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Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Dim 1 Mai 2011 - 13:31

Je vous rappelle que la compagnie est en train de faire les ultimes forages complémentaires pour faire certifier ses réserves qui, à en croire le niveau pharaonique des "ressources" pourraient se voir appliquer un coefficient multiplicateur de PLUSIEURS ORDRES...oui... vous avez bien lu...
remontez la file et comparez les réserves officielles déclaréezs et les ressources; tout va se jouer sur la possibilité de basculer les immenses P2 ( probables) et P3 ( possibles) en P1 (Prouvées)....
Heu...c'est un peu une devinette que je pourrais résumé sous la forme d'un énoncé de problème arithmétique pour élève de 5eme:

En 1 milliard 100 millions, combien de fois 50 millions?

Perso, je serais tenté de répondre 22 fois...et vous?

Alors, entendons nous bien, même si on n'atteint pas un tel chiffre, souvenez-vous que seules les actuelles réserves prouvées sont prises en considération et qu'elles le sont, en outre, à une valeur d'un gros quart voire d'un petit tiers du cours, valeur débile qui a totalement fait abstraction de l'envolée du Silver depuis 2008...Miam?

Qui a dit 22 x4 = 88 ? affraid Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 917615 Certainement pas moi...
moi j'ai juste dit 22 x3 = 66
Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 0ddebde_ et comme je suis d'un naturel de chat échaudé , je crains l'eau froide et je redivise par 3...alors...

Ecu 11€, Ecu 33€, ou Ecu 44€? je ne sais pas,
mais Ecu 0.50 cts d'€, ça me paraît quand même sérieusement sexy...
Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 651415 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 512646 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 446809 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 166386
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Alors, certes, le marché a sanctionné, au delà du rationnel, une production jugée "insuffisante" en 2010, ok...mais justement, n'est-ce pas là une marque supplémentaire du génie de la Direction qui a choisi de financer des forages et de laisser les réserves en terre bien au chaud pendant que le Silver grimpe, plutôt que de prioriser l'extraction qui aurait eu pour effet de vendre du métal bien moins cher que son prix actuel et futur?

On a une approche "value" sur ce titre, on regarde le BILAN, pas le compte de résultats d'une année donnée; a fortiori d'une année de développement...

Le meilleur endroit pour valoriser les réserves était de les laisser en terre et pas de les brader...un "tiens!" ne vaut pas forcément 2 "Tu l'auras!"

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Dim 8 Mai 2011 - 2:40

Bill Murphy qui a surpondéré Ecu dans son portefeuille et qui est actionnaire de TRES longue date ... est comme nous, complétement dégouté de la voir, shortée à fond et sombrer.. alors même que l'argent faisait de nouveau plus hauts ... le monde à l'envers !
de quoi être complétement dégouté .. mais car il y a un mais ..
c'est Murphy .. et il sait pourquoi il l'a mise en portif .., c'est d'ailleurs la seule exploitation minière qu'il ait été visité sur place ..
il fait un très interessant paralléle avec Samex, dont il est gros actionnaire également .. et qui a subi le même genre de traitement ( shorts maipulatoires et campagne de désinformation )... et qui justement tire enfin son épingle du jeu ..
regardez ce graphe , totalement spectaculaire ..

graphique Samex

bref et même si on me traite de complotiste ou de parano, et puisque de toutes façons, on le fait déjà .. je répéte que les bullions banks et affidés doivent s'empresser de shorter à fond "les actions" de Murphy .. histoire à la fois de le décridibiliser et de montrer à ses lecteurs qui commande ici ..

une fois ceci établi .. on achéte ou pas, en connaissance de cause .. et toujours sur les creux ( comme pour tout les entrées sur le compartiment métaux précieux )
vous avez vu ce que ça a donné pour la dénonciation de la manipulation de l'argent?
de 4 à 50 $...
ce sera pareil pour écu .. il n'y a aucune raison fondamentale qui s'y oppose .. , juste quelques gros manipulateurs.. qui perdront, tout comme ils ont DEJA perdu sur l'argent métal ( le raid actuel n'y change rien .. ils ont déjà perdu )
bref, je vous laisse lire le topo de Murphy .. qui vient de renforcer ecu sur les dernières séances


*Samex Mining ($1.35), led by my friend Jeff Dahl and idea man behind Gold Rush 21 in Dawson City, was a dog until recently. It is my second largest holding and have been in the stock for 11 years, or something like that. I have watched it go for pennies to $1.50, back to 20 cents, and now back up, having traded at $1.46 in recent days.
The reason for the last surge, which just occurred, was superb drilling results in Chile and the share price has reacted accordingly. GATA’s Adrian Douglas believes further drilling results over the years will prove it up to be a world class discovery. Adrian has visited the Samex find and remains extremely excited over its prospects.
What is important to point out is that many Café members got into this stock, say a decade ago, at 20 cents. At $1.40, it has brought a 600% return over a decade, or a 60% return per year on an initial investment at 20 cents. Compare those returns to investing in the DOW per year. The key in making those returns is finding the right junior/exploration stock and having tremendous patience. Faith in good management is key too.
*It is not easy, this investing in some of the smaller market cap gold/silver companies. My largest holding is ECU Silver (71 cents Cdn.), and has been the dog of dogs. My initial entry point was 23 cents around 12 years ago. It is the only mine that I ever visited and that is where I met CEO Michel Roy, who is a very talented geologist.
After beginning to deliver on silver resources with drilling success, the stock went to $3.50 Cdn when silver was only $12, only to plummet back to 43 cents before recovering after the crash of 2008, only to fall apart again while the price of silver skyrocketed.
What a total bummer. While I own physical silver and some other silver stocks, this was far and away my way of capturing the mega silver move I saw coming. Heck, they have 420 million silver equivalent ounces already, which is why I made it my big play. I couldn’t have got it more wrong in terms of making money on the giant silver move. I might as well put my money in a diapers company. If I had only listened to Tony Sherman, who painted a portrait of the Vietnamese girl on the cover of Time or Newsweek as she fled a napalm attack. He bought something like 2 million shares of ECU at a ½ penny when the company was in real trouble over a decade ago. He sold them at $2.95 because his technicals told him to do so. And guess what? With some of those proceeds he is putting the two daughters of that Vietnamese girl (who lives in Toronto) through college.
But, alas, I stuck with ECU. While a horrendous decision on my part so far, I will get a pretty good idea how this investment will turn out in end over the months ahead. It is my hope that it will be another Samex and trade that way, and then some. WHY…
Michel Roy has long believed the 420 million ounces they have already found is an offshoot of a massive sulfide 600 meters to 1,000 meters below the surface. Over the next week and couple of months that will prove out or not. If so, look out above.
ECU is massively shorted and I mean MASSIVE. Samex was heavily shorted also. The firm has also been victim of a viscous smear campaign and it has worked to a large degree. Watching ECU go down this year as the price of silver went bonkers was aggravating to put it mildly. It led to Ranting Bill instead of Ranting Andy. Perhaps it is time for the tide to go the other way. If the next massive sulfide work results are very encouraging, it could set off a buying panic among those shorts, like it did when Samex hit.
My bet is they hit, which is why I bought more ECU shares the past couple of days. I am going to be a very happy camper or on the warpath. One thing for sure, patience is called for when investing in certain stocks in this sector.
The prices of gold and silver are going MUCH MUCH higher. It is only a matter of time before the entire precious metals share sector goes bonkers as the investing public piles in. It is my hope that the likes of Kirkland Lake, Seabridge, Samex, and ECU Silver are leading the way in the months ahead.

