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Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.


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MessageAchat d'or des BC et production mondiale d'or
par marie Lun 19 Déc 2011 - 18:53

très interessante mise en perspective des achats d'or banques centrales vs production mondiale

Merci à Chris pour l'info

en effet, les achats d'or du 3eme quadrimestre 2011 dépassent la production d'or des 5 plus gros producteurs mondiaux, ce qui crée forcément un déséquilibre en faveur de la Demande, haussier pour le cours de l'or

on oubliera la courte phrase assimilant l'achat d'or à l'achat de l'etf GLD... évidemment... ça n'est pas la meilleure façon d'etre long sur l'or Wink

évidemment, si l'on prend en compte la Demande globale, ( et pas seulement celle des B Centrales ), ça commence à faire un sacré trou , que le cartel essaie d'éponger en vendant x fois la même tonne d'or fictive


pour mémo, je vous invite à relire cet ancien topo sur le véritable chiffrage de l'offre et la demande d'or ...

puisque vous verrez quà l'époque le déficit réel était déjà de 1500 tonnes d'or / an


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Messageachats d'or Turquie
par marie Ven 23 Déc 2011 - 18:50

forte augmentation des réserves d'or de la Turquie, pour novembre 2011 : plus 30% soit 1,328 millions d'onces le mois dernier,

pour un total de 5,758 millions d'onces d'or en réserve, passant du 30ème au 22eme rang mondial

la Russie continue également ses achats d'or :+81.000 onces d'or, en hausse de 11% depuis le début de l'année avec un planning d'accumulation de 100 tonnes d'or par an

Tadjikistan : +10.000 onces d'or contrebalançant les ventes de 12.000 onces du mois précédent

Macédoine, Biélo russie, ile maurice , gréce : petites augmentation des réserves d'or en novembre

mexique et slovénie : légéres réduction des réserves d'or

total achats d'or des BC au 3eme quadrimestre 2011 : 148.4 Tonnes, le double du quadrimestre précédent et 7 fois plus que sur la même période en 2010

sur une prévision GFMS d'achats net d'or 2011 d'un total de 500 tonnes
la tendance devrait se poursuivre y compris pour 2012


Turkey sharply increases its gold reserves

Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2011-12-23 15:20. Section: Daily Dispatches
By Rhiannon Hoyle
The Wall Street Journal
Friday, December 23, 2011


LONDON -- Turkey lifted its gold reserves by a hefty 1.328 million troy ounces, or 30 percent, last month as central banks around the world maintained their positions as net buyers of the precious metal.

According to data from the International Monetary Fund, the Turkish central bank increased its gold reserves to 5.758 million ounces in November, from 4.429 million ounces the month prior. This followed a rise of 697,000 ounces in October, the latest IMF figures show.

While the Turkish central bank wasn't available for immediate comment Friday regarding its recent reserve increases, it announced in November that it had begun to accept gold in its reserve requirements from commercial banks. Under the policy change, banks are allowed to hold a maximum 10 percent of their Turkish lira reserve requirements in gold, which it said would free up around 5.5 billion lira ($2.91 billion) in liquidity to the market.

Prior to the purchases, Turkey had the 30th-largest official holding of gold in the world, at around 7 percent of its foreign reserves, according to the World Gold Council, an industry body. It is now likely to have the 22nd-largest official holdings following the additions.

Meanwhile, Russia also continued its program of gold accumulation in November, lifting its holdings a further 81,000 ounces to 28.086 million ounces. Russia's reserves, having been added to every month so far in 2011, are now up 11 percent on the start of the year.

In January the Central Bank of Russia's press service said the bank planned to buy 100 metric tons, or around 3.2 million ounces, of gold per year from domestic banks in order to bolster reserves. Russia is the world's eighth-largest official holder of the precious metal, which accounts for around 9 percent of its foreign reserves.

Emerging market central banks have been buying gold in reaction to the sovereign-debt crises affecting the U.S. dollar and the euro, analysts say. Demand has also risen strongly in recent quarters as some seek to diversify foreign-exchange reserves that have grown along with emerging market export industries.

Tajikistan last month added 10,000 ounces of gold to its reserves, counterbalancing a reduction of 12,000 ounces reported the prior month. Its reserves now stand at 150,000 ounces, according to IMF data.

Macedonia, Belarus, Mauritius, and Greece also reported small additions to their reserves for November, while Mexico and Slovenia recorded minor reductions.

Metals consultancy GFMS recently forecast that central banks could buy nearly 500 metric tons, or around 16 million ounces, of gold this year.

