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Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining

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MessageGolden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Mer 7 Juin 2006 - 3:19

Ecu silver mining / ecu .to , à présent fusionnée avec Golden Minerals /AUMN - file dédiée

edit administration :

Edit 14-09-2011

Ecu silver mining et Golden Minerals (AUMN / NY amex) ont fusionné.

voir détails à partir de la page 7 de cette file

Edit 7-06-2006
en préambule de cette file, désormais publique, nous vous invitons à lire ou à relire, l'excellentissime étude d'Adrian Douglas

ecu mining, une silver junior extraordinaire

cliquer ici

c'est de la BOMBE !

NEW ECU Silver Mining Achieves Key Milestone

NEW ECU Silver Mining Achieves Key Milestone Developments with the Revitalization of Mexican Mining Operations and the Exponential Expansion of a Rich Mineral Inventory

By Marc Davis, Managing Editor
June, 2006

Corporate Overview

ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX.V-ECU) is a rare gem among mining juniors. It is a shrewdly managed Company that has successfully established itself as an emerging silver-gold producer (with significant base metals output) in one of Mexico’s most prolific mineral belts.

And from an investment perspective, ECU (http://www.ecu.ca/) has been a stand-out performer in recent months. The stock has appreciated as much as 750% since we initiated coverage. And the powerful value drivers that have propelled ECU to much higher share price multiples are ensuring that the Company is holding onto most of its gains in spite of a recent major correction in resource stocks.

This reality is underscored by the fact that ECU has successfully achieved a number of milestone developments in 2006, making this already a banner year for the Company. And with only about 30% of a major developmental program completed so far, the remainder of the year promises to continue to yield stellar results.

In essence, the key to the Company’s success to date is a unique expertise in the mining of narrow veins of as little as a meter across, or less. And ECU is now well-established in one of Mexico’s leading mining districts where high-grade silver and gold epithermal vein systems are known to be prolific. The Company’s 563-hectare, extensively-mineralized property is located in the state of Durango in central Mexico and at the heart of the prolific Sierra Madre Occidental Gold-Silver Belt.

Production at Core Project Areas Increases, While New Discoveries Bolster Mineral Inventories

Known as the Velardeña Property, ECU’s holdings involve three land parcels consisting of 24 concessions. The centerpiece of which is a cluster of long-established underground workings spanning five small mines in the historic Velardeña Mining District. Modern exploration and development at this core group of underexploited ore bodies has been conducted somewhat sporadically over the last decade. They have also seen some small-scale, intermittent artisinal mining dating back to the 19th century. But it was not until mid 2004 that a revitalized developmental campaign really got underway in earnest.

Investors will take heart in the fact that this is already proving to be a highly rewarding strategy with minimal risk. It involves the systematic expansion -- both laterally and at depth -- of an easily accessible, rich mineral inventory of largely untapped potential. Indeed, the aggressive ramping-up of production, in conjunction with the development of new mineral resources and the upgrading of processing capabilities, is already setting the stage for a long and lucrative future for ECU.

Recent Developmental Highlights

As many of our readers are already well-acquainted with ECU’s fundamental picture, we will therefore take the opportunity to outline in point form the impressive developmental highlights achieved during the last six months.

A 15,000-metre drill program, initiated in December of last year, is well underway and is already coming up trumps. The drilling is mainly focused at this time on determining the full potential of the Santa Juana Mine. ECU’s other adjoining mines within the same mineralized complex are also scheduled for development by way of underground drilling.

The first phase of the 50-hole drill program (only about 30% of which is completed) has already led to the discovery of two skarn mineralized systems at depth, just below the deepest existing mine workings at the Santa Juana Mine.

One of the two new skarn discoveries is gold and silver bearing, while the other boasts impressive zinc values. Both may yet prove to be rich new deposits with size potential.

An entirely new gold system consisting of bulk tonnage stockworks (veins and veinlets) has been discovered at depth. It has a true width of 28 metres and represents a lucrative new supply of easily and inexpensively extractable gold. This new zone should help to significantly increase production on an expedited basis.

The Company postulates that the gold and silver rich stockworks systems host more than 800,000 tonnes of ore which could easily supply ECU’s current mill with 8,000 tonnes of ore per month for at least eight years.

At least 32 new gold veins have been discovered so far by drifting in new areas and also by way of exploratory drilling. Existing well-mineralized veins such as the A4 Vein are also improving in grade at depth, including bonanza values being encountered over narrow intercepts.

Production at the Company’s mill is expected to reach its new heightened capacity of 340 tonnes per day by early June.

An upgraded National Instrument 43-101 compliant (see Mining Complex Overview for an explanation of this term) new resource estimate is expected to be announced by mid 2006. It is likely to reveal that ECU’s core mine complex (which is far from fully explored) contains considerably more gold and silver than previously stated in the last 43-101 report.

The Company has farmed-out exploration and developments rights for its San Diego mine to Golden Tag Resources. In return for a 50% working interest, Golden Tag has agreed to spend US $500,000 in 2006 on the property and a total of US $1.5 million over three years.

ECU is implementing new technology to increase gold and silver recoveries and to produce cleaner concentrates.

ECU expects to achieve approximately US $5-6 million in cash flow this year.

The Company has acquired a new 41-hectare property that adjoins its existing mining operations and which exhibits similar geology. It also hosts at least 10 gold veins that can be traced along surface with strike lengths of up to 1,300 meters.

Mining Complex Overview

This property’s main concentration of interconnected subterranean mine workings are situated approximately 95 kilometers south-southwest of the city of Torreón and 140 kilometers northeast of the state capital, Durango. And a four-lane toll highway connecting Torreón and Durango passes three kilometers east of the village of Velardeña. Then a seven-kilometer gravel road leads from the village to the mine site. Also, the Company’s recently refurbished and upgraded mill is located less than five kilometers away.

By way of background, a past project operator conducted 8,900 meters of drilling and exhaustive sampling during the mid 90’s to arrive at an independently-verified combined resource estimate for these five key deposits. Most of these known resources are situated at the Santa Juana Mine, where the majority of the drilling took place. Importantly, these figures are now “National Instrument (NI) 43-101 compliant,” meaning that they meet the exacting criteria of the Canadian federal government’s recognized standard for a “measured resource.”

These soon to be upgraded resource figures document that the five interconnected mines host a baseline (minimum) inventory of 895,000 tonnes of ore in the measured and indicated category at an average grade of 3.74 grams per tonne (g/t) of gold and 218 g/t of silver. In the inferred category, a further 738,900 tonnes, grading an equally impressive average of 3.99 g/t of gold and 263 g/t of silver, have also been outlined.

