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Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.

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Messageimportations or iran en hausse
par marie Jeu 26 Aoû 2010 - 23:48

23 tonnes sur 4 mois contre 22 T l'année passé

Citation :
Iran imported 23 tons of gold in the four months ending July 22, the state-run Fars news agency reported. Imports of the precious metal totaled $855 million and came from Turkey, the United Arab Emirates, Russia and Switzerland, Fars said. The Persian Gulf country imported 22 tons of gold in the year ending March 20, the agency said.

©️ Marie
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MessageImportations d'or de l'iran en hausse de 2700 % !
par contact.lecteurs Mar 11 Sep 2012 - 16:25

Evidement, ça par partait de bas, et le chiffrage est fait en $, et non en tonnage, mais c'est tout de même très puissant !
Citation :

Central bank demand internationally continues and demand for gold in the
increasingly volatile Middle East remains robust as seen in data from the
Istanbul Gold Exchange.

It showed that Turkey’s gold imports were 11.3 metric tons last month alone.
Silver imports were 6.7 tons, the data show. Much of these imports may be
destined for Iran where imports have surged an astonishing 2,700% in just one
year – from $21 million to $6.2 billion.


Merci à Chris pour l'info
importations or iran en hausse Alcooliq

les raisons principales de cette hausse des importations d'or en Iran, seraient évidemment la conséquence de l'embargo contre le pétrole iranien, qui vend son or noir contre de l'or jaune et non plus du dollar !
Citation :
There is speculation that the Iranian central bank is buying gold and
that they may be accepting gold in payment for oil and gas in order to
bypass western sanctions. Turkey is paying for the oil and natural gas
it is importing from Iran in gold, Turkish opposition deputies have
claimed, drawing attention to the enormous increase in Turkey’s gold
exports to Iran in 2012. “Gold is being used as an instrument
for payment. Under the guise of exportation, gold is being sent to Iran
in exchange for oil,” Sinan Aygün, a deputy from the Republican People’s
Party (CHP), has told Turkish daily Today’s Zaman.

on notera également la hausse des prévisions de cours or et argent d'ici à 1 an maximum

Citation :
Credit Suisse and Unicredit have joined JP Morgan, Goldman, UBS, Bank of
America and other banks in revising upwards their gold forecasts.

Gold will advance to $1,775 an ounce in three months and $1,850 in 12 months,
Credit Suisse Group said in a report which was picked up by Bloomberg.

UniCredit sees gold returning to $1,900/oz an ounce towards the end of

UBS increased its near term precious metals prices on “strong” likelihood of
QE3, given the poor payrolls report. UBS raised the 1 and 3 month gold price
estimate to $1850/oz from $1700. Silver to $37/oz from $32/oz and $35/oz
respectively previously

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Messagela filière turque, via Dubai
par marie Mar 23 Oct 2012 - 18:02

importations d'or de la turquie, transitant par Dubai

Exclusive: Turkish gold trade booms to Iran, via Dubai

By Humeyra Pamuk

DUBAI/ISTANBUL | Tue Oct 23, 2012 10:04am EDT

(Reuters) - To see one of Iran's financial lifelines at work, pay a visit to Istanbul's Ataturk International Airport and find a gate for a flight to Dubai.

Couriers carrying millions of dollars worth of gold bullion in their luggage have been flying from Istanbul to Dubai, where the gold is shipped on to Iran, according to industry sources with knowledge of the business.

The sums involved are enormous. Official Turkish trade data suggests nearly $2 billion worth of gold was sent to Dubai on behalf of Iranian buyers in August. The shipments help Tehran manage its finances in the face of Western financial sanctions.

The sanctions, imposed over Iran's disputed nuclear program, have largely frozen it out of the global banking system, making it hard for it to conduct international money transfers. By using physical gold, Iran can continue to move its wealth across borders.

"Every currency in the world has an identity, but gold means value without identity. The value is absolute wherever you go," said a trader in Dubai with knowledge of the gold trade between Turkey and Iran.

The identity of the ultimate destination of the gold in Iran is not known. But the scale of the operation through Dubai and its sudden growth suggest the Iranian government plays a role.

The Dubai trader and other sources familiar with the business spoke to Reuters on condition of anonymity, because of the political and commercial sensitivity of the matter.

