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Is the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals?

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MessageIs the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals?
par g.sandro Mer 21 Avr 2010 - 16:54

Is the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals?


Allez, je vous mets le début pour vous donner envie:

Citation :
Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who will face a tough battle in the
upcoming election, has two nicknames in the British press -- “Golden
and “Goldfinger Brown.” Is the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals? 354172 Is the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals? 210770

Since anything pertaining to gold
is of interest to me, I looked into why the Prime Minister has such
monikers. Does he perhaps have a Midas touch?

It turns out that
quite the opposite is true.Is the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals? Alcooliq Is the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals? 354172

Brown, who took over from Tony Blair
in 2007, acquired the ironic nicknames about 11 years ago when, against
the advice of leading bankers, he sold off about 60% of Britain's
centuries-old gold reserves. The timing of the sales, from 1999-2002,
was “impeccable.” In his role as Chancellor of the Exchequer he sold 400
tons at rock-bottom prices. He got an average price of $275 an ounce,
raising $3.496 billion. (British gold traders have dubbed the 20-year
low the “Brown Bottom.”) Since the unfortunate sale, [color:4d3c=#01509D ! important][color:4d3c=#01509D ! important]gold [color:4d3c=#01509D ! important]pricesIs the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals? Grey_loader
have more than quadrupled to $1,159
an ounce.
Is the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals? 354172 Is the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals? 210770 Is the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals? 354172

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Is the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals? 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
  Messages :   14525

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MessageRe: Is the Rally Really Over for Precious Metals?
par Invité Mer 21 Avr 2010 - 17:19

C'est comme pour Clinton dont on parlait sur l'autre file

il a juste été mal conseillé, et si c'était à refaire, eh bien il referait différemment. Dommage que ces gens ne restent pas au gouvernement pendant 35 ans, à la fin ils auraient tellement appris de leurs erreurs qu'ils n'en commettraient plus du tout. Comme Staline, un peu. Des vrais pros.



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