiritude... le coup du Momentum à 36 mois, j'avoue, je ne l'avais pas celui-là...j'ai Check les historiques TLT, et il faut bien admettre que c'est assez pertinent, la précision sur le flash Krach des minières mi mars a même été impressionnante.

C'est un truc de "feignasse patiente" qui marche bien...et c'est peinard...alors pourquoi se décarcasser?

La fin de son exposé est de nature à ravir les "biaisés vicelards" qui osent ne pas gober la fable de la V Shape recovery...

Si vraiment vous croyez ne pas avoir assez de temps pour écouter tout ce passionnant exposé, vous avez tort àmha, et c'est là votre droit le plus strict, mais limitez quand même les dégâts en écoutant au moins le dernier quart..


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageGold, expected to ‘rise to $5,000’, is not an investment, it is ‘a hedge
par g.sandro Sam 6 Juin 2020 - 18:17

Gold, expected to ‘rise to $5,000’, is not an investment, it is ‘a hedge

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageKevin Wadsworth: Bullish Signals All Set for Gold, Silver, Uranium, and Bitcoin
par g.sandro Dim 21 Juin 2020 - 13:16

Kevin Wadsworth: Bullish Signals All Set for Gold, Silver, Uranium, and Bitcoin

Peu de graphiques, de la part de cet adepte des Oscillateurs de TLT (Monthly) , mais tous sont très illustratifs.

tchin amur je plane pour toi ye.s chappo chinois

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageDu bon sens et des targets d'épuisettes pour l'automne...par David Brady: Coming Pullback in Gold and Silver will be the Last Great Buying Opportunity
par g.sandro Mer 8 Juil 2020 - 11:55

Du bon sens et des targets d'épuisettes pour l'automne...par David Brady:

Coming Pullback in Gold and Silver will be the Last Great Buying Opportunity

La question qui va bien: ça coûte quoi de placer les épuisettes?

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageNe venez pas chialer APRES, vous avez été prévenu (et gratuitement en plus) ok?
par g.sandro Dim 12 Juil 2020 - 21:45

Ne venez pas chialer APRES, vous avez été prévenu (et gratuitement en plus) ok?

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageJeff Clark: The Real Crash and How to Hedge with Triple-Digit Silver
par g.sandro Sam 18 Juil 2020 - 0:29

Jeff Clark: The Real Crash and How to Hedge with Triple-Digit Silver

Tom welcomes a new guest to Palisade, Jeff Clark, who is Senior Precious Metals Analyst of GoldSilver.com.

Jeff discusses what led him to become interested in mining and metals. He worked and learned from Louis James and Doug Casey and now works with Mike Maloney.

Jeff cautions that investors should be skeptical of mining companies' claims because they will always place their best foot forward.

Both Jeff and Mike believe there will be a wealth transfer from fiat-backed assets to precious metals. This will overshoot, and that will be the time to pull profits and purchase other discounted assets.

We could see triple-digit silver since it's a small market and quite volatile. It doesn't take a lot of cash inflows to impact the price. Silver today is valued at $68 billion in above-ground physical metal in coins and bars. Compared to the global markets, silver is just a drop in a swimming pool.

Jeff discusses the silver mining situation today and the increasingly severe lack of new growth in the industry. Investors should consider that it usually takes ten years to bring a new mine online.

He feels the risk of confiscation is lower today than in the past because gold and silver are no longer part of the monetary base, but it remains a possibility.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageGold and Silver War Event -Accelerated Advancement Stage – Michael Oliver
par g.sandro Mar 28 Juil 2020 - 21:19

Gold and Silver War Event -Accelerated Advancement Stage – Michael Oliver


tchin  chappo  chinois  amur


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageAndy Schectman: Depressed Gold to Silver Ratio Creating Buying Opportunity of a Generation 29 juil. 2020
par g.sandro Jeu 30 Juil 2020 - 23:42

Andy Schectman: Depressed Gold to Silver Ratio Creating Buying Opportunity of a Generation

La parfaite synthèse: c'est argumenté, logique, factuel... limpide.
NB: Miles Franklin est la Cie où Bix Weir s'approvisionne (des gens compétents et sérieux donc a priori)

voilà la présentation... ça déchire:

Palisade radio a écrit:
Andy makes a very compelling case for past market manipulation by large banks like JP Morgan. He sees a perfect storm coming soon, one where there will be no safe haven assets except precious metals. Bonds no longer have real returns when you consider inflation and are guaranteed to lose money.

