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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par g.sandro Mer 19 Mar 2008 - 20:36

Annonce sur le financemennt et confirmation début PROD 07/2008 tchin amur ye.s aaarf


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par g.sandro Ven 28 Mar 2008 - 1:37

N'oubliez pas de mater aussi la carte en bas de la page à laquelle mène ce lien: je plane pour toi amur

March 27, 2008, Vancouver, BC - Dick Whittington, President and CEO of Farallon Resources Ltd. (TSX: FAN OTCBB: FRLLF) (“Farallon” or the “Company”) is pleased to announce that the exploration drilling program for 2008 has commenced at the Company's Campo Morado Polymetallic (zinc, copper, silver, lead, gold) project in Guerrero State, Mexico. On March 1, 2008 a third exploration drill arrived at site and was commissioned for the purpose of enhancing and expanding the Company’s exploration efforts.

The exploration program will be comprised of 35,000 metres of surface drilling with two main objectives: the first is to discover another G-9 style deposit and the second is to increase and extend the resources around G-9. To meet the first objective, one drill will focus in a northeasterly direction (Area A), as shown on the attached drill plan map, stepping out from the G-9 deposit, targeting the stratigraphic horizon that hosts the recently discovered Abajo zone. The Abajo zone is stratigraphically approximately 200 metres below the mineralized horizon hosting the Reforma, El Rey, Naranjo, and El Largo deposits. This “Abajo” horizon, located on the other side of the San Raphael fault from the main G-9 deposit, has already shown significant mineralization potential…

To view this news release in its entirety please clicks on the links below or copy and past it into your web browser.


If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us as provided below.

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Investor Services
Hunter Dickinson Inc.
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Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par g.sandro Ven 11 Avr 2008 - 3:52

Plein de photos...manifestement, ça avance bien...


et un magnifique diaporama


cost = 50$/tonne...

Prod en début juillet 2008...dans 2.5 mois
une rivière de cash....(en crue la rivière)...désendettement en à peine 3 ans ( ce qui est un délai incroyablement rapide) et ensuite...c'est un énorme robinet de bénefs coincé en position open

Tain regardez juste les teneurs par tonne et "do the maths"...
métal par métal c'est déjà de la balle...
additionnez chaque métal...et là...comme on se tue à le répeter, c'est juste ...ENOOOOORME...!!!

je plane pour toi amur tchin clap clap ye.s chinois aaarf r.ire bienvenue ! soleil sous les palmiers king lion yeuxx en bille singe fetes

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par g.sandro Mar 22 Avr 2008 - 1:46


April 21, 2008, Vancouver, BC - Dick Whittington, President and CEO of Farallon Resources Ltd. (TSX:FAN; OTCBB:FRLLF) ("Farallon" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce that Societe Generale has committed US$10 million to the Bridge Facility for the G-9 project at the Campo Morado polymetallic (zinc, gold, silver, copper, lead) project in Guerrero State, Mexico.

Societe Generale joins NM Rothschild & Sons Limited and Paradigm Capital Inc. in the Bridge Facility, increasing funds available under the Bridge Facility by up to US$30 million, subject to execution of definitive documentation in the ordinary course. The transaction involves conventional financing terms and conditions and a 250,000 warrant equity component, which is subject to TSX approval.

The Bridge Facility is part of a previously announced debt arrangement package that also includes a US$70 million Refinance and Development Facility (see Farallon news releases of March 19, 2008, December 3, 2007 and March 21, 2007). The Bridge Facility will be used to finance a portion of the cost to acquire mining and processing equipment. Work is progressing for the Refinance and Development Facility which will be used to repay the Bridge Facility, and to finance the remaining construction activities for the mine and processing facilities of the Project…

To view this news release in its entirety please clicks on the links below or copy and past it into your web browser.


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par g.sandro Ven 2 Mai 2008 - 3:19


je plane pour toi cool amur tchin ye.s aaarf clap clap r.ire chinois rose ico_metal yeuxx en bille à table ! Wink

5 metres grading 31% zinc in North Zone;
6 metres grading 20% zinc in Abajo Zone

NB, j'ai ajouté des commentaires perso en bas de post, àmha ils valent le détour...

May 1, 2008, Vancouver, BC — Dick Whittington, President and CEO of Farallon Resources Ltd. (TSX: FAN; OTCBB: FRLLF) (“Farallon“ or the “Company”), is pleased to provide an update on the ongoing core drilling program on the G-9 deposit at the Campo Morado polymetallic (zinc, copper, silver, gold, lead) project in Guerrero State, Mexico. Drilling in the North and Abajo zones has intersected the highest grades to date.
Three rigs are deployed to complete the current 35,000-metre surface drilling program. The program has two main objectives: to discover another G-9 style deposit and to increase and extend the resources around G-9.

To meet the first objective, one rig is drilling step out holes targeting the stratigraphic horizon that hosts the Abajo zone, discovered late last year. The Abajo zone is situated approximately 200 metres below the stratigraphic horizon that hosts the Reforma, El Rey, Naranjo, and El Largo deposits at Campo Morado, and its discovery has re-opened the entire area north of the San Raphael fault to further exploration. The initial results from this year’s program are very promising: hole 718 intersected 8.75 metres grading 16.3% zinc, 1.71% copper and 1.99 g/t gold, including a 6-metre interval grading 20.11% zinc, 1.78% copper and 1.78 g/t gold. This is the highest grade intersection made so far at the Abajo zone…

To view this news release in its entirety please clicks on the links below or copy and past it into your web browser.


