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Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.

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Messagedow gold ratio - Or et dow jones ratio
par marie Sam 15 Mai 2010 - 21:26

ratio or et dow Jones / dow gold ratio

le dernier point avec Norcini

- ratio en rouge et dow jones en noir

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j'en profite pour vous dire que j'ai réactualisé la plus part des graphes of interest de hardin ..
notamment les ratios en section 4 ..
à voir ..


©️ Marie
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Dernière édition par marie le Mar 13 Déc 2011 - 23:04, édité 1 fois




  Inscription :   05/02/2005
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MessageRatio Dow Gold en Kondratieff actualisé par long Waves,toujours top
par g.sandro Mer 28 Juil 2010 - 2:17

Longwave's Ian Gordon shows how gold's war with paper runs in long cycles

Submitted by cpowell on 09:27AM ET Sunday, July 25, 2010. Section: Daily
12:24p ET Sunday, July 25, 2010

Dear Friend of GATA and

Ian Gordon of the Longwave Group in British Columbia has just
published a wonderful study showing the performance of gold against the Dow
Jones Industrial Average going back 120 years. Gordon notes that "gold and paper
are forever at war with each other" and that each is dominant over decades-long
cycles. He argues: "To make money you either have to be invested in stocks or
gold. You should never be invested in these two investment mediums at the same
time." His charts bear him out and show that we're in the middle of a gold cycle
with a long way to go. Gordon's study is contained in Longwave Group's
subscription newsletter, "Winter Warning," but he has generously consented to
GATA's sharing it with you here:


POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee



Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: dow gold ratio - Or et dow jones ratio
par marie Mar 13 Déc 2011 - 23:08

ha ba dis donc .... la tronche du dow gold !!!

The Rocket Man…

The room is always darkest just before the light's switched on!..

Below is the Ratio between the Dow and the price of Ol’ Yella,

graphique du ratio dow gold
dow gold ratio  - Or et dow jones ratio  Midas1213A

Note that for the duration of this present Gold Bull cycle, the ratio has broken down through support levels on 4 separate occasions. On 2 such occasions, the ratio has then levitated back up to test the old support level. On the other 2 occasions following break downs in late 07 and the latter half of 08, the ratio retraced a reasonable proportion of it’s move, but it’s bounces still fell some way short of the old support levels! This is just one way Bully Boy ensures he keeps as many off his back as possible!

The most recent break down through support occurred in August this year, where 2 year support around 7.5-8.0 was lost and the ratio plunged to circa 5.5. It has since been retracing this move and we are now brushing back up against the old support level of 7.50.

History would therefore strongly suggest that any further rise in the ratio from here is both unlikely and also short lived! I therefore expect it to head lower again in the near future.

To note: This is a monthly chart, so these are monthly moves. My expectations that the ratio will roll back over from here, do not necessarily reflect the next day or next week, but certainly within the next 6-12 weeks. However that said the ratio really has moved back up close against serious resistance in the 7.5-8.0 region and so any further upside (regardless of when it might roll over) should be limited from here!

One more chart to peruse,

en chandelier : le dow gold

en courbe : le cours du dow jones
dow gold ratio  - Or et dow jones ratio  Midas1213B

Note, I’ve included the price of Gold against the ratio chart. I’ve marked the 3 previous occasions when the ratio had reached the peak of it’s retracement bounce before rolling over. As can be clearly seen, each occasion co-incided with a very suitable buy opportunity for the metal itself with significant upside in the post-ceding months ahead. And as importantly virtually no further downside!

If we are at or close to the bounce retracement peak in the ratio now, then we should expect only ‘Blue Sky’ for the precious sector here on in!

Here’s hoping,
Very best,
Rich (Live from 'The Bridge of the Silver Rocket Ship')


©️ Marie
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MessageRe: dow gold ratio - Or et dow jones ratio
par du-puel Mer 14 Déc 2011 - 16:57

cela signifie que le DOW (et les autres grands indices) est redevenu achetable ; pourtant je les trouve encore chers, peut-être parce que je ne m'intéresse qu'à de belles valeurs qui n'ont pas subi, ou pas entièrement, cette dégringolade.

Le prochain trade de la decennie pourrait être d'arbitrer l'or pour les actions. Mais on a le temps de voir venir.

©️ Armand Du-Puel /Hardinvestor
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  Inscription :   18/08/2005
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Messageanalyse technique du ratio Dow / gold
par marie Jeu 3 Mai 2012 - 15:14

un rising wedge indique un retournement proche, en faveur de l'or


Dow - Gold Ratio,..

Looks as if they’re squeezing whatever final drops they can out of this PM Sector,

Note the very obvious rising wedge forming in the Dow-Gold Ratio Weekly Chart:

dow gold ratio  - Or et dow jones ratio  Midas0502A
Portends to a reversal in Gold’s favour pretty shortly?

And with the Ratio back at circa 8, it’s no wonder, Notice the wide band of resistance hanging over this area,

dow gold ratio  - Or et dow jones ratio  Midas0502B
Just more evidence to suggest that Gold and Silver’s recent malaise may be very well about to change!
Rich (Live from 'The Bridge of the Silver Rocket Ship')

©️ Marie
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MessageCosi sia, Let it be, ainsi soit-il, Incha Allah...
par g.sandro Jeu 3 Mai 2012 - 15:54

Citation :
Just more evidence to suggest that Gold and Silver’s recent malaise may be very well about to change!

Cosi sia, Let it be, ainsi soit-il, Incha Allah...

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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Message3 jolis dessins du DOW/GOLD
par du-puel Jeu 9 Mai 2013 - 10:15

©️ Armand Du-Puel /Hardinvestor
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Messagecontroler le début de la phase hyperinflation
par marie Mer 15 Mai 2013 - 22:57

controler le début de la phase hyperinflation, en manipulant les métaux à la baisse:

illustration avec les graphs des ratios du dow jones vs l'argent, mais aussi l'or et le hui


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MessageRe: dow gold ratio - Or et dow jones ratio
par Contenu sponsorisé 

   Contenu sponsorisé


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