©️ Marie
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MessageECU en €, possible divergence positive en zone de survente majeure
par g.sandro Dim 8 Mai 2011 - 12:21

ECU en €, possible divergence positive en zone de survente majeure et ce, justement, dans la zone de support de TLT...Miam...Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 Amour26 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 F56b504_ Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 Alcooliq

Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 Ecuen923
hardinvestor / analyse technique ecu

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Mar 10 Mai 2011 - 1:56

du nouveau et du lourd !

vente à découvert frauduleuse du titre Ecu , et revue des fondamentaux

le pdg d'Ecu a adressé une lettre à ses actionnaires

Dave de The Golden Truth nous livre son analyse détaillée sur la vente à découvert manipulatoire auquel fait allusion le CEO d''ECU et aussi sur les excellents fondamentaux de l'action ..

la direction d'ECU a pris contact avec un avocat conseil pour envisager les recours possibles contre cette fraude manifeste ..

je vous laisse lire attentivement l'intégralité de l'article dont le titre est suffisamment éloquent :

Ecu silver pourrait être sur le point de faire un gros mouvement haussier


©️ Marie
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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Mar 10 Mai 2011 - 3:01

Comme c'est riche d'infos que je ne tiens pas à voir disparaitre, je le cite:


Citation :
Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 20100225-ecu200

May 09, 2011 13:18 ET

ECU Silver Chairman and CEO, Michel Roy, Provides Letter to Shareholders

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - May 9, 2011) -ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX:ECU)Dear Shareholders,Gold
and silver prices have surged since the beginning of 2011, despite a
sharp correction this past week. However, most of the stocks in the
mining sector, including both producers and explorers, have
significantly underperformed the precious metal price escalation. Many
analysts attribute this incongruity to an over-riding investment
strategy implemented by many hedge funds in which they "hedge" the
sector investment by collectively going long the metal and short the
mining stocks.Beyond this general sector underperformance, ECU's
stock also appears to have received excessive pressure from trading
patterns which appear designed to suppress the stock price. Management
considers this to be a serious concern and is in discussions with legal
counsel regarding the nature of this activity and potential recourse.From
an operational standpoint, much has already been accomplished in 2011
and as the year progresses, management anticipates numerous achievements
which should enhance production and revenue, as well as the size and
quality of the resource. Presumably, these accomplishments will
positively impact the value of ECU's common stock.Mine OperationsECU
has increased revenue over the past five consecutive quarters, enhanced
by the successful negotiation of the sale of a 13,000 tonne stockpile
of processed material containing gold pyrite. Revenue in Q4 '10 was over
$6.4 million, almost 200% higher than the period five quarters earlier.
Altogether in 2010, metal sales increased year over year by 250% for
gold, 144% for silver, 568% for lead, and 375% for zinc. Although the
sale and delivery of the gold pyrite stockpile has been completed,
management expects revenue from production to improve when the company
mines in recently-developed stopes containing significantly higher
resource grades.Oxide mineralized material continues to be
extracted from the Santa Juana mine as three additional mines, San
Juanes, Chicago, and Terneras West have been opened. An accelerated
development program is underway to advance additional veins, and mining
levels, to a stage where mineralized material can be extracted from more
mining stopes, thereby increasing production.As outlined in
previous press releases, new veins and vein extensions have been
discovered at Santa Juana. Most of these discoveries are sulphide
material which contains good to excellent gold and silver grades higher
than nearby areas that were recorded in the last resource report.
Metallurgical testing has allowed us to develop a new procedure to
enhance processing of the sulphide material. New high grade veins plus
enhanced processing techniques will significantly increase the quality
and quantity of the concentrates. Since sulphides represent over 97% of
the mineral resource, this is a very important step towards the future
development of the project.Milling OperationsBoth
the flotation (sulphide) and the cyanide leach (oxide) mills have been
fine-tuned with extra equipment and new circuits. Modifications were
completed at the flotation mill to increase the precision of reagent
additions and PH control. New lab and bulk metallurgical testing will
help us refine the flotation process. These modifications will increase
recoveries and improve the quality of the concentrates produced.A
new circuit to remove copper from the solutions was added to the oxide
mill. Previously, copper interfered with gold and silver recoveries. So,
after several months of testing and modifications, the company
completed a copper removing continuous circuit which is now removing
over 95% of the copper from the solutions. This enables the company to
increase gold and silver recoveries, as well as produce a saleable
copper concentrate.With initiatives that have been in development
over the past year, ECU expects to see an increase in quantity and
quality of concentrates and dore bars over the next few months.ExplorationAn
underground high-performance drill is currently advancing to define the
massive sulphide zone that was previously discovered with high grade
sulphide intercepts from hole SJ-18-21. The drill will cut various holes
at different angles (daughter holes) at depth, in order to intercept
further high grade mineralization. This will help define the shape,
size, and persistence of the mineralization in the massive sulphide
zone. Geological modeling suggests that this zone could consist of large
replacement type bodies or mantos style deposits.As the
high-performance drill re-entered the original drill hole, drilled
nearly three years ago, it was realized that sections of the hole had
filled in. As such, the drill bit was replaced with a smaller one, in
order to avoid a deviation from the original hole. This precaution
caused a slight delay but this portion of the work is nearly complete
and the actual drilling for the first cut will start very soon.Additional drilling is also occurring on the joint venture San Diego property.Results from the two drilling programs will be published as they become available.Property ExpansionECU
recently entered into contracts to acquire new properties. One is a
newly-acquired mining claim immediately adjacent and now integrated into
the Chicago property. We are currently exploring this area by
underground ramping and drifting. Several new veins have been discovered
in the Chicago property which extends onto the new claim.A
second property, the Flechas property, is being evaluated through
underground exploration and development, along a known major vein.
Results have been encouraging, justifying the continuation of our
exploration and development work.On another property, the Nazas
property, an initial 1,700 tonne bulk sample of oxide material was
processed which confirmed that grades and recoveries were highly
suitable for the oxide mill. Additional work will be done in a key zone
on this property to define the size and shape of the mineralization. The
zone currently being examined is over 15 meters wide on surface and
appears amenable to open pit mining. Other exploration projects on
various properties (surface and underground) are also being evaluated.Scoping StudySince
the changeover to a larger consulting firm, the work has progressed
significantly. The new consultant is currently integrating real data
from our mining stopes into their model. Since the company is currently
extracting mineralized material from operations, several of the model
parameters are "actual", thereby giving the scoping study a high level
of accurateness and reliability. We will provide updates on the scoping
study as we get nearer to its completion.SummaryManagement
believes that the market value of ECU can be greatly enhanced by
significantly increasing the size and quality of the company's mineral
resource. As a result, major drilling campaigns are underway to define
the massive sulphide zone in Santa Juana and further define the resource
at San Diego. In addition, ongoing development work at several areas
have already identified new veins and vein extensions. This information
will be incorporated into an updated NI 43-101 mineral resource report.
We expect the drilling campaign to be completed at the end of this year
with the updated technical report shortly thereafter.About ECU SilverECU
Silver Mining Inc. is focused on the exploration, development and
mining of gold, silver and base metals at its Velardeña District
Properties in Durango, Mexico. The Company holds a NI 43-101 compliant
mineral resource of 40 million silver equivalent (0.6 million gold
equivalent) ounces in the measured and indicated category and 391
million silver equivalent (6.0 million gold equivalent) ounces in the
inferred category. The Company also owns two mills with a combined
capacity of 820 tonnes per day. ECU's mission is to become a pre-eminent
silver and gold producer through the development of its existing and
potential mineral resources at Velardeña.Cautionary StatementsThis
press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of
Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 27E of the Exchange Act.
Such statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the
future results of operations, performance and achievements of the
Company, including potential property acquisitions, the timing, content,
cost and results of proposed work programs, the discovery and
delineation of mineral deposits/resources/reserves, geological
interpretations, proposed production rates, potential mineral recovery
processes and rates, the proposed construction of a mill, business and
financing plans, business trends and future operating revenues. Although
the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give
no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct.
Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as:
believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar
expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future
events. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking
statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or
performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in
forward looking statements as a result of various factors, including,
but not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of
any mineral deposits that may be located, significant downward
variations in the market price of any minerals produced, the Company's
inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations
required for their activities, to produce minerals from their properties
successfully or profitably, to continue their projected growth, to
raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement their
business strategies.All of the Company's public disclosure filings may be accessed via www.sedar.com
and readers are urged to review these materials, including the
technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral
properties.The Toronto Stock Exchange
has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or
accuracy of the content of this Press Release.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par nofear Mar 10 Mai 2011 - 3:03

