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Message abandon Dollar / Chine, Japon, Dubai, Inde et iran , Russie/ infos en continu
par marie Lun 26 Déc 2011 - 16:53

vers un accord Chine japon pour commerce bilatéral

merci à Nemee pour l'info :

Citation :
La Chine avait déjà passé des accords bilatéraux avec la Russie (mais aussi avec d'autres pays d'Asie) pour ne pas passer par la case dollar lors de certains échanges commerciaux directs. De tels accords sont maintenant envisagés entre la Chine et le Japon. C'est un pas de plus vers l'abandon du dollar en tant que monnaie pour les échanges


c'est d'autant plus étonnant que le Japon ne nous avait pas habitué à pareilles libertés, vis à vis des USA;)

quand au Pakistan, l'accord bilatéral avec la Chine est déjà signé

Citation :
Un important accord bilatéral, l'Arrangement d'échange de devises (AED), a été signé vendredi à Islamabad entre la Banque d'Etat du Pakistan (BEP) et la Banque populaire de Chine (BPC), a rapporté samedi la presse locale.

Le document a été signé par le gouverneur de la BEP, Yaseen Anwar, et par le vice-gouverneur de la BPC, Du Jinfu.
L'AED a été conclu pour un montant de 10 milliards de yuan chinois et 140 milliards de roupies pakistanaises, avec pour objectif de promouvoir le commerce et les investissements et de renforcer la coopération bilatérale. Cet accord expirera dans trois ans, mais pourra être prolongé par consentement mutuel.
Le Pakistan et la Chine espèrent voir le commerce bilatéral et les investissements entre les deux pays augmenter grâce à cet accord, qui permettra de renforcer les relations économiques déjà particulièrement étroites qui existent entre les deux pays.
La conclusion de l'AED entre les banques centrales des deux pays contribuera à encourager les marchés, en faisant savoir que des liquidités sont disponibles dans la monnaie de l'autre pays dans le cadre du commerce frontalier. L'AED permettra donc de promouvoir des échanges commerciaux bilatéraux en yuans chinois et en roupies pakistanaise.


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Dernière édition par marie le Mar 8 Avr 2014 - 16:23, édité 3 fois




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Messagesuite de la guerre des devises et de la démise du $
par marie Mar 17 Jan 2012 - 21:38

la bataille pour la démise du $ comme monnaie de réserve internationale, continue :

la république populaire de Chine signe un accord bilatéral de swaps, avec Dubai pour une durée de 3 ans et pour un montant de yuan 35 milliards /dirhams 200 millions

Press Release
People's Bank of China

January 17, 2012 - People's Bank of China, Dubai and the UAE Central Bank have signed bilateral currency swap agreements, aimed at strengthening bilateral financial cooperation and promote bilateral trade and investment and jointly safeguard regional financial stability.

The 35 billion yuan swap / 200 million dirhams, is valid for three years and may be extended by mutual agreement.

commentaires bien sentis chez Jesse

Citation :
This is not a particularly large deal, but it is another sign of the continuing erosion of the ad hoc Bretton Woods II currency regime and a growing disorder in global banking. Change is not just coming, it's here.

The usual US public reponse is dismissive: 'where else will they put their money?'

But behind the scenes the US is working very hard on this, often in conjunction with the Banks of England and at times Japan, to move to an alternative in the SDR based on a composition favorable to the dollar and the pound and the yen. Europe is being held off balance by the ratings agencies, suffering from a crisis in leadership and coherent policy. Germany is being urged to accept a 'separate peace' and assume a more powerful and controlling role on the Continent.

A significant area of contention is the petro-dollar, hence the heavy and continuing US military presence in the region.

But don't count out China, Russia, India and South America. Never play checkers when the other guys are playing chess (or Go).


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MessageRe: abandon Dollar / Chine, Japon, Dubai, Inde et iran , Russie/ infos en continu
par marie Sam 21 Jan 2012 - 15:41

l'inde commercialisera avec l'iran en roupies

celle news me plait ==> coup de pied au c... à l'embargo de l'iran, embargo que la Chine refuse également d'appliquer


merci à l'un de nos lecteurs pour nous avoir fait passer la news

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MessageL'Iran et la Russie suppriment le dollar de leurs échanges commerciaux
par g.sandro Sam 21 Jan 2012 - 19:18

L'Iran et la Russie suppriment le dollar de leurs échanges commerciaux

IRIB- L'ambassadeur iranien, à Moscou, a fait part de la suppression du dollar, dans leurs échanges commerciaux entre les deux pays.