Simply stated, these calculations translate into a resource base of 6,268,800 ounces of silver or 12,773,800 ounces silver equivalent (ag-eq) in the measured and indicated category, as well as a further 6,236,600 ounces of silver or 11,918,600 ounces ag-eq in the inferred category. These numbers also allude to an estimated 108,400 ounces of gold or 212,900 ounces of gold equivalent (au-eq) in the measured and indicated category and 94,700 ounces or 198,600 ounces of au-eq in the inferred category.

However, perhaps the biggest near-term value driver for ECU’s share price concerns the Company’s assertion that ongoing developmental work is likely to more than quadruple this existing resource base, as the new NI 43-101 report is likely to demonstrate. The bulk of this new mineral inventory is being outlined in the Santa Juana, San Mateo and San Juanes mines, where most of the Company’s activity is presently focused. This is where modest intermittent production has been concentrated during the last few years.

It is also where ECU is committed to seriously beefing up its near-term output with a view to easily surpassing the 26,058 tonnes of ore mined in 2004 from the Santa Juana Mine, alone. Last year, the ore from this one mine averaged an attention-grabbing 4.59 g/t of gold and 250 g/t of silver. Comparable grades have also being consistently encountered in recent years at the San Mateo and San Juanes mines.

As an aside, astute readers may wonder why ECU has taken so long to develop a property that it has already owned for a few years. That is because a major downturn in the mining industry in the mid to late 90’s intervened to curtail any expansion plans at that time. That was until a demand-driven resurgence in metals prices heralded a turnaround in the mining sector that only really got underway less than four years ago.

Aggressive Development Fuels Exponential Profits Growth

Hence, a reinvigorated ECU is not wasting any time in capitalizing on an ever-improving business environment for mining and marketing metals. Indeed, the Company is proving very adept at fine-tuning its mining operations to make for increasing efficiencies and economies of scale. Of course, this all benefits the bottom line and paves the way for exponential growth in revenues and net profits, alike. Notably, gross revenues are expected to improve significantly this year, largely due to the ramping up of production at the Santa Juana Mine.

In the near-term, the Company’s cash flow generation should receive an additional boost from the reprocessing of 67,000 tonnes of existing tailings, grading a very impressive 5 g/t of gold.

And with production at the San Mateo Mine also coming back on-stream, the story gets even better. Likewise, production at the San Juanes Mine is also ready to start. This rosy picture should make the Company’s 2006 revenue projections of around US $9 million to US $10 million all the more attainable. In turn, this is expected to translate into a very comfortable net cash flow position of at least US $5-6 million.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  2wecua10

Dernière édition par g.sandro le Dim 9 Oct 2011 - 17:18, édité 1 fois




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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Mer 7 Juin 2006 - 3:28

ECU suite et fin je plane pour toi tchin

The dollar value of the ore is also expected to see considerable improvement by way of enhanced recoveries not just for the precious metals but also for lead and zinc in the concentrates. Additionally, the Company is also optimizing milling efficiencies.

“Drifting” All the Way to the Bank at the Santa Juana Mine

As a result of the Santa Juana Mine’s new lease on life, ECU is on-track to significantly increase the number of mine stope from only several in 2005 to nearly two dozen this year. (Stope is a term that refers to the excavation of ore along the vertical axis of a horizontal drift/adit or tunnel. In turn, drifts and adits are closed-ended tunnels). To date, the mine has historically been excavated along a number of stopes and crosscuts (lateral excavations that are conducted from an existing drift/adit) that have traced the mineralization along 18 descending levels of drifts and adits. All told, the workings follow at least 800-metres of strike length (direction of the mineralization) with a 400-metre-plus vertical extent.

The presence of considerable underground infrastructure also means that new zones of mineralization can be easily blocked off via cost-efficient underground drilling conducted from a labyrinth of drifts and crosscuts. In fact, a program of merely drilling along the strike length of the mineralization will go a long way towards generating ready feed for the mill complex. Notably, low-sulphidation epithermal veins in this part of the world are well-known to occur at regular intervals along major geological structures such as fault zones. So, a strategy of drilling-out the veins along strike is one that is shaping up to be a logical and financially pragmatic one.

And the most recent newly-excavated stopes and crosscuts have revealed that plenty of new mineralization is readily accessible from existing workings. This consists of the strike extensions down dip (the angle at which a vein is inclined from the horizontal) along the mine’s two richest structures, the CC and Santa Juana veins.

These strike extensions have yielded remarkably consistent grades when compared to the ore zones mined from a series of levels above. Furthermore, assays taken from the Santa Juana’s new mineralized zones attest to an overall improvement in grades on the largely-unexplored southeast side of the mine. This is where gold grades ranging from 3.16 g/t to 8.36 g/t and silver grades running from 220 g/t to as high as 580 g/t have been intersected.

Similarly, a comparable strategy can later be applied to the exploration and development of the property’s four other adjoining mines by way of developing new resources on a lateral plane and also at depth.

To put matters into perspective, the five mines have many kilometres of known strike length. This encompasses numerous vein systems and stockworks mineralization that are hosted in a series of felsic volcanic rocks and intrusive rocks. Meanwhile, there exist numerous other vein systems of unknown extent and importance. To cost-efficiently develop these existing and recently identified additional resources, the Company has plenty of infrastructures already in place, such as three main shafts and extensive underground adits and cross-cuts.

San Mateo Reveals Lustrous Gold Content and Plenty More Untapped Silver

Meanwhile, the Company’s fundamental picture continues to go from strength to strength. For instance, a summer/fall 2005 developmental program involving drifting along the San Mateo Vein via a new crosscut revealed consistently stable gold values over the width of the planned mining stope. These grades average 2.10 g/t of gold and 198 g/t of silver over 1.84 metres. The main goal of the drifting was to test the strike, dip and grade continuity of the San Mateo Vein beyond the known parameters of its historic workings. These workings have to date reached a depth of 300 metres along a 600-metre extent of the vein’s strike length.

Most importantly, the excellent grades encountered include gold values that surpass the grades that were historically mined on upper levels. In other words, gold grades appear to consistently improve at depth. Otherwise, the newer strike extension of the San Mateo Vein is similar to the overlying mineralized systems, thereby presenting a very comparably favorable geological model. In which case, the rich San Mateo Vein -- by itself -- is believed to host enough of a mineral inventory to keep the Company’s mill busy for quite a few years.

San Juanes Mine has Right Ingredients to Ramp-Up Revenues

In another key event, some meaningful headway has already been made in the expansion of the adjoining San Juanes Mine. Its main mineralized system, the San Juanes Vein, has a strike length of at least 950 metres that can even be traced along surface. Six drill holes have thus far tested the vein to a mining depth of 300 metres.