If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us as provided below.

Best Regards,

PS, Réalisez-vous le niveau exceptionnel de ces teneurs? 16.3 et 20.11 %, ça donne une moyenne de 18%...soit 180 kilos de zinc par tonne de minerai...( il y a aussi des zones (plus petites, mais pas ridicules pour autant, loin de là, avec carrément 22.4 et 5 mètres, excusez du peu, avec 31% (soit 224 et 310 kgs /tonne de minerai) PLUS le cuivre, le plomb et l'OR, bien entendu et comme d'habitude avec FAN...

Dans le tableau accessible via le lien, on voit aussi qu'en forme de cerise sur le GROS gateau, il y a aussi (encore) du Silver...bon, alors ok, pas des masses, comparé aux autres zones forées antérieurement sur le domaine, certes, mais tout de même 160 à 410 grammes par tonne, ce qui n'est pas du tout négligeable, FAN nous a tellement habitués à des chiffres de high grade extra-terrestres qu'on aurait facilement tendance à oublier que ces tout nouveaux "bas" chiffres de Silver, plusieurs mines de Silver pure players (qui n'ont QUE du silver) ne parviennent pas à les atteindre sur la totalité de leur domaine et je ne répèterai jamais assez que ça ce n'est que de la gratte en PLUS, que du bonheur donc...

et toutes ces teneurs ( pas seulement celles de silver de mon post scriptum, mais également celles de folie concernant le Zinc) viennent s'ajouter aux considérables ressources sans cesse croissantes évoquées dans cette file.... et ce, à nombre d'actions inchangé depuis la dernière AK en date...je ne vous raconte même pas la teneur par titre..., je vous rappelle que le coût d'extraction n'est que de 50$ par tonne...ajoutez la dernière trouvaille et... do the maths...yeuxx en bille

1 pound (lb) = 16 oz, soit 453.6 grammes

le silver à lui seul, et je ne parle que des zones les moins riches de ce dernier forage réputé "pauvre" dépasse largement 50 $/ tonne; bah oui, même 150 grammes, ça fait 5 onces et si on retient 16.5$/oz, ça donne déjà de 80$... hihihi...!!!

Le Zinc baisse, certes, mais il est à presque 1$/ pound, soit un peu plus de $2 le kilo...si je prends 200 kilos par tonne de minerai ( ce qui est, à la louche, la moyenne de ce dernier forage)....ça fait 400$/ tonne...

80 silver 400 zinc 50 de gold (au bas mot) 75$ de cuivre 45$ de plomb...400+80+50+75+45 = 650

ca donne, pour ce forage seul et à la louche comme on poste à 4 h du mat;
650$ de ca par tonne extraite pour 50$ de coût...soit 600$ de bénef, ou une marge de 1200% si vous préférez...talking about business?

bon, les grincheux rappeleront que le taux de récup n'est que de 94% pour le Zinc et 84% pour le cuivre, comme posté en haut de la page 5 de cette file...ok, mais quand même...c'est compensé par le fait que j'ai retenu des moyennes conservatrices dans mon ébauche de calcul

Et encore, ça c'est à un moment où les métaux sont en zone basse voire très basse de leurs oscillateurs...

Got FAN?

yeuxx en bille soleil lion homme aaarf tchin r.ire je plane pour toi

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par g.sandro Sam 10 Mai 2008 - 13:13

Et HOP...à peine une semaine après les excellents chiffres commentés ci-dessus, on remet ça...que du bon:

Encore des forages et encore de jolies teneurs...( pas forcément des % ages records partout , encore que certains restent superbes, notamment Abajo et north qui sont "crésussiens" avec jusqu'à 40% Zinc) mais des veines plutêt larges ce coup là... ça n'arrête pas, le domaine minier est vraiment riche et pas encore totalement circonsrit...


la carte


le tableau:



je plane pour toi amur tchin aaarf ye.s soleil

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par marie Mar 13 Mai 2008 - 16:08

Farallon Announces $80 Million Silver Sale Agreement With Silver Wheaton


+10% sur cette news, au moment où je poste .. le tout avec un silver très atttaqué tchin ye.s

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par g.sandro Lun 26 Mai 2008 - 21:15

May 26, 2008, Vancouver, BC - Dick Whittington, President and CEO of Farallon Resources Ltd. (TSX:FAN; OTCBB:FRLLF) ("Farallon" or the "Company"), is pleased to announce that the silver sale agreement, announced in a news release on May 13, 2008, with a subsidiary company of Silver Wheaton Corp. (“Silver Wheaton”) has been finalized.

Under the agreement, Silver Wheaton will pay staged payments of US$80 million in cash to Farallon for 75% of the silver produced from its Campo Morado polymetallic (zinc, gold, silver, copper, lead) project in Guerrero State, Mexico. Farallon received a US$15 million payment upon signing, and has now received a further US$15 million payment following the recent completion of certain formalities in Mexico. The remaining US$50 million is to be received in a series of specified installments over the next few months. Upon delivery of the silver, Silver Wheaton will also pay Farallon a fixed price payment per ounce of silver delivered equal to the lesser of US$3.90 and the spot price at the time of sale (subject to a 1% annual increase starting in the third year of silver production).