To subscribe to our newsletter and get notified of new shows, please visit http://palisaderadio.com

Tom welcomes a new guest to the show Andy Schectman of Miles Franklin. Andy makes a very compelling case for past market manipulation by large banks like JP Morgan. He sees a perfect storm coming soon, one where there will be no safe haven assets except precious metals. Bonds no longer have real returns when you consider inflation and are guaranteed to lose money.

He dives into the gold-silver ratio, the flailing dollar, and the lack of precious metal supply. Many investors are increasingly nervous about inflation and are taking physical possession of their metals from exchanges. Gold and silver are real wealth, and today is a once in a generation buying opportunity.

In a depression, gold and silver perform best because they are the only asset class that is not someone else's liability.  Today there is massive counterparty risk throughout the system.

Time Stamp References:
0:35 - Gold/Silver Ratio and Silver Buying Opportunity
3:45 - Trading the ratios and future predictions.
8:45 - Gold is now a tier-one banking asset.
10:15 - Central Banks in 2018 are buying gold.
12:30 - JP Morgan derivative manipulation.
22:40 - Big players, banks, hedge funds all stockpiling gold.
32:20 - Crazy premiums during Q2 and going higher again now.
33:30 - Massive demand during shortfalls in mint production.
34:20 - 2020 - The great wake up call.

Guest Links
Website: https://www.milesfranklin.com

E-Mail: andy@milesfranklin.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MilesFranklinCo

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MilesFranklinCo

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageSprott : As every commercial became Buyers, who are the Sellers?
par g.sandro Sam 8 Aoû 2020 - 13:46

Sprott : As every commercial became Buyers, who are the Sellers?

Target Gold 3350... Silver 33/35, Puis 75/85

Avant fin 2020 !!!

puis 200$ !!!


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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Message 0:02 / 29:24 BOB MORIARTY: Smelling Blood, Major Crash, Precious Metals Correction - THEN INSANE HIGHS!
par g.sandro Jeu 13 Aoû 2020 - 8:53

BOB MORIARTY: Smelling Blood, Major Crash, Precious Metals Correction - THEN INSANE HIGHS!

Ce bon vieux Bob et sa voix de canard nous envoie un message particulièrement clair et effrayant...
bon sang , bien sur snif ! titanic 1crane affraid yeuxx en bille

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageRoss Beaty: My Advice to Investors? Don't Sell Too Soon
par g.sandro Jeu 13 Aoû 2020 - 17:46

Ross Beaty: My Advice to Investors? Don't Sell Too Soon

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageRick Rule On Future Of Gold, Uranium, Copper, Coal And More!
par g.sandro Dim 23 Aoû 2020 - 18:14

Rick Rule On Future Of Gold, Uranium, Copper, Coal And More!

Le point de vue de l’inénarrable Rick Rule sur les métaux et les principales matières premières, c'est passionnant et, comme toujours avec lui, illustré d'anecdotes savoureuses et souvent drôles.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageL'interview hebdo de Sprott...je vous laisse déguster.
par g.sandro Dim 30 Aoû 2020 - 0:19

L'interview hebdo de Sprott...je vous laisse déguster.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageRick Rule: the coming bull market for gold and uranium
par g.sandro Sam 12 Sep 2020 - 19:41

Rick Rule: the coming bull market for gold and uranium

Toujours aussi lucide et percutant...sans pour autant être dénué d'un délectable humour grinçant ...

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageOnce-in-a-Lifetime Silver Stock Bull Market says Don Durrett
par g.sandro Jeu 21 Jan 2021 - 16:05

Once-in-a-Lifetime Silver Stock Bull Market says Don Durrett

Professional mining stock investor Don Durrett of GoldStockData.com returns to the show to discuss the current precious metals market, expectations for the U.S economy and share his thoughts on today’s junior mining sector.

Don believes we are about to see a once-in-a-lifetime bull market in silver mining stocks.

Don also shares insights on how he approaches junior gold and silver stock investing. Don has been investing in mining stocks since the early 1990’s.

He is the author of “How to Invest in Gold and Silver: A Complete Guide with a Focus on Mining Stocks” which conveys Don’s well-thought out and tried approach to mining stock investing.