Total central bank gold purchases in the third quarter were more than double the level in the second quarter and almost seven times higher than the same period of last year, at 148.4 metric tons, or 4.8 million ounces, according to a report last month from the WGC. The body said it expects central banks to continue to be net buyers of gold in the fourth quarter, as well as next year.

Purchases by the official sector have helped to drive the price of gold higher this year, not only by absorbing supply but through the positive boost they have given to market sentiment.


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Messageachat de 430 tonnes d'or pour 2011/ GFMS
par marie Mer 18 Jan 2012 - 17:10

GFMS vient de sortir le rapport annuel pour 2011, et c'est hyper bullish

les banques centrales ont été net acheteuses d'or pour 430 tonnes d'or , en 2011 ,

5 fois plus qu'en 2010 ( achats net d'or : 77 Tonnes en 2010 )

et record absolu depuis 1964.

C'est le Mexique qui a été le plus gros acheteur d'or, avec une augmentation de ses réserves 2011 de 100 tonnes d'or.

les ventes washington agreement des banques centrales européennes, continuent de dégringoler : moins de 10 tonnes pour 2011 , alors qu'il y a seulement quelques années, elles étaient de 400 à 500 tonnes par an !


GFMS, the gold industry statisticians, has been at odds with GATA since our inception, as they refuse to acknowledge the gold price suppression scheme. As a result, their analysis of the true supply/demand situation has been wrong, as have many of their bearish market calls over the years.

They do come out with some useful stats here and there and their latest number on central bank buying is particularly revealing. Way back during the early GATA years the European central banks were selling 400 to 500 tonnes of gold per year. They stopped selling in December of 2008. How could they have been so stupid to dump so much gold at such cheap prices? GATA was screaming about that stupidity the whole time, as we believe their selling was set in motion by The Gold Cartel forces. In essence, they were either duped or complicit with their sheeple selling.

Well, the pendulum has swung the other way, big time. Last year the central banks were NET BUYERS of 430 tonnes, which really complicates the task of The Gold Cartel to prevent the price of gold from going higher and higher and higher. It means they have to continue to mobilize what available gold they can from their dwindling stash.


Tuesday, January 17, 2012

GFMS reports substantial offtake of Gold by Central Banks

Dow Jones news is carrying a report this morning from GFMS (formerly Gold Fields Mineral Services) detailing the amount of gold purchased last year by the world's Central Banks. It was indeed a formidable number.

The net purchases of the yellow metal came in near 430 tons, a more than 5-fold increase on the previous year. It was also the highest level recorded since 1964.

To give you a sense of the significance of these purchases - the amount of NET purchases by Central Banks in 2010 was a mere 77 tons!

Surprising to me was the fact that Mexico was the largest buyer as far as the official monetary sector goes. GFMS reports that they added almost 100 tons of gold to their reserves. I would have thought it would have been China to lead the pack.

The other surprising fact was that signatories to the Central Bank Gold Agreement ( this was set up to limit the amount of gold sold by European Central Banks ) sold less than 10 tons for 2011.

The summary - Central Banks are now absorbing a significant amount of world gold production. This should continue to provide very good downside support for the metal on price retracements lower as these banks do NOT CHASE PRICES HIGHER but are there to buy at levels they consider gold to have "value".

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Messageaugmentation des préts d'or des BC
par marie Ven 20 Jan 2012 - 17:40

Toujours selon GFMS, l'activité de swaps ( prêts) d'or des banques centrales a augmenté en 2011, sans préciser de combien exactement ( petite augmentation )

le volume annuel des préts d'or ayant fortement diminué depuis 2000, compte tenu du déhedging des producteurs,

cette activité n'est plus "soutenue" que par les bullions banques,

passant d'un pic de 5000 tonnes en 2000 contre 700 tonnes à fin 2010

le tx d'intéret 1 mois est carrément passé négatif à début déc 2011 : -0.57%

mais à part ça, les abrutils de GFMS, prétendront que cette augmentation des swaps n'a eu aucun impact sur les cours de l'or

y'en a vraiment qui prennent les gens pour des idiots !

Citation :
Philip Klapwijk, head of metals analytics at the consultancy, was sceptical that the lending activity had affected the gold price. "This is a purely financial swap of gold for US dollars; it shouldn't have an impact on price," he said.

Evidemment, on aura compris que les banques centrales qui prétent leur or à taux négatif, ne sont pas les mêmes que celles qui accumulent des réserves ...

nos banques centrales occidentales, ne vendent plus ou quasiment plus, préférant solution 100% opaque : le prêt


Central Banks Increase Gold Lending

By Jack Farchy
Financial Times, London
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Central banks increased the amount of gold they lent for the first time in a decade in 2011, as they used their bullion reserves to help commercial banks raise US dollars.