Farallon has used a portion of the funds to retire the Bridge Facility with NM Rothschild and Sons Limited, Paradigm Capital Inc. and Societe Generale. The Company now has no outstanding indebtedness and is fully funded through to the commencement of commercial production at the G-9 project...tchin clap clap chinois chappo

To view this news release in its entirety please clicks on the links below or copy and past it into your web browser.


If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us as provided below.

Best Regards,

Investor Services

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageEt HOP, encore 3 forages et encore des teneurs + que respectables
par g.sandro Mar 10 Juin 2008 - 23:54

Et HOP, encore 3 forages et encore des teneurs + que respectables

http://www.farallonresources.com/fan/NewsReleases.asp?ReportID=306633 je plane pour toi

amur tchin ye.s chinois chappo aaarf r.ire

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par g.sandro Jeu 3 Juil 2008 - 23:04

Le calendrier de la mise en prod en Juillet 2008 est respecté

je plane pour toi amur tchin clap clap ye.s chappo chinois clap clap ye.s

July 3 2008, Vancouver, BC Farallon Resources Ltd. (“Farallon” or the
“Company”) (TSX: FAN; OTCBB: FRLLF) announces that the underground decline and
surface facilities at the Company's G-9 project at the Campo Morado (zinc,
copper, lead silver, gold) property in Guerrero State, Mexico are substantially
complete. President and CEO Dick Whittington and his wife Gillian personally
placed the first ceremonial load of rock into the crusher at noon on July 1,

The underground decline is approximately 30 metres from the initial zone of
mineralization to be mined. It was hoped that decline development would be
complete by July 1 but a zone of fractured, water-bearing rock was encountered,
temporarily delaying development activities until safe mining conditions were
restored. Development is now continuing and the mineralized zone is expected to
be reached within two weeks. Surface construction is also substantially complete
with all major mill components either on site, installed, operating or being
commissioned. The water retention dam and tailings storage facility are also
both substantially complete and will be operational within two weeks. The power
line from Arcelia, a regional centre, to the G-9 site is finished and was
energized on June 25, 2008.

The total cost for the project is currently projected to be US$138 million or
approximately 11% over that expected in the December 2007 Preliminary Economic
Assessment (News Release dated December 28, 2007). This concludes the
construction phase of the project and, while construction activities will
continue in several areas, the Company will now begin to focus on operational
startup activities, targeting an October 1, 2008 completion date…

To view this news release in its entirety, please click on the link below or
copy and past it into your web browser.

plus des détails ici:


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par g.sandro Lun 21 Juil 2008 - 19:08

Encore des forages juteux qui confirment et renforcent encore les incroyables ratios d'onces par titre.

C'est excellent, et le titre baisse à 0.58 can$ (soit 0.36 €), atteignant et même menaçant un niveau technique qu'il serait fâcheux à CT d'enfoncer sur 2 cloutes consécutives, c'est à n'y rien comprendre...

20 metres grading 10.6% zinc, 1.07% copper in G-9 West Extension Zone
Stratigraphic integrity of G-9 Abajo horizon model being confirmed

July 21, 2008, Vancouver, BC Dick Whittington, President and CEO of Farallon Resources Ltd. (TSX: FAN; OTCBB: FRLLF) (“Farallon” or the “Company”), is pleased to provide an update on the ongoing core drilling program on the G-9 deposit at the Campo Morado polymetallic (zinc, copper, silver, gold, lead) project in Guerrero State, Mexico.

Three rigs are currently deployed - two surface drills and one underground drill - with three main objectives: first, to delineate the newly discovered G-9 Western Extension zone from underground as this will be the major area targeted for initial mining over the coming months; second, to discover another G-9 style deposit; and third, to increase and to extend the resources around G-9. Both surface drills are currently focused on extending the G-9 Abajo zone to the north and testing for continuity of the stratigraphic horizon that hosts the Abajo zone to the north and northeast, under the El Largo and Naranjo deposits.

The new results are for holes 749 to 766 and hole 770 and are listed in the attached Table of Assay Results. Hole locations are shown on the attached G-9 Drill Hole Location Map.

Several highlights emerge from these results. First, the potential of the West Extension zone is confirmed by the results of hole 751 which intersected 20 metres of 10.6% zinc and 1.01% copper (including 2.7 metres of 23.2% zinc and 2.5% copper). Second, the North zone and Abajo zones are being extended and third, the stratigraphic separation of the El Largo deposit and Abajo zone is being confirmed. Numerous intersections have been made in the horizon that hosts El Largo that are in addition to previous drilling in this deposit in 2004 and 2005, and indications of deeper mineralization in the Abajo horizon are being confirmed. In addition, results from holes that have assays pending indicate that a new lens 150 metres to the north of the Abajo zone is being identified. These results will be released when completed…

To view this news release in its entirety, please click on the link below or copy and past it into your web browser.

If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us as provided below.

Best Regards,

Investor Services


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par g.sandro Mer 10 Sep 2008 - 0:35

September 9, 2008 Vancouver, BC – Dick Whittington, President and CEO of
Farallon Resources Ltd. (“Farallon” or the “Company”) (TSX: FAN; OTCBB: FRLLF)
announces that it has closed the $25 million private placement financing
arranged by a syndicate led by Paradigm Capital Inc., which included Wellington
West Capital Markets Inc., and is described in the Company’s September 3, 2008
news release.