Le Rial et le Rouble remplaceront le dollar, dans ces échanges.
Les deux parties sont parvenus à un accord final, sur la suppression du dollar, dans les échanges commerciaux.


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Messageembargo européen contre l'iran
par marie Lun 23 Jan 2012 - 17:16

embargo européen contre l'iran : pétrole mais aussi or et métaux précieux

L'Europe impose un embargo pétrolier sans précédent contre l'Iran :

Les pays de l'Union européenne se sont mis d'accord lundi pour imposer un embargo pétrolier graduel sans précédent contre l'Iran ainsi que pour sanctionner sa banque centrale afin d'assécher le financement de son programme nucléaire controversé.

Le compromis, que les ministres européens des Affaires étrangères devaient encore entériner formellement lundi lors d'une réunion à Bruxelles, prévoit une interdiction immédiate de tout nouveau contrat dans le secteur pétrolier avec l'Iran pour les pays européens.

L'annulation des contrats existants interviendra toutefois ultérieurement, au plus tard le 1er juillet, pour permettre aux pays plus dépendants de se retourner. L'Iran vend environ 20% de son pétrole aux pays de l'UE, notamment à la Grèce, à l'Italie et à l'Espagne.

Le ministre espagnol des Affaires étrangères Jose Manuel Garcia Margallo a relevé que son pays faisait là un "très important sacrifice", tout en assurant avoir "trouvé des alternatives".

D'autres pays producteurs, dans le Golfe notamment, ont en effet promis de prendre le relais de l'Iran.

Les Grecs, qui obtiennent leur pétrole d'Iran à des conditions très avantageuses, militaient à l'origine pour obtenir un délai d'un an avant de couper les ponts.

Compte tenu de la grave crise de leur dette souveraine, ils risquent en effet de se voir exiger des nouveaux fournisseurs des garanties financières que Téhéran ne leur demandait pas.

Athènes a levé lundi ses objections en échange de la promesse de ses partenaires européens qu'ils se pencheront à nouveau sur "la question des pays qui importent d'importantes quantités" de pétrole iranien au plus tard en avril.

Le Français Alain Juppé s'est dit confiant que d'ici là, "toutes les difficultés liées en particulier aux conditions d'approvisionnement de certains pays de l'UE pourront être levées".

Ces sanctions sans précédent "ont pour but de faire en sorte que l'Iran prenne au sérieux notre requête de venir à la table des négociations" sur son programme nucléaire, a souligné la chef de la diplomatie européenne Catherine Ashton.

L'Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique et les occidentaux soupçonnent Téhéran, sous couvert d'activités civiles, de chercher à se doter de la bombe nucléaire.

"Téhéran doit changer de manières et prouver que son programme nucléaire n'est pas lié aux armes", a insisté le ministre néerlandais Uri Rosenthal.

L'essentiel des ventes de pétrole iraniennes est néanmoins réalisé en Asie, où Européens et Américains s'efforcent en parallèle de convaincre des pays comme l'Inde de réduire eux aussi leurs importations.

La décision de l'UE "va aussi influencer les actions de nombreuses autres nations", a estimé le Britannique William Hague.

L'embargo pétrolier fait partie d'un paquet plus large de sanctions, incluant un gel des avoirs de la banque centrale iranienne, une interdiction partielle de transactions avec l'institut monétaire, et celle de produire pour son compte des pièces et billets de banque.

La banque iranienne Tejarat, qui a des filiales au Royaume-Uni, en France, et en Allemagne, est aussi visée. L'UE élargit en outre l'interdiction d'investissements dans l'industrie pétrochimique, et suspend les ventes d'or ou d'autres métaux précieux et diamants à l'Iran.

L'UE a déjà dans le passé gelé les avoirs de 433 sociétés iraniennes et 113 personnes, interdit l'exportation de nombreux produits sensibles et les investissements dans le secteur des hydrocarbures.

Avec ces nouvelles sanctions l'UE cherche à "assécher les sources de financement du programme nucléaire iranien", a souligné l'Allemand Guido Westerwelle.

