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présentation du DVD Gold rush 21

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Messageprésentation du DVD Gold rush 21
par marie Sam 24 Déc 2005 - 12:51


présentation du DVD Gold rush 21 GR21Banner

clikez ..ça vaut le coup d'oeil !!!

Speaking of Chris, he put out the following GATA dispatch this morning, which I circulated. We will have more on ordering the DVD in early January, as we are ironing out the online details to do so.

I would like to stress that the purpose of the short trailer is to create excitement over the DVD, and then, in turn, for its excitement to stimulate viewers to listen to the speeches in toto. GATA believes that if investors listen to these speeches to fully comprehend what The Gold Cartel has done, they will quickly realize why the price of gold is going to SOAR in the years to come. We are talking about $2,000 to $5,000 per ounce … not exactly chump change.

As is, gold has already rallied around $67 since Gold Rush 21, despite oil dropping $9 per barrel and the dollar rallying from 87 to 90 and change.

1:56a ET Friday, December 23, 2005
Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

The video of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee's Gold Rush 21 conference last August in Dawson City, Yukon Territory, Canada, was completed today by its producer, Trevor Johnston, and sent to the DVD factory for mass manufacture. The video's premiere will be at the Vancouver Resource Investment Conference January 22 and 23:


In the meantime, you can view the DVD cover here:


And you can view brief excerpts from the DVD, a real Hollywood-style movie trailer, here:


The DVD contains a 25-minute summary of the conference proceedings, outlining the gold price suppression scheme of the central banks and their accomplices, the bullion banks. The DVD also contains a complete archive of all the major presentations at Gold Rush 21. The only thing missing from the DVD is Charlize Theron, but it's so good that we don't really need her.

The DVD will go on sale via the Internet immediately after the premiere in Vancouver.

Details about that will be announced shortly. GATA is confident that the DVD will have a powerful impact on the gold market and other markets. We're also hopeful that it will either break the gold price suppression scheme or drive the central banks and their accomplices into the open, where their tactics will become prohibitively destructive.

Please try to join us in Vancouver. Gold's day is here.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

cette info est tellement importante que nous avons décidé de mettre une banniére en portail..

pour visionner les extraits de ce DVD , il vous faudra avoir le logiciel quick time ..

enjoy and order ! soleil

©️ Marie
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présentation du DVD Gold rush 21 Sign-m10

Dernière édition par le Sam 4 Mar 2006 - 3:13, édité 2 fois




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MessageRe: présentation du DVD Gold rush 21
par marie Ven 20 Jan 2006 - 23:33

complément d'info sur ce DVD chez Hommelberg lion


©️ Marie
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MessageRe: présentation du DVD Gold rush 21
par g.sandro Ven 20 Jan 2006 - 23:54

Je ne parviens pas à piger quoi faire de son lien dont real player ne sait qu faire

<script src="http://www.robtv.com/video/js/player.js"></script>

pour écouter les 36 minutes

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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présentation du DVD Gold rush 21 2wecua10




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MessageRe: présentation du DVD Gold rush 21
par marie Sam 21 Jan 2006 - 0:10

sur le § John Embry tu es renvoyé sur ce lien


Citation :

Corporate Streaming Video Clip

Created for: Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee

Air Date:Wednesday, January 10, 2006
Show / Segment Title:Market Call with Jim O'Connell / Junior Gold and Mining Companies (and precious metals)
Guest:John Embry, chief investment strategist, Sprott Asset Management

Instructions: In your browser, Select View, then select Source Code to view the java script for the play button. To play the interview, click on the link below. You may want to change your preference once the window is open - to either Windows High or Windows Low.

In order for the video to play, you must insert the following in the Head Tag of the page on which you are displaying Report on Business Television video assets:
<script src="http://www.robtv.com/video/js/player.js"></script>

Click here to preview: PLAY

en clikant sur PLAY , j'ai directement acces à la vidéo sans avoir besoin du script que tu indiques .. as tu cliqué à cet endroit?

en clikant sur les propriétes de la video .. je constate que c'est le logiciel ( gratuit ) windows media qui me permet l'acces ..

©️ Marie
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MessageRe: présentation du DVD Gold rush 21
par marie Ven 26 Jan 2007 - 1:45

pour plus de facilité de visionnage , cette vidéo est désormais disponible sur youtube

vous ne regretterez pas votre clic ! Wink


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