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Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006

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MessageWashington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006
par marie Dim 1 Oct 2006 - 18:07

Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006 Gogoldsablevert859pixft7

ventes d'or des banques centrales européennes, signataires du WAG - washington agreement, le bilan pour l'exercice septembre 2005-septembre 2006

1eme année de reconduction du 1er WAG signé en 1999 pour 5 ans / wag 2-1ere année

le washington agreement 2005-2006 a pris fin le 26 septembre 2006
sur le quota de vente de 500 T d'or , seules 400 à 420 tonnes ont été vendues

en dépit des ventes observées ces 2 derniers mois , et qui ont eu l'effet que vous connaissez .. Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006 Valorani , il semble bel et bien que les BC souhaitent de moins en moins vendre de l'or..



un aperçu du timing des ventes or depuis avril dernier ( source world gold council )

avril : 25.5 T
mai :74.5 T
juin :3.2 T
juillet: 28 T
aout :22 T

sept 78.3 T

reste inconnu du 22 au 26 sept

à noter , c'est le Portugal qui a ete le plus gros vendeur d'or pour cette fin de wag 2 avec 34.9Tonnes d'or vendues ces 2.5 derniers mois ..

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Dernière édition par marie le Jeu 6 Oct 2011 - 18:27, édité 9 fois




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MessageRe: Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006
par marie Jeu 5 Oct 2006 - 3:27

la suite des ventes wag 2 :
2.3 tonnes vendues du 22 au 26 sept soit un total de 400T seulement sur l'année entiere ..

qui est donc à votre avis le vendeur effréné qui a engendré le sell off que nous connaissons now?? puisque ce n'est pas la BCE et ses banques captives ?

source midas

How coincidental that gold is bombed following Paulson’s closed door meeting with the leadership on Planet Wall Street!

How coincidental gold is bombed following the bombshell Foley and Woodward revelations which has the Bush Administration in all out panic!

How coincidental that Barrick Gold extended its bid for Nova Gold until October 14. The gold shares are falling apart as the share price of Nova G gradually moves towards Barrick’s bid of $14.50.... although, Nova G put in an impressive outside day key reversal to the upside, finishing UP 65 cents to $15.75. A case of the best laid plans gone awry? Let's hope so.

All of the above is pertinent, but "the concrete evidence" is what nails it. That evidence was the announcement today that the ECB ONLY SOLD 2.3 tonnes of gold in the final week under the terms of the Washington Agreement for the calendar year Sep 26/05 thru Sep 26/06. This only brought the total up to 400 tonnes

This is a big deal because numerous banks such as UBS and Barclays have reported HUGE central bank selling around the Fix for some time now. These banks all suggested it was massive selling of gold by the European banks to fill their quotas of that agreement. For many weeks now it was my contention the selling was more likely The Gold Cartel. This latest report reveals that GATA IS CORRECT. There is no other explanation for this enormous selling to knock gold down … ahead of the US elections. (More on this in gold goodies below).

The motive is the same as always. The ferociousness of the selling by the cabal is remarkable. As mentioned for months, Paulson doesn’t care how it looks, in his typical, arrogant Goldman Sachs style. He wants interest rates down and the stock market up for the elections.



si les BC signataires du wag sont de moins en moins désireuses de brader leurs stocks ,

- c'est une nouvelle extra bullish pour le gold ( à un point tel que GFMS vient de faire un communiqué de presse sur ce sujet ( réfutant leur commentaire précédent )

- et surtout ça signifie que le cartel , s'il veut continuer à controler gold market , devra utiliser l'or des usa ou celui du fmi .. et ça ça va pas etre évident !

The news about the lack of European central bank selling SHOULD stun the gold world, for the reasons mentioned above. We know it was dramatic enough for GFMS to put out a press release. As mentioned, it reveals, as per the mainstream gold world, more of a willingness by the central banks to hold on to what they have left.

This means to keep the price of gold suppressed, it is up to The Gold Cartel and US, or IMF, gold supply. That is going to become more and more difficult for them to do. They are gradually running out.

I see gold up $5 and change in the Access Market after the revelation by the ECB. The worst should be over for gold and silver with the odds favoring that today represented climax selling. Perhaps that is what the HUI action is telling us.