Israël a salué la décision européenne. Sur les marchés, les prix du pétrole n'évoluaient qu'en légère hausse lundi à Londres, les opérateurs ayant largement anticipé la perspective d'un embargo ces dernières semaines.


et d'après zero hedge, l'embargo européen porte également sur l'or et les métaux précieux

Citation :
Reuters report that the EU has agreed to freeze the assets of the Iranian central bank and ban all trade in gold and other precious metals with the Iranian Central Bank and other public bodies in Iran.


en revanche et d'après liesi, la résistance contre ces mesures s'organise :

Citation :
Jeudi, la Turquie et l’Iran ont annoncé, qu’ils allaient augmenter leurs échanges financiers et améliorer les relations de leurs Banques Centrales.
Vendredi, l’Inde a annoncé qu’elle continuerait à acheter Pétrole et Gaz à l’Iran en remplaçant le Dollar par la roupie.


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MessageRe: abandon Dollar / Chine, Japon, Dubai, Inde et iran , Russie/ infos en continu
par nofear Lun 23 Jan 2012 - 18:54

Et c'est bien pour cela que les "ordres" sont à présent d'achever l'euro pour cacher (provisoirement en attendant la prochaine forfaiture) la misère du US dollar.

Le FMI et eurozone (merkozy) ont officiellement décidé de couper les vivres à la grèce (source newswire) DONC la grèce est en défaut et DONC l'euro actuel est de fait mort... Reste plus qu'aux blablateurs d'inventer des pirouettes linguistiques afin d'affirmer le contraire  abandon Dollar / Chine, Japon, Dubai, Inde et iran , Russie/ infos en continu 354172

A priori ce pourrait être la fin le 13 février prochain (émission de dette grecque)

©️ Nofear / Hardinvestor / On appelle esprit libre celui qui pense autrement qu'on ne s'y attend de sa part en raison de son origine, de son milieu, de son état et de sa fonction, ou en raison des opinions régnantes de son temps. Il est l'exception, les esprits asservis sont la règle. Ce que ceux-ci lui reprochent, c'est que ses libres principes, ou bien ont leur source dans le désir de surprendre ou bien permettent de conclure à des actes libres, c'est-à-dire de ceux qui sont inconciliables avec la morale asservie." (Friedrich NIETZSCHE, Humain, trop humain) mon tweet perso: @ghostbikerman


  Chef cuistot
 Chef cuistot


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Message Les Merdias occidentaux encore pris en flag de désinformation anti Russie
par g.sandro Lun 23 Jan 2012 - 20:46

les pseudos émeutes anti Poutin étaient, au moins en partie, des images d'.....Athènes... bon sang , bien sur fire pinochio


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Messageembargo diamants or et métaux précieux
par marie Lun 23 Jan 2012 - 22:53

voilà la news reuters portant sur l'embargo européen pour diamants or et métaux précieux

Citation :
At a meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels, EU governments also agreed to freeze the assets of Iran's central bank and to ban all trade in diamonds, gold, and other precious metals with the bank and other public bodies.

At a meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels, EU governments also agreed to freeze the assets of Iran's central bank and to ban all trade in diamonds, gold, and other precious metals with the bank and other public bodies.

EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said she wanted financial sanctions to persuade Tehran to return to negotiations with the West , which she represents in talks with Iran.

"I want the pressure of these sanctions to result in negotiations," she told reporters before the ministers met.

"I want to see Iran come back to the table and either pick up all the ideas that we left on the table ... last year ... or to come forward with its own ideas," she said.

Tehran says its nuclear program is necessary to meet its rising energy needs, but the United Nations' International Atomic Energy Agency said last year it had evidence that suggested Iran had worked on designing a nuclear weapon.

In a statement, EU ministers said a recent move by Iran to start enriching uranium at its underground Fordow nuclear plant was a "flagrant violation" of U.N. resolutions.

"(It) further aggravates concerns about possible military dimensions to Iran's nuclear program," the ministers said.

EU sanctions follow fresh financial measures signed into law by U.S. President Barack Obama on New Year's Eve mainly targeting the oil sector, which accounts for some 90 percent of Iranian exports to the EU. The European Union, a bloc of more than half a billion people, is Iran's largest oil customer after China.