Farallon is advancing the G-9 polymetallic (zinc, copper, silver, gold,
lead) project at its Campo Morado Property in Mexico. Employing a ‘Parallel
Track’ program, Farallon has expanded and confirmed the high-grade
mineralization within the G-9 deposit through drilling in parallel with project
development activities. An underground decline has reached the North and West
Extension zones of the G-9 deposit and underground drilling, and stope access
and development is underway. Mill commissioning is well underway and concentrate
is being produced. Haulage and sale of concentrates is expected to begin in
October. Access for stope development in the high-grade Southeast zone is
expected in December, with full production at 1,500 tonnes per day targeted for
January 2009.

President and CEO Dick Whittington said “This financing will provide
Farallon with a foundation on which to complete construction, make the
transition to an operating mining company and generate future growth. I am
particularly pleased to be able to conclude it at such a difficult time in the
debt and equity markets,
and I would like to thank, in particular, Paradigm
Capital for their support in putting it together.”

To view this news release in its entirety, please click on the link below
or copy and past it into your web browser.


If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us as provided

Best Regards,

Investor Services

Hunter Dickinson Inc.
Toll Free 1-800-667-2114 | Main 1-604-684-6365
info@hdgold.com | www.hdgold.com

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par g.sandro Jeu 9 Oct 2008 - 0:16

La production est bel et bien commencée, les volumes traités sont conformes aux projections, les teneurs sont là, on mixe du high grade dense mais profond et du low grade peu coûteux car il est en surface...moi j'aime bien quand on ne tape pas trop dans le high grade, c'est une logique patrimoniale sage et en ce moment, la sagesse est plus que jamais une vertu.

Juste un petit retard dans la construction des locaux de garage à camions, le titre baisse ENCORE de 10% ce soir sur la parution de ces excellentes nouvelles...c'est un moment idéal pour charger la mule, la voir à ce prix là, alors que mle calendrier et le volume de prod est conforme aux ambiyieuses projections, je n'aurais pas cru que ce serait possible... regardez le programme prévisionnel des tonnages à venir à partir de maintenant

Citation :

Mine and Mill operational

3,000 tonnes of saleable concentrate objective achieved

October 8, 2008, Vancouver, BC Dick Whittington, President and CEO of
Farallon Resources Ltd. (“Farallon” or the “Company”) (TSX: FAN; OTCBB: FRLLF)
is pleased to provide the following update of activities at the Company's G-9
polymetallic development project at the Campo Morado (zinc, copper, lead silver,
gold) property in Guerrero State, Mexico. The mine and mill are now operational
and the corporate objective of having 3,000 tonnes of saleable concentrate
produced by October 1 has been met. In addition, there have been several
significant developments since the Company's last release on August 21, 2008…

la suite de l'article (qui est long mais complet et sexy) en bas de post

yeuxx en bille affraid ...bienvenue ! à table ! elle est cadeau rose

je plane pour toi amur tchin aaarf r.ire ye.s chappo chinois clap clap r.ire aaarf aaarf aaarf je plane pour toi tchin


Silver is king, Go Gold !

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MessageFarallon Files to Deregister From the SEC in the USA and Changes Its Fiscal Year End
par g.sandro Ven 31 Oct 2008 - 22:39


aaarf LOL, j'ignorais même qu'elle cotait au US en OTC; bonne idée de réduire les coûts, de toute façon, on ne la travaillait que sur Toronto... et il n'y a jamais eu de volumes à frankfort.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageFarallon Updates G-9 Production Status While Managing Project Expenditures
par g.sandro Lun 10 Nov 2008 - 18:21

Farallon Updates G-9 Production Status While Managing Project Expenditures


Monday November 10, 8:35 am ET

VANCOUVER, Nov. 10 /CNW/ - Dick Whittington, President and CEO of Farallon Resources Ltd. ("Farallon" or the "Company") (TSX: FAN - News) is pleased to provide an update of activities at the Company's G-9 polymetallic (zinc, copper, lead, silver, gold) operation on the Campo Morado property in Guerrero State, Mexico, as well as a general corporate update.

As announced in August 2008 mining at G-9 has proceeded based on a 17-month plan, with an initial production rate of 20,000 tonnes per month, increasing to 45,000 tonnes per month by January 2009. The Company also announced that it was reviewing the mine plan with the objective of compiling the most economically robust plan possible, given the uncertain outlook for metal prices at that time.

The revision to the mine plan has now been completed. The new, 20-month plan incorporates several areas of optimization primarily through the use of lower cost, open stoping mining methods. The use of open stoping mining methods also significantly reduces the amount of underground development required to open up the target mineralized areas. Additionally, the mine plan now accesses the high-grade areas of the Southeast zone earlier than was previously anticipated.

Under the new mine plan, some 800,000 tonnes of material at an average grade of 12% Zn, 1.6% Cu, 1.3% Pb, 230 g/t Ag and 3.2 g/t Au are mined between November 1, 2008 and June 30, 2010. The plan includes production of 30,000 tonnes per month (approximately 1,000 tonnes per day) from the North and West Extension zones during November and December 2008, ramping up to full production of 45,000 tonnes per month (1,500 tonnes per day) when mining in the Southeast zone gets underway in January 2009. Mining of the high-grade portion of the Southeast zone is scheduled to commence in February 2009, with average grades of 16.2% Zn, 2.3% Cu and 0.7% Pb expected to be mined during the month. Graphs showing the expected production under the plan will accompany this news release on the Company's website. A Technical Report on the new plan will be issued in 45 days.