Iran sells oil and gas to Turkey, with payments made to state Iranian institutions. U.S. and European banking sanctions ban payments in U.S. dollars or euros so Iran gets paid in Turkish lira. Lira are of limited value for buying goods on international markets but ideal for a gold buying spree in Turkey.


In March this year, as the banking sanctions began to bite, Tehran sharply increased its purchases of gold bullion from Turkey, according to the Turkish government's trade data.

Direct gold exports to Iran from Turkey, long a major consumer and stockpiler of gold, hit $1.8 billion in July - equivalent to over a fifth of Turkey's entire trade deficit in that month.

In August, however, a sudden plunge in Turkey's direct gold exports to Iran coincided with a leap in its sales of the precious metal to the UAE.

Turkey exported a total $2.3 billion worth of gold in August, of which $2.1 billion was gold bullion. Just over $1.9 billion, about 36 metric tons, was sent to the UAE, latest available data from Turkey's Statistics Office shows. In July Turkey exported only $7 million of gold to the UAE.

At the same time Turkey's direct gold exports to Iran, which had been fluctuating between $1.2 billion and about $1.8 billion each month since April, slumped to just $180 million in August.

The Dubai-based trader said that from August, direct shipments to Iran were largely replaced by indirect ones through Dubai, apparently because Tehran wanted to avoid publicity.

"The trade from Turkey directly to Iran has stopped because there was just too much publicity around it," said the trader.

Dealers, jewellejewelersrs and analysts in Dubai said they had not noticed any large, sudden increase of supply in the local gold market during August. They said that suggested the increased shipments to the UAE were sent straight on to Iran.

It is not clear how the gold is moved from Dubai to Iran, but there is substantial trade between the two economies, much of it conducted by wooden dhows and other ships crossing the Gulf, a distance of only about 150 kilometers (100 miles) at its narrowest point.

A trader in Turkey said Tehran had shifted to indirect imports because the direct shipments were widely reported in Turkish and international media earlier this year. "Now on paper it looks like the gold is going to Dubai, not to Iran," he said.

Iranian gold buyers may want to conceal their Turkish gold deliveries for fear of attracting attention from the United States, which is pressing countries around the world to shrink their economic ties with Iran.

The buyers may also want to make their purchases less vulnerable to any possible interference by Turkey's government. Turkey's close relationship with Iran has begun to sour as the two states find themselves on opposite sides of the civil war in Syria, with Turkey advocating the departure of President Bashar al-Assad and Iran remaining Assad's staunchest regional ally.


There is no suggestion that the gold trade means Dubai is violating international sanctions against Iran. United Nations sanctions ban shipments of nuclear-related materials to Iran and freeze the assets of some Iranian individuals and companies, but they do not prohibit most forms of trade.

The UAE has not yet released its trade data for August. Officials at the Dubai customs authority could not be reached for comment despite repeated attempts to contact them.

Turkish trade data confirms the gold is being transported to Dubai by air. According to the data, $1.45 billion of Turkey's total gold exports in August were shipped through the customs office at Ataturk airport's passenger lounge. Almost all of the rest, $800 million, were shipped from Istanbul's smaller Sabiha Gokcen airport.

Turkey's total exports of all goods to the UAE totaled $2.2 billion in August. Of that amount, $1.19 billion were registered at the Ataturk passenger lounge, while $776 million were registered at Sabiha Gokcen.

A customs broker who does business at Ataturk said couriers were boarding Turkish Airlines and Emirates flights to Dubai at the airport, carrying the metal in their hand luggage to avoid the risk of it getting lost or stolen.

The maximum amount of gold bullion which a passenger is allowed to take is 50 kilograms (110 pounds), he said. This suggests that during the month of August, as many as several hundred courier trips may have taken gold to Dubai on Iran's behalf.

"It is all legal, they declare it, they give their tax number and it is all registered so there is nothing illegal about this," the broker said.

"At the moment there's quite a lot of traffic to Dubai. During September and October we have also been seeing this."

The trade data shows almost $1.4 billion worth of Turkey's August exports to the UAE came from a company or companies with a tax number registered in the coastal city of Izmir, Turkey's third biggest. Customs officials at Ataturk declined a Reuters request to provide documents identifying the exporters, saying the information was confidential.