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MessageRe: Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006
par marie Jeu 5 Oct 2006 - 22:45

et voila que barclays , membre bien connu du cartel , prétend que la BDF elle même a vendu les 100 T manquantes , en se cachant de la BCE ...

quelle farce !! r.ire


voir les propos totalement différents tenus par Axel Weber , président de la BUBA

Bundesbank's Weber Comments on Central Bank Gold Reserves
2006-10-05 10:00 (New York)

By Simon Kennedy
Oct. 5 (Bloomberg) -- Bundesbank President Axel Weber comments on the central bank's plans for its gold reserves. Weber, who didn't comment on monetary policy, was speaking to reporters in Paris.

``We are not envisaging gold sales for the third year'' of the current agreement with other central banks, Weber said. ``We have been asked to negotiate with other central banks'' about potential swap deals involving gold. He refused to discuss which central banks may be interested

en clair , d'une part il ne s'agit pas d'or mais de swaps , cad de prets ( non comptabilisés ds les réserves des BC ) , ce qui signifie qu'il y a bien un pb de quantité disponible réelle ...
mais de plus , la buba précise qu'elle a refusé ces swaps et qu'elle n'entend RIEN vendre pour wag 3 !

et qui à votre avis voulait emprunter de l'or aux allemands , sinon le tresor us et le cartel?

il est fort probable que les autres BC sollicitées aient refusé ... tout comme la buba ...

mais le bouquet final de cette affaire est que barclays reconnait officiellement la pratique de swaps , pratique que le gata avait découvert et dénoncé et qui a tjs été b niée par le cartel .. y compris ce même barclays ! r.ire

en tout etat de cause

Citation :
Bill Murphy , le métropole café

What this suggests is The Gold Cartel crowd is running out of enough available physical supply to keep the price down for extended periods of times. Yes, they can bomb both markets with derivatives and a tranche of gold and silver physical here and there, but they don’t have enough sustained supply to keep the prices down. Demand is just too strong. They must retreat and attack again, using every trick in the book to win the day for a few weeks or months.

A specific example of this was offered to us by the Bundesbank’s Weber, who just admitted some central banks were looking to swap gold with his bank to bomb the market. He refused. Others are probably refusing too. Thus, IMO, we are coming closer to the day (either the weeks before or after the US elections) in which the prices of gold and silver go bonkers, as the bad guys are forced to retreat for many months to come … at least until gold and silver make multi-year highs.

The day is going on. Gold just fell $4. Oh I see. As soon as the PM Fix of $573.30 concluded, The Gold Cartel forces, Paulson’s Platoon, went into action. ANOTHER SAME PATTERN.

Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006 Testaigleflecheorvaults1500qa1

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Dernière édition par le Mer 8 Nov 2006 - 2:35, édité 1 fois




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MessageRe: Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006
par marie Sam 7 Oct 2006 - 2:45

Gata qui avait découvert l'arnaque des swaps ( prêts ) gold non comptabilisés ds les réserves des BC , évidemment ) depuis 2000, avait RAISON ...

et ça c'est à la fois barclays qui le reconnait ( la gaffe ... LOL ) et à la fois le président de la BUBA , qui le révéle au grand jour !

pour ceux qui n'auraient pas compris l'importance des attendus de la déclaration de Axel Weber , président de la BUBA.. confrontées aux rumeurs de barclays qui en disent tout aussi long ... pour qui sait décrypter ..

source midas

As far as I am concerned, the ridiculous mouthing off about the ECB bank’s total Washington Agreement gold sales, or lack thereof, is a bonanza for GATA. GATA said all along it was probably The Gold Cartel bombing the market these past many weeks. Barclays came right out and said (as did UBS) official sector gold was hitting the market in size, therefore, it must be of ECB member origin, as part of the gold they were allowed to sell under the agreement.

When it was reported it was not the ECB crowd, Barclays was forced to scramble for cover because they had put their foot in their mouth … so they have come with a French hallucination story. While GATA has accounted for this kind of surreptitious cabal selling for years, the mainstream gold world does not. This time they were caught with their pants down and ended up squealing like a bunch of wounded pigs.