Citation :
vente à découvert frauduleuse du titre Ecu , et revue des fondamentaux

ça confirme bien ce que disait Jim CB Willie à ce propos et ECU est loin d'être la seule , les autres suivront elles l'exemple dans la "rebellion" ?

©️ Nofear / Hardinvestor / On appelle esprit libre celui qui pense autrement qu'on ne s'y attend de sa part en raison de son origine, de son milieu, de son état et de sa fonction, ou en raison des opinions régnantes de son temps. Il est l'exception, les esprits asservis sont la règle. Ce que ceux-ci lui reprochent, c'est que ses libres principes, ou bien ont leur source dans le désir de surprendre ou bien permettent de conclure à des actes libres, c'est-à-dire de ceux qui sont inconciliables avec la morale asservie." (Friedrich NIETZSCHE, Humain, trop humain) mon tweet perso: @ghostbikerman


  Chef cuistot
 Chef cuistot


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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Dim 22 Mai 2011 - 21:03

extrait du midas

Citation :
I hope everyone took advantage of that
little gift delivered by the bullion banks this morning and added to
positions when they smacked silver after the Comex opening. I also hope
everyone took advantage of that last pullback in ECU and added. ECU will
soon have drill results from their deep-drilling and if the results
come in anywhere near as good as I think they will, this stock will give
the large short-sellers their own day of rapture.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageECU Silver Enters High Grade Workings of Terneras Mine
par g.sandro Ven 10 Juin 2011 - 23:11

ECU Silver Enters High Grade Workings of Terneras Mine


Press Release
Source: ECU Silver Mining Inc.

On Tuesday June 7, 2011, 10:34 am EDT

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 7, 2011) - ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX:ECU - News)
is pleased to report that the Company has sampled up to 14.03 grams per
tonne (g/t) gold
(Au), 155 g/t silver (Ag), 1.21% lead (Pb) and 4.26%
zinc (Zn) over 1.50 meters (5 feet) in the Terneras Mine. Historical
workings in Terneras have demonstrated significant continuity reaching
up to 1200 meters (3,940 feet).
The underground development ramp
at the San Juanes mine reached old workings of the Terneras mine giving
the Company access to developed levels which can be mined in the short
term. The level that was reached was sampled on both side of a major
fault that cuts the main Terneras vein.
On the west side of the
fault, in the main body of the old mine known to extend for 1,200
meters, the vein is generally thicker with consistent high assays. The
drift in this area was sampled for a length of 48 meters (157 feet) and
yielded 3.25 g/t
311 g/t Ag, 1.78% Pb and 2.05% Zn over a width of 0.65 meters (2 feet). The best section sampled was 14.03 g/t Au, 155 g/t Ag, 1.21% Pb and 4.26% Zn over 1.50 meters (5 feet). On the east side
of the fault, the vein is thinner and assays are irregular. The average
over 48 meters (157 feet) of drift is 2.82 g/t Au, 263 g/t Ag, 1.48% Pb and 1.75% Zn over 0.21 meters (0.7 feet).

A significant portion of the Terneras vein could be opened rapidly by rehabilitating the existing infrastructure.
The portion of the Terneras vein developed by previous owners and mined until 1920, contained approximately 4,000,000 tonnes (over 60,000,000 ounces of silver) of mineralized material.

In an update of the deep drilling to test the deep seated massive sulphides, the new cut steepened the drill hole which would have caused the drill to cut the extension of the zone more than150 meters deeper than the original cut. Since the objective of the initial holes is to confirm vertical and horizontal continuity close to the vein, this was deemed too deep for an initial cut. Consequently, it was decided to use the navi-drill to flatten the hole and cut the zone at a higher elevation, but still significantly deeper than the initial intercept.

The drilling is currently at a depth of 870 meters (2,850 feet), 55 meters (180 feet) below the original intercepts in hole SJ-18-21 and is now being deviated into the massive sulphide zone.All widths are true widths.

Samples were assayed at the ERSA laboratory in Torreon, Coahuila, Mexico, which is currently in the process of being certified.

Michel Roy, PGeo, a qualified person within the meaning of NI 43-101,
prepared the technical information disclosed in this news release.