Economic considerations weighed heavily on EU preparations for the embargo in recent weeks, because of the heavy dependence of some EU states on Iranian crude. As a result, concessions pushed for by states such Greece will likely blunt the impact of EU sanctions for now, experts said.

Greece, which is at the heart of the debt crisis and relies on international aid to stay afloat, sources about a quarter of its oil imports from Iran because of favorable financing terms, and must now seek alternative sources.

It had pushed strongly for a grace period on existing deals and had originally argued it needed a year to prepare.

To reassure the Greek government, its EU peers agreed to return to the issue of oil sanctions before May to assess whether the measures are effective and whether EU states are succeeding in finding sufficient alternative resources.

The review could potentially affect the date when the full ban takes effect, diplomats said.

"The financial situation of Greece at the moment is not the brightest one, and rightly they are asking us to help them find a solution," a senior EU official told reporters on Friday.

Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, and other oil-rich Gulf states are expected to raise their output of crude oil to offset the loss of access to Iranian exports and prevent market instability.

With a significant part of EU purchases of Iranian oil covered by long-term contracts, the grace period will be an important factor in the effectiveness of the EU measures.

Emanuele Ottolenghi of the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies in Washington said the oil embargo was possibly the last card Western governments could play to avoid military confrontation with Iran.

But, he said, Europe's gradual approach and the possibility of waivers in U.S. measures weakened their impact.

"Regrettably, Europe's delay and America's loopholes mean Iran gets a reprieve at a time when, with Iran's nuclear program accelerating, it would have been preferable to see an embargo implemented sooner," he said.

European ministers also agreed to outlaw the export of key equipment and technology for the oil sector to Iran, and new investment in Iranian petrochemical firms.

Measures against the central bank will go into effect with the provision that allowed trade can continue, allowing for limited impact on the Iranian population.

The unprecedented effort to take Iran's 2.6 million barrels of oil per day of exports off international markets has kept global prices high, pushed down Iran's rial currency and caused a surge in the cost of basic goods for Iranians.

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Messageor lybien, but de la guerre en lybie
par marie Lun 23 Jan 2012 - 23:03

comme je pense que c'est tout à fait à mettre en relation ,

ci joint interwiew de Rickards sur la guerre déclenchée contre la Lybie,

en vue de mettre la main sur les réserves d'or du pays ..

et encore il n'est pas, semble t'il fait mention des réserves de pétrole sur lequelles on a également fait main basse

nous avions largement évoqué ces sujets en partie privée à l'époque, et je ne suis donc guère étonnée des conclusions de Rickards


souvenez vous de la création par les "rebelles" et avant même la fin de la guerre, de la création d'une banque centrale autonome, ainsi que d'une institution pétrolière labellée "rebelles"

plus c'est gros, plus ça passse ...  abandon Dollar / Chine, Japon, Dubai, Inde et iran , Russie/ infos en continu E949b0f_

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Messagel'inde paiera le pétrole iranien en or
par marie Mar 24 Jan 2012 - 18:55

double effet kiss cool pour les usa et l'europe :

Non seulement l'inde ne se joint pas à l'embargo contre l'iran, mais achétera son pétrole sans passer par le dollar, payant même en or !

selon les même sources, la Chine suivra le mouvement


DEBKAfile Exclusive Report January 23, 2012, 5:57 PM

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Iranian oil for India

India is the first buyer of Iranian oil to agree to pay for its purchases in gold instead of the US dollar, debkafile's intelligence and Iranian sources report exclusively. Those sources expect China to follow suit. India and China take about one million barrels per day, or 40 percent of Iran's total exports of 2.5 million bpd. Both are superpowers in terms of gold assets.

By trading in gold, New Delhi and Beijing enable Tehran to bypass the upcoming freeze on its central bank's assets and the oil embargo which the European Union's foreign ministers agreed to impose Monday, Jan. 23. The EU currently buys around 20 percent of Iran's oil exports.

<p>The vast sums involved in these transactions are expected, furthermore, to boost the price of gold and depress the value of the dollar on world markets.
<p>Iran's second largest customer after China, India purchases around $12 billion a year's worth of Iranian crude, or about 12 percent of its consumption. Delhi is to execute its transactions, according to our sources, through two state-owned banks: the Calcutta-based UCO Bank, whose board of directors is made up of Indian government and Reserve Bank of India representatives; and Halk Bankasi (Peoples Bank), Turkey's seventh largest bank which is owned by the government.
An Indian delegation visited Tehran last week to discuss payment options in view of the new sanctions. The two sides were reported to have agreed that payment for the oil purchased would be partly in yen and partly in rupees. The switch to gold was kept dark.