0:00 Introduction
1:00 Gold price
3:00 Silver price
3:29 Mining stock portfolio hedges now?
5:28 Economic contraction worries?
8:33 Lesson learned in 2020?
10:38 Biggest mining stock gainers in 2020
13:36 Silver stocks
15:12 Once-in-a-lifetime silver stock bull market

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageRick Rule discusses the bull market in precious metals, his outlook on the mining shares and his opinion on battery metals and uranium
par g.sandro Sam 23 Jan 2021 - 10:35

Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up - 1.22.21
Citation :

Legendary resource investor Rick Rule joins us this week, subbing in for Eric Sprott. He discusses the bull market in precious metals, his outlook on the mining shares and his opinion on battery metals and uranium.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
  Messages :   14576

Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageRick Rule: Will EVs Matter to Battery Metals? (Lithium, Thorium, Graphene, Nickel, Vanadium)
par g.sandro Ven 29 Jan 2021 - 17:39

Rick Rule: Will EVs Matter to Battery Metals? (Lithium, Thorium, Graphene, Nickel, Vanadium)

Citation :

Special interview with Rick Rule on battery material and metals. In this interview, I talked to Rick Rule about Lithium, Thorium, Graphene, Nickel, Cobalt, Vanadium and much more


This video is about the following topics:
rick rule, rick rule lithium, rick rule battery metals, rick rule battery materials, rick rule thorium, thorium investing, thorium nuclear energy, energy stocks, metals stocks, battery stocks, lithium stocks to buy, graphene stocks to buy, nickel stocks to buy, cobalt stocks to buy, cobalt investing, lithium 2021, cobalt 2021, nickel 2021, vanadium 2021, thorium 2021, graphene 2021, battery metals 2021, batteries 2021

00:00 INTRO

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




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MessageRick Rule: Méfiez-vous du titre, c'est surtout de la philosophie et c'est top. Gold Mining Stocks Are The Cheapest I've Seen in 45 Years | Gold & Silver
par g.sandro Sam 30 Jan 2021 - 18:37

Rick Rule: Méfiez-vous du titre, c'est surtout de la philosophie et c'est top.

Gold Mining Stocks Are The Cheapest I've Seen in 45 Years | Gold & Silver

Jack a écrit:
In this video we talk to Rick Rule about his belief that many gold mining stocks are the cheapest he's seen in 45 years of his career.
We talk about the macroeconomic landscape that has aided precious metals, why he believes the next leg up is going to happen soon.

He also talks about how investing in gold and silver has never been a better time.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageRonald-Peter Stoeferle: Silver Stocks and Energy Stocks will Win in 2021
par g.sandro Dim 31 Jan 2021 - 23:22

Ronald-Peter Stoeferle: Silver Stocks and Energy Stocks will Win in 2021

Attention, ce type, que j'ai déjà relayé ici, est un bourreau de travail et la pertinence de ses projections a une excellente historicité.
Il anticipe le retour de l'inflation, un Bull des matières 1eres, Energy, métaux pour batteries, (NICKEL surtout), Gold et mines d'Or et SURTOUT SILVER et mines de Silver

Citation :
Ronald-Peter Stoeferle
Managing Partner, Fund Manager at Incrementum AG

Ronald-Peter Stoeferle at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference 2021 #VRIC21

Ronald-Peter Stöferle is Managing Partner and Fund Manager at Incrementum AG, based in the Principality of Liechtenstein. The company focuses on asset management and wealth management and is one hundred percent owned by its partners. Ronald manages a fund that invests based on the principles of the Austrian School of Economics.

Before becoming partner at Incrementum, he worked in the research department of Vienna-based Erste Group, where he started writing about gold in 2006. He gained media attention when he forecast that the price of gold would rise to USD 2,300/ounce at a time when the price was only at USD 500. His nine benchmark reports entitled "In GOLD we TRUST" draw international coverage and are read all over the world. He is a lecturer at the academy of the Vienna Stock Exchange as well as at the Institute for value based economics. In 2014, he co-authored a book on investing based on the Austrian School of Economics. The English version of the book Austrian School for Investors – Austrian Investing between Inflation and Deflation was published in fall 2015.

Interview Notes

Major investment houses do not yet see commodities as a viable investment class.

Mainstream is not concerned about inflation until we get above the 2% mark.