Given the recent volatility in metal prices, the Company's near-term, primary objectives are to maximize cashflow and to minimize costs. The new mine plan outlined is designed with those objectives specifically in mind. In addition, Farallon is actively assessing options to increase production to the 2,000 - 2,200 tonnes per day level, as a means of further reducing the impact of fixed costs on the production of concentrates. These studies are ongoing and now form part of our operational optimization efforts.

Drilling activities continue to be focused exclusively underground and will remain so for the foreseeable future. The immediate focus is to delineate the resource base of the Company by underground drilling on closely-spaced drill patterns, thereby providing sufficient definition for detailed operations mine planning. Surface exploration has been indefinitely deferred until metal prices improve.

All engineering, procurement and construction management ("EPCM") activities on site were completed on October 31, 2008. Since then all remaining construction activities have taken over by Farallon's site team. As a result, contracting companies such as M3 Engineering and Technology Corporation ("M3", EPCM oversight) and Knight Piesold (tailings storage, water retention facility design and construction oversight) have demobilized, while Wabi Development Corporation's presence ("Wabi", manpower) has been reduced to a specialized raise-mining team. JDS Energy & Mining Inc. ("JDS", mine planning and expediting services), who played a key role in the development of the recent mine plan and directed operations underground during the development phase of the mine, will now only provide input on a consulting basis to our underground mining operations team.

The Company has now closed the books on the construction portion of the project and, once a full reconciliation of the project and cost accounts has been made, a final project capital spending estimate will be announced. In the meantime, all contracts are being closed out and all local contractors are also being demobilised. An increase in the capital estimate is expected; however, the increase is anticipated to be within 5 - 10% of the previous estimate of $139 million.

In tandem with optimizing its mine plan, the Company has also been actively assessing and implementing cost reduction measures at site and in its corporate offices in order to conserve capital. Payments for concentrate shipments were initiated during October 2008. These payments will supplement working capital moving forward; however, operations are currently in a high cost mode due to the underground development in the mine required to access the initial mineralized zones to be mined, along with the high cost of commissioning the mill. Coupled with the dramatic fall in price of the Company's prime products during the last month, the ability of the Company to operate profitably on a continuous basis is under constant review. At the current time the Company believes that it can continue to operate, even at current metal prices.

Dick Whittington said: "Construction activities at the site are now winding down and I would like to thank M3, Knight Piesold, Wabi and JDS for their considerable efforts to complete these activities over the past year. In particular, I would like to thank Stephen Godden of S. Godden & Associates Ltd. for his key role in the production of the new mine plan. We have an excellent mine plan and are completely committed to its effective implementation. The Farallon team has assumed full responsibility for operations moving forward, which under current market conditions is particularly challenging. However, we have an excellent asset below ground and a first class asset above ground and we remain fully focused on maximizing their value over the coming months."

Stephen Godden, C.Eng, FIMMM, an independent qualified person who is supervising mine planning on behalf of the Company, has reviewed the information concerning the mine plan in this news release.

Note: No Mineral Reserves have yet been defined for the G-9 deposit, although a minimum cut-off Net Smelter Return (NSR) value has been defined for purposes of mine planning and scheduling. Readers are referred to the Company's news release of March 17, 2008 for details of the Measured, Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resources applicable to G-9.

J.R.H. (Dick) Whittington
President and CEO

No regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information
contained in this news release.

Forward Looking Information

This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements." All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, that address future production, reserve or resource potential, continuity of mineralization, exploration drilling, operational activities, production rates, costs to completion and events or developments that the Company expects are forward-looking statements. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in such forward looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in the forward looking statements and may require achievement of a number of operational, technical, economic and legal objectives. The likelihood of continued future mining at Campo Morado is subject to a large number of risks, including obtaining lower than expected grades and quantities of mineralization and resources, lower than expected mill recovery rates and mining rates, changes in and the effect of government policies with respect to mineral exploration and exploitation, the possibility of local disputes including blockades of the company's property, the possibility of adverse developments in the financial markets generally, fluctuations in the prices of zinc, gold, silver, copper and lead, obtaining additional mining and construction permits, preparation of all necessary engineering for ongoing underground and processing facilities as well as receipt of additional financing to fund mine construction, development and operation, if needed. Such funding may not be available to the Company on acceptable terms or on any terms at all. There is no known ore at Campo Morado and there is no assurance that the mineralization at Campo Morado will ever be classified as ore. For more information on the Company and the risk factors inherent in its business, investors should review the Company's Annual Information Form at www.sedar.com and the Company's annual report on Form 20-F at www.sec.gov.

For further information

on Farallon Resources Ltd., please visit the Company's website at www.farallonresources.com or contact Investor Services at (604) 684-6365 or within North America at 1-800-667-2114

Silver is king, Go Gold !

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MessageDes nouvelles de la production
par g.sandro Dim 25 Jan 2009 - 5:02

Des nouvelles de la production


On notera que les 76.4 millions de warrants arrivés à échéance (sans éxé du coup vu les cours pitoyables) auront un fort effet relutif , ce qi n'est pas un luxe si l'on se remémore le prix auquel a été concédée la derniere AK en date.

Bref, pas de bad news... c'est déjà pas mal dans un contexte calamiteux...