<p>India thus joins China in opting out of the US-led European sanctions against Iran's international oil and financial business. Turkey announced publicly last week that it would not adhere to any sanctions against Iran's nuclear program unless they were imposed by the United Nations Security Council.
<p>The EU decision of Monday banned the signing of new oil contracts with Iran at once, while phasing out existing transactions by July 1, 2012, when the European embargo, like the measure enforced by the United States, becomes total. The European foreign ministers also approved a freeze on the assets of the Central Bank of Iran which handles all the country's oil transactions.
However, the damage those sanctions cause the Iranian economy will be substantially cushioned by the oil deals to be channeled through Turkish and Indian state banks. China for its part has declared its opposition to sanctions against Iran.

debkafile's intelligence sources disclose that Tehran has set up alternative financial mechanisms with China and Russia for getting paid for its oil in currencies other than US dollars. Both Beijing and Moscow are keeping the workings of those mechanisms top secret.


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Messagesur la décision de l'inde, de payer le pétrole iranien en or
par marie Mer 25 Jan 2012 - 18:35

2 commentaires interessants sur les implications de cette news, tant pour le sort du dollar que pour la montée des tensions géopolitiques avec cet embargo iranien, purement "occidental"

chez Seeking alpha


et également sur financial sense


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Messageiran: hausse des tx d'intéret bancaires qui passent à 20%
par marie Jeu 26 Jan 2012 - 22:48

iran: hausse des tx d'intéret bancaires qui passent à 20%


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Messageachat du pétrole iranien et paiement en or de l'inde : silence officiel de l'inde
par marie Jeu 26 Jan 2012 - 22:58

From The Times of India
New Delhi
Thursday, January 26, 2012


A reputed Israeli intelligence Internet site has claimed that India is opting for gold to repay crude oil supplies from Iran. Given the US and EU embargo on Iran, payment in hard currency, such as the US dollar or euro, is very difficult; hence, this barter.

The website, Debkafile, said the transaction will be routed through UCO Bank, the Kolkata-based public sector lender. However, when contacted, a senior bank executive said he had not heard of any plans to settle oil payments in gold. A senior finance ministry official said he did not wish to comment on the issue. When reached over the phone, economic affairs secretary R. Gopalan, who has been leading the talks with Iran, said he was busy in a meeting and did not respond to a text message.

The report on the Israeli website coincides with the visit of an Indian official delegation to Tehran last week to find ways to continue the bilateral trade between Iran and India in spite of the sanctions imposed for forcing Iran to forsake its alleged plans for developing nuclear weapons.

While the use of gold as currency may help India get around the proposed freeze on Iranian central bank's assets and the oil embargo that the EU foreign ministers have agreed to impose on Monday, any outflow of sovereign gold will not go undetected, bringing in the political consequences of flouting the West-imposed embargo.

Keeping the Iran crude oil tap running is crucial for India, which depends on imports to meet around 80% of its oil requirements. Iranian crude accounts for a 12% share in India's total oil imports and any threat to this would have grave implications for the Indian economy.

On Wednesday petroleum minister S. Jaipal Reddy made clear India's stance on the sanctions and said that New Delhi would continue to explore "options" for paying oil from Iran. He added that India would abide only by UN sanctions, not those imposed by a group of countries.

Officials said another option that the government was looking at was to pay with the Indian currency. (India has had a rupee-rouble agreement with Russia.) According to the mechanism discussed with Iran, the exports and imports will be netted out and India will pay in rupees through Uco Bank. India is a net importer due to crude from Iran.

India and Iran have been negotiating a payment settlement mechanism for over a year but a stable tool is yet to emerge. Under the last deal, payments by Indian oil firms were routed through Union Bank of India, which transferred funds to a Turkish bank.

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MessageRe: abandon Dollar / Chine, Japon, Dubai, Inde et iran , Russie/ infos en continu
par du-puel Ven 27 Jan 2012 - 11:06

marie a écrit:
iran: hausse des tx d'intéret bancaires qui passent à 20%


c'est la meilleure arme : celle de la monnaie. Si le BASO réussit à détruire le régime iranien actuel, ce ne sera pas militairement.