About ECU Silver
ECU Silver Mining Inc. is focused on the exploration, development and
mining of gold, silver and base metals at its Velardena District
Properties in Durango, Mexico. The Company holds a N.I. 43-101 compliant
mineral resource of 40 million silver equivalent ounces in the measured
and indicated category and 391 million silver equivalent ounces in the
inferred category. The Company also owns two mills with a combined
capacity of 820 tonnes per day. ECU's mission is to become a pre-eminent
silver and gold producer through the development of its existing and
potential mineral resources at Velardena.Cautionary StatementsReaders
are cautioned that there are no assurances that all or any part of ECU
Silver's mineral resource will be economically viable. Until a
prefeasibility study is completed, there are no assurances the release
of an updated mineral resource will be economically viable.This
press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of
Section 27A of the Securities Act and Section 27E of the Exchange Act.
Such statements include, without limitation, statements regarding the
future results of operations, performance and achievements of the
Company, including potential property acquisitions, the timing, content,
cost and results of proposed work programs, the discovery and
delineation of mineral deposits/resources/reserves, geological
interpretations, proposed production rates, potential mineral recovery
processes and rates, the proposed construction of a mill, business and
financing plans, business trends and future operating revenues. Although
the Company believes that such statements are reasonable, it can give
no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct.
Forward-looking statements are typically identified by words such as:
believe, expect, anticipate, intend, estimate, postulate and similar
expressions, or are those, which, by their nature, refer to future
events. The Company cautions investors that any forward-looking
statements by the Company are not guarantees of future results or
performance, and that actual results may differ materially from those in
forward looking statements as a result of various factors, including,
but not limited to, variations in the nature, quality and quantity of
any mineral deposits that may be located, significant downward
variations in the market price of any minerals produced, the Company's
inability to obtain any necessary permits, consents or authorizations
required for their activities, to produce minerals from their properties
successfully or profitably, to continue their projected growth, to
raise the necessary capital or to be fully able to implement their
business strategies. All of the Company's public disclosure filings may
be accessed via www.sedar.com
and readers are urged to review these materials, including the
technical reports filed with respect to the Company's mineral
properties.The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does
not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of
this Press Release.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Dim 12 Juin 2011 - 12:37

Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 Ecu922

hardinvestor /graph ecu

Silver is king, Go Gold !

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Lun 13 Juin 2011 - 16:23

héhé .. bien vu Sandro
Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 039

écu prend 10% dans de beaux volumes et avec un spot argent malmené ..

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Lun 13 Juin 2011 - 22:51

cloture +17.50% à 0.94 $cad avec plus de 3.500.000 titres échangés...
le tout avec l'argent en recul de 3.95%

Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 Alcooliq Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 039 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 923766

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Lun 13 Juin 2011 - 23:56

Sûr que sur 29.000 titres, ça me fait une soirée interessante...tchin amur je plane pour toi

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageECU Silver Releases First Quarter Results for 2011
par g.sandro Mer 15 Juin 2011 - 18:59

Les résultats sont excellents en termes d'évolution de la structure financière, ( Cash Flow notamment) c'en est même à se demander comment ils arrivent encore à faire des pertes


ECU Silver Releases First Quarter Results for 2011
On Wednesday June 15, 2011, 11:34 am EDT

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 15, 2011) - ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX:ECU - News)
reports that it has recently released its consolidated financial
statements for the first quarter ended March 31, 2011 (Q1 2011) and the
related management's discussion and analysis of financial position and
results of operations (MD&A). The Company increased revenues by 88%
and cash flows from mining operations by 149%
over the same period
ending March 31, 2010
(Q1 2010).

The Q1 2011 financial statements were
prepared in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards
(IFRS).The Company generated net revenues from the sale of dore
bars and concentrates for a total of $5,966,092, representing a 6.9%
decrease over Q4 2010. The decrease in revenue is a result primarily of
lower gold grades. Overall grades are expected to increase as mining
moves into new development stopes which have not been impacted by
historical mining of high grade material.The revenues were
applied against cash development costs of $4,383,608 bringing the net
positive cash flow to $1,612,484 for Q1 2011
. The cash development costs
were 14.3% higher than Q1 2010 due to increased labour and materials in
the mine and at the mills.Cash balance as at March 31, 2011 was $1,219,934,
an increase of 254% over the cash balance as at December 31, 2010.In
Q1 2011 the operations generated silver (Ag) totaling 85,600 ounces and
gold (Au) totaling 1,893 ounces. In addition, the mines generated
161,977 pounds of lead (Pb) and 172,736 pounds of zinc (Zn). Expressed
in terms of silver equivalent (AgEq) ounces, and based on average
commodity prices over the period, total metal output was approximately
180,000 AgEq ounces.Shipments for Q1 2011 consisted of: 80,118 Ag
ounces, 2,553 Au ounces, 108,215 Pb pounds, and 164,965 Zn pounds.
Expressed in terms of silver equivalent ounces, and based on average
commodity prices over the period, the Company shipped approximately
201,000 AgEq ounces during this period.During Q1 2011, the
Company reported a loss of $2,081,960, or $0.007 per share, versus
$1,915,436, or $0.006 per share, over the same period in Q1 2010.Copies of the financial statements and related MD&A can be found on SEDAR at www.SEDAR.com.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Messagedepuis mon graph...bah, elle s'envole comme sur le graph
par g.sandro Mar 21 Juin 2011 - 22:45

depuis mon graph...bah, elle s'envole comme sur le graph amur

ECU.TO1.08Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 Up_g 0.10Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 Up_g


je plane pour toi tchin chappo ye.s aaarf r.ire

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageGolden Minerals (ex SIL, la Cie de Soros) to buy ECU Silver for C$302.5 mln
par g.sandro Sam 25 Juin 2011 - 0:18

fusion ecu et golden mineral ( code aumn sur amex)

Golden Minerals (ex SIL, la Cie Hedgée de Soros sauf erreur de ma part) to buy ECU Silver for C$302.5 mln

La méthode employée est à gerber: pas de consultation des actionnaires, premium négatif, et ce au moment précis où des réserves énormes vont être validées et quand Golden Minerals a perdu 40% depuis son plus haut, je suis abasourdi et scandalisé.

Bon, en même temps, c'est un monstre qui va naitre, je vous ai mis la présentation de Golden ( sans E'cu dedans) en fin de post, vous verrez que c'est du lourd... et en plus coté AMEX ce qui est une excellente nouvelle pour trader le monstre en question avec des courtages moins prohibitifs, mais quand même, on ne m'empêchera pas de penser qu' à une pour 20, ce sont vraiment là des méthodes de bandits...

affraid Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 E949b0f_ Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 125380 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 407253 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 678126 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 Valorani Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 030 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 463330 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 43594 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 213402 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 502844 affraid Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 917615

Golden Minerals to buy ECU Silver for C$302.5 mln

Fri Jun 24, 2011 12:43pm EDT

* Reverse merger values ECU at C$0.97/shr

* Deal at a discount of 7 pct to ECU's Thursday close * Deal backed by Golden's largest shareholder, all
executives * New company to be led by Golden Minerals' CEO * ECU shares down 7 pct, Golden's shares mostly unchanged