Although central banks hold one sixth of all the gold ever mined in their reserves, their activities in the bullion market are opaque, with not a single institution revealing its day-to-day operations. In addition to holding gold for their reserves, some central banks also trade the metal, lending it on the open market in order to obtain a yield.

Thomson Reuters GFMS, the precious metal consultancy that publishes benchmark statistics on the gold market, on Tuesday said that the quantity of gold lent by central banks had risen last year for the first time since 2000.

The estimate by GFMS confirms a trend that bankers and gold traders have been privately discussing for the past six months. The increase in lending came as eurozone commercial banks, suffering a shortage of dollar liquidity, rushed to borrow gold from central banks and later swap it on the market in exchange for dollars.

"There is growing evidence that short-term loans from some central banks to commercial banks could well have increased considerably [in 2011], with the latter then using gold to swap for US dollars," GFMS said.

As the squeeze in the dollar funding markets intensified, short-term interest rates for lending gold fell to record lows in late 2011. The rate for lending gold for one month fell to -0.57 per cent in early December, implying that a bank would have to pay to swap it for dollars.

The rush among eurozone commercial banks to lend gold was one of the clearest signs of the "dash for cash" late last year that weighed on the bullion price.

Goldman Sachs said in a report that "the downward pressure from European bank funding issues has left gold prices at a steep discount to the levels suggested" by US real interest rates. The metal tumbled 20 per cent from a peak above $1,900 a troy ounce in September to a low of $1,522 in December. On Tuesday, gold was trading at a five-week peak of $1,663.

The increase in gold lending by central banks has brought an end to a decade-long decline in the amount of bullion out on loan, as falls in hedging by gold miners reduced demand to borrow the metal.

GFMS did not put a number on the increase last year, saying only that lending had risen "by a small amount." It estimates that the outstanding volume of swapped or leased gold stood at 700 tonnes at the end of 2010, down from a peak of about 5,000 tonnes in 2000.

Philip Klapwijk, head of metals analytics at the consultancy, was sceptical that the lending activity had affected the gold price. "This is a purely financial swap of gold for US dollars; it shouldn't have an impact on price," he said.

Nonetheless, GFMS maintained a cautious outlook for gold prices in the near term, predicting that the metal would average $1,640 in the first half of 2012.

"A huge amount of gold needs to be taken out of the market day in, day out by investors," Mr Klapwijk said. "I'd be astounded if we see a reversal of sentiment but it may be that investment simply underperforms our expectations and prices sag."

All the same, GFMS predicted that gold prices would once again gather steam later this year, touching a peak "just over the $2,000 mark" in late 2012 or early 2013.

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Message148.80 tonnes d'or de plus sur les 4 derniers mois 2011
par marie Ven 30 Mar 2012 - 22:38

selon le très officiel WGC , les réserves d'or des banques centrales ont augmenté de 148.80 tonnes sur les 4 derniers mois de 2011 , plus du double des achats d'or 2010

mieux encore la grèce a continué d'accumuler de l'or...

Citation :
Central banks in the emerging markets increasing their holdings of gold has been a big part of the bull market in the metal. At the end of last year, official net purchases of gold started to rise dramatically. In the third quarter of 2011, central banks added 148.8 tonnes to their gold stocks, more than double the entire amount of government buying in 2010, according to the World Gold Council. Interestingly, the Greek central bank has been slowly adding to its holdings of gold, which would be sort of handy, should they happen to decide to re-introduce the drachmas one day

même l'angleterre qui l'a récemment dénié, ( voir dans notre historique récent ) serait d'apres d'autres sources, candidate à l'augmentation de ses réserves d'or ... au plus bas depuis le début du marché haussier


ps: je vous fais grace de mon couplet habituel sur WGC, wagon des gros collabos et de ses statistiques à la noix

ceci pour dire que si ces @°*&ù enregistrent une accélération des achats d'or des banques centrales , c'est que c'est impossible de faire autrement ...

