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Plunge protection team / Goldman Sachs

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MessagePlunge protection team / Goldman Sachs
par marie Mar 19 Sep 2006 - 23:39

SCOOP : la fameuse Plunge protection team appartient à Goldman Sachs

en complément de nos files publiques sur la PPT




SCOOP : la PPT ( alias plonge protection team ) ou Contreparty risk management group

- a un site internet officiel
- dont le propriétaire du nom de domaine n'est autre que Goldman Sachs !!

PPT ou Contreparty risk management group ... CRMG.. à en croire ce texte et c'est facile à vérifier en allant sur le lien indiqué ..
le net site de la plunge protection team renvoie chez goldman sachs !!

source Midas:

This is no stretch. "Counterparty, as in Counterparty Risk Management Group (CRMPG), as in Goldman Sachs…

Hi Bill,
As to the CRMPG, it appears to be GS entirely. I tried to access it as indicated below, and lo-and-behold what did I get -- a forward to the GS homepage.

Next I went ahead check who the domain holder is, and - bingo, how come you guessed it? - it is nobody other than Goldman "Hannibal Lecter" Sachs.

Of course, they can always claim to provide a minor service (hosting the site and providing the domain name) to the (supposed) "group", but since
their reports address the chairman of GS directly the one-and-the-same theory is much more credible.

Hi Bill, here are the screenshots one more time. (My Outlook places them into the attachment section.) Basically it is a technical view of the matter.
If you enter the URL http://www.crmpolicygroup.org/docs/ one would expect to be on the CRMPG site in the docs directory. But, since it basically is a mapping
the directory is not there and what you get instead is a link to the Goldman Homepage, not the CRMPG one.

(This is strange. The link above does not connect. However, if you do it manually … punch it into the top of your computer, it hits up fine)

For more on this type of stuff, please go to:

You Need to Know What GATA Knows by James Turk


test concluant ..

en copiant collant ce lien ou en cliquant dessus , ( et ce que ce soit sous navigateur i exploreur ou firefox )


voila ce que ça donne !!

Plunge protection team / Goldman Sachs Midas0919A

2eme test


ce lien la fonctionne normalement ...
semble donc qu'il y ait un bug chez eux pour le 1er lien cité ... qui révéle le pot aux roses !! Plunge protection team / Goldman Sachs 210770

sans compter que le nom de domaine est bien la propriété de ... goldman sachs !! comme le souligne l'auteur du texte cité.

Plunge protection team / Goldman Sachs Midas0919B

Plunge protection team / Goldman Sachs Midas0919C

et avec ça, en plus , et pour ceux qui nient toujours son existence .. on découvre que la PPT a un site officiel !!!

Plunge protection team / Goldman Sachs 31131

©️ Marie
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Plunge protection team / Goldman Sachs Sign-m10

Dernière édition par marie le Dim 9 Oct 2011 - 1:51, édité 13 fois




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MessageRe: Plunge protection team / Goldman Sachs
par g.sandro Mer 20 Sep 2006 - 1:40

Et après quand on évoque Cabalas, fire il en reste qui nient farouchement l'existence d'une inévitable collusion entre les protagonistes
et d"un évident conflit d'intérêt* entre des rôles aussi foncièrement incompatibles...

bon sang , bien sur

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Plunge protection team / Goldman Sachs 2wecua10




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MessageRe: Plunge protection team / Goldman Sachs
par marie Mer 20 Sep 2006 - 23:26

les commentaires sur cette "affaire " qui montre à l'envie comme le dit Sandro , la collusion notoire entre des interêts d"état et des interêts purements privés !!

on en avait déja une id avec la FED qui n'a de fédérale que le nom ... mais ici Murphy nous donne une liste officielle des membres de la Contreparty Risk Management policy Group ... où vous retrouverez tout nos joyeux drilles du cartel !! caballas

- G Sachs en tête avec plusieus membres
-City Group
-JP Morgan ( plusieurs membres également )
-Deutsche Bank
-Lehman Brothers
-Merrill Lynch

pas une bullion banque ne manque à l'appel !! affraid

la conclusion de Murphy , si elle choque certains d'entre vous , est pourtant évidente ...
un gouvernement qui "intervient" de la sorte choquant et spollie ses propres citoyens , en collusion-association dissimulée avec des interêts purement privés, et dans le but unique d'engraisser les dits interêts ...
tout cela porte un nom et une signature : faschisme ... et il vous explique et vous démontre cela en détail


pour lire la version française google , cliquer ici

source Midas / édito de Bill Murphy

September 20 - Gold $580.20 up $3.20 - Silver $11 up 20 cents

Fascism, The Counterparty Risk Management Group, And Nuance

The gold and silver trading is getting wilder by the day. I suggest it is because the bad guys are having trouble coming up with enough physical gold to meet the surging demand at these prices. Silver too. Both are trading as if someone is trying to keep an inflated ball under water.