(Adds details from press release, conference call) June 24 (Reuters) - Golden Minerals Co will buy Canada's ECU Silver
Mining in a reverse merger for about C$302.5 million ($309.1 million) in
cash and stock, to form a new silver mining company focused mainly in
Mexico and Argentina. Colorado-based Golden Minerals has assets in Mexico
and South America and its key project is the El Quevar project in
ECU Silver owns the Velardeña properties in Durango, Mexico. Under the
terms of the deal, ECU shareholders will get 0.05
common shares of Golden Minerals and about C$0.000385726 in cash
for each share they hold, giving them ownership of more than 50
percent of the new entity. The deal values ECU at C$0.97 a share -- a discount of about
7 percent to their closing price of C$1.04 on Thursday on the
Toronto Stock Exchange. Sentient Group, Golden Minerals' largest shareholder with a
19 percent stake, backed the proposed deal and expects to invest
in the new company to retain its current proportionate
ownership, although no agreement has been reached as yet. Both companies agreed to not solicit alternative proposals,
but granted the other party a right to match any competing
proposal. The break-up fee was set at C$10 million for both. The directors and officers of both companies also agreed to
vote in favor of the deal, which is expected to close between
late August and early September. The new entity will be led by
Golden Minerals' Chief Executive Jeffrey Clevenger. ECU Silver said it will issue about C$15 million in
convertible notes to Golden Minerals, with a conversion price of
C$0.97 per share and a maturity date of June 30, 2012. Golden Minerals hired BMO Capital Markets as its financial
adviser, while ECU's financial adviser was Dahlman Rose & Co. ECU shares of were down 7 percent at 97 Canadian cents in
mid-day trade on Friday on the Toronto Stock Exchange. Shares of
Golden Minerals were down less than a percent at $20.13 on the
American Stock Exchange.
($1 = 0.979 Canadian Dollars)
(Reporting by Gowri Jayakumar in Bangalore; Editing by Savio

Citation :

Profile: Golden Minerals Co (AUMN.A)
AUMN.A on American Stock Exchange 19.68 USD

Full Description

Golden Minerals Company, formerly Apex Silver Mines Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 E949b0f_ Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 E949b0f_ Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 E949b0f_ Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 E949b0f_ Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 125380 Limited,
incorporated in 1996, is a mineral exploration company with a
portfolio of precious metals and other mineral exploration properties
located in or near the traditional precious metals producing regions of
Mexico and South America. The Company is focused on advancement of its
100% controlled El Quevar silver project in northwestern Argentina and
engaged in additional drilling, metallurgical analysis and other
advanced exploration work at El Quevar. In addition to El Quevar, it
owns and controls a portfolio of approximately 16 active exploration
properties located primarily in Mexico and South America. Its 100%
controlled Zacatecas silver and base
metals project in Mexico is at an advanced stage of exploration, with
six separate target areas, on which the Company is conducting
exploration activities, including drilling at the Panuco target. The
Company also has reconnaissance properties, on which it is conducting
preliminary sampling and geological
analysis to determine the potential areas for more detailed
exploration. Golden Minerals Services Corporation is the wholly owned
subsidiary of the Company. In January 2011, the Company closed a
purchase and sale
agreement with Apogee Minerals Limited (Apogee) whereby it sold to
Apogee all of its interest of a Bolivian subsidiary, which holds a 100%
interest in the Paca Pulacayo property in Bolivia. In January 2010, it
acquired Hochschild Mining plc's 35% interest in the Minera El Quevar
S.A. joint venture. El QuevarThe
Company’s El Quevar silver project is located in the San Antonio de los
Cobres municipality, Salta province, in the Altiplano region of
northwestern Argentina. The El Quevar project is comprised of 27
concessions, including 23 exploitation concessions and four
exploration concessions. In total, the El Quevar project encompasses
approximately 63,000 hectares. The area of most of its exploration
activities at El Quevar is within the concessions that are owned or
controlled by Silex Argentina S.A., its indirect wholly owned
subsidiary. Three of the concessions near the primary Yaxtche target are
subject to options to purchase from the existing third-party concession
owners. One option agreement covers the El Quevar II concession and
one-half of the Castor concession, and another
option agreement covers the Nevado I concession. In addition, under the
terms of the option agreements, the Company is required to pay a 1% net
smelter return royalty on the value of all metals extracted from the El
Quevar II or Nevado I concessions and one-half of the minerals
extracted from the
Castor concession. The Company is also required to pay a 3% royalty to
the Salta province based on the mine mouth value of minerals. The
Yaxtche deposit is one of three primary targets identified at the El
Quevar project. As of mid February 2011, the Company had completed
approximately 60,865 meters of diamond drilling in 268 drill holes. Of
these holes, 195 were drilled to test the main Yaxtche zone for
potential mineralization, with about 66% of the holes intersecting
silver mineralization. Zacatecas (Mexico)The Company’s 100% controlled Zacatecas silver and base
metals project in Mexico is in an advanced stage of exploration. The
Zacatecas project surrounds the municipalities of Zacatecas, Veta Grande, Guadalupe, Panuco, and Morelos
in the state of Zacatecas, Mexico. The Company owns or controls
approximately 190 concessions totaling approximately 15,000 hectares in
the Zacatecas project. Of these concessions, all but four are owned
by the Company, and those four concessions are under its exclusive
control under purchase options with private third-party owners. The
Company’s six main target areas include Muleros, Panuco, El Cristo, San
Manuel-San Gil, San Pedro de Hercules, and Adriana.
Located in the northern part of the Zacatecas Mining District, the
Muleros area covers an area of roughly 1,800 meters by 2,400 meters,
where four sub-parallel epithermal vein-faults outcrop. The veins are
composed of quartz and calcite, and contain silver mineralization associated with minor antimony and lead and zinc.
The Panuco target area is located in the northeastern part of the
Zacatecas district about 10 kilometers east of the Muleros area and is
consists of two main veins hosted in sedimentary rocks that outcrop for
an aggregate of about five kilometers in a northwesterly direction.
Located in the central portion of the Zacatecas Mining District, the El
Cristo area covers a surface area of 800 meters by 2000 meters, where
five sub-parallel epithermal quartz-calcite veins outcrop. Located in
the central portion of the Zacatecas Mining District, the San Manuel-San
Gil area covers an area of eight square kilometers, where sub-parallel
epithermal veins and alteration zones outcrop. Located
in the southern part of the district, the San Pedro de Hercules target
consists of a series of west-trending quartz veins and stockwork
zones cutting Tertiary volcanic rocks. During 2010, the Company
completed a drill program consisting of nine holes totaling 3,173 meters
at the San Pedro de Hercules target. The Company intercepted
mineralization in several holes, including 1.15 meters averaging 2.5
per ton gold, 240 grams per ton silver, 0.59% lead and 2.53% zinc in
hole SJ-10-02 and 2.05 meters averaging 602 grams per ton silver, 0.62%
lead and 1,87% zinc in hole SJ-10-03. The Adriana area is located to the
west of Capstone Mining's Cozamin mining property.Other Exploration
he Matehuapil Project is located in northeastern Zacatecas state in
central Mexico. The project includes two concessions totaling
approximately 12,000 hectares, and the
Company has a joint venture agreement with Almaden Minerals Ltd., under
which the Company may earn a 60% interest in the properties. The La
Pinta property is located in northeastern Zacatecas state in central
Mexico about 25 kilometers southwest of Concepcion del Oro and 13
kilometers south of Goldcorp's Penasquito mine. The project includes 10
concessions totaling 35,300 hectares that are owned outright by Golden
Minerals and one
40 hectare concession controlled under an option to purchase a 100%
interest. The Company completed an initial drill test of 10 holes
totaling approximately 2,500 meters.Reconnaissance PropertiesThe
Company has approximately 50 reconnaissance properties. Reconnaissance
properties are those properties, on which the Company is conducting
preliminary sampling and geological analysis to determine the potential areas for more detailed exploration.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Sam 25 Juin 2011 - 0:48

fusion ecu et golden minéral (code aumn sur l'amex ) / suite

mouais, pas vraiment happy moi non plus, Sandro,à 1ere lecture, mais je pourrais bien changer d'avis Wink

la fusion sera mise au vote des actionnaires, et effective si au moins 2/3 de votes favorables .