As significant as the Barclays news was, the Bundesbank swap news was even bigger[/b], as the head of one of the European banks admitted he was asked to mobilized Germany’s gold via swap operations … the very same operations GATA has cited as one of the methodologies used to suppress the gold price. It is important to point out the mainstream gold world does not account for these operations in their supply/demand balances.

[b]Why so important? Because the GATA camp says The Gold Cartel is gradually running out of enough physical gold to carry out their operations. It is this swapped gold which is part of GATA’s evidence revealing central banks only have half of the 32,000 tonnes of gold they say they have in their vaults.
The difference is IT as far as us making money is concerned … the difference between fortune and tedium over the next half decade for gold investors. The Gold Cartel either has enough gold to bomb the market in the years to come, like they are now, or they don’t.

It seems to me that Weber’s comments about central banks coming to him for gold supply is a tip off that The Gold Cartel is desperate for supply. There may even be a LOT more to it than that. His "swaps" statement was extraordinary for a central banker. We also know there has been a major split in Germany about what to do with their gold. We know (see below) there is also a major pro-GATA faction in Germany as a result of articles published in Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung in 2000. It is possible that Weber’s statement was a deliberate effort to tip off the gold savvy people as to what was really going on out there in gold land. Why else would he offer such a comment?

Adrian sees it this way:

I noticed in today’s Midas what Weber said about gold swaps:

QUOTE ``We are not envisaging gold sales for the third year'' of the current agreement with other central banks, Weber said. ``We have been asked to negotiate with other central banks'' about potential swap deals involving gold. He refused to discuss which central banks may be interested. END

Notice that he does not say that they are negotiating with other CB’s, or that other CB’s have requested to negotiate swaps. He very clearly says "we have been asked to negotiate with other central banks". This begs the question - who asked them to negotiate swaps with other CB’s? The BIS?, the FED? The US Treasury?

This is tantamount to admitting manipulation of the gold market. Let’s not forget that the reason (supposedly) that the Washington Agreement was instigated was to limit Central Bank gold dishoarding so that they didn’t dishoard too rapidly and crater the gold market ( come on don’t laugh this is meant to be serious stuff!). So now we have a situation where the Central banks collectively do not want to sell up to the 500 tonnes limit. Shouldn’t this be fantastic news to the signatories of the WAG? Wasn’t this the intention of the accord? So why is the Bundesbank being asked to swap its gold so that someone else can sell it?

This is desperately trying to ENCOURAGE dishoarding of gold which is apparently contrary to the foundational agreement! Excuse me WAG signatories but your slip is showing! The true colors are being revealed that this was meant to be an agreement to make sure that 500 tonnes per year get sold. That is manipulation and price suppression. But they are clearly running out of ammo and Barclays is in panic mode.

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Dernière édition par le Sam 7 Oct 2006 - 21:12, édité 4 fois




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MessageRe: Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006
par g.sandro Sam 7 Oct 2006 - 3:07

Tu as bien fait de basculer ça en forum public, c'est très important en effet...

ça se précise...mais d'une force...!!! tchin

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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MessageRe: Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006
par marie Sam 7 Oct 2006 - 12:18

Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006 Testaigleflecheorgata500tb3

en résumé ... la main dans le sac ... eh oui ... fetes

plus on sera nombreux à le savoir.. ( et surtout à le faire savoir) et à en comprendre le mécanisme , plus vite cette sinistre farce cessera ...
car elle ne peut exister et perdurer que cachée et jamais révélée ... et ça justement c'est une des missions d'Hardin' .

et le marché libre ( le vrai celui la , pas celui des maffieux de W street et de la fed ) reprendra ses droits ..

le tout pour le plus gd bénéfice de ceux qui auront privilégié lucidité et clairvoyance , sans jamais tomber dans les piéges de la désinformation orchestrée par ces mêmes maffieux !
sous les palmiers cool palmiers bis

soleil soleil soleil

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MessageRe: Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006
par marie Lun 9 Oct 2006 - 23:24

SCOOP !!!!