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sachant que de toutes façon, certaines BC (et notamment la chine) sous-estiment volontairement leurs stocks d'or

que d'autres les surestiment (bc occidentales )

et que WGC compile tout ça, tranquille et officiel

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Messagela russie et le mexique à l'achat d'or
par marie Mar 24 Avr 2012 - 16:01

à elles 2, la Russie et le mexique ont acheté pour 1 milliard $ d'or en mars et avril :

16.8 tonnes d'or pour le mexique en mars

16.5 tonnes en avril pour la russie

les dernières stats du FMI sont sorties , pas de changement "officiel" pour la Chine, comme vous pouvez le voir ds ce tableau arrété à mars 2012

achats d'or par les Banques centrales s'accélérent  - Page 2 Goldcore_bloomberg_chart3_24-04-12

Citation :
Mexico, Russia and Central Banks Continue Diversifying into Gold
While gold demand from the western investors and store of wealth buyers has fallen in recent months, central bank demand continues to be very robust and this is providing strong support to gold above the $1,600/oz level.

IMF data released overnight shows that Mexico added 16.8 metric tons of gold valued at about $906.4 million to its reserves in March.

Russia continued to diversify its foreign exchange reserves and increased its gold reserves by about 16.5 tons according to a statement by its central bank on April 20. ../...


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Messagele WGC consent enfin à passer les banques centrales du coté des acheteurs d'or
par marie Lun 4 Juin 2012 - 16:54

le WGC consent enfin à passer les banques centrales du coté des acheteurs d'or et avalise le plus important changement structurel du marché de l'or depuis le washington agreement

en effet, entre les 545 tonnes d'or vendues par les BC en 2002, et les 440 tonnes qu'elles ont acheté en 2011, cela représente un différentiel de 1000 tonnes par an

qui va continuer à impacter à la hausse, et durablement, le prix de l'once d'or


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Messagele Kazakhstan prévoit d'augmenter ses réserves d'or à 15% de ses réserves totales
par marie Ven 8 Juin 2012 - 16:59

le pays qui détient déjà 100 tonnes d'or envisage d'augmenter à 15% la part de l'or dans ses réserves.

il vient de signer pour achat de 22 tonnes d'or supplémentaires

Kazakh central bank to boost gold holdings

Thu Jun 7, 2012 11:25am GMT

* C.bank says gold should account for 15 pct of reserves

* Reserves already hold 100 T of gold

* Gold purchases to stimulate domestic output, refining

* Central bank seeks to cut exposure to euro, dollar

ASTANA, June 7 (Reuters) - Kazakhstan's central bank will increase the share of gold in its foreign exchange reserves to 15 percent from about 12 percent, it said on Thursday, a day after announcing plans to cut its holdings in the ailing euro by a sixth.

The bank's deputy chairman, Bisengali Tadzhiyakov, told parliament it had signed contracts to buy 22 tonnes of gold - worth more that $1 billion at current prices - for its reserves from the domestic market. The central bank currently purchases all of the gold refined in Kazakhstan.

Tadzhiyakov later told reporters that the central bank had built up its gold holdings as a proportion of its reserves to 12 percent from between 7 percent and 9 percent at the beginning of this year.

"World practice shows that holding up to 15 percent is what should be done, depending on the performance of the dollar and the euro," he said, without specifying a time frame for the proposed increase…


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Messagemise à jour Kazakhstan
par marie Mer 13 Juin 2012 - 15:50

ça n'est plus 15% mais 20% des réserves qui seront converties en or sonnant et trébuchant

achats d'or :

5.3 T en 2011

10.3 Tonnes depuis 2012

et 24.5 Tonnes déjà plannifiées pour 2012

Citation :

"We will buy from Kazzinc corporation 20 tonnes (of gold) in 2012, and a further 4.5 tonnes from Kazakhmys," he told journalists on Wednesday, reading out updated figures from his report prepared for presentation in parliament.

"The total volume is 24.5 tonnes."


Tadzhiyakov said the central bank had bought 5.3 tonnes of gold last year. He said the bank had purchased another 10.3 tonnes since the start of 2012.


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par marie Mer 13 Juin 2012 - 18:25

achat de 27.9 tonnes en avril portant les réserves d'or de la turquie à 239.3 tonnes d'or, en augmentation de 14% en avril

le § surligné en rouge est interessant : or accepté en collatéral par la BC turque,... que cela donne, ou non, lieu à double comptabilité des réserves d'or ( ce point évoqué par certains analystes étant d'autant plus amusant, que nous savons que la double comptabilité des réserves d'or est un point largement utilisé à l'ouest, sans que ces mêmes analystes en soient offusqués ... )

Gold Deposits Of USD 1 Billion To Be Collected By Turkish Bank

Turkiye Is Bankasi AS, Turkey’s biggest bank by assets, plans to collect $1 billion of gold in its deposit accounts by the end of the year, citing deputy chief executive officer Erdal Aral.