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Messageune bien jolie pièce d'argent saoudienne
par marie Lun 30 Jan 2012 - 22:50

je mets ça pour le fun, mais n'empeche ... les us seront d'autant plus ridicules s'ils sanctionnaient l'inde pour payer le pétrole iranien en monnaie tangible

la pièce en question a été produite aux usa !

 abandon Dollar / Chine, Japon, Dubai, Inde et iran , Russie/ infos en continu 354172


Hello, Bill. I came across the following in an online coin catalog. If true, this would make it hard for anyone in the US to fault India for exchanging gold for Iranian oil.

This Brilliant Uncirculated silver 1 Riyal of Saudi Arabia is dated AH1370 (AD1950). It was struck to the specifications of the old Indian Rupee which had ceased production in 1939, but was still the standard coin of Saudi Arabia. It contains 11.6 grams of .917 fine silver. The coin was minted in the United States in order to pay for Saudi oil. In keeping with Islamic tradition, the design avoids showing any human figures. Instead the design features crossed swords, a pair of palm trees and a design primarily made up of calligraphy. It is an attractive old coin that is quite reasonably priced considering its age and condition
 abandon Dollar / Chine, Japon, Dubai, Inde et iran , Russie/ infos en continu Midas0130C


John in Oakland

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Messagel'iran déclare qu'elle peut déja commercer en devises autres que le dollar
par marie Mer 29 Fév 2012 - 0:35

décidément, ce soir c'est très chaud bouillant !

les news n'arretent pas de tomber, dans toutes les directions...

donc, l'Iran remet le "couvert" avec 2 dépeches aujourd'hui


et sur l'acceptation des paiements en or, cette dépéche Reuters

Iran to accept payment in gold from trading partners

By Tim Pearce | Reuters

TEHRAN, Feb 28 (Reuters) - Iran will take payment from its trading partners in gold instead of dollars, the Iranian state news agency IRNA quoted the central bank governor as

saying on Tuesday.

Iranian financial institutions have been hit by sanctions imposed by the United States and the European Union in an effort to force Tehran to halt its nuclear programme.

Significant difficulties in making dollar payments to Iranian banks have forced Iran's trading partners to look for alternative ways to settle transactions, including direct barter


"In its trade transactions with other countries, Iran does not limit itself to the U.S. dollar, and the country can pay using its own currency," central bank governor Mahmoud Bahmani was quoted as saying. "If a country should so choose, it can pay in gold and we would accept that without any reservation."

The sanctions include a phased ban on importing oil from Iran, which EU member states are to implement by July. China and India, two of the largest consumers of Iranian

oil, have said they will continue imports, but Japan and Korea have announced cuts to quotas following pressure from the United States. As a result the value of Iran's rial has plummeted, pushing the price of goods sharply higher across the country.

Western countries believe Tehran is trying to establish a nuclear weapons capability, and the United States and Israel have not ruled out military action against it. The Islamic Republic says its nuclear ambitions are peaceful and that it will hit back if targeted.


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Messagela Chine / accords de préts de renminbi avec les Brics
par marie Jeu 8 Mar 2012 - 14:52

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Messagele Japon achéte pour 65 milliards yuans de la dette chinoise
par marie Mar 13 Mar 2012 - 23:58

avec l'accord de la chine, et dans le but de diversifier ses réserves ( en dehors du $ ) et pour resserrer ses liens avec la Chine,

le japon va acheter pour 65 milliards de yuan ( 10.3 $ milliards ) de la dette chinoise === > comprendre l'équivallent des " t bonds chinois"


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Messagel'embargo contre l'iran pourrait restaurer l'étalon or en asie du sud ouest
par marie Ven 16 Mar 2012 - 18:43

du moins ce sont les conclusions de Rudy J. Fritsch, du gold standart institute


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Messagechine : swap de $ 31milliards avec l'australie
par marie Ven 23 Mar 2012 - 14:15

By Simon Rabinovitch and Neil Hume
Financial Times, London
Thursday, March 22, 2012


China has signed a US$31 billion currency swap agreement with Australia, a step toward boosting the renminbi's profile in developed markets.