And assays conducted on 275 channel samples taken from a key bonanza-grade zone returned an eye-popping average of 14.4 g/t of gold and 1,042 g/t of silver. Though the vein is quite narrow, it has also revealed high copper grades with an average of 2.87% copper. And the relatively inexpensive installation of a recovery circuit at the mill targeting copper could also offer a meaningful improvement in revenues if copper can be mined in sufficient enough quantities.

Expansion Plans for San Diego Mine Receive Shot in the Arm

There also exists plenty of “blue sky” potential at the outlying San Diego Mine (one of the two mines that are not part of the core group). This mine’s various mineralized structures are thought to be related to a separate hydrothermal system than the rest of the Velardeña district. They are distinguished from the other ore bodies by lower gold and higher silver contents.

Located approximately 6 kilometres to the northeast of the main cluster of mines, the San Diego Mine has an estimated historic resource of 1.4 million tonnes of near-surface silver-lead-zinc mineralization, with low grade gold values. However, it has seen almost no exploration activity from ECU to date. And the advent of a near-surface bulk tonnage, open-pittable mine would make for very low mining costs.

The Company’s developmental plans have very recently received a shot in the arm from the signing of a joint venture agreement with Golden Tag Resources to renew production at the San Diego Mine while also conducting work to significantly expand its mineral inventory. Golden Tag has an option to earn a 50% interest in the mine by expending up to U.S. $1.5 million over three years.

Key Economic and Political Considerations

The Company has an excellent growth profile that will be greatly amplified by a continuation in strong, up trending silver prices. Indeed, many analysts are predicting a “rising tide” market for silver prices, which should further bolster the Company’s profits. This ideal scenario is underscored by the fact that demand for silver has clearly outstripped supply in recent years. Much of this burgeoning market has been fueled by industrial and consumer demand from China. And there is no indication that this trend is slowing down.

Furthermore, ECU also benefits from the fact that the Company is well-established in a nation that is mining-friendly, especially due the fact that its economy has been dependent on mining for over four centuries. And during this time, Mexico has clearly established itself as the world’s largest producer of silver. In fact, over 250 million ounces of silver have been mined from the Velardeña Mining District, alone. Furthermore, Mexico has favourable fiscal policies and is also a member of NAFTA.

Robust Infrastructure is Already in Place

On a local level, ECU’s property benefits from good infrastructure in the form of paved roads and railway lines. And it is connected to the power grid for the nearby village of Velardeña. There is also a seasoned, skilled workforce in the area with many years of experience in mining the various Velardeña deposits.

The ongoing upgrading of the Company’s mill and the corresponding increase in the efficiency and capacity of the recovery plant should also underscore healthy profit margins. This is particularly the case with the Company’s ability to soon recover a higher percentage of gold in concentrate, as well as the prospect of recovering high-grade copper via the implementation of a recovery circuit

Investment Summary

ECU’s near-term commitment to further upgrading its resources to the “mineable reserves” category as part of a comprehensive pre-feasibility study should also prove very reassuring for investors. It should also offer ample corroboration of the Company’s assessment that there’s enough existing ore in the measured and indicated category to supply the mill for the next 12 years. Similarly, this milestone development should also reveal another 12 years of ore in the inferred resources category.

In essence, the convergence of all of these key dynamics is already beginning to translate into very strong revenue growth on a quarter-over-quarter basis.

From a technical standpoint, the Company has approximately 184.9 million shares outstanding (about 227.7 million fully diluted). Such a situation typically translates into healthy daily trading liquidity, which is always attractive to sophisticated institutional investors. Also the Company’s ability to generate healthy cash flow should negate any near-term need to further dilute its stock with equity financings.

Meanwhile, the Company’s realization of exponential growth in revenues and profits in 2006 and likely well into the future cannot be overstated. Matched with the continued impressive expansion of the Company’s mineral inventory, including exciting new discoveries, there are powerful catalysts in place to ensure a sustained long-term uptrend in ECU’s share price.

At the same time, the prospect of two major skarn discoveries below the Santa Juana Mine offers investors the rare opportunity for a “home run.’’ Accordingly, SmallCapMedia will be watching this junior silver-gold and base metals producer very closely in the coming months as we track ECU’s rising fortunes.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Messagefile ecu news
par marie Jeu 24 Aoû 2006 - 20:37

pas de cotations pour ecu / attente d'une news

attente d'une news ... héhé j'espére que c'est de la bonne !!


©️ Marie
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Dernière édition par marie le Mar 18 Mar 2008 - 20:56, édité 5 fois




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Messagereprise cotation ECU à 3.00$
par RobertConrad Ven 25 Aoû 2006 - 20:19

cool tchin et 300 000 titres échangés


  Chef table à cartes
 Chef table à cartes


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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Ven 25 Aoû 2006 - 21:27

waaaaaaaaaaaaa 3.19 $ +13.52% .. et la fameuse news qui lui a valu suspension :

ECU Makes Major New Gold and Silver Discovery Over 40 Meters in Length and 5.88 Meters in Width


©️ Marie
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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Sam 26 Aoû 2006 - 16:52

le commentaire de Bill Murphy et de Mike


ECU Silver, my largest holding by a good margin, resumed trading after its halt. The latest news is spectacular:


ECU Silver Mining Inc. has made a materially significant new discovery at its Velardena property in Mexico. As a result of its continuing 2006 exploration program at the property, which is now only approximately one-third completed, the company is very pleased to report drilling results from four new crosscuts, spaced evenly 10 metres apart, testing a structure containing parallel veins beside the Santa Juana vein on level 15

Summary of known facts from the release:

The facts pertaining to this new discovery and how it relates to the other sections of the mine must be clearly emphasized now in order to understand the scope of the geological units the company is dealing with and what it might mean to the company.

Based on sampling and drilling assays harvested to date, the following can be summarized:

The system extends vertically for 450 metres (1,476 feet) from level 12 down to level 18 and beyond. This height could increase significantly as the company has yet to test in either direction, upward and downward, beyond what it has reported on to this point.
The stockwork zone on level 17.5 and level 18 has a width of over 26 metres (85 feet), which includes an intercept of 14.8 metres (48.6 feet) of width grading 5.13 g/t Au, 22 g/t Ag, 0.45 per cent Pb and 0.5 per cent Zn.
The new discovery on level 15 has a 5.88-metre average width and the company just entered that zone.
The zone on level 15 has a current lateral extension of 40 metres (131 feet), and further exploration work is under way to determine the full extent of the zone.


Mexico Mike on ECU, which traded as high as $3.27 Cdn., only to close at $3.11, up 30 cents. Same drill ... investors cannot wait to sell. It's nuts.

Hi Bill!
Last week I reviewed the data presented by ECU and suggested that the stockwork zone could extend across a diagonal box measuring 100 feet in length, 50 feet in width, and 300 feet in depth, which would amount to a massive new tonnage of economic grade ore. Today ECU followed up with yet another positive update on their exploration results.