Barclays dément à l'instant sa propre désinformation ( BDF aurait vendu les 100T manquantes )


Barclays says "Bank of France" is a misquote...
By Karl Heilman
06 Oct 2006 at 10:48 AM

Barclays Capital said that European banks sold an extra 100 tonnes of gold from reserves in a rush to meed a Sep 26 quota deadline, but had done so by selling through forward contracts that disguised the effect, sources report.

"We have been able to infer this from trading patterns. It has had a major impact on the markets," said Costanza Jacazio, the bank's gold expert. Barclays is one of the world's three top bullion traders.

Telegraph in the UK quoted Jacazio saying "We suspect that the Banque de France has been involved." However, Jacazio later told Resource Investor that this was a misquote and Barclays does not know the banks behind the sales.

misquote ? PTDR !!!! r.ire mdr r.ire mdr r.ire

comme dit plus haut, la réalité , c'est que le cartel est sérieusement à cours de munition , que les SWAPS sont révéles au grand jour et que barclays ne sait plus quoi inventer pour désinformer !

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MessageRe: Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006
par marie Mer 11 Oct 2006 - 17:32

The gold price suppression scheme is being found out

3:38p ET Friday, October 6, 2006

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

If you doubt that the central bank scheme to suppress the gold price as part of a policy of rigging currency and bond markets is starting to be found out, take a look at the headline on the Sydney Morning Herald's republication today of yesterday's London Telegraph story by Ambrose Evans-Pritchard about the latest central bank gold sales:


The headline in the Sydney Morning Herald reads: "Banks sneakily dump extra 100 tonnes of gold."

The Telegraph's own headline was only: "Bank of France blamed for gold selloff."

But "sneaky" was the word used in one of yesterday's GATA dispatches about the latest gold sales.

It looks like we're not the only ones to whom that word has occurred. And it looks like Australia is starting to figure out what has been going on.

The bad guys still have their power but they're getting found out, and their scheme, being one of deception, will lose its effectiveness the more it is found out.

Don't look now, but despite all the weeping and teeth gnashing on our side during the last few weeks, we're actually winning.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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Messageet le point sur les i de JC Trichet
par marie Mar 21 Nov 2006 - 2:34

le point sur les i de JC Trichet

by courtoisy of Midas

GATA scores again with this revelation:

SYDNEY, Nov 20 (Reuters) - Central bank gold agreement sales in the year to Sept. 26, 2006 were 395.75 tonnes versus a limit of 500 tonnes, the head of the Group of 10 top central bankers, Jean-Claude Trichet, said on Monday.


European bullion dealers and pundits pounded the table in August and September that the huge physical market selling had to be of Washington Agreement central bank origin. Our GATA camp suggested it probably was The Gold Cartel. Well if Trichet says it was not those W A signatories, then it had to be The Gold Cartel.

Will the Barclays type hypocrites ever admit they were wrong? No, but we know it is a big win for our camp.

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MessageRe: Washington agreement ,ventes or des banques centrales - sept2005 /sept 2006
par marie Ven 24 Nov 2006 - 22:08

puisque ce ne sont pas les BC signataires du WAG qui ont vendu le gold à cette période précise, de qui s'agit'il donc?
J.EMBRY note que
- durant cette période, de nbreuses réunions ont été tenues par Paulson
-D.Gartman , hedge fund bien connu et trés informé par le cartel avait vendu ses positions AU PREALABLE
- et enfin, qu'il pourrait bien s'agir de l'or du FMI, pas nécessairement vendu mais swappé ..

toujours est'il que ce genre de pratique, en l'abscence totale d'informations ( et au contraire de rumeurs inverses les + farfelues , n'est ce pas BARCLAYS ?) met en évidence, une fois de + la manipulation avérée

John Embry: Who's selling? Gold scene rife with intrigue
Submitted by cpowell on Fri, 2006-11-24 13:20. Section: Daily Dispatches
8:15a ET Friday, November 24, 2006

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:

In his latest commentary for Investor's Digest of Canada, Sprott Asset Management's chief investment strategist, John Embry, describes this fall's blatantly price-manipulating selling of gold and silver on the commodities exchanges. But he adds that this selling apparently has not come from the usual central bank sources in Europe. You can find Embry's commentary, "Who's Selling? Gold Scene Rife with Intrigue," at the Investor's Digest site here:


CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

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par Contenu sponsorisé 

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