Beijing has established nearly 20 bilateral swap lines over the past four years, but Australia ranks as the biggest economy yet to sign such a deal, which analysts said could give a shot in the arm to Beijing's goal of internationalising its currency.

While central banks normally use swaps to provide liquidity to each other in the event of a financial crisis, China has been using them to lay the groundwork for the renminbi's slow march into global markets.

Announcing the renminbi 200 billion / A$30 billion (US$31 billion) deal, the Reserve Bank of Australia said:

"The main purposes of the swap agreement are to support trade and investment between Australia and China, particularly in local-currency terms, and to strengthen bilateral financial co-operation."

It added that there were "increasing opportunities available to settle trade between the two countries in Chinese renminbi and to make renminbi-denominated investments."

China now has more than Rmb 1.5 trillion in swap lines with other central banks, but they have largely been symbolic. Only Hong Kong, the hub of offshore renminbi trading, has had to activate its swap with China, doing so briefly in 2010 when it faced a renminbi squeeze.

Nevertheless, the symbolic steps are beginning to add up to something bigger, according to Shen Jianguang, an economist with Mizuho Securities in Hong Kong.

"It's quite significant. They haven't had agreements with such advanced economies. This will gain momentum," he said.

There has been talk in the market that the Bank of England and the Bank of Japan could soon be in line for currency swaps with China.

Building up a global pool of renminbi is proving a challenge for China. The currency is permitted to flow out of the country only through tightly controlled channels, mainly trade.

The settlement of trade deals in renminbi grew swiftly from a low base over the past two years, but it has appeared to run out of steam in recent months and offshore renminbi deposits have declined.

Some economists say that until China takes bolder steps to open its capital account, allowing freer currency flows across its borders, the project of renminbi internationalisation will not fulfil its promise.

China's deal with Australia also underscores the close economic ties between the two countries.

China is Australia's biggest trading partner and the main market for its exports of iron, coal, and gas. Figures released by the government on Wednesday showed China had consumed a little more than quarter of Australia's total resource and energy exports in the 2011 financial year.

Andrew Skinner, head of global trade and receivables finance at HSBC Australia, said the agreement was a "sensible and logical" progression of Australia's relationship with China.

"It's a big step forward in formalising the internationalisation of the renminbi," he said. “It will help a lot of people get more comfortable using the currency knowing that these sorts of arrangements are in place."

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Messagel'afrique du Sud s'y met aussi
par marie Lun 26 Mar 2012 - 18:32

l'afrique du sud va prendre cette semaine, les premières mesures pour abandonner le dollar dans ses transactions avec les pays émergents ... au profit de la devise chinoise


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Messageéjection du systéme SWIFT / riposte des USA
par marie Mer 28 Mar 2012 - 0:18

systéme SWIFT et guerre des devises

la guerre des devises s'intensifie à vitesse grand V

les usa pensent que bannir du systéme SWIFT les pays récalcitrants, leur permettra de maintenir la suprématie du dollar, comme monnaie internationale de référence ,

ce qui pourrait avoir comme conséquence de mettre d'avantage encore l'étalon or ( ou d'autres devises ... la chine essaie de mettre la sienne en avant, évidemment / note Marie ) au centre des transactions commerciales des pays, ainsi éjectés du système SWIFT...

1ere analyse de Jim Sinclair, que je ne présente plus


2eme analyse de Robert Fitzwilson, fondateur de Portola group, un "fonds institutionnel"

( pour différencier de hedge fund ... c'est radicalement différent )

et vétéran de 40 années d'expérience sur les marchés boursiers


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MessageRe: abandon Dollar / Chine, Japon, Dubai, Inde et iran , Russie/ infos en continu
par nofear Mer 28 Mar 2012 - 2:36

ils feront du barter (système tout à fait légal et largement usité) avec un "clearing" (chambre de compensation) en or métal ? ce qui ne résoudra pas le problème du dollar, au contraire puisque pour ces milliards d'échanges commerciaux (qui échapperont à la monnaie bancaire et donc aux commissions frais etc oh sacrilège...!) il sera devenu totalement inutile. Autrement dit l'effet sera à l'opposé de celui escompté.