President Michel Roy has stated in this most recent news that the entire depth of the stockwork could amount to 656 feet, more than double what I was speculating just last week. Since Roy has proven his vision with the great successes at Velardena so far, I do not think he is to be taken lightly on this latest potential.

The new discovery at the 15th level is part of the same stockwork mineralization, but it is closer to surface than the original stockwork encountered by the company, and as such is in the calcite-rich portion of the deposit. However the gold grades at that section are still spectacular and the silver content is even more enriched than the pyrite-rich zone. The economics of this zone will be impressive and add a major new addition to the mineral inventory of the mine.

Consider just the numbers from crosscut number 4: a six-metre width at 8.17 g/t Au, 304 g/t Ag, 2.07 per cent Pb and 3.07 per cent Zn, which amounts to a gross metal value of over $410. That one intercept is more than three times richer than even the impressive numbers we were given last week. When the average of the entire 40m lenght of the new zone is considered, it still represents excellent grades with an average value of more than $300 at current spot prices. There were some doubters that questioned whether the intervals between the veins and veinlets of the stockwork zone would amount to favourable economics for bulk mining, and this latest body of assay data should put that issue to rest for good.

Something else that is worth emphasizing: these numbers come not from a drill program several hundred meters below the existing development, but have been measured right from the exposed ore body in the underground workings of the mine. There is a much greater confidence in working with that data than we could assign to an isolated drill core measuring just an inch and a half across. It is absolutely the best environment for a mining company to evaluate the true significance of any new deposit. And of course from an operating point of view, the ore from this zone can be put immediately into production, and without the outlay of additional development capital.

So on the basis of all of this latest confirmation, we can now put our back-of-the-envelope expectations for more than double the total tonnage, representing a significant upgrade in enrichment of the ore body and the corresponding value of that production. In just one week!

Anyone that has doubted the potential of the company up to now will have to revise their outlook. In just week ECU has added further tonnage to the mineral inventory that amounts to a greater resource than most junior exploration companies have been able to define during this entire bull market.

We will have to await further results to confirm that this stockwork zone does in fact extend in a continuous deposit across the entire hypothetical area, but one of the encouraging facts of the entire Velardena Project is the remarkable continuity of the system that has been proven during over 100 years of mining to date. I expect to see an ongoing string of positive exploration data coming from this little company for many more months, since the current program is still only about one third completed. As exciting as this ride has been, it is still in the early stages.

And we were also told that quarterly financials were scheduled for release in a week, so we have even more news to look forward to.cheers!
Mexico Mike

Mexico Mike again with "are you kidding me" revision:
Hi Bill!
Now that the dust has settled a bit, I am re-reading the news from my email, and it appears I grossly underestimated the total potential of this discovery. In particular, review the following quote from the news today:

"3) Based on existing drilling data, this zone may extend for at least an extra 150 meters (492 feet) below level 18;

4) The upward extension of the zone starting from level 15, may reach a minimum of 100 meters (328 feet) by extending it to level 12 and we shall investigate to that level and higher in the oldest sections of the Santa Juana mine;

5) 40 meters (131 feet) of horizontal continuity has already been demonstrated by drifting on Level 15 and the Company is planning additional work to determine the extent of the zone which may extend well beyond 100 meters (328 feet);

6) This new discovery on level 15 is from an entirely new section and once this data is integrated into our data base the company expects a positive impact to our resources;" - ENDQUOTE

In my estimates, I had just included the additional potential tonnage between levels 15 and 17.5 of the stockwork (the continuity of which remains to be proven). However, it appears Michel believes that same stockwork could extend ABOVE level 15 all the way to level 12 for an ADDITIONAL 100m. And there is also potential for the same zone to extend to depth below level 18 for an ADDITIONAL 150m!

So lets recap: IF subsequent drilling in fact does confirm all of the potential, then we will have a zone of ore stretching about 200m between level 15 to level 18, plus 100m above plus 150m below, for a total interval of 450m of stockwork ore suitable for bulk tonnage mining. Filling in the total volume, assuming a strike length of 40m and a width of 15m, the total could amount to 900,000 cubic meters or roughly 2.2 million tons of ore.

None of this material has been included in the updated resource estimate. If we just go with an average grade across the entire mass that is consistent with the orginal stockwork zone reported (including base metals credits it would amount to about 10 silver equivalent ounces per ton), then the numbers for this potential stockwork could add another 22 million ounces to the silver resource.

The story just gets better and better. Now add one final revision in that Michel suggests the strike length of this zone may in fact extend to 100m instead of the 40m I have assumed based on the original assays reported. That would more than double the total projected resource yet again, potentially making the grand total in the range of 45 million silver equivalent ounces.

All of this is strictly back-of-the-envelope type stuff, but suffice to say the ultimate dimensions of this discovery will in all probability be much greater than we what have seen so far, and none of it is included in the total resources of the mine at this point.
Mexico Mike

ECU Silver chart:


©️ Marie
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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Mar 29 Aoû 2006 - 1:27

More on ECU ($3.20 Cdn., up 9 cents) from the "significant" shareholder:

ECU Summary points

ECU Silver Mining Inc. was RANKED #3 in Canadian Business Magazine – ‘The World Edition – 2006’ and;

RANKED #3 for top 1-Year returns with a staggering 985% percentage gain and;

Ranked #5 for top 5-year as an average rate of return gainer boasting a whopping 124% return.

It is no wonder that ECU ranks #1 for me – being my favorite resource stock – out performing time after time the remaining 3500 other Canadian resource companies listed in Canada.

ECU is on the right path to deliver much more to its shareholder making it my favorite pick.

Here’s why:

-This Canadian based junior mining company is a Producer!

-ECU’s property comprises of a cluster of 5 mines situated on 563.3 hectares of property which it is the 100% owner and operator of.

-Mining Silver, Gold, Lead, and Zinc from it properties in the prolific Velardena mining district in Mexico – ECU also owns and operates a mill which just surpassed the 320tpd but plans to significantly enhance production are underway.

- under the skillful watch of Company President and Chief Executive, Michel Roy daily production is 320 tons per day. This figure could easily reach upwards of 1000 tons per day and based on resources – warrants a min of 2000 tones per day operation going forward.

In addition to generating an operating profit ECU has an`incredible resource base.

On June 30th of this year the company updated its N.I. 43-101 compliant technical report,and this UPDATE DOES NOT INCLUDE ANY OF THE 4 major discoveries of 2006.

Indicated resources increased 42% to 17.4 million ounces of silver.

Inferred resources increased a staggering 608% to 81 million ounces of silver and has the potential to add 35 to 47 million additional ounces as reported at June 30 2006 – this figure I’m sure has even expanded much further. Although ECU’s drilling exploration is only 1/3 complete the company has returned results that have been nothing short of incredible.