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageHermiston encore débouté Hermiston
par g.sandro Mar 10 Fév 2009 - 1:49

Mexican Prosecutor Rules On Criminal Misconduct Case Finds No Grounds For
Prosecution - Case Is Closed

February 9, 2009 - Vancouver, BC - Farallon
Resources Ltd. ("Farallon" or the "Company") (TSX: FAN) announces that the
Prosecutor General's Office in Hermosillo, Sonora State, Mexico has issued a
ruling, reaffirming a previous ruling dated October 15, 2007 (see News Release
dated November 6, 2007) finding no evidence of any criminal misconduct in a
complaint filed by David L. Hermiston in 1999. The ruling re-states that there
are no grounds whatsoever for criminal prosecution against Farallon or any of
its Directors in the matter.
On December 15, 2008, the Second Collegial
Tribunal for Criminal and Administrative Matters for the Fifth Circuit sitting
in Hermosillo, Sonora entered judgment on the Criminal Review Constitutional
Relief [Amparo] Petition filed by David Leslie Hermiston Chester, identified
with case file Number 287/2008, against the decision entered by the Third
District Judge sitting in the same city in which: i) the amparo suit is
dismissed; and ii) relief and protection of federal justice against the acts of
the Assistant Prosecutor for Process Control in the Attorney General's Office
for the State of Sonora is denied.
To view this news release in its entirety,
please click on the link below or copy and past it into your web browser.

you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us as provided

Best Regards,
Neil MacRae
Investor Relations
Farallon Resources



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MessageEncore une AK de 10M$
par g.sandro Sam 14 Fév 2009 - 11:31

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par marie Ven 24 Avr 2009 - 0:17

©️ Marie
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MessageOperating And Financial Results EXPANSION G-9 UNDERWAY Nov 16 2009
par g.sandro Lun 16 Nov 2009 - 19:14

Mon Nov 16, 2009
Farallon Announces Third Quarter Operating And Financial Results



November 16, 2009, Vancouver, BC - Dick Whittington, President and CEO of Farallon Mining Ltd. ("Farallon" or the "Company") (TSX:FAN) is pleased to announce the quarterly operating and financial results for the Company for the three months ending September 30, 2009 and to provide a G-9 mill update.

This news release should be read in conjunction with the Company's financial statements and MD&A, which are available on SEDAR. Currency is United States dollars unless otherwise indicated. Farallon will hold a conference call tomorrow, Tuesday November 17th, at 8:00 am Pacific time (11:00 am Eastern) to discuss these results. Call-in details are provided at the end of this release.

The Company generated cash flow from operations of $0.3 million and a loss for the period of $0.6 million. Production included zinc contained in zinc concentrates of 22.1 million pounds, copper in copper concentrate of 1.8 million pounds and additional by-product silver and gold. The total cash cost1 including transportation, treatment and refining charges and by-product credits, was $0.45/lb of payable zinc.

In addition, the Company's Board of Directors has approved capital expenditure of $5.3 million to proceed with a mill expansion to increase production at the G-9 mine from 1,500 tonnes per day ("tpd") to 2,000 tpd. The Company has engaged Axxent Engineering for engineering, procurement and construction management services related to the project which is expected to be complete by July 2010.

President and CEO Dick Whittington said "The third quarter was an exciting period for the Company in which underground development activity at the mining operations at G-9 were completed. We are now producing high-grade ore at over 1,500 tpd on a consistent basis. As well, many initiatives were undertaken in the milling operations that allowed us to exceed our design throughput rates in the mill during the month of October, operating at an average rate of 1,600 tpd. These initiatives have us well placed to capitalize on strong base metal prices during the fourth quarter, and the initiation of the mill expansion project will further enhance our position as a low-cost zinc producer. We are also very enthusiastic about the resumption of exploration drilling on the property".

Financial and operational highlights for the three months ended September 30, 2009 ("Q3" or "the period") compared to the three months ended June 30, 2009 ("Q2") are as follows:

Loss of $0.6 million, down from a loss of $8.0 million for Q2.
Cash flow from operations of $0.3 million, up from cash used of $0.4 million in Q2.
Gross profit of $2.9 million, down from $5.7 million in Q2.
Production of 20,462 tonnes of zinc concentrate and 4,894 tonnes of copper concentrate containing an estimated 22.1 million pounds of zinc, 1.8 million pounds of copper, 301,202 ounces of silver and 3,355 ounces of gold from the G-9 mine. Zinc and copper production was up from 21.3 million pounds and 1.7 million pounds, respectively, in Q2.
Processed 117,318 tonnes of ore with a grade of 10.8% zinc, 1.5% copper, 203 g/t silver and 2.7 g/t gold. Production was up from 114,644 tonnes of ore in Q2.
Sold approximately 27,004 dry metric tonnes of zinc concentrate averaging 51% zinc, 5,947 dry metric tonnes of copper concentrate averaging 15% copper and 2,234 tonnes of lead concentrate averaging 20% lead. Sales were up from 25,750 tonnes of zinc concentrate, 2,310 tonnes of copper concentrate and zero lead concentrate in Q2.
Subsequent to the quarter end, the Company:

Exceeded design throughput rates in the mill during the month of October, processing approximately 49,600 tonnes of ore (1,600 tpd or 107% of design).
Closed a bought-deal equity financing with net proceeds of approximately $10.2 million, increasing cash on-hand to approximately $22.5 million as at November 1, 2009.
Initiated a Mill Expansion Project to 2,000 tpd with anticipated capital cost of $5.3 million and completion by July 2010.
Re-started exploration drilling at Campo Morado with two surface drills and one underground drill operational.
G-9 Operations

During the period, mining continued in the high-grade Southeast zone as well as the North zone and West Extension. Development activity was completed in the Southeast zone opening up access to the area from the south and the east and there are currently thirteen open mining faces at G-9, nine of which are in the Southeast zone. As well, an ore pass was completed at the end of the quarter, significantly improving the efficiency of ore hauling from the Southeast zone to the mill. Cemented rock backfilling was initiated during the period in the lower portion of the North zone to allow for mining of high-grade pillars.

