Marie a dégotté ça sur Pourceau: ce serait ça le bléme?
Un nouveau rebondissement d'un procédurier qui ne lâche pas le morceau en dépit de multiples jugements favorables à FAN ( voir à ce propos mon post un peu plus haut dans cette file qui revient sur ce feuilleton juridique). decrocqp (Ariane5-10t up!(973)) - | + d'infos sur decrocqp | Boursomarquer decrocqp | Ignorer decrocqp
23:04 10/11/05 Recommander ce message 0
Je sais pas si ca a déjà été posté ici...
sûrement mais, remettons ce pt d'importance qui ama, bien évidemment il me semble, lol, est responsable du plombage du cours (procès au mexique en appel de Hermiston contre FAN sur la propriété de campo morado)
source : rapport annuel 30/09/2005
(a) Mineral Property Interests – Campo Morado
The Company's 100%-owned Campo Morado ownership rights have been challenged and successfully
defended in the legal courts of British Columbia, Nevada and Mexico. In 1996 and 1997, the Company
was the defendant in various lawsuits relating to ownership of the Campo Morado property orchestrated
by David L. Hermiston, a U.S. national. The legal actions heard in British Columbia and Nevada were
decided in the Company’s favor in 1998 and 1999 and 2001.
The Nevada action was concluded in favor of the Company in 2001 and a money judgment of $646,991
was obtained against the plaintiffs. The plaintiffs have filed an appeal to the Nevada Supreme Court and
that appeal is currently pending and in the briefing stage. The Company intends to vigorously defend the
appeal; however, the outcome of this matter is currently not determinable.
In the Mexican action, Farallon received notice from its Mexican legal counsel that on October 25, 2001,
the Third District Court in Hermosillo, Sonora ruled in favor of Farallon and the other defendants. The
Court found the plaintiff's claim was without merit and ordered the plaintiff to pay Farallon's costs. This
ruling was appealed by the plaintiff. On April 5, 2002, Farallon received the decision of the First Unitary
Tribunal for the Fifth Circuit in Sonora, Mexico, with respect to the plaintiff's appeal. Farallon was
notified by its Mexican legal counsel that a new decision was entered setting aside the original ruling of
October 25, 2001 and declaring the case a nullity, based on technical and legal omissions on the part of
the plaintiff. Farallon appealed this ruling, to the Second Collegial Court for the Fifth Circuit in Sonora,
and this court upheld the decision of the First Unitary Tribunal.
On September 7, 2004, the Company was notified of a new lawsuit by Mr. Hermiston, one of the original
plaintiffs, making essentially the same allegations and seeking essentially the same remedies, as his
previous lawsuits. In connection with this claim, a lien was filed against certain assets of the Company's
Farallon Resources Ltd. – 36 – Annual Information Form
\Hd-van-fp2manageFANFAN AIF2005FAN AIF 2005 Main Document.doc 9/29/2005 4:23:37 PM 642323.2
Mexican subsidiary. Management's view based on advice of Mexican counsel is that this claim is without
merit and the Company is vigorously defending the action. However, the outcome of this matter is
undeterminable and remains subject to risk at this time.
(b) Wiltz Investment S.A. vs Farallon Minera Mexicana S.A. de C.V.
In a writ filed in the Second District Court for the Fifth Circuit in Sonora on January 22, 2004, a
Panamanian company, Wiltz Investment S.A. ("Wiltz"), alleges that it is owed 750,000 common shares of
Farallon related to its alleged purchase of the Campo Morado rights from Minera Summit de Mexico S.A.
de C.V. in 1998 and is consequently demanding the rescission of the option agreement between Minera
Summit and Farallon dated October 15, 1995. The Company received legal notification of this writ on
November 24, 2004. The Company has filed the appropriate response with the Second District Court for
the Fifth Circuit in Sonora. Wiltz has filed a corresponding criminal action against the Company and
certain of the directors of the Company. The Company's attorneys have filed documents to have these
proceedings dismissed and are seeking remediation from Wiltz and associated parties. In connection with
this claim a lien was filed on certain assets of the Company's Mexican subsidiary. Management's view
based on advice of Mexican counsel is that these claims by Wiltz are without merit and the Company is
vigorously defending the action. However, the outcome of this matter is undeterminable and remains
subject to risk at this time.
Other than as disclosed herein, management of Farallon is not aware of any other legal proceedings which
are contemplated against Farallon.
De decrocqp (Ariane5-10t up!(973)) - | + d'infos sur decrocqp | Boursomarquer decrocqp | Ignorer decrocqp
22:58 10/11/05 Recommander ce message 0
"qu'en est il exactement du procès entre FAN et Hermiston
sur la propriété de Campo Morado ? Hermiston, même si il a déjà perdu des procès, poursuit tjrs FAN en appel.
pour moi, le cours est plombé par cette incertitude...(enfin, c'est évident ! lol)
dès que le procès en appel sera jugé, et si le jugement est en faveur de FAN, alors ama, les chevaux seront lâchés..."
On ne peut pas préjuger de l'issue, car si le mec insiste tant, vu les honoraires des baveux de l'autre coté de l'Atlantique, j'imagine qu'il doit quand même avoir quelques billes...mais bon... il commence à être relou, il se fait bananer à chaque procès, et son insistance nuit à la compagnie...bon, en même temps, si les réserves n'étaient pas aussi superbes, j'imagine, qu'il aurait laissé tomber depuis belle lurette...
dans la famille Kisstirdanlpied, je voudrais le père...
Bonne pioche
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