The company has discovered higher resource estimates at a large number of known veins identified on the surface and; the company has discovered 2 skarns, and;

the company has also discovered TWO “stockwork zones”, the second have been just announced this past Friday.

Both zones are very amenable to bulk mining methods.

The best results are yet to come as they attempt to uncover the feeder system of the property. I strongly believe that ECU will have well over 500 million ounces of silver Equivalent by the time their drilling program is completed.


Hey, at least there was something very positive to report to you today. Samex up 3 cents too. Word to me was RBC was selling ECU late again. They are in big trouble once the institutions gang up on the ECU Silver buy side.

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Messagesh selling ecu avéré
par marie Jeu 31 Aoû 2006 - 1:23



plus les commentaires midas de ce soir :

ECU Silver news late yesterday. What is going on here is fascinating, even if you are not a shareholder. The news gets better and better and RBC gets shorter and shorter. This is most exciting stuff….

Torreón, Coahuila, August 29th, 2006 - ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX.V:ECU) (the "Company") is pleased to announce that financial results for the quarter ended June 30th 2006 and corresponding Management Discussion & Analysis have been filed and are available on Sedar (sedar.com) as well as being posted on the Company's website (ecu.ca).

The Company is pleased to provide Shareholders with the following financial highlights, operating results for the second quarter and first six months ending June 30th 2006. All numbers are in Canadian dollars.

Second quarter highlights:

. record gross revenues - $1,282,615;

. record operating cash flow - $447,815;

. First ever quarterly profit reported - $135,027;

. Achieved increase of average daily production from 192 tpd to 254 tpd;

. Updated NI- 43 101 sees significant increase total resources;…


Now for some comments from the "significant shareholder:

this is starting to look like the Cartel on Gold with what RBC is doing to ECU.

They were again the largest net seller of 205 300 shares for the day.

To put in perspective,the next largest net seller was at 36 000 shares.

RBC sold 6x more then the guy next in line and they were responsible for 63% of all the selling today.

This does NOT include the 50 000 block they had at the end of the day at $3.24, and we ECU was at $3.27 in a.m, it was RBC that came and dumped frantically at the market to drive us down to $3.19.

Adrian on the same subject:

Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  Midas0830a

ECU had been trading in a consolidation box pattern ever since its rapid rise in March-May of this year. Some analysts had interpreted the formation as a falling wedge or pennant formation but I preferred the box formation because if it had been a pennant formation we would have broken out to the upside out of it some time ago yet the stock was still behaving as if it was consolidating. The upper resistance of the box is $3.1 CDN. Today the stock broke out 3% above the resistance (assuming the close will be above $3.20 CDN). The 50 DMA is now moving up from the 200 DMA and the MACD is looking good. Neither the RSI nor the MACD indicate over-bought levels. With this confirmed break-out the technicals and fundamentals of ECU look absolutely stellar….The short sellers in this stock are in big trouble.

Then Bryant:

Hi Bill,
ECU Silver just released their 2Q 2006 financial results. The company reported income of $135,023 on revenues of $1,282,615. Based on the tonnage mined and the metal grades, the company mined 3,373 oz of Gold; 128,411 oz of Silver; 496,662 lbs of Zinc; and 349,823 lbs of Lead. The gross value of these metals is $4,567,202 at current prices. This works out to $211.50 of metal per tonne mined. ECU mined 21,594 tonnes. So why did ECU mine $4.5 million worth of metal and only receive revenues of $1.3 million? There are 3 contributing factors to this discrepancy. The main factor is they did not process any Gold, but continue to store tailings awaiting completion of the flotation circuit. The other two causes of the discrepancy are some current metal prices are higher now then those of the 2nd quarter, and mill recovery rates are not 100%. I do not know what the recovery rates are, but they are probably in the 70% to 80% range.

Once ECU starts processing all their mine production, the value of its quarterly metal production will jump to $3,653,761 assuming current prices and 80% recovery rates. Assuming $100 cost per gold ounce for operating the flotation circuit, net quarterly income should jump from the present $135,023 to around $2,168,869. This will result in annual income of $8,675,476. These numbers are based on current production rates of 254 tons per day. Where the money will be made is if/when ECU ramps up production. Based on the continuous terrific drill results, it appears the resources are there. Regards,

I hope we catch a break here and RBY is annihilated.

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Messageecu /superbe pdf zilhmann
par marie Jeu 31 Aoû 2006 - 16:47

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Jeu 7 Sep 2006 - 0:01

et encore une autre ! ye.s



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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Jeu 7 Sep 2006 - 2:00

Il faut qu'elle valide un B.O...

PUIS ( et alors seulement) ce serait...

Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  Rocketlaunchecu

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageNouvelle suspension de cotation pour ECU
par RobertConrad Lun 11 Sep 2006 - 19:54

Market Regulation Services - Trading Halt - ECU Silver Mining Inc. - ECU
Monday September 11, 9:45 am ET

VANCOUVER, Sept. 11 /CNW/ - The following issues have been halted by Market Regulation Services (RS):

Issuer Name: ECU Silver Mining Inc.
TSX-V Ticker Symbol: ECU
Time of Halt: at the open
Reason for Halt: Pending News

For further information

Market Regulation Services Inc., (416) 646-7299


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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Mar 12 Sep 2006 - 22:30

et voila la news ! ye.s

ECU Silver Mining Inc.: Recent Gold and Silver Discovery Reaches 70 Meters '230 Feet' in Length


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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par RobertConrad Mar 12 Sep 2006 - 22:46

ouverture chaude à prévoir !!! tchin


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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Mar 12 Sep 2006 - 23:31

Perso, ça me fascine les veines polymétaliques je plane pour toi

Citation :
2006 exploration program at the property, which only now is approximately 1/3 completed,
Ca, ça signifie;" hey les mecs, ya à becqueter derrière...!!!" tchin

Tain, c'est vraiment de la balle cette mine, et dire je l'ai râtée en renforcement ( +115% de la position initiale pour passer de 700 à 1500) d'un poil de Q par excès de gourmandise quand j'ai fixé le niveau de mon épuisette fin Juillet... bon sang , bien sur

na ! bonnet d'âne

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par RobertConrad Mer 13 Sep 2006 - 11:58

bon sang , bien sur

vraiment ralant en effet
mais ça confirme mon idée que quand on veut vraiment
d'un titre, on se place un chouia au dessus de notre seil de gourmandise à table !