So far so good on the potential of price explosions in both, as gold and silver did not make new lows and closed today well above them.

The gold open interest fell 624 contracts to 325,852 and the silver open interest dropped 106 contracts to 100,314.

Same ole, same ole by the end of the day. Gold rocketed up to $586.50 at one point. However, those gains were squashed. The powers running the US financial markets have EVERYTHING going their way at this point.

At least silver has clawed its way back to $11.

This stuff on the incestuous relationship between the Counterparty Risk Management Group and Goldman Sachs is fascinating and extremely telling. A book could be written on this subject. Getting right to a key point: you have a group of insiders working the markets over in concert, in violation of what our financial market system is supposed to be all about. What is the point of having anti-trust laws in the US when this rogue operation is allowed to operate like they do? Collectively those "in the know" are making hundreds of billions of dollars and allowed to operate without any oversight. They have a license to steal from the general public … all under the guise they are assisting the public.

Let me take the other side of the trade, saying their activities are keeping the markets from hurting the public. Fine. Then let everyone know that we have a "Fascist" (a much used term these days) government … that our markets are not freely traded … and let everyone compete on a level playing field as to how our financial system in the US REALLY works these days.

What does Fascism mean? For one thing, since it is what they are mostly about these days, the establishment loves to use that word, along with the word conspiracy, to antagonize and influence the public against anyone who points our their real modus operandi.

"Fascism is a radical, political, ideology that combines elements of Corporatism, Authoritarianism, Nationalism, Militarism, anti-Anarchism, anti-communism, and anti-Liberalism."

Here is yet another definition, furnished by Sarge:

"Any movement, ideology, or attitude that favors dictatorial government, centralized control of private enterprise, repression of all opposition, and extreme nationalism."

Sound like the Bush Administration to you? (When it comes to the gold rig, the Democrats were just as egregious).

OK, some of our fellow Republican Café members won’t like the analogy of their political leaders as operating Fascists. Go a step further then and review the 14 Defining Characteristics of Fascism by Dr. Lawrence Britt, which can be found here:


Here is number nine:

9. Corporate Power is Protected - The industrial and business aristocracy of a fascist nation often are the ones who put the government leaders into power, creating a mutually beneficial business/government relationship and power elite.

That is exactly what the Counterparty Risk Management Group is all about, especially when you realize they work closely with the Fed and Exchange Stabilization Fund.

That is bad enough; however, when you read the other 13 it is no stretch to equate MOST of them with what we have going on in America today. The only difference in a number of those 13 as far as the Bush Administration is concerned is nuance and degree.

Now to some specifics how veteran gold investors and the general public have been ripped off over the years and what the GATA camp has been fighting against and taking on.

Back in 2001 Reg Howe sued The Gold Cartel. Reg versus the defendants in that law suit:

Reginald H. Howe, ) Plaintiff, ) ) v.

) )Bank for International Settlements, ) Alan Greenspan, ) William J. McDonough, ) J.P. Morgan & Co. Inc., ) Chase Manhattan Corp., ) Citigroup, Inc., ) Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., ) Deutsche Bank AG and ) Lawrence H. Summers, ) Secretary of the Treasury, ) Defendants.

Now let us go to the full list of members of the Counterparty Risk Management Group, and their working groups:


Toward Greater Financial Stability: A Private Sector Perspective
July 27, 2005 vii


Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group II

E. Gerald Corrigan, Chairman
Managing Director
Office of the Chairman
Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Don M. Wilson III, Vice Chairman
Chief Risk Officer
JPMorgan Chase & Co.

David C. Bushnell, Vice Chairman
Senior Risk Officer
Citigroup Inc.

Policy Group Members

Michael J. Alix

Senior Managing Director
Head of Global Credit Risk Management
Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc.

John G. Macfarlane III
Chief Operating Officer
Tudor Investment Corporation

Dr. Hugo Bänziger
Chief Risk Officer (Credit & Operational Risk)
Deutsche Bank

W. Allen Reed
President & Chief Executive Officer
General Motors Asset Management

Craig W. Broderick
Managing Director
Chief Credit Officer
Head of Credit, Market & Operational Risk
Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Edward J. Rosen, Esq.
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP

Scott C. Evans
Executive Vice President
Chief Investment Officer

Thomas A. Russo
Vice Chairman and Chief Legal Officer
Lehman Brothers

Douglas J. Flint
Group Finance Director
HSBC Holdings plc

David H. Sidwell
Executive Vice President and CFO
Morgan Stanley

Christopher B. Hayward
Managing Director
Head of Holding Company Supervision
Chief Operating Officer - Corporate Risk Management
Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc.

Associate Member

Adam Gilbert
Managing Director
JPMorgan Chase & Co.


Pawel Adrjan
Goldman, Sachs & Co.