In the mill, the design capacity of 1,500 tonnes per day was achieved for extended periods of time during Q3. However, mill availability was lower than design leading to production rates averaging 1,270 tonnes per day, compared to 1,260 tonnes per day in Q2. At the same time, enhanced maintenance programs were implemented in the quarter and various capital projects were undertaken to improve availability and throughput. As a result, during the month of October 2009, the mill processed approximately 49,600 tonnes of ore or an average of 1,600 tonnes per day (107% of design).

Metallurgy continues to be a key focus for the operations. As a result, zinc recovery has improved to 79% in Q3 from 77% in Q2. This trend has continued into the fourth quarter with average zinc recovery of 83% during the month of October. Copper recovery was 46% in Q3, down from 55% in Q2; however, continued improvements were observed into the fourth quarter with an average copper recovery of 55% in October. During the third quarter, the Company did not produce lead concentrate and continued not to do so into the fourth quarter.

During the period, the Company formed a Technical Support Team to assist in improving metallurgical recovery in the milling operations. The team includes 24 hour metallurgical coverage at the mill site as well as off-site metallurgical test work support. Continued enhancements are expected to improve zinc and copper recovery to 85% and 75%, respectively, during the fourth quarter. Changes to mill management have also strengthened mill operating performance.

Key operating and sales metrics for the three and nine months ended September 30, 2009 are shown in the attached table.

Mill Expansion Project

The Company's Board of Directors has approved a project to expand the existing milling operations from 1,500 tpd to 2,000 tpd. Axxent Engineering has been engaged to provide engineering, procurement and construction management services for the project. Capital cost is anticipated to be approximately $5.3 million and the project is expected to be complete by July 2010.

The Company expects to fund the project from current cash on hand and cash flow generated by operations.

Exploration Program

As announced on October 8, 2009 exploration drilling was re-started at Campo Morado. Exploration early in calendar 2008 both substantiated the geological model and showed potential for increasing the size of the G-9 deposit and for further G-9 type discoveries. Surface exploration drilling was suspended in August 2008 while the Company completed construction, commissioning and brought G-9 to commercial production and also dealt with challenges of the downturn caused by the global credit crisis.

The objectives of the exploration program are, as follows:

Increase resources in and around the G-9 deposit.
Investigate known Abajo horizon targets to the north of G-9.
Test previously untested gravity anomalies to the South of the San Raphael fault for stringer or sulphide zones that would indicate the potential for another G-9-style deposit.
It is expected that exploration drilling will continue for the remainder of 2009 and through 2010.

Financial Results

The Company reported a loss of $0.6 million in Q3, down from a loss of $8.0 million in Q2. Expenses declined to $0.5 million in Q3 from $9.5 million in Q2 primarily due to a $5.8 million change in non-realized foreign exchange loss/gain. As well, interest costs, head office costs and stock-based compensation expenses all declined in Q3 compared to Q2. Before expenses, the Company reported an operating loss of $0.1 million in Q3, down from an operating profit of $1.4 million in Q2 despite depreciation charges declining to $3.0 million in Q2 from $4.3 million in Q2. The decline in operating profit was due to a reduced gross profit of $2.9 million in Q3 from $5.7 million in Q2.

The gross profit in Q3 was lower than Q2 due to three factors:

A portion of the concentrate sold, including all of the lead concentrate sales, in Q3 was from inventory from earlier stages of production and commissioning and, as such, carried a higher cost of sales. The higher cost concentrate from inventory has now all been sold and concentrate inventory consisted of less than one month's production at September 30, 2009, all of which was produced in Q3.
Higher concentrate treatment charges were incurred in Q3 as a result of strengthening zinc prices. The Company's zinc concentrate off-take agreement includes price participation with a basis zinc price of $1,300 per metric tonne for the balance of 2009 and then reverts to a basis zinc price of $2,000 per metric tonne for 2010.
The Q2 cost of sales were reduced due to a reclassification of depreciation from the first quarter of 2009 as the Company made the transition from commissioning to commercial operations.
The total cash costs1 were $0.45/lb paid zinc for Q3, up from $0.39/lb paid zinc in Q2. The smelter treatment charges increased to $0.35/lb paid zinc in Q3 from $0.24/lb in Q2 due to increased price participation as a result of rising zinc prices. This trend continued over the quarter with smelter treatment charges of $0.37/lb in September. However, improved metal prices for by-product credits and improved copper and silver recovery during the quarter have led to a decline in cash costs month-on-month. With increased production, unit costs are expected to further decline in the fourth quarter.