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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Ven 22 Sep 2006 - 19:16

ECU Silver Mining Inc.: San Mateo Vein Extended 84 Meters '276 Feet' in Length to the West with Average Grades of 5.02 g/t Gold and 526 g/t Silver over 0.43 Meters '1.4 Feet' in Width


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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par RobertConrad Ven 22 Sep 2006 - 19:29

super nouvelles !
sur les 15 derniers mètres de la veine qui sélargit en plus,
les teneurs sont bien supérieures
doublée pour l'or et + 1/3 pour silver tchin
(10.95 et 707 )


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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Mar 10 Oct 2006 - 23:01

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Mar 10 Oct 2006 - 23:12

Que du bonheur en somme... tchin je plane pour toi

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageEncore des teneurs de folie chez ECU...
par g.sandro Ven 20 Oct 2006 - 20:04

Encore des teneurs de folie chez ECU... je plane pour toi


Press Release Source: ECU Silver Mining Inc.

ECU Silver Mining, Inc.: Discovery on Level 18 of New Massive Sulfide Vein of 7.74 Meters '25.4 feet' Yielding 18.57 g/t Gold, 41 g/t Silver, 0.89% Pb and 1.99% Zn;
Thursday October 19, 5:05 pm ET
A4 Vein on level 18 has been opened for 30 meters '98.4 feet' with last 15 meters '49.2 feet' yielding 6.08 g/t Au, 206 g/t Ag, 2.34% Pb, 5.24% Zn and 0.41% Cu over 2.17 meters '7.1 feet' of width.

TORREON, COAHUILA--(CCNMatthews - Oct. 19, 2006) - ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX VENTURE:ECU - News) 'the Company' is pleased to announce new assay results from underground development and diamond drilling on level 18 in the Tres Aguilas sector of the Santa Juana mine.

A4 vein at Santa Juana Mine - western sector of Level 18:

Recently, the Company opened the A4 vein on level 18 and began drifting south-east along the vein. The Company is pleased to announce that 30 meters (98.4 feet) of drifting along the A4 vein has been completed and consistent with all recent discoveries, the grades and thicknesses improve as drilling proceeds deeper through each level.

Level 18 is the deepest level of the mine reached at this juncture in the Company's development program. Points of significance relating to these particular findings are as follows:

1) The average grades over the entire 30 meters (98.4 feet) were 4.78 g/t Au, 176 g/t Ag, 1.8% Pb, 3.36% Zn and 0.45% Cu over 1.78 meters (5.84 feet) of width. See Table 1 below;

2) The last 15 meters (49.2 feet) of drifting along the vein averaged 6.08 g/t Au, 206 g/t Ag, 2.34% Pb, 5.24% Zn and 0.41% Cu over 2.17 meters (7.11 feet) of true thickness;

3) Actual data continues to confirm our model that higher grades and wider thicknesses should be encountered as development and drilling continue deeper. The Company perceives this as most significant as results demonstrate that the average width of the A4 vein is higher than what has been observed on the levels above and;

4) There is a further 70 meters (230feet) of drifting still remaining along the A4 vein on level 18 before reaching the projection of hole TA 17.5-11 discussed below. Furthermore, there is an additional 70 meters (230feet) to be opened beyond hole TA 17.5-11 to south-east before the limits of the property are reached. If the trend of better grades and wider intercepts remains consistent then the remaining 140 meters (459 feet) of drifting along the A4 vein may continue to yield similar or better results then those already reported. Readers are cautioned that actual data may vary significantly from expected results;

5) At this time, the A4 vein has been confirmed to extend vertically about 150 meters above level 18 and about 400 meters below actual workings on level 18, for a total of 550 meters (1804 feet). Readers are cautioned that until further data is collected from the A4 vein below level 18, there are no guarantees that the mineralization will be of economic interest.

Vein Sample # Width m Au g/t Ag g/t Pb % Zn % Cu %
A4 level 18 38649 0.30 10.70 241 3.17 1.06 0.41
A4 level 18 38651-52-53 2.00 2.91 105 0.08 0.04 0.26
A4 level 18 38674-75-76 2.00 1.86 83 0.13 0.11 0.69
A4 level 18 38775 0.60 7.70 411 8.62 3.75 0.39
A4 level 18 38777 2.00 0.45 104 0.06 0.02 0.64
A4 level 18 38818-19 1.10 4.09 234 0.12 0.13 0.46
A4 level 18 38820-21 2.40 4.16 60 1.12 4.72 0.10
A4 level 18 38822-23 3.00 7.02 247 3.70 9.43 0.55
A4 level 18 38846-47-
48-49-50-51 2.70 7.28 182 1.29 3.18 0.63
A4 level 18 38864-65 1.65 6.53 360 4.85 5.13 0.22

Average (30 meters) 1.78 4.75 176 1.80 3.36 0.45

New massive sulfide vein discovered via drill hole TA 17.5 -11- Eastern sector of Level 18:

In an effort to test the continuation of the level 17.5 stockwork zone at depth as well as to test for the mineralized green skarn, the Company drilled hole 17.5 -11 that was initiated from inside the stockwork zone on level 17.5. The Company is pleased to announce that hole TA 17.5 -11 intersected the downward continuation of veins found in the cross-cut of the 17.5 level where the "stockwork" zone was originally identified. For point of reference, there are about 25 meters of vertical height between the 17.5 and 18 levels. (see Company's press release May 8, 2006)

Hole TA 17.5 -11 first cut veins before reaching a massive sulfide (mostly pyrite) vein, that yielded ultimately 18.57 g/t gold, 41 g/t silver, 0.89% lead and 1.99% zinc over a core length of 7.71 meters (25.2 feet) with an estimated true thickness of about 3.5 meters (11.48 feet). See table 2 below.

To date, this is the thickest massive sulfide intercept that has ever been found in the mine. It occurred about 15 meters below level 17.5 and about 70 meters ahead of the current A4 vein drift workings as reported above.

DRILL HOLE # TA 17.5-11
Sample # From To Core Au Ag Pb Zn Cu Comment
(m) (m) Length g/t g/t % % %
39012 0 0.3 0.3 10.30 12 0.06 0.01 0.02 Vein
39013 0.3 0.79 0.49 9.40 37 0.11 0.01 0.03 Vein
39014 2.88 3.1 0.22 0.60 20 0.01 0 0.02 Veinlet
39015 4.01 4.36 0.35 0.30 6 0.01 0.01 0.03 Veinlet
39016 8.5 9.3 0.8 0.15 8 0.01 0 0.03 Veinlet
39017 11.68 12.73 1.05 0.10 4 0 0.01 0.02 Veinlet
39018 12.73 14.23 1.5 22.7 33.00 0.67 1.29 0.11 Massive sulf.
39020 14.23 15.73 1.5 6.45 72 2.35 6.08 0.16 Massive sulf.
39021 15.73 17.23 1.5 33.10 74 1.04 2.56 0.16 Massive sulf.
39022 17.23 18.73 1.5 28.70 23 0.47 0.24 0.03 Massive sulf.
39023 18.73 20.44 1.71 3.95 9 0.02 0.03 0.03 Massive sulf.

sulfide 12.73 20.44 7.71 18.57 41 0.89 1.99 0.10 Vein

Total 10.92m
section 0 20.44 20.44 7.40 17 0.34 0.75 0.04 assayed

Summary and possible implications of latest results:

The Company's objective for drifting on level 18 and drilling beyond is to attempt to gather evidence to demonstrate the continuity of the stockwork zones already discovered on levels 15 and 17.5. Simply stated, the Company would like to confirm if the zones on all these levels are a part of one large mineralized corridor system as opposed to being individual blocks scattered on various levels in the Santa Juana mine.