Pierre-Hugues Verdier, Esq.
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP


The members of CRMPG II wish to thank Manar Zaher of Goldman Sachs for her efforts in support of this project. In addition, we would like to thank Goldman Sachs,


In many cases these are the same people GATA has gone after for nearly 8 years. Note the chairmanship people and the leaders of this group: Goldman, Morgan and Citi … all defendants in Reg Howe’s lawsuit. What foreign bank is part of the group: Deutsche Bank, ANOTHER defendant in Reg Howe’s lawsuit.

Can the picture be any clearer, especially with what else GATA has brought to the table for so many years?

Specifically, the following is just one example how these "Fascists" are ripping you off. It has to do with how this group employs a few privileged hedge funds to assist their operations. One of them is actually part of the group: Tudor Investment Corporation, an enormous hedge fund founded by one of the great commodity traders of all time, Paul Tudor Jones, who began his career trading cotton futures. How would you like to run a hedge fund and be in "the deal," getting the skinny on what is good for the American public. Do you think you could make a few bucks? Any question how Goldman Sachs makes billions every quarter, much of it from their trading operations?

OK, to a specific. The Tudor Jones people are close to the Moore Capital people, founded by another super trader, Zach Bacon. Moore Capital has been cited often in this column. An example:

September 24 (2001) - Gold $326.10 up $3.40 - Silver $4.64 up 1 cent


Massive fund buying surprised The Gold Cartel early on and took gold up nicely, as it reached $328.20 at one point. Moore Capital was also a featured buyer. In years past Moore was known to be the largest hedge fund gold carry trade short.


Moore Capital and others in on the gold rig, made fortunes with this carry trade, as they could borrow money practically interest free and invest it much higher paying credit instruments, or could use the money to fund their own operations.

Back to the culprits again, especially Citi, GS and the US Government (the term Fascism is not an over the top description at all). Look at what Frankfurter Allegeine Zeitung (the WSJ of Germany) reported years ago:

November 2 (2000) - Spot Gold $264.40 up 70 cents - Spot Silver $4.69 down 6 cents

Now, the big picture overview for Goldman Sach's gold trading over the past years:

First, the comment by former Goldman Sachs CEO and former US Treasury Secretary, Robert Rubin as brought to our attention by newsletter writer Jay Taylor:

"Last May I interviewed Congressman Ron Paul, M.D. and member of the House Banking Committee for my newsletter, J Taylor's Gold & Technology Stocks. In a letter to Congressman Paul, Bob Rubin said the following.

"We have long recognised that helping prevent extreme market fluctuations from generating self-fulfilling losses of confidence that could unnecessarily destabilise the real economy is an appropriate objective of government policy. We also recognise that government action is often required to create the conditions for markets to work at their best."

Then, we have Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan's infamous quote before the US Congress:

"Central banks stand ready to lease gold in increasing quantities should the price rise."

Follow that up with the Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung story expose of the Citibank/hedge fund/Robert Rubin capping of the Euro at 90 after the recent coordinated G-7 central intervention to try and halt its slide:

FRANKFURT (Dow Jones)--The European Central Bank's intention to intervene in the foreign exchange market, together with the U.S. Federal Reserve, the Bank of Japan and other central banks of the Group of Seven leading industrial countries, was known several hours ahead of the operation, market participants in Frankfurt said, German daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung reported Thursday.

According to the paper, a leak in one of the central banks outside the euro zone prompted Citibank, a unit of Citigroup Inc. (C), on behalf of a U.S. hedge fund, to start buying euros early Friday. The euro rose to slightly above $0.86 in early European trade Friday.

Citibank's subsequent sale of euros was preventing the euro from rising more than slightly above $0.90 during the intervention that started around 1100 GMT, Frankfurt banking sources said, according to the paper. The euro subsequently rose to $0.9040 before falling back to the mid-$0.88s.

Banking sources attributed the leak to a possible connection between the hedge fund, Citibank and the Fed, FAZ said. Robert Rubin, former U.S. Treasury Secretary, is currently Citigroup's co-chairman……. End.

Moore Capital in New York has since been identified by Café sources as the hedge fund that not only was "fed" the information ahead of time, but was instrumental in capping the Euro at 90. Over the past years Midas has reported Moore Capital to be carrying the largest hedge fund "gold carry" trade positions of all.

It would appear that Rubin initiated the same fraudulent type trading activity in the Euro, via government "Fed" information spread to a bullion bank and their clients, as he has done in the gold market since late 1994.


There it is … all laid out for you and anyone else who wants the truth and what a good portion of the US financial markets are all about.

Fascism, alive and well in the US, a stretch? Don’t think so.

Funny enough, look what just hit the tape regarding Amaranth, the hedge fund disaster:

14:06 Citigroup may buy stake in Amaranth - Bloomberg, citing sources
Bloombergalso reports that Citadel and JPM will take over Amaranth trades, which appears to refer to the energy portfolio as reported earlier by CNBC.

©️ Marie
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