Ca ressemble bcp à l'intro du N°0 DE LETTRES D'OR 1997
Le lien pour comparer est en bas de portail, je le reposte pour les distraits: et la suite pour ceux qui n'auraient pas encore lu ce que je prêchais en 97 et 98 STRAW INTO GOLD
Where is Rumpelstiltskin today?
By Michael Willey - Copyright 2006
We would have to go back an extremely long way to find a world without physical gold and it is going to be part of our lives far into the future. It is the king of metals that has forever held a fascination for mankind in religious artefacts, in jewellery and as a medium of exchange or money. It is very malleable, very heavy but also very light in the form of gold leaf. The chances of us physically spinning it from straw are extremely slim. In the fairy tale of Rumpelstiltskin, who spins gold from straw, it was only when his name and whereabouts were discovered that he lost his power to control events.
For centuries the rarity of gold has provided the stable base for paper currencies against which it was redeemable. The Crusaders, from all over Europe, were able to deposit gold with the Knights Templars and then journey to the Holy Land without fear of being robbed and in this way the first form of traveller’s cheques were created. The Templars became the first bankers in the modern sense. Before this time actual metals were used; taxes were collected in gold or silver, soldiers were paid with it and king’s ransoms were met using chests of gold. Spain and Britain grew rich from the gold stolen from Central and South America. The Incas and Mayans had mined this metal, giving it no monetary significance but were aware of its special qualities and used it for religious reasons. They were among the few societies that have managed to operate without using money. In 1816 gold became the only form of legal tender in Great Britain and throughout much of the world. Napoleon’s defeat in Europe lead to the founding of the big banks – particularly that of the Rothschild family – which are still going today and actually control the American Federal Reserve (which is not government owned!). We may recall what happened in Faust when Mephistopheles suggested that the Emperor print paper money.
Such paper wealth, replacing pearls or gold,
Is practical; you know just what you hold;
No need to seek exchange or market first. br> With wine, with love, you slake your noble thirst,
If coin you want, the broker is at hand,
Or failing him you dig a piece of land.
… and for a while in this mythical land with thousands of the ‘magic notes’ fluttering around, everyone in the country became rich. The silent movie star, Charlie Chaplin also suggested that the cure for poverty was to print more money and Mr. Bernake, the current Chairman of the US Federal Reserve, famously suggested dropping dollars from helicopters if necessary.
......Then to the end......
In this world of international ‘free’ markets it is surprising just how many cartels manage to operate and manipulate prices. We all know of the oil cartel, but there are also cartels for coffee, tea, etc.
The Gold Anti-Trust Action (GATA) organization has been actively looking at the world gold market and tries to supply facts and figures to substantiate its claims of manipulation by a gold cartel that it maintains has been operating for years. For this to be true, with a metal that trades 24 hours a day round the world, the people doing any manipulating of price would have to be very big companies working together, perhaps with the collusion of governments. There are ‘futures’ trading offices where this could be made possible and no physical gold actually need change hands.2
I am aware that I have just given a very sketchy and amateurish introduction to an enormous subject and may have created far more questions than answers. Steiner was keen that money should not become a commodity, nor should it be used to purchase human labour. He also valued highly the importance of ‘gift money’ in the economic cycle. The task of money, in whatever form, is to help us to promote Brotherhood in the exchange of goods and services. The spinning of such thoughts into new perceptions can transform our understanding and influence our bearing.
*(where GATA is mentioned again)*
2. Readers might notice that the subjects of a gold cartel and gold leasing are rarely if ever mentioned in the mainstream media. There are web sites to which one can go to delve into the mystery further, of course they attract a lot of conspiracy theorists, but there are some very serious people out there too. Try GATA, who have been looking into this very thoroughly and have done their best to come up with facts and figures. Their findings have recently been partly substantiated by the French bank, Crédit Agricole.
J. W. Goethe’s Faust.
Rudolf Steiner, World Economy. Rudolf Steiner Press.
Terry Boardman, Mapping the Millennium. Temple Lodge
Press 1998.
Dr Renate Riemeck, Mitteleuropa. Die Kommenden,
Freiburg, 1977.
Michael Willey is not an economist. He lives in France and enjoys a good mystery.
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