The Company had $11.0 million in cash on hand at September 30, 2009. Working capital was $9.6 million after the inclusion of the $2.5 million current portion of the Credit Suisse long-term debt as a current liability. Principal payments on the debt are scheduled to begin in June 2010. Subsequent to the quarter-end, the Company continued to strengthen its balance sheet by closing a bought-deal financing which increased cash on-hand to approximately $22.5 million at November 1, 2009.

(1) See "Non-GAAP Financial Measures" on pg.15 in September 30, 2009 MD&A for more information.
(2) These are provisional assays, subject to finalization.
DMT means Dry Metric Tonnes

The conference call can be accessed by telephone at the following numbers (416) 644-3426 or the toll-free number (800) 731-5319. A live webcast will also be available at www.farallonmining.com. The replay of the conference call will be on the website after the call is completed.

Farallon's G-9 zinc, copper, silver, gold and lead mine at the Campo Morado Property in Mexico reached commercial production in April 2009. The Company is targeting to produce at an annualized production rate of 120 million pounds of zinc and 15 million pounds of copper per year.

For further details on Farallon Mining Ltd., please visit the Company's website at www.farallonmining.com or
contact Neil MacRae, Investor Relations Manager, at (604) 638-2160 or within North America at 1-877-688-2050.

J.R.H. (Dick) Whittington
President & CEO

Silver is king, Go Gold !

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MessageFarallon announces new gold zones at G-9
par g.sandro Mer 21 Avr 2010 - 16:41

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par g.sandro Mer 30 Juin 2010 - 3:09

Approximately One Million Ounces of Gold in Indicated Resources
Studies to
Target Building a Second Mine By July 1, 2013

June 29, 2010, Vancouver,
BC Farallon Mining Ltd. (“Farallon” or the “Company”) (TSX:FAN) announces that
as a result of the recent rapid rise in gold prices, the Company is formally
initiating studies to re-evaluate the Reforma, Naranjo, El Largo and El Rey
deposits to assess the feasibility of building a second mine at Campo Morado,
with a target start date of July 1, 2013. The Company already has one operation
at Campo Morado - the G-9 mine - currently operating at 20 - 30% above design
capacity. The second mine would piggy back on infrastructure already in place
and be "incremental" to the current G-9 mine operation.

resources for the Reforma, El Rey, Naranjo and El Largo deposits total 11.2
million tonnes of 4.7% zinc, 0.7% copper, 1.4% lead, 165 grams per tonne of
silver and 2.7 grams per tonne of gold (see news release dated September 19,
2005 and Table 1 attached). Contained gold totals 960,000 ounces and contained
silver totals 60 million ounces. A map showing the location of these deposits,
relative to the Company's operating G-9 mine is attached. The Company ceased
evaluation of these deposits in late 2005 after the richness of the G-9 deposit
became apparent, and since that time has been exclusively focused on building
the G-9 mine and ramping it up to full production, which was achieved in the
fourth quarter oflast year…

To view this news release in its entirety,
please click on the link below or copy and past it into your web


further details on Farallon, please visit the Company's website at www.farallonmining.com or contact Neil
MacRae, Investor Relations Manager, at (604) 638-2160 or within North America at

Best Regards,
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MessageFAN encore...
par thelo Ven 9 Juil 2010 - 17:38


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MessageNews Farallon, nouveau gisement ZINC matez tableau des teneurs
par g.sandro Ven 22 Oct 2010 - 3:51

News Farallon, nouveau gisement ZINC et Cuivre, mais matez bien le tableau des teneurs; notamment celles des autres métaux...chappo

6 Metres of 15% Zinc and 20 Metres of 7.6% Zinc included in new zone
Other promising intercepts made to the East of current mine workings

October 20, 2010, Vancouver, BC – Farallon Mining Ltd. (“Farallon” or the “Company”) (TSX:FAN) announces the discovery of a new zone of zinc rich, polymetallic, sulphides at its G-9 mine in Guerrero State, Mexico. The new zone, which has been confirmed by several drill holes, drilled from underground, is both significant for its size and location. This discovery is the result of an extensive underground drill program designed to specifically target nearby areas for new discoveries, in line with traditional polymetallic deposit formational geology and consistent with the Company's business model.

A table of intercepts is attached, along with various maps and sections to illustrate the relative location of the new zone to current mine workings. The zone is up to 30 metres thick and is 100 metres in length and is open in two directions - east and west. It is 60 metres below the current mine workings in the West Extension and North zones (more specifically, mining Area 7). The current estimate of the volume outlined by drilling so far is approximately 200,000 cubic metres. Highlights of intersections within this volume include 6 metres of 14.9% zinc and 20 metres of 7.6% zinc, showing that the new zone has both the potential for excellent grade and significant volume.

Additionally, a new lens has been discovered to the east of the Southeast zone and beyond current mine workings. This lens has also been confirmed by several underground drill holes and is open to the east, with grades increasing as drilling progresses further to the east. The lens is also at a lower stratigraphic horizon from the Southeast zone and includes intercepts of 3.2 metres of 16.2% zinc and 2.5% copper

To view this news release in its entirety, please click on the link below or copy and paste it into your web browser.

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Fan /Si vous voulez de la junior et de la value...
par wallie Jeu 11 Nov 2010 - 18:19

est ce qu'on va enfin se tirer d'affaire de cet achat à total contretemps? on a le doigt sur la gâchette...




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par Contenu sponsorisé 

   Contenu sponsorisé


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