The identity of the companies handling the business could not be confirmed. Traders said that because of the risk of attracting unwelcome attention from U.S. authorities, only a few companies were likely to be willing to get involved.

(Additional reporting by Behiye Selin Taner in Istabul, editing by Andrew Torchia, Simon Robinson, Richard Mably)


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Messagerestriction des exportations d'or
par marie Mer 31 Oct 2012 - 17:16

les exportations d'or ne peuvent plus se faire sans l'accord de la banque centrale ( les exportateurs devant obtenir une license )

parallélément la banque centrale accumule de l'or, notamment en provenance de Turquie, via Dubai


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MessageLa vente d'or à l'Iran sanctionnable par les Etats-Unis:
par g.sandro Mar 2 Juil 2013 - 12:10

La vente d'or à l'Iran sanctionnable par les Etats-Unis:
AFP le 02/07/2013 à 11:53

importations or iran en hausse 8f2f356b63eaf124537942777aa267f7-0-628-418-3127285
Un homme tient dans sa main un lingot d'or dans un atelier d'Istanbul, en 2009 ( AFP/Archives / Mustafa Ozer)
La vente ou l'échange d'or avec l'Iran peut depuis lundi être sanctionné par les Etats-Unis, en application d'une loi votée par le Congrès américain en décembre et qui vise à empêcher l'Iran d'exporter du pétrole en échange du métal précieux.
La Turquie est notamment soupçonnée par des élus américains d'importer du gaz naturel iranien en échange d'or, de façon à contourner les sanctions visant les transactions financières avec l'Iran.
Le président Barack Obama a signé un décret en juillet 2012 pour interdire ce type d'échanges, mais aucune sanction n'avait encore été appliquée, et le Congrès a choisi de les imposer en inscrivant dans la loi américaine l'interdiction des transactions en métaux précieux.
"Le Congrès va vraiment surveiller de près l'administration pour que ces sanctions soient appliquées", explique à l'AFP Mark Dubowitz, un expert des sanctions qui témoigne régulièrement au Congrès et est partisan de leur renforcement.
En pratique, la livraison d'or par une entité au gouvernement iranien ou toute personne privée en Iran peut désormais déclencher des sanctions américaines contre cette entité.
Le secrétaire adjoint au Trésor David Cohen avait estimé devant le Congrès en mai que la Turquie ne se procurait pas de gaz naturel en échange d'or, en réservant toutefois sa réponse détaillée à une audition à huis clos.
Lundi sont aussi entrées en vigueur des sanctions américaines contre des secteurs entiers de l'économie iranienne: énergie, transport maritime, construction navale, gestion portuaire et automobile.
L'automobile a été ajoutée à la liste par un décret de Barack Obama le 3 juin.
De nombreuses entreprises iraniennes liées au régime et aux Gardiens de la révolution faisaient déjà l'objet de sanctions de la part des Etats-Unis, de l'Europe ou des Nations unies, mais les nouvelles mesures américaines élargissent le "filet" américain à la totalité de ces secteurs, sans que Washington ait à désigner des sociétés ou individus particuliers.
"En désignant des secteurs entiers de l'économie et en ciblant l'or, ils envoient vraiment un message à la communauté internationale des affaires, en disant: il y a très peu de secteurs de l'économie où vous pouvez commercer légalement, et vous prenez des risques importants si vous essayez", dit Mark Dubowitz.
Le porte-parole du ministère iranien des Affaires étrangères, Abbas Araghchi, a réagi à ces nouvelles sanctions, en affirmant que "l'application de ces sanctions contre l'Iran était un faux pas intervenant à un mauvais moment", ont rapporté les médias.
"Ces sanctions ne sont pas nouvelles et ont été décidées il y a six mois", a déclaré M. Araghchi, qui a ajouté que "la politique de sanction est un échec et il est étonnant que les Américains tout en voyant cela continuent à insister à appliquer leur politique qui a déjà échoué".
"Elles ne font que compliquer le règlement de la question nucléaire alors que la levée des sanctions peut être un geste visant à ramener la confiance et aider à régler cette question", a-t-il ajouté.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

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