As much as 5,000 metric tons of gold is stored "under the mattress" in Turkey, Aral said, according to the Istanbul-based newspaper. Gold deposit accounts have surged to 13.6 billion liras ($7.4 billion) from 3.1 billion liras within the past year, according to data released by the banking regulator, Aral was quoted as saying.

Gold has always been seen as money and as a store of wealth in Turkey and now the country is leading the way with regards to the remonetisation of gold in the 21st Century.

Turkey remained the world's number one minter of gold coins in 2011. There is an increasing tendency for gold bars to be retail investors' vehicle of choice – although gold coins still retain a majority market share.

Turkish people can pay in gold in certain foreign exchange houses and most jewellers will accept gold as payment. Turkish banks are is now offering digital gold saving accounts.

Turkey expanded its gold reserves by 29.7 metric tons in April. Turkey’s bullion reserves climbed to 239.3 tons last month meaning that Turkey increased their gold reserves by 14% in April.

The central bank on March 27 doubled the share of lira reserves banks can hold in gold to 20%, saying it would provide 6.1 billion liras ($3.3 billion) of extra liquidity.

"This addition," the WGC says, "was the result of a policy change under which the central bank will now accept gold in reserve requirements from commercial banks to help the banks utilize their gold in managing their liquidity."

Some analysts have suggested that the increase in Turkish gold reserves, as reported by the IMF, may actually be a form of "double accounting". Whereby the gold held in Turkish banks client’s gold account is transferred from the local bank as a reserve to the central bank, from where it then figures as gold reserves.

Besides massive domestic holdings and robust demand in Turkey, the country is also importing and then exporting huge quantities of gold into Iran and ‘Arab spring’ countries with some $1.2 billion of precious metals exported into Iran in April alone.


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Messageturquie, russie, ukraine ,kazaksthan à l'achat d'or
par marie Mer 27 Juin 2012 - 0:08

turquie : total des réserves 245 tonnes ( + 5.7 tonnes en mai )

russie : +15.5 tonnes en mai : total 911.3 tonnes d'or

ukraine : +2.1 tonnes ( total des réserves 32.7 tonnes )

kazakhan : + 1.8 tonnes pour des réserves 100 tonnes


From goldcore.com on central bank gold buying…

Turkey raised its reported gold holdings by another 2% in the month of May. Turkey’s gold holding rose by 5.7 tonnes in May to total 245 tonnes, International Monetary Fund data showed, making it the latest in a string of countries to increase gold bullion reserves this year.

Russia expanded its gold reserves by 15.5 metric tons in May as Ukraine and Kazakhstan increased their holdings of the metal, International Monetary Fund data shows according to Bloomberg.

Russia’s bullion reserves climbed to 911.3 tons last month when gold averaged $1,587.68 an ounce, data on the IMF’s website showed. Ukraine’s climbed 2.1 tons to 32.7 tons and Kazakhstan boosted reserves by 1.8 tons to 100 tons, the data show.

Central banks are expanding reserves due to the Eurozone debt crisis and concerns about fiat currency debasement.

Central banks are on course to buy more bullion this year than the purchases of about 456 tons in 2011 as countries diversify their reserves.

Gold in USD, EUR & GBP – (April 2011 to Today) - Shows July August 2011 Price Rise

Turkey has allowed banks to hold more of their reserves in gold to provide extra liquidity. The central bank this month raised the proportion of reserve requirements that can be held in foreign exchange to 50 percent from 45 percent, while the limit for gold was increased to 25 percent from 20 percent. The changes will add as much as $2.2 billion to gold reserves.

Gold accounts for about 9.1 percent of Russia’s total reserves, 5.1 percent of Ukraine’s and 15 percent of Kazakhstan’s, according to the World Gold Council. That compares with more than 70 percent for the U.S. and Germany, the biggest bullion holders, according to Bloomberg figures.

Kazakhstan plans to raise the amount of gold it holds as part of its reserves to 20 percent, Bisengaly Tadzhiyakov, deputy chairman of the country’s central bank, said earlier this month.

Central bank demand and Chinese demand alone should be enough to put a floor under prices near these levels and gold looks well positioned for another summer rally akin to the one seen last July and August (see chart above).


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Messageachetez de l'or, il est encore temps
par marie Sam 30 Juin 2012 - 17:18

achetez de l'or, du physique ( et pas du papier ) il est encore temps

Adrian Douglas est de retour avec cet excellent récap de la situation actuelle


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MessageRe: achats d'or par les Banques centrales s'accélérent
par g.sandro Sam 30 Juin 2012 - 17:33

Bel article , mais l'ARGENT présente encore bien plus d'attractivité à mes yeux...

