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Messageune coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par marie Mar 6 Oct 2009 - 22:00

pour cesser de régler leurs facture pétrolière en $

la nouvelle monnaie utilisée serait un panier de devises comportant le yen, le yuan, l'euro, l'or et une nouvelle devise commune aux pays du golfe


affaire rapidement déniée par les saoudiens, les russes et le koweit, déni "classique".. lorsqu'il s'agit de fuites de ce genre


cette "affaire " tombe à pic, car l'on sait bien à quel point, ce dossierest "sensible" pour les usa ..
et zero hedge vient de sortir un très interessant document déclassifié à ce sujet


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MessageRe: une coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par marie Mar 6 Oct 2009 - 22:37

parallélement, des contacts à paris et au moyen orient confirment cette info à Max Keiser


Hi Bill
Further to today's dynamite article in the Independent, Max Keiser earlier today on 'Russia Today 'TV says his contacts in Paris and the Mid East are confirming the details in Robert Fisk's article as genuine. Link to video at his website below.
Kind regards


sur les DTS du fmi


Jesse notes…
50% of new currency to be weighted in gold

Max Keiser


Bien entendu et comme PRV le fait remarquer sur bourso, je suis tres étonnée d'entendre que la france militerait pour un retour de l'or ds le systéme monétaire ... ça serait un sacré revirement de sarko qui a été le 1er à balancer l'or de la bque de fce .. .. mais bon .. avec ce genre de gars ... tout est possible, en matière de revirement ..

quoiqu'il en soit et si cette news était bidon, la sanction sur le cours de l'or ne se fera pas attendre .. car nos acheteurs de ces 2 derniers jours, y ont cru ..

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MessageRe: une coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par marie Mer 7 Oct 2009 - 23:55


More on the petrodollar story
Hello Bill,
It's worth underscoring in MIDAS that the "The Demise of the Dollar" story published in the Independent yesterday was written by one of the world's most highly respected foreign correspondents. Robert Fisk's main beat today focuses on Middle Eastern politics. Some in the gold community might have seen his byline and not thought much of it. Furthermore, replacement of the dollar with a basket of currencies in which to trade oil is not a new story. Various trial balloons have been floated with unsourced wire stories over the years. But Fisk's story is being taken much more seriously. Robert Fisk is widely considered to be the best foreign correspondent working for Britan, having won their "International Journalist of the Year" award seven times.. Arguably, no other Western journalist has the deep regional contacts that Fisk enjoys. Fisk's story should not be read in the same way one might have viewed previous trial balloons. Saudi Arabian and other officials have denied the story but the market was justified in pushing gold higher.

It may take a few years for world oil markets to employ alternatives to the US Dollar. But the change is a question of when, not if...
All the best,
Eric Dubin
Investor Intelligentsia
Max Keiser Interviewed at inforwars.com

Hi Bill
Max Keiser was just interviewed by Alex Jones on his excellent Daily Radio/Internet TV Show at infowars.com (very large audience) and confirmed his sources are again telling him 'Germany is still asking for its up to 3000 tons of Gold back from the US' and talked more about his interview a couple of years ago with an official at the Bundesbank.
He commented very favorably about Robert Fisk and said what a great journalist he is when discussing 'that' article in the Independent.
He also briefly referenced GATA and its work in uncovering the manipulation in the Gold market.
Kind regards

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Messagedeth of petro dollar
par nofear Ven 9 Oct 2009 - 17:18

Oui, je sais nombre de lecteurs et autres analystes réputés taxent Jim CB Willie de psychotique et autres étiquettes. Toujours est il qu'il fait partie des meilleurs avec un temps d'avance sur les évènements.

Imprimez son article, affichez le pour bien le garder en mémoire. C'est votre feuille de route et Il sauvera vos fesses !

extrait :

departure and dismantle of the Petro-Dollar standard will usher in a
more dangerous phase of that trade war, one to include a battle of the
crude oil in the Middle East region.



  Chef cuistot
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MessageRe: une coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par marie Jeu 15 Oct 2009 - 17:15

la russie confirme !

BEIJING -- Russia is ready to consider using the Russian and Chinese national currencies instead of the dollar in bilateral oil and gas dealings, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday.
The premier, currently on a visit to Beijing, said a final decision on the issue can be made only after a thorough, expert analysis.
"Yesterday energy companies, in particular Gazprom, raised the question of using the national currency. We are ready to examine the possibility of selling energy resources for rubles, but our Chinese partners need rubles for that. We are also ready to sell for yuans," Putin said.
He stressed that "there should be a balance here."
On Tuesday Russia and China agreed terms for Russian gas deliveries at a level of up to 70 billion cubic meters a year. China also imports oil from Russia.
The Russian prime minister said the issue would be addressed among others at a meeting of Shanghai Cooperation Organization finance ministers, who are to convene before the end of the year in Kazakhstan.
Britain's Independent newspaper reported last Tuesday that Russian officials had held "secret meetings" with Arab states, China and France on ending the use of the U.S. dollar in international oil trade.
The countries are reportedly seeking to switch from the dollar to a basket of currencies including the euro, Japanese yen, Chinese yuan, gold, and a new unified currency of leading Arab oil producing countries.
The Independent said the meetings have been confirmed by Chinese and Arab banking sources.