©️ Nofear / Hardinvestor / On appelle esprit libre celui qui pense autrement qu'on ne s'y attend de sa part en raison de son origine, de son milieu, de son état et de sa fonction, ou en raison des opinions régnantes de son temps. Il est l'exception, les esprits asservis sont la règle. Ce que ceux-ci lui reprochent, c'est que ses libres principes, ou bien ont leur source dans le désir de surprendre ou bien permettent de conclure à des actes libres, c'est-à-dire de ceux qui sont inconciliables avec la morale asservie." (Friedrich NIETZSCHE, Humain, trop humain) mon tweet perso: @ghostbikerman


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 Chef cuistot


  Inscription :   03/10/2009
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MessageMélenchon (mais pas que lui) sur l'Iran (cette vidéo en français est remarquable)
par g.sandro Mer 4 Avr 2012 - 23:47

Mélenchon bonnet d'âne (mais pas que lui) sur l'Iran (cette vidéo en français est remarquable)

pinochio crane no comment ! non !

Un patchwork assez dense qui prête à la réflexion...et notez la qualité de l'intervention de François Asselineau,
toujours aussi pertinent, factuel, et courtoisement cinglant...
Quelle différence de niveau et de classe avec les "zompolitiks"...
devinez pourquoi il n'a pas eu accès aux Merdias pour l'empêcher de recueillir les 500 parrainages...
Des analyses sereines, factuelles, étayées et profondes, forcément, dans un cirque, ça se verrait trop...CQFD.

tchin chinois chinois chinois chappo je plane pour toi amur


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Messagela Chine paiera le pétrole iranien en yuan
par marie Mer 9 Mai 2012 - 17:25

Iran accepts Chinese renminbi for crude oil

By Henny Sender
Financial Times, London
Monday, May 7, 2012

Iran is accepting renminbi for some of the crude oil it supplies to China, industry executives in Beijing and Kuwait and Dubai-based bankers said, partly as a consequence of US sanctions aimed at limiting Tehran’s nuclear programme.

Tehran is spending the currency, which is not freely convertible, on goods and services imported from China.

Most of the oil that goes from Iran to China is handled by the Unipec trading arm of Sinopec, China's second-largest oil company, and through another trading company called Zhuhai Zhenrong, the oil industry executives said.

The trade is worth as much as $20 billion to $30 billion annually, according to industry estimates, but a share of it is in barter form. Zhuhai Zhenrong, for example, pays Iran for its oil by providing services such as drilling, these people add.

"The global financial crisis accelerated the shift from the west to the east," said the chief executive of one bank in Dubai. Measures such as the US sanctions against Iran "will now enhance the acceptability of the renminbi as a transaction currency."

The US applied sanctions on Zhuhai Zhenrong earlier this year for allegedly brokering gasoline shipments to Iran -- which lacks refining capacity -- a charge that the company has denied.

Washington has also imposed sanctions that force financial institutions to choose between doing business with Iran or with the US and it has spearheaded restrictions on Tehran's central bank. The sanctions and a diplomatic push have led to a reduction in Iranian oil imports by Japan, South Korea, India, and China, which together buy more than 60 per cent of Iran's crude oil exports.

India, which already settles its oil purchases from Iran in rupees, was again urged on Monday by Hillary Clinton, US secretary of state, to cut its imports further.

The renminbi purchases began some months ago. Initially the non-barter portion of the transactions were settled in Beijing through renminbi accounts but now, as a result of US pressure, domestic banks such as Bank of China have stopped dealing with Iran, the oil executives and bankers said.

Instead, much of the money is transferred to Tehran through Russian banks, which take large commissions on the transactions, these people said.

Beijing has been trying to get its trading partners to use the renminbi, in effect transferring the exchange rate risk to its counterparties, since the price of crude is set in US dollars. It also frees Beijing of the need to hold as many dollars in its reserves.

Iran sells 21 per cent of its crude oil exports to China, making Beijing crucial to Tehran's ability to withstand unilateral US sanctions.

In March, amid growing efforts to isolate Iran, Sinopec renegotiated its contracts and successfully pressed for larger discounts, though "both sides are under strict orders not to talk and nobody knows the exact terms," one industry source said. There was a sharp drop in Chinese oil imports from Iran in January and February but analysts expect a recovery over the course of the year.

Sinopec, Zhuhai Zhenrong and Iran's central bank declined to comment on the renminbi for oil trading.


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par Contenu sponsorisé 

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