c'est bien l'ancienne APEX Silver mines de Soros

liste des actionnaires actuels dont ne fait pas partie Soros

site internet de la cie


ps : détails sur le projet de fusion, pdf golden mineral

et enfin, un graph explosif , avec des volumes éloquents , gap d'octobre comblé... c'est très joli !

finalement, cette fusion qu'on ressent mal à chaud est peut etre bien une excellente nouvelle, même si je continue à trouver qu'on nous propose une part miteuse de golden mineral 0.05 actions aumn conte 1 action écu ! + une aumone en cash

on sera vite fixés de toute façons

je suis allée aux nouvelles chez Midas dont certains contributeurs et lui même, sont actionnaires d'écu ...
Murphy n'a rien posté lui même, mais voici un 1er commentaire d'un actionnaire de longue date, Mexico Mike, qui voit les choses de façon très positive
suivi d'un autre commentaire de Dave in denver , lui aussi très positif


Mexico Mike...
Hi Bill!
As a long term ECU shareholder I am extremely happy to hear the news today that a merger has been proposed with Golden Minerals (AUM). I think this deal is a win-win for both companies, and will build a much stronger company into the future. ECU will contribute a currently producing asset with a large existing resource, strong exploration potential, and the ability for rapid growth of operations. AUM provides a diversified asset base, a tight share structure, over $100 million in cash to fund development, and a dual listing on the AMEX exchange.
ECU has been stranded in the penny stock range for more than a year, and I think much of that weakness is due to the diluted share structure, and the uncertainty of a large debt overhang that discouraged many institutional investors from taking on that level of risk. Both of these issues will be resolved by the merger transaction.
I am very bullish on the long term prospects for silver. I think companies that control large resources of silver in the ground will be among the strongest market performers in the years ahead. We have already seen evidence of this trend from stories like Silver Standard Resources and Silver Wheaton that have risen many times over as their leverage to silver increased.
After this merger closes ECU shareholders will see their ownership of silver resource increase, and the capacity for aggressive exploration activity to continue will increase. There is a deep drilling rig currently active at Velardena to target the massive sulphide zone encountered in prior exploration. This zone could potential host more than 100 million ounces of silver, but the lack of funding to carry out this expensive drilling has restrained ECU from achieving this growth target. I expect that will not be an issue for the Newco in the years ahead. I believe the potential to define a bulk tonnage, high grade silver resource to depth is the greatest factor to move the stock higher and we will have the opportunity to participate in that exploration. I also believe that Velardena is a marginal operation unless it can be expanded to a minimum of 1500 tons per day processing capacity, along with the infrastructure development underground to support that higher production level. Again, I doubt that ECU could have achieved this objective due to limitations on development funding prior to the merger. I would expect a plan to expand operations at Velardena to be presented if the merger transaction is closed, and that too will immediately add speculative value to the company.
AUM controls an impressive suite of exploration assets, including the advanced El Quevar project in Argentina. EQ has a published resource of more than 60 million ounces of silver with a very high average grade above 300 g/t. However much of the recent exploration drilling has not been included in this total, and the company remains active with 3 rigs on the project at the current time. The deposit is open for expansion in all directions. It is likely that the net high grade silver resource will be significantly expanded when the resource report is updated. I believe this project is comparable to the upside potential from Velardena. For ECU shareholders this merger adds a new dimension to gain leverage to a second world class development asset with similar silver exploration upside.
AUM also controls other projects that can provide the exploration growth for years in the future, including 4 properties in Mexico that will contribute to the core operating area in key silver producing districts.
I was happy to buy more shares and warrants of ECU today and I think this deal will be approved by shareholders of both companies. I expect to see more disclosure from the analysts that follow each company as the details are worked through and the numbers are crunched. In a nutshell, I think the risk is much lower, and the upside is much higher going forward. This may be critical to attract new institutional investors and dry up much of the trading float. I also think this deal removes the potential for a hostile takeover that may have robbed ECU shareholders of the value in the company. Instead this deal now opens the door for management to seize control of the future development and deliver an aggressive strategy to prove up new silver zones. The greatest increase in shareholder value comes from leverage to new discovery, and perhaps now this merged company will begin to reward the shareholders that have waited for that upside.
The downside in this deal comes from the assumption that Velardena will provide lower bang for the buck as part of a larger company with more diversified assets. Some people may feel that the homerun potential for the company has been stripped away and the growth in market cap may be less explosive in the future as owners of AUM. I would counter that the much tighter share structure for the Newco will support a launch to higher prices much easier than the heavy overhang of cheap paper that was limiting ECU. Consider that the company has waffled in a declining range for 2 years or more and perhaps it was time to change up the dynamics of the story. Also, the Newco will potentially attract new institutional support that can dry up a large percentage of the outstanding shares and therefore provide a rapid increase in share value as positive news comes out in the future.
These comments are my personal opinion as a shareholder. ECU has run a paid advertisement on my website for several years however I do not speak on behalf of the company. I am not a registered investment advisor and do not issue recommendations.
Mexico Mike


également chee Dave, de thegolden truth

Last Post For Two Weeks

I'm taking a much-needed two-week hiatus from the markets. I'll have a laptop with me and will be checking in with the markets/news, but I probably won't post anything unless I see something that really irritates me and I need to vent lol.

Many of you have by now read about the merger deal between Golden Minerals and ECU Silver. It has the potential to yield some brilliant synergies, as Golden Minerals has two potentially prolific silver properties plus $100 million in cash and ECU needs cash in order to get the Valerdena blockbuster over the "finish line." I've met the new CEO of the combined entity, Jeff Clevenger, and he is a very accomplished mining company operator. You can read about the details of the transaction and the expected synergies

Whoever is selling shares in ECU today has no clue whatsoever how to analyze mining companies. This deal will instantly give ECU the managerial, operational and financial "bulk" to help it fully achieve the untapped value of its massive silver deposit. I also know that ECU's geologists were "blown away" by the potential of Golden Mineral's Argentina silver deposit. For the record, I added some ECU to the fund today after it sold off. The combined entity will have some large investor support, including Sprott and Sentient Group, a private equity investment group which specializes in global resources and owns 19% of Golden Minerals.

Market-wise, I think we will drift sideways for awhile, until the conundrum of how the U.S. Government will fund the extra $2 trillion in debt that Congress will enable it to issue before the end of the summer. Of course, we all know that the white elephant in the room that no one wants to acknowledge is called "more money printing." Until the Fed blinks, I think the risk of a big accident in the stock market grows each day. In case you missed it, the FT Blog ran this article -
LINK - about the massive flight of capital out of the high yield market. When I was a high yield trader, typically the direction of the big flows of capital into or out of the high yield market were a precursor to the next directional move in the general equity markets. It's not a perfect barometer but it's worth paying attention to. Please note that near-negative yield in 1 month Treasuries is always a signal of a big liquidity problem in the markets, as big money pays up to insure the return OF their capital vs. the return ON their capital.