The Company is presently in the process of mapping out the latest discoveries which will make our exploration program easier to follow and understand. It is imperative to understand that this newly discovered massive sulfide vein between level 17.5 and level 18 is parallel and about 10 meters north-east of the A4 vein, both part of what is referred to as the stockwork zone. This point is crucial as the Company is now almost certain that when a cross-cut is driven on level 18 which is to occur shortly, both the A4 vein and the new discovered massive sulfide vein will be intersected. Although these latest findings suggest favorable grades may be encountered in the cross-cut, until actual data is collected, there are no guarantees that they will be.

For the reader's point of reference, the initial stockwork zone discovered on level 17.5 lies between the A4 vein to the north-east and the Santa Juana vein to south-west and these two veins run parallel to one another with a slight dip to the north-east. From actual data, it is known that level 17.5 stockwork zone has a width of approximately 30 meters (98.4 feet) and that the lateral extension of the A4 vein on the upper levels exceeds 150 meters (492 feet) in this section of the mine. Furthermore, current development work shows that the lateral extension of the A4 vein on level 18 could reach approximately 170 meters (558 feet).

Based on the most recent assay results from:

a) The first 30 meters of drifting along the A4 vein on level 18;

b) The new massive sulfide vein found just above level 18 ; and

c) The actual data collected from TA 17.5-11 makes it clear that the veins found in level 17.5 stockwork zone extend towards level 18 and are getting wider.

The Company is of the opinion that the numerous veins contained within the limits of the "stockwork" zone on level 17.5 could be thicker on level 18. Readers are once again cautioned that actual data may vary significantly from expected results.

"The Company is pleased with these latest findings from level 18. Furthermore, with the full implementation of an additional two drills expected to begin shortly, our exploration program should accelerate nicely." noted Michel Roy, president and chief executive officer of ECU Silver Mining.

The Company continues to develop level 18 and will report results as they become available. Additionally, a cross cut to check the stockwork zone projection on level 18 is scheduled to get under way shortly.

Lastly, hole 17.5 -11 has reached a further 100 meters below level 18 and initial core samples suggest that our green mineralized skarn (skarn#1) was intercepted again. Results are pending.

All widths from the drift are true widths while the widths from drilling represent the core length and may not be representative of the true width. Samples were assayed at ERSA, in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, this laboratory is currently in the process of being certified, and at SGS in Durango, Durango, which is a certified laboratory. Property specific quality control samples were inserted at regular intervals in the sample sequence and the Company routinely does check assays at other certified laboratories.

Mr. Michel Roy, P. Geo., a "qualified person" within the meaning of NI 43-101, prepared the technical information disclosed in this news release.

ECU Silver Mining Inc is a junior Gold, Silver, Zinc and Lead producer in the prolific mining district of Velardena, Mexico where historically over 500,000 ounces of Gold and 250,000,000 ounces of silver have been mined. Full scale production began in May 2005 at the Company's Santa Juana mine. To ensure the Company is positioned for continued growth and expansion, and to take full advantage of the current record setting metals prices, the Company has a fully operational infrastructure in place, several months of planned production available from the current stopes, and ongoing exploration programs.

Statements in the release that are "forward-looking statements" are based on current expectations and assumptions that are subject to risks and uncertainties. Actual results could differ materially. We undertake no duty to update any forward-looking statement to conform the statements to actual results or changes in our expectations.

Head Office
Québec, Canada
J9Y 1G9
Tel: (819) 797-1210
Fax: (819) 797-1214

Corporate Office
J. I. Jiménez 663
colonia Los Angeles
Torreón, Coahuila,
México, 27000
Tel: (01152)-871-717-8633
Fax: (01152)-871-718-5025

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Michel Roy
ECU Silver Mining Inc.
Cell: 011-52-871-727-1061
Email: ecu@ecu.ca
Website: www.ecu.ca

Source: ECU Silver Mining Inc.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par du-puel Ven 20 Oct 2006 - 20:10

ECU est mon plus grand regret chez fortunéo. snif.


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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Sam 21 Oct 2006 - 17:26

tu peux ouvrir un compte spécial chez bourse directe si tu veux , Armand ( uniquement par tel et aux h ouvrables .. forfait mini 50 euros )

les commentaires du midas de ce vendredi 15 oct 2006


Mexico Mike on ECU Silver and what the latest means (The Royal Bank of Canada (or one of its clients), the mega ECU short, showed up again today to stop its rally cold – one day they will get theirs, in spades)

Hi Bill!
ECU went a few weeks between exploration updates, so I figured we were due for another good one. It is difficult to appreciate the extent of the exploration and development success that ECU continues to report, because we are conditioned to think in terms of individual zones, and do not consider the overall three dimensional effect. For example, just the Santa Juana vein swarm amounts to at least 15 different veins, and as the company extends underground access to reach these veins, they report the grades as they are encountered. The development underground is going on simultaneously on many levels, stacked above each other, following the trend of the veins.

We also get drilling results hitting these veins. And then keep in mind that Santa Juana is just one of the mines on the property, and the same kind of mineralization is encountered in the other mines.

Lastly, consider that the veins are just part of the mineralization, and we are also hitting extensive stockwork zones, and the skarn at depth. To put all of this information into context, an investor must think in terms of a big cube starting at surface and running down into the ground, and then plug in the data for each section of this cube as it is reported. The drifts that the company is advancing are just underground tunnels that cut across or alongside these veins for a number of metres, opening up areas that ore can be mined and transported to surface.

The fact is that on any mining project, there is no certainty that what goes on underground will be accurately reflected by the drill data. You may have just two drill cores spread out along the area of a football field to work with, and the ore zone may only be about a meter or two in size. If you have several veins, then you may hit a few of them with each drill core. And then you try to build a model of what is going on in 3D from that limited info.

The good news for ECU investors is that we have the underground access established to gain so much more info, by being able to sample and report the grades for tens of metres. So we have much greater confidence that the real ore is there. And with each new NR, we get more info to work with on the entire geology of the project, and more confidence in the mineral inventory.

