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Royal Mint Canada / double comptabilité

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MessageRoyal Mint Canada / double comptabilité
par marie Mer 25 Nov 2009 - 17:08

ils ont compté ds leurs réserves , l'or vendu, et sousestimé les retraits, lors de la transformation

l'enquête de la police canadienne, conclut qu'il n'y a pas eu de vol de cet or mystérieusement disparu..


pas de vol d'or, donc, mais un tour de passe passe : double comptabilité


à quand l'audit de Fort Tungstène?

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MessageRe: Royal Mint Canada / double comptabilité
par marie Mer 25 Nov 2009 - 21:52

et pendant ce temps, que fait'on aux usa??

on suspend la production de piéces US MINT, pardi !
une autre façon de régler les "erreurs" ?

US Mint to suspend American Eagle gold 1-oz coins
NEW YORK, Nov 25 (Reuters) - The U.S. Mint said on Wednesday it will suspend sales of the popular American Eagle one-ounce bullion coins as strong demand depleted its inventory.
The Mint said that November sales to date were at 124,000 ounces, higher than the 115,500 ounces sold in each month of September and October.
The Mint said it expects to resume sales in early December.

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MessageRe: Royal Mint Canada / double comptabilité
par marie Mer 25 Nov 2009 - 22:45

quelques commentaires bien sentis, sur cette soit disant erreur ..


this explanation does not cut it
From the GATA release Chris posted last night:
Junior Transport Minister Rob Merrifield, who's responsible for the mint, called in the RCMP on June 9 after he learned that an audit would not "rectify the problem" of the missing gold. That's about 10 weeks after the government first learned of the missing gold.
The Deloitte and Touche audit cost taxpayers $360,000.
Ottawa now requires the mint to report on inventory levels of metals every three months.

So let’s get our "ducks in a row" now: Deloitte and Touche conducted an audit and billed the Canadian Gov’t 360,000 – according to their own press release.
But there is NO MENTION of Deloitte and Touche stating that inventory was "double counted" – only Senior Gov’t Officials saying there was a colossal error:
"Senior government officials say there was a colossal error at the mint itself," said CTV Ottawa Bureau Chief Robert Fife on Tuesday night.
Mint officials double-counted some gold bullion they sold, and underestimated the shrinkage of the gold during processing.

Why doesn’t the press release say that Deloitte and Touche found the colossal error? THEY CONDUCTED THE AUDIT!!
The explanation being put forward here REEKS OF COVER UP, it is not credible.
There is something VERY UGLY going on here that’s being withheld from the public.
Wonder what they might be hiding?
Rob Kirby


Hi Bill,
Has anyone else read the RCMP conclusion for the missing $15.3 million in
gold from the Royal Canadian Mint?
They concluded that NO THEFT took place yet 17.5 thousand troy ounces disappear somewhere during the refining process in 2008.
A couple of points here:
First The Royal Canadian Mint takes refined bars and further refines them to 99.999 % or 5-9's, for which they were the first refinery to do so.
Secondly, This process takes 'Bars' and melts them down, separating the gold from 'impurities' (tungsten?).
Third, we're talking about the disappearance of more than half a metric ton of gold!!!!!
Fourth, the audit found NO accounting, bookkeeping or other internal errors to account for the missing gold.
So it looks like before refining the gold was there, then after refining the gold was not there.
They even go on to say that reviews of the physical security including computer systems were consistent with the mounties findings the no theft took place.
We're talking about one of the most secure facilities in Canada.
I wonder if they weighted the slag from the refining process would they find an extra 17.5 thousand troy ounces?
Could this be the first sign of good delivery bars being found with a tungsten core?
I don't know about these things, maybe one of your cafe members could explain.
Gold Comet from Canada

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MessageRe: Royal Mint Canada / double comptabilité
par marie Ven 27 Nov 2009 - 22:34

royal mint canada 'plaide' l'erreur de comptabilité ..
responsables, mais pas coupables ..

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MessageRe: Royal Mint Canada / double comptabilité
par marie Lun 21 Déc 2009 - 23:12

explications de la MINT, suite et fin?

- or valant 3 millions de $ et vendu à son insu, en dessous de cette valeur, sous forme de déchets raffinage

- et erreurs de comptabilité pour 17.500 onces troy, volatilisées ..

le tout représentant la bagatelle de 44 barres monétaires ( 400 onces chacune soit approx 12 kg ) pour une valeur de 20 millions de $, au cours d'aujourd'hui


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Dernière édition par marie le Mar 22 Déc 2009 - 13:18, édité 1 fois




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