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MessageRe: une coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par marie Lun 19 Oct 2009 - 22:52

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MessageRe: une coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par marie Jeu 29 Oct 2009 - 16:14

l'arabie saoudite met le souk sur le marché des futs .. en abandonnant le benchmark WTI, pour pricer le prix du pétrole

Saudis don't want oil price set in U.S. anymore

Submitted by cpowell on Wed, 2009-10-28 22:27. Section: Daily Dispatches
Saudis Drop WTI Oil Contract
By Javier Blas
Financial Times, London
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Saudi Arabia on Wednesday decided to drop the widely used West Texas Intermediate oil contract as the benchmark for pricing its oil, dealing a serious blow to the New York Mercantile Exchange.
The decision by the world's biggest oil exporter could encourage other producers to abandon the benchmark and threatens the dominance of the world's most heavily traded oil futures contract. It is the main contract traded on Nymex.
The move reveals the growing discontent of Riyadh and its US refinery customers with WTI after the price of the price of the benchmark became separated from the global oil market this year.
The surge in oil inventories in Cushing, Oklahoma, where WTI is delivered into America's pipeline system, depressed the value of the WTI against other global benchmarks, throwing the global oil market into disarray.
In January, WTI, which usually trades at a premium of $1-$2 a barrel to Brent, fell sharply, leaving it at a discount of almost $12 -- a record gap. This dislocation in the market continued well into the summer.
From January, Saudi Arabia will base the price of oil for its US customers on a new index developed by Argus, the London-based oil-pricing company.
The Argus Sour Crude Index will track the price in the physical market of a basket of US Gulf Coast crudes, including Mars, Poseidon, and Southern Green Canyon.
Argus said the change in policy reflected the "increased importance of the US Gulf coast sour crude market, in which both production and trading activity was rising sharply."
Paul Horsnell, head of commodities research at Barclays Capital in London, said Saudi Arabia's decision was likely to reflect a "wider discontent" from its customers in the US about WTI performance.
ExxonMobil, Marathon, and Valero are among the US's biggest buyers of Saudi crude oil.
Edward Morse, chief economist at LCM Commodities in New York, said: "It is a recognition by large players that WTI sometimes does not reflect the true value of crude oil in the waterborne market."
Saudi Arabia has priced its oil using WTI since 1994.
The price was based on quotes from the physical market which were compiled by Platt's, a unit of McGraw-Hill.
Oil companies then covered their exposure to WTI using the futures market on Nymex.
Bob Levin, managing director of market research at the CME Group-owned Nymex, said the exchange was ready to move with the market.
"We plan to introduce a cash-settled futures contract tracking the new Argus index," he said.
Mike Vinciquerra, equity research analyst at BMO Capital Markets, said the new Argus index would not replace WTI. "It's more a supplement," he said.

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MessageRe: une coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par marie Mar 3 Nov 2009 - 0:04

les Saoudiens ont'ils le poids nécessaire pour détruire le nymex?


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MessageRe: une coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par nofear Mar 3 Nov 2009 - 12:34

les saouds n'ont pas les moyens de détruire le nymex à eux seuls (est ce bien leur volonté d'ailleurs ?). Ils sortent de la zone dollar et de l'emprise GS tout simplement avec le nouveau benchmark qu'ils créent. Logiquement il devrait être adossé avec les DTS et l'or ?.

A noter que depuis fin octobre l'iran a ouvert sa propre bourse au pétrole/gaz (annoncée depuis 2006) sur l'ile KIS. L'unité de compte monétaire qu'ils utiliseront n'est pas encore connue mais ce ne sera pas le dollar US!


  Chef cuistot
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MessageRe: une coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par marie Mar 3 Nov 2009 - 17:15

ils ne sortent pas de la zone $, avec le nouveau benchmark.. car il est lui, aussi coté en $ .., Nofear.. et il a tjs existé..

il est simplement coté sur les futures de londres ..
tandis que le wti est coté sur nymex, et est ( était) le marché principal ..