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRussie, Turquie et Ukraine continuent d'accumuler tranquilles
par contact.lecteurs Mar 28 Aoû 2012 - 19:01

Russie, Turquie et Ukraine continuent d'accumuler tranquillement de l'or,

Citation :
Russia, Turkey, Ukraine and the Kyrgyz Republic have again expanded their gold reserves.
July saw Russia’s biggest increase since since October and Kazakhstan increased their bullion reserves for a 12th consecutive month.
Russia’s assets rose about 18.6 metric tons to 936.6 tons last month and Kazakhstan’s climbed 1.4 tons to 103 tons, data on the International Monetary Fund’s website showed according to Bloomberg.
Both countries’ holdings are at the highest level since at least 1993, the data show.

en % des réserves de devises, il y a encore beaucoup de marge, et c'est tant mieux Wink
Citation :
Gold now accounts for about 9.2% of Russia’s total reserves and 16% of Kazakhstan’s, according to the World Gold Council.
That compares with more than 70% for the U.S. and Germany, the biggest bullion holders and less than 2% for China.


merci à Christophe pour le lien

article complet sur goldcore avec 2 graphs éloquents des réserves d'or des BC depuis 1957

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MessageCorée du Sud +16 tonnes en juillet 2012 pour un total de 70.4 tonnes
par marie Mer 19 Sep 2012 - 20:55

la banque centrale de Corée du sud dispose officiellement ( source WGC) de la 40eme réserve d'or mondiale , pour 70.4 tonnes

( achat de 16 tonnes d'or en juillet 2012 )

ce qui représente seulement 0.9% de ses réserves ===> potentiel énorme pour la 4eme économie de l'asie


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Messageles achats d'or continuent de plus belle
par marie Jeu 27 Sep 2012 - 16:33

16 tonnes d'or pour la Corée du Sud ( comme vu plus haut )
mais aussi le Paraguay (1ers achats d'or de cette banque centrale) , le Kazakhstan, la turquie et l'ukraine

en Corée du Nord, on vend ... aux chinois !

total : 254 tonnes d'or achetées pour le 1er semestre 2012, qui devrait approcher les 500 tonnes d'ici la fin de l'année, d'après le WGC

Citation :
The IMF reported that various countries continued diversifying into gold in July, some significantly.

South Korean gold reserves rose a sharp 16 tonnes for a 30% increase in total gold reserves.

Paraguay became the latest central bank to begin diversifying into gold. Their gold reserves rose sharply - from a few thousand ounces to over 8 tonnes.

Desperate North Korea has exported more than 2 tons to gold hungry China over the past year to earn US $100 million. Even in tough times during the Kim Il-sung and Kim Jong-il regimes, North Korea refused to let go of its precious gold reserves.

Chosun media reports that “a mysterious agency known as Room 39, which manages Kim Jong-un's money, and the People's Armed Forces are spearheading exports of gold, said an informed source in China. "They are selling not only gold that was produced since December last year, when Kim Jong-un came to power, but also gold from the country's reserves and bought from its people."

This is a sign of the desperation of the North Korean regime and also signals China’s intent to vastly increase the People’s Bank of China’s gold reserves.

Data on the International Monetary Fund’s website shows Kazakhstan’s assets rose 1.4 tons to 104.4 tons last month, Turkey’s gold reserves gained 6.6 tons to 295.5 tons, Ukraine’s rose 1.9 tons to 34.8 tons.

While the Czech Republic’s bullion assets fell 0.4 ton to 11.8 tons, data shows.

Nations bought 254.2 tons in the first half of 2012 and may add close to 500 tons for the year as a whole, the London-based World Gold Council said earlier this month.

The trend among central banks to diversify their foreign exchange reserve holdings with gold continues.

This trend is very sustainable considering the still tiny allocations creditor nation’s banks, with massive foreign exchange reserves, have to gold.

Paraguay is a new central bank gold buyer – expect many more central banks to begin increasing their gold reserves in the coming months.