That is what matters to me at this point, not the individual high grade assays. But the assays themselves are excellent. How many other juniors are able to regularly report assays above half an OUNCE per ton, across wide intervals? For most, you get the odd high grade zone, but lots of less exciting stuff. For ECU, we get that kind of news just about every week.
Mexico Mike

' Why the continued detailed focus on ECU?
*It is by far my largest position, equity-wise.

*It is the only gold/silver mine I have ever been to ... crawled through part of it in 1999.

*Veteran Cafe members are watching the evolution of a mine, mines ... and what it takes to get there.

*They keep hitting paydirt, significant paydirt.

*It is an incredible story. The stock went down to 1/2 cent Cdn. and didn't trade for a half a year. Most gave up on the company except CEO Michel Roy.

*It is likely that their findings in the one mine alone are continuous, meaning it is a humongous and very profitable to mine ore body.

*I think it will become one of the largest silver mines in the world, meaning it will have to reach 750 million ounces of silver equivalents. That is just my hunch (MY opinion). Seems to me 300 million to 400 million ounces is already in the bag. If so, the stock is WAY undervalued.

*Because so few of the Canadian firms are behind it financing-wise, etc., they won't give ECU the time of day. The stock ought to be $5 Cdn. NOW. Thus, it is an extraordinary opportunity for Cafe members to look into ... to make their own decision with the facts in front of them, before the institutional world wakes up.

*The stock is trading now like it did at 40 cents. A year ago ECU kept hitting and the stock went nowhere. It was unreal. Then, it went straight up. Cafe members who were paying attention back then are thrilled today. I see the same thing happening once again in the months ahead. ECU closed at $2.95 Cdn., unchanged after the blockbuster news put out after the close last night.

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Jeu 9 Nov 2006 - 23:28


ECU Purchases Second Mill
Thursday November 9, 2:56 pm ET
- Purchase of a second mill;
- Pyrite circuit commissioning well under way;
- Arrival of two additional drills purchased by ECU;
- Contracted an additional two surface drills for a total of 6 onsite operating Drills;


le tout commenté sur midas

Hello Bill!
ECU Silver has been one of the few juniors that actually gets it, when it comes to communication with shareholders. We have come to expect that the company issues regular news flow, and more importantly that the news is filled with useful information to update the rapid growth and development of the company, and reports the impressive string of exploration success they have achieved. So I had to think there were things going on behind the scenes during the last couple of months as the company has been uncharacteristically quiet. Today we have been given a batch of great news to digest that has me feeling that it was worth the wait. There is a lot of information to sift through from the release, so I will just touch on some of the more significant items.

In terms of our growth as a producer, we reached two very important milestones that will have an immediate impact on the operating results. The first was the acquisition of a new mill and recovery plant. During my last visit to Velardena in the summer, I saw the efficient new facility beside our plant, and remarked upon the modern equipment sitting idle. Michel Roy informed me that he did not see very much activity at that mill, which was owned by a private individual, and he wanted to buy it if he could get a decent package price. We did not get any details on the pricing for this new acquisition, but I am guessing that Mr. Roy got full value for shareholders with this deal.

What makes the new mill of interest in the short term is that ECU will be running the tailings through it, to recover high value gold concentrates. Since the cost of excavation, shipment, and crushing/grinding the ore has already been accounted for in past operations, reprocessing the tailings to recover additional gold and silver will go right to the bottom line. In essence, the added cash flow as this mill goes into operation will probably mean it pays for itself very quickly.

Now add in the second bit of news from that segment, that the long awaited gold-pyrite recovery circuit is completed. That means that the current production run from the mine will now be processed through this new circuit to gain the improved recovery efficiency for the ongoing operations. In effect, we will be generating a rich gold concentrate in addition to the lead and zinc concentrates currently in production, and again with minimal additional costs to the operation.

Now combine the effect of high value gold production from reprocessing tailings, along with higher value concentrates produced at primary operations, and ECU will almost instantly generate revenues that are a quantum leap higher, with only a modest increase in our production cost base. When one considers that ECU was recently able to report a quarterly profit, imagine how strong the improvement to our earnings will be once this improved production capacity is factored in.

Do you think that is discounted into our current share price? Neiter do I... And of course it doesn't hurt that gold and silver are roaring right now.

I should also comment on the situation with the drills. As much as we appreciate the regular update on the drilling results, it should be pointed out that the drills we have been using until now are really not up to the job. They are not powerful enough to reach to great depths and test the potential that we have for a large skarn deposit and the ongoing stockwork discovery. And the drill bits themselves are frequently getting stuck and breaking down. Nonetheless, we have been fortunate that the company has been able to remain active and there have been some excellent results posted from this work.

Now that we have new equipment arriving, we can begin to drill the deeper targets. We can expect the drilling to proceed more efficiently, and with so many drills in operation, we can look forward to a steady stream of updates both on the development side in the current workings, and on the exploration side to really go after the skarn system. While the news flow has been great for ECU up to now, its about to get much better. With each news release, and every new successful intercept of new resources, more people are going to find out what is going on with the company, and the commitment of long term shareholders will grow. All juniors are leveraged to news, and ECU is going to be getting that regular boost in market interest in the months ahead. And we always have the potential to look forward to of a big breakthrough discovery that would intantly bury the shorts and catapult the company higher.

Since much of the prep work and preliminary exploration data is already in hand, the drills should be deployed quickly and we can expect a heavy flow of results early in the new year. And how smart does it look now that they built their own lab right on the property to accellerate the assay process?

And let me add just one final comment. How much confidence does it suggest to see that ECU will now have 5 drills turning? The story has continued to grow for a long time now, and hopefully the light is starting to go on for the big institutional money that Velardena is more than just a small project. As fun as this ride has been throughout the year to date, I think the company is about ready for the real liftoff, right on time as the metals go into high gear, and the next phase of the bull market for the entire sector kicks off.

Mexico Mike

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Lun 18 Déc 2006 - 20:18

News Extra +++ ECU et approche conservatoire en +

Moins de 40% de drilled...une continuité en couloir AU+SLV, des teneurs mixtes très présentables (et certaines excellentes) pas ridicules en simple et carrément cool en additionnant des teneurs de chaque métal ( pour ne parler que du" bimétallique" et en passant même à la trappe les métaux de base...Si si, y en a aussi ... je plane pour toi LOL) des signes permettant d'anticiper que cette 1ere délinéation n'est pas terminée, une présentation bourrée de mises en garde sur le coté prématuré et conditionnel de l'interpretation, mais une vraissemblance grandissante d'un genre de M'Boundi (pour la continuité du thème géologique).

Bien que n'integrant qu'une partie de cette éventualité, par une prudence de bon aloi, la direction suggère fortement que la taille des ressources bondirait significativement.

commentaires bienvenus...


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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