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MessageRe: une coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par nofear Mar 3 Nov 2009 - 18:44

ce n'est que provisoire à priori. Ils vont sortir du $ dans pas longtemps. Un petit "conflit" pourrait "justifier" la chose mais ce n'est qu'une hypothèse (exemple passé, guerre du kippour, l'opep passe à 100% us dollars = création pétrodollar et prix X4 ...).


  Chef cuistot
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MessageRe: une coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par marie Mar 3 Nov 2009 - 18:47

certes, Nofear.. mais l'étape du changement de benchmark pose amah un autre pb.. et ça va certainement pas aider le nymex ..

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Messagenouvel index pétrole
par nofear Mar 19 Jan 2010 - 19:26

Source money map

Citation :
Speculators in New York won’t be calling the shots anymore.
Not in oil, anyway.
The way we price it... The places we trade it... The companies
that stand to profit most…
It’s all about to change.
This was confirmed at a meeting I just attended in
The City, London’s financial district. I arrived from
Moscow’s Domodedovo Airport for an unusual Saturday
morning gathering of bankers, traders and analysts
called only days before. The subject? A new oil-pricing
This is huge.
More oil-project funding is raised within a three-mile
radius of The City’s Liverpool Street train station than
anywhere else on Earth. And now they’re preparing to
control the oil trade, as well.
This will create all kinds of new ways to make money in
oil. Not just with fancy financial instruments designed
for the “big boys,” but with retail investments, too. So
there’s money in this for you…
Traditional Benchmarks Tell a Fraction
of the Story
There are more than 200 benchmark rates for crude oil.
But only two of them, essentially, determine most of
worldwide pricing:West Texas Intermediate (WTI), the
benchmark used in New York Mercantile Exchange
(NYMEX) trading; and Dated Brent, the equivalent in
Despite accounting for less than 15% of the daily volume
actually traded, these two have controlled the market.
It’s nuts. They hardly reflect the real world of oil.
Both are sweet (low sulfur) grades. Yet most of the world
deals with sour (higher sulfur) crude.
That’s why Argus Media in London recently began issuing
its new Argus Sour Crude Index (ASCI) benchmark.
A decision by Saudi Aramco to leaveWTI and price its
exports on ASCI, beginning with January deliveries, has
emboldened the new approach. And now there are strong
indications that Kuwait and Venezuela may soon follow
This is a big deal.
As a sour crude rate becomes more the benchmark of
choice, “wet-barrel” trading (buying and selling the actual
oil) will rely less on prices set by futures contracts, or
“paper barrels,” in New York.
That means the differential between the paper barrels
and the crude oil sales – the actual asset upon which they
are based – will become more volatile. Trading liquidity
will begin to follow the crude pricing to futures contracts
based on ASCI – rather thanWTI.
The IntercontinentalExchange Inc. (NYSE: ICE) has
already announced it will introduce ASCI-priced futures
contracts. And it introduced ASCI swap contracts, following
the Saudi announcement. No date has been set yet
for electronic trading. But ICE certainly believes that is
coming – and fast.
Everyone at this meeting expected the same thing: The
emerging arbitrage environment will allow a variety of
swaps, secondary paper trading, option opportunities,
creation of investment funds, hedge moves, and a multitude
of exotics.
So expect to see new vehicles for retail investment in a
very active oil commodity and futures market. I’ll show
you how to make money from them as soon as they surface.
And I’ll also shake out the companies best positioned
to profit in the new trading environment. MMR
Dr. Kent Moors is following these developments closely in his Oil & Energy
Investor, a free e-service for investors. Just visit www.oilandenergyinvestor.com
and sign up to get access to all of his “inside” opportunities. Dr. Moors has
been advising the world’s largest and most active energy producers and
buyers for 31 years, including six of the world’s top 10 oil companies and
high-level officials from the U.S., Russian, Kazakh, Bahamian, Iraqi and Kurdish
The New Oil Index is About to Create
Even More Opportunity in Energy


  Chef cuistot
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MessageRe: une coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par marie Mar 19 Jan 2010 - 19:41

en résumé et pour "contrecarrer" la décision des saoudiens de se retirer du nymex ( WTI) au profit de londres ..

ICE crée un nouveau produit de futures pétrole .. ASCI

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MessageRe: une coalition états du golfe / chine / russie /japon/ france
par du-puel Mar 19 Jan 2010 - 21:31

Dans l'Asia Time de cette semaine, cette approche intéressante de l'Arabie Saoudite comme banque centrale du pétrole et que ce n'est pas le pétrole qui est pricé en USpeso, mais l'USpeso qui est pricé en pétrole.


Maintenant que la Russie est le premier producteur mondial, devant l'AS, et que l'Iran, notamment, voudrait rejoindre la bourse pétrolière de St Pétersbourg, on aura peut-être bientôt une 2° BC pétroleuse !


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