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Messagela BC du brésil achéte or, pour la 1ere fois depuis 2008
par marie Jeu 25 Oct 2012 - 16:48

la banque centrale du brésil entre dans la danse : c'est timide (1.7 tonnes), mais symbolique.

selon les très officiels chiffres du WGC, la turquie, l'ukraine ont également acheté de l'or, le mois dernier

tandis que la russie, la bielorussie et la rep tchèque vendaient quelques tonnes

Citation :
Brazil’s holdings expanded 1.7 tons last month to 35.3 tons, data on the International Monetary Fund’s website showed. Turkey’s holdings increased 6.8 tons and Ukraine added 0.3 ton. Russia’s reserves fell by 2.2 tons, Belarus by 1.5 tons, Czech Republic by 0.3 ton and Kazakhstan by 0.4 ton, the data show.

au total c'est 254 tonnes d'or qui ont été achetées ( ventes déduites) sur les 6 premiers mois de l'année, pour atteindre 500 T fin 2012, selon WGC


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Messagebrésil : +17.2 tonnes en octobre
par contact.lecteurs Ven 23 Nov 2012 - 14:50

brésil : +17.2 tonnes en octobre, pour un montant total de 52.5 tonnes
mais surtout et c'est tout à fait inusuel, comme déclaration , la banque centrale du Brésil a reconnu qu'une partie de ses réserves d'or étaient une créance sur les bullions banks ! ( voir à la fin du texte )

merci à Chris, pour le lien

Citation :

The IMF reported Wednesday that the Banco Central do Brasil has increased its
gold holdings for the second straight month, to the highest level in 11 years,
as Latin America’s biggest economy looks to diversify its vast international

Brazil’s aggressive efforts to weaken its currency by buying dollars – about
$132 billion since the beginning of 2008 – have left the country with the sixth
biggest international reserves in the world, about 80% of which is denominated
in the US currency.

However, recent turmoil in currency markets and concerns over the global
financial crisis and fiat currencies in general has given Brazil’s authorities
even more reason to diversify their holdings.

It has frequently stated its intention to diversify assets and reduce its
exposure to currency risk.

Recent sharp weakness in Brazil’s real (see table) and systemic risks are
leading central banks, including the BCB to diversify into gold.

Brazil raised its gold holdings by 17.2 tonnes in October to 52.5 tonnes, the
highest level since January 2001. The move comes on the back of Brazil’s 1.7
tonne increase in September, the country’s first significant gold purchase in a

In December last year, 83.5% cent of the central bank’s $352 billion reserves
was held in increasingly risky government bonds, 15.6% was in other bonds and
bank deposits while only 0.8% of reserves was held in other asset classes such
as gold.

In its international reserves report in June, the central bank said the
recent surge in reserves had allowed the country to hedge its external
liabilities, allowing it to now “seek a greater diversification of international

However, there are concerns that the increase in the Brazilian central bank
gold holdings' and tonnage are not all that they seem. It appears that the
central bank in Brazil has not actually bought London Good Delivery bullion bars
but rather fixed term gold deposits with bullion banks.

Recently, the Brazilian central bank was asked about their gold reserves and
about a section on gold on their website under 'Official Reserve Assets' lists
gold as "gold (including gold deposit and, if appropriate, gold swapped)" with a
footnote of "Includes available stock of financial gold plus time deposits."

Although Brazil’s central bank declined to comment on the reason behind its
recent return to gold purchases, the Banco Central do Brasil confirmed that the
gold included in Reserve Assets comprises fixed term gold deposits at commercial
banks only.

Therefore, rather than being outright owners of their national patrimony
either in their own vaults in Brazil or in the vaults of other central banks,
some of the Brazilian gold reserves may be a claim on gold deposits held with
bullion banks .

This would be unusual and poses increased counter party risk for the Banco
Central do Brasil and the Brazilian currency reserves.

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Messageprospective sur l'action des banques centrales ET des bullions banks
par marie Jeu 6 Déc 2012 - 19:03

prospective sur l'action des banques centrales ET des bullions banks

très interessant article qui fait le point sur la fin des ventes des banques centrales dans le cadre du washington Agreement , qui signe la reconnaissance de l'or comme une réserve stratégique, qu'il convient de plus dilapider comme par le passé (je rajoute : fin des ventes, mais probablement pas des préts et autres swaps )

la dernière partie concernant les banques est fort intéressante

Citation :
Due to the implementation of Basel III happening from then through the next two years, the demand may come first from banks outside the U.S. before it comes directly from U.S. banks. They’re all aware of this timetable and certainly won’t want to be in the rush on the date it is active. So expect to see commercial banks enter the gold market in the near future. We imagine that they will buy in the same way as central banks do –waiting for the offer. But with such a heavy potential demand the supply will prove insufficient. The only way forward in such a market is to chase other demand away with higher prices, which we certainly expect.

Je me demande bien comment cette opération pourra se réaliser, étant donné qu'il s'agit pour elle d'acquérir d'importantes quantités de physique .

et non pas de contrats papier
il risque également d'y avoir des conflits entre les bullions banks qui détiennent des shorts positions et qui du fait de leur statut privilégié au LBMA ont le meilleur accès au marché comptant ( physique) de Londres
et les autres banques

on oubliera, s'il vous plait le tout dernier § qui n'est rien d'autre qu'une pub à peine déguisée ...