At some point we could see the implementation of yield curve control - but only if the equity markets get really nervous.

The average age of fund managers in the US and Europe is around 49 years old and they have not managed inflation before.

Ronald reaches out the money manager in countries that have - like Turkey and Brazil.

The best questions Ronald has heard about gold came from investors in Turkey - their view was much more sophisticated. These people have a completely different mindset when it comes to bonds, gold, and foreign currency. It’s natural for them to hold gold as a fixed income or currency hedge.

Once we go above about 2% inflation, Ronald expects a flight from the bond market into inflation hedges like gold, rel estate and some equities.

Ronald is looking at the inflation signal that Incrementum uses to cycle in and out of sectors. They are moving money into the Bloomberg commodity Index Futures, Russian Ruble 10 year bonds, Energy metals, copper, gold.

The Canadian dollar and AUS are highly sensitive to inflation.

If we’re moving from a deflationary mindset to inflationary we’re still early.

Commodities are cheap on a real basis and a nominal basis.

Janet Yellen becoming the head of the Treasury has a massive symbolic sign as she was a big dove at the FED.

Ronald is most excited about silver from a long-term perspective.

We’re moving into a world where the US is a net oil importer and USD exporter.

The US Shale market is a big capital destroyer.

Energy will be one of the most interesting investments moving forward.

Base metals - some of the mining stocks are a free option on the green energy revolution ie.copper, nickel, lithium etc.

Uranium woke up in the last couple months.


Ronald discovered BTC in 2011/2012 after seeing there are some really clever, insightful people working in the space.

BTC was created to revolutionize our monetary system and there are many analogies between gold and BTC.

Ronald doesn’t understand why discussions around BTC and gold are emotionally charged - He likes competition and believes it’s healthy for both

Copyright © 2021 Cambridge House International Inc. All rights reserved.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageSilver Crisis Shortage Is Real Risk, Prices To Double, Jeff Clark Drops Three Bold Calls
par g.sandro Mar 2 Fév 2021 - 1:11

Silver Crisis Shortage Is Real Risk, Prices To Double, Jeff Clark Drops Three Bold Calls

Limpide synthétique, et pertinent: Jeffrey Clark est mon analyste favori juste devant Rick Rule et Adam Hamilton...c'est dire...!

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) Empty
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MessageSilver Supply Crisis: Impossible To Source Metal for ETFs, Tricks Are Being Played Warns Middelkoop . j'adore son tiercé (son quinté en détaillant) final...
par g.sandro Dim 7 Fév 2021 - 18:12

Silver Supply Crisis: Impossible To Source Metal for ETFs, Tricks Are Being Played Warns Middelkoop

Magnifique interview avec des réponses aussi étayées que claires... j'adore son tiercé (son quinté en détaillant) final...

Citation :

Reddit-triggered buying led to a frenzy in silver, making for a significant event that lifted prices to eight-year highs. While the price has since come back down, many experts expect more craziness, predicting that the silver squeeze drama isn’t going anywhere.

“If you look at the palladium market, it will tell you how this silver drama will play out; palladium was managed and manipulated for years,” best-selling author of the Big Reset Willem Middelkoop tells Daniela Cambone.

“The physical demand became so large that it overwhelmed the paper shorts... and the palladium price went up fourfold.” He considers this a playbook for what will happen to silver, noting that, while central banks can solve many crises, "they can’t print more silver– just like they couldn’t print more palladium.” Noting that the popular iShares Silver Trust ($SLV) needs to source metal to meet the demand, he warns, “tricks are being played— the amount of silver they need to fund is physically impossible.”

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
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MessageSprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up - 2.19.21
par g.sandro Sam 20 Fév 2021 - 19:00

Sprott Money News Weekly Wrap-up - 2.19.21

Du bon sens et le passage sur les mines de Silver , qui devraient bénéficier de la hausse de leurs métaux de base (pour celles dont ce ne sont "que" des byproducts) est à garder en mémoire.

Citation :
Bob Thompson of Raymond James in Vancouver joins us to discuss gold, the commodity markets and the ongoing "Silver Squeeze" movement. Plus, Eric Sprott shares an exclusive update about his recent investment.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties) 2wecua10




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Les Podcast et interviews de David Brady, Sprott, Rick Rule, Katusa, Bix Weir, etc...SILJ (Hardin mini-fonds Silver Juniors et Royalties)
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