I do believe, however, that if the equity markets take a big tumble, we will see a surprise rally in the metals, as capital begins to truly appreciate the historical flight-to-quality characteristics of gold and silver. Take a look at your intra-day charts on gold/silver/mining stocks on May 6, 2010 when the Dow had an intra-day drop of 1000 points. Gold actually traded up sharply as that was occurring, until the Fed stepped in to prop up the markets. I believe we'll see that again.

See ya all in two weeks!

©️ Marie
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Dernière édition par marie le Lun 18 Juil 2011 - 13:23, édité 3 fois




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MessageMexico Mike et Dave from Denver sont, en revanche enthousiastes
par g.sandro Sam 25 Juin 2011 - 1:21

Mexico Mike et Dave from Denver sont, en revanche enthousiastes...

il faut admettre que j'ai une une réaction épidermique et que si j'ai noté la taille phénoménale et le nombre impressionnant de gisements de Golden, je n'avais pas eu le temps de fouiller dui côté des teneurs par tonne...or, il semblerait qu'au moins le gisement argentin ( genre de monstre) offrirait des teneurs de 300 grammes par tonne, soit dans l’ordre de grandeur de celles de Velardena...Voilà qui, couplé à une cotation Amex et à 100 millions de trésorerie, est de nature à relativiser mon désappointement initial, enfin, disons plutôt qu'à la précieuse lumière des précisions de Mike et Dave, que je respecte tous deux pour la qualité de leur travail que je suis depuis plusieurs années, j'en accepte l'augure...

Mexico Mike...
[b]Hi Bill!
As a long term ECU shareholder I am extremely happy to hear the
news today that a merger has been proposed with Golden Minerals (AUM).

I think this deal is a win-win for both companies, and will build a much stronger company into the future.

ECU will contribute a currently producing asset with a large existing resource, strong exploration potential, and the ability for rapid
growth of operations. AUM provides a diversified asset base, a tight share structure, over $100 million in cash to fund development, and a dual listing on the AMEX exchange.

[b]ECU has been stranded in the penny stock range for more than a year, and I think much of that weakness is due to the diluted share structure, and the uncertainty of a large debt overhang that discouraged many institutional investors from taking on that level of risk.
Both of these issues will be resolved by the merger transaction.
[b]I am very bullish on the long term prospects for silver. I think companies that control large resources of silver in the ground will be among the strongest market performers in the years ahead. We have already seen evidence of this trend from stories like Silver Standard Resources and Silver Wheaton that have risen many times over as their leverage to silver increased.

[b]After this merger closes ECU shareholders will see their ownership of silver resource increase, and the capacity for aggressive exploration activity to continue will increase.
There is a deep drilling rig currently active at Velardena to target the massive sulphide zone encountered in prior exploration.
This zone could potential host more than 100 million ounces of silver, but the lack of funding to carry out this expensive drilling has restrained ECU from achieving this growth target.
I expect that will not be an issue for the Newco in the years ahead.
I believe the potential to define a bulk tonnage, high grade silver resource to depth is the greatest factor to move the stock higher and we will have the opportunity to participate in that exploration.

I also believe that Velardena is a marginal operation unless it can be expanded to a minimum of 1500 tons per day processing capacity, along with the infrastructure development underground to support that higher production level.

Again, I doubt that ECU could have achieved this objective due to limitations on development funding prior to the merger.
I would expect a plan to expand operations at Velardena to be presented if the merger transaction is closed, and that too will immediately add speculative value to the company.

[b]AUM controls an impressive suite of exploration assets, including the advanced El Quevar project in Argentina. EQ has a published resource of more than 60 million ounces of silver with a very high average grade above 300 g/t.
However much of the recent exploration drilling has not been included in this total, and the company remains active with 3 rigs on the project at the current time.

The deposit is open for expansion in all directions. It is likely that the net high grade silver resource will be significantly expanded when the resource report is updated

I believe this project is comparable to the upside potential from Velardena.
For ECU shareholders this merger adds a new dimension to gain
leverage to a second world class development asset with similar silver exploration upside.

[b]AUM also controls other projects that can provide the exploration growth for years in the future, including 4 properties in Mexico that will contribute to the core operating area in key silver producing districts.
[b]I was happy to buy more shares and warrants of ECU today and I think this deal will be approved by shareholders of both companies. I expect to see more disclosure from the analysts that follow each company as the details are worked through and the numbers are crunched. In a nutshell, [b]I think the risk is much lower, and the upside is much higher going forward.

This may be critical to attract new institutional investors and dry up much of the trading float.
I also think this deal removes the potential for a hostile takeover that may have robbed ECU shareholders of the value in the company. Instead this deal now opens the door for management to seize control of the future development and deliver an aggressive strategy to prove up new silver zones.

The greatest increase in shareholder value comes from leverage to new discovery, and perhaps now this merged company will begin to reward the shareholders that have waited for that upside.

The downside in this deal comes from the assumption that Velardena will provide lower bang for the buck as part of a larger company with more diversified assets. Some people may feel that the homerun potential for the company has been stripped away and the growth in market cap may be less explosive in the future as owners of AUM. (Honnêtement c'était exactement mon état d'esprit à la lecture du communiqué)

I would counter that the much tighter share structure for the Newco will support a launch to higher prices much easier than the heavy overhang of cheap paper that was limiting ECU.

Consider that the company has waffled in a declining range for 2 years or more and perhaps it was time to change up the dynamics of the story. Also, the Newco will potentially attract new institutional support that can dry up a large percentage of the outstanding shares and therefore provide a rapid increase in share value as positive news comes out in the future.

[b]These comments are my personal opinion as a shareholder. ECU has run a paid advertisement on my website for several years however I do not speak on behalf of the company. I am not a registered investment advisor and do not issue recommendations.
Mexico Mike
Dave from Denver…

[b]Friday, June 24, 2011

Last Post For Two Weeks

I'm taking a much-needed two-week hiatus from the markets. I'll have a laptop with me and will be checking in with the markets/news, but I probably won't post anything unless I see something that really irritates me and I need to vent lol.

Many of you have by now read about the merger deal between Golden Minerals and ECU Silver. It has the potential to yield some brilliant synergies, as Golden Minerals has two potentially prolific silver properties plus $100 million in cash and ECU needs cash in order to get the Valerdena blockbuster over the "finish line."

I've met the new CEO of the combined entity, Jeff Clevenger, and he is a very accomplished mining company operator. You can read about the details of the transaction and the expected synergies

Whoever is selling shares in ECU today has no clue whatsoever how to analyze mining companies.