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MessageCorée du Sud : +14 tonnes d'or en novembre
par marie Ven 7 Déc 2012 - 18:01

Corée du Sud : +14 tonnes d'or en novembre , portant le total des réserves d'or à 84.4 tonnes


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Messagel'Iraq achète 25 tonnes d'or
par marie Mer 26 Déc 2012 - 15:20

L'Iraq rejoint le camp des banques centrales acheteuses d'or et achète le métal jaune, pour la 1ere fois depuis 5 ans

augmentant ses réserves officielles de 5.8 à 31.7 tonnes d'or

et passant du 78eme au 54 eme rang mondial des réserves d'or mondiales


Iraq has joined the growing list of countries buying gold for their official reserves, purchasing more than 25 tonnes of the precious metal in the market to beef up the gold reserves of its central bank for the first time in years.

The purchases by Baghdad come as Iran is using gold as a currency to settle import-export transactions with neighbouring countries, including Turkey. But Iraq has so far not disclosed any gold transaction with Tehran.

Analysts said it was unclear whether the purchases showed dealings with Iran or were simply a sign that the Iraqi central bank is diversifying its foreign exchange reserves, as others in emerging countries have done recently.

Iraq joins countries from Russia to Brazil in buying gold to diversify its official reserves this year. According to data released late on Thursday by the International Monetary Fund, Iraq bought gold during August-September, lifting its official precious metals reserves from 5.8 tonnes to 31.07 tonnes.

The so-called official sector -- a group that includes central banks, sovereign wealth funds, and other quasi-government entities -- has been a significant buyer of gold since 2010, having been a strong seller in the previous 15 years.

The Iraqi additions are among the biggest officially reported so far this year, behind only Russia, Turkey, and Kazakhstan. Some countries have bought gold secretly in the past, including China, disclosing their purchases years later.

The purchases have lifted Iraq in the global ranking of gold holders from 78th to 54th position, according to data from the World Gold Council, the lobby group of the gold industry. Iraq is the first buyer of gold in the Middle East region that has acknowledged its purchases, although the market suspects Saudi Arabia and several regional sovereign wealth funds have also bought gold in the past.

"Having a new buyer in the central bank space, and especially from a new region, is an important development," said Joni Teves at UBS in London.

Gold has been trading in a relatively narrow band of between $1,500 and $1,800 per troy ounce for the past year. Over the past week, spot gold prices in London fell 2.5 per cent to $1,651 per ounce. On Thursday, gold prices briefly hit their lowest since August, trading at $1,635 per ounce on the spot market.

Weak physical demand, particularly from India and China, has weighed on the gold market for most of the year, analysts said. The weakness from the jewellery sector is so far offsetting bullish financial factors, including ultra-low interests rates in major economies and the worries about the so-called fiscal cliff of automatic tax increases and spending cuts in the US.

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Messagebilan 2012
par marie Jeu 14 Fév 2013 - 22:45

bilan 2012 : record historique des achats d'or par les banques centrales

145 tonnes au dernier quadrimestre, et 534.60 tonnes d'or pour l'année 2012, 17% de plus qu'en 2011,
record d'achat d'or par les BC depuis 1964 !


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MessageRe: achats d'or par les Banques centrales s'accélérent
par g.sandro Ven 15 Fév 2013 - 0:51

Bah qu'est ce que ce serait sinon.... bon sang , bien sur

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Messagela Russie et le Kazakhstan augmentent leurs réserves d'or, pour le 4eme mois consécutif
par marie Lun 25 Fév 2013 - 19:09

la Russie et le Kazakhstan augmentent leurs réserves d'or, pour le 4eme mois consécutif

tandis que l'Azerbaijan revient sur l'or qu'il n'avait pas accumulé depuis 3 ans

d'apres les statistiques du WGC pour janvier 2013 :

-les stocks de la Russie ont augmenté de 12.2 tonnes métriques à 970 tonnes

-Kazakhstan : + 1.5 tonnes pour un stock total de 116.8 tonnes d'or

-Azerbaijan : + 1 tonne d'or à ajouter à son stock précédent de 64 onces d'or


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MessageRe: achats d'or par les Banques centrales s'accélérent
par g.sandro Lun 25 Fév 2013 - 20:15

Citation :
-Azerbaijan : + 1 tonne d'or à ajouter à son stock précédent de 64 onces d'or

de 64 onces ? bon sang , bien sur t'es certaine?

aaarf r.ire

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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par Contenu sponsorisé 

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