This deal will instantly give ECU the managerial, operational and financial "bulk" to help it fully achieve the untapped value of its massive silver deposit.
I also know that ECU's geologists were "blown away" by the potential of Golden Mineral's Argentina silver deposit. For the record, I added some ECU to the fund today after it sold off. The combined entity will have some large investor support, including Sprott and Sentient Group, a private equity investment group which specializes in global resources and owns 19% of Golden

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Dernière édition par g.sandro le Sam 25 Juin 2011 - 1:35, édité 1 fois




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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Sam 25 Juin 2011 - 1:32

oui Sandro, je viens de le poster au dessus ...on a eu les mêmes réactions à chaud .. . et après une grosse semaine de taff Wink

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Sam 25 Juin 2011 - 1:39

Ah oui, c'est de la télépathie, une fois de plus, bon, j'ai mis en gras et/ou en couleurs les passages qui me paraissent les plus significatifs et il est exact que l'extrait n'en manque pas...Je paye pour voir (bon, en même temps, on ne nous demande pas notre avis, et c'est ce qui nous a surpris et désappointés), mais comme tu le notes, on va peut être avoir d'excellentes raisons de s'en féléiter après coup...only time will tell...

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageJ'avoue qu'en oscillo LONG et en €uros, le graph est sexy
par g.sandro Sam 25 Juin 2011 - 1:53

J'avoue qu'en oscillo LONG et en €uros, le graph de golden mineral est sexy

Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 Goldenecugraphmergingju

hardinvestor / graphe golden mineral / aumn

Silver is king, Go Gold !

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MessagePDF de présentation de l'opération de fusion
par g.sandro Dim 28 Aoû 2011 - 18:42


Je ne parviens pas à m'enthousiasmer...ça parait tentant pour la tréso, mais pour le reste, c'est quand AUMN, même des propriétés moins abouties, et assez éparses...alors, certes, j'ai lu sans décortiquer, mais quand même, spontanément, ce n'est pas le coup de foudre...Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 125380 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 0ddebde_ Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 F56b504_ Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 282616 Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 934535

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageVoilà...c'est fini; la suite sur AUMN
par g.sandro Mer 7 Sep 2011 - 1:58

Voilà...c'est fini...snif !

La suite sur AUMN

Standard & Poor's Announces Changes in the S&P/TSX Canadian Indices


[*]Golden Minerals Co
[*]ECU Silver Mining Inc.
[/list]Related Quotes

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Press Release
Source: Standard

On Tuesday September 6, 2011, 5:15 pm EDT

TORONTO , Sept. 6, 2011 /CNW/ - Standard & Poor's Canadian Index
Operations announces the following index changes:

  • The shareholders of ECU Silver Mining Inc. (Toronto:ECU.TO) have accepted the
    cash and share merger offer from Golden Minerals Company (Toronto:AUM.TO). ECU
    Silver Mining will be removed from the S&P/TSX Global Mining Index after the close of Wednesday, September 7, 2011 .
    Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 E949b0f_ Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 120730 The relative weight of
    Golden Minerals will increase in the S&P/TSX Global Mining Index at the same time to reflect the issuance of shares as part of the merger

Company additions to and deletions from an S&P equity index do not in
any way reflect an opinion on the investment merits of the company.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Messagevoila c'est fini
par marie Mer 7 Sep 2011 - 2:14

ha oui, merci Sandro, j'avais pas encore percuté avec les vacances ...

comme tu dis ...

Citation :
Voilà...c'est fini...Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 120730

La suite sur AUMN

avec les vacances, on a loupé cette news du 31-08 qui annonçait le deal ecu / aumn, entériné par les actionnaires réunis le 30 aout ..


ECU Silver Mining Inc. Obtains Final Order for Arrangement With Golden Minerals Company

Press Release Source: ECU Silver Mining Inc. On Wednesday August 31, 2011, 4:00 pm EDT

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Aug. 31, 2011) - ECU Silver Mining Inc. (TSX:ECU - News; "ECU") is pleased to announce that the Superior Court of Quebec has issued a final order (the "Final Order") pursuant to the Business Corporations Act (Quebec) approving its plan of arrangement (the "Arrangement") with Golden Minerals Company (NYSE Amex:AUMN)(TSX:AUM - News; "Golden Minerals"). Receipt of the Final Order follows the special meeting of ECU securityholders held on August 30, 2011, at which ECU's securityholders approved the Arrangement. Subject to the other conditions to the closing of the transaction being satisfied or waived, ECU and Golden Minerals anticipate that the Arrangement will be completed on or about Friday, September 2, 2011.

Forward-Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the United States Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the United States Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and applicable Canadian securities laws, including statements regarding the timing of completion of the Arrangement. ECU has provided these anticipated times in reliance on certain assumptions that it believes are reasonable at this time, including assumptions as to the satisfaction of and time necessary to satisfy the conditions to the closing of the Arrangement. These times may change for a number of reasons, including the need for additional time to satisfy the conditions to the completion of the Arrangement. In addition, the Arrangement is subject to a number of conditions that are typical for transactions of this nature. Failure to satisfy any of these conditions may result in the termination of the definitive agreement to combine Golden Minerals and ECU, and the Arrangement may not be completed.

The forward-looking statements and information contained in this press release are made as of the date hereof and ECU undertakes no obligation to update publicly or revise any forward-looking statements or information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless expressly required by applicable securities laws.

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this press release.

bon, je croyais qu'on aurait notre mot à dire ... pour voter y compris par correspondance, je me suis gourée

nous voila donc avec deal entériné au prix misérable de 1 aumn pour 20 écus

au vu du graph ratio aumn / ecu, sur 3 ans, voila ce que ça donne ...

pas persuadée d'avoir fait le deal du siècle ... et très décue .. . de cet échange forcé à vil prix, mais on s'en tire peut etre pas trop mal ( voir le plus haut du ration à 40 ! )

espérons que l'avenir d'aumn me fera revenir à de meilleurs sentiments, comme l'anticipent d'autres analystes très estimés ( voir plus haut ds la file )

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par g.sandro Mer 7 Sep 2011 - 7:56

Si, si, on a été consulté, perso j'ai reçu de mon Broke une bafouille vers la mi-aout, mais il fallait y répondre avant le 27 Aout et, je n'ai été en possession du courrier qu'à mon retour et donc trop tard.
Anyway le droit de "rébellion" consistait en gros à aller se faire foutre avec ses titres non cotés ...Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 E949b0f_

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Golden Minerals/ AUMN - fusion avec Ecu silver mining
par marie Mer 7 Sep 2011 - 15:09

ba, j'ai rien reçu moi !!

Citation :
Si, si, on a été consulté, perso j'ai reçu de mon Broke une bafouille vers la mi-aout, mais il fallait y répondre avant le 27 Aout et, je n'ai été en possession du courrier qu'à mon retour et donc trop tard.
Anyway le droit de "rébellion" consistait en gros à aller se faire foutre avec ses titres non cotés ...Golden Minerals/ AUMN  - fusion avec Ecu silver mining  - Page 5 E949b0f_

je me renseigne auprès de mon broker pour savoir comment ça va se passer, et je le poste ici...

pas question de rester collée avec des ecu non cotables .. à priori aucun risque, l'échange avec des actions AUMN doit être automatique, mais je préfére avoir confirmation

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