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Chine - USA /1eres sanctions économiques des USA contre la chine

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MessageChine - USA /1eres sanctions économiques des USA contre la chine
par marie Sam 31 Mar 2007 - 22:04

cette nouvelle tombée jeudi 29 mars ...est de toute 1ere importance !

santions commerciales contre la chine ...les 1eres d'une longue série? à laquelle la chine va sans nulle doute répliquer à sa maniére ... en vendant du $

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Bush administration, facing heavy pressure to deal with soaring trade deficits, said Friday it is imposing economic sanctions against China to protect American paper producers from unfair Chinese government subsidies.

The action reverses 23 years of U.S. trade policy by treating China, which is classified as a nonmarket economy, in the same way that other U.S. trading partners are treated in disputes involving government subsidies.

The decision was announced by Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez.

"China's economy has developed to the point that we can add another trade remedy tool," Gutierrez said. "The China of today is not the China of years ago. Just as China has evolved, so has the range of our tools to make sure Americans are treated fairly."

commentaires midas

The action means that China's imports of glossy paper will be subjected to tariffs ranging from 10.9 percent up to 20.4 percent as a penalty for subsidies that the Chinese government is providing for its own companies. Those extra duties will be imposed immediately on a preliminary basis pending further review in coming months to set the final penalty margin…


Two comments from fellow Café members:

This is the most important news in a long time for the markets. Without worldwide cooperation, the blatant manipulation of all markets (precious metals, currencies, equities) could not be accomplished or would certainly be hindered. The retaliation by China could have a profound effect on prices in the near future as they are likely to sell some of their vast dollar holdings to make a point. It is interesting that the tariff announcement came a day after a horrible 5-year note auction which showed very little foreign interest. I believe we are starting to see some real resistance to American domination of world economic and political issues (Saudi statement about "illegal" Iraq occupation, refusal by India, UAE, etc to allow use of airfields for Iran strikes, etc.). The long anticipated removal of the dollar as the "world currency" (dollar hegemony) is sure to follow and may occur very fast with an extremely rapid decline in the dollar in the near future. Without world cooperation in the manipulation, we may finally see the proper response of the markets to the pathetic condition of our economy - full of enormous debt and deficits, rampant inflation, diminished manufacturing base and corrupt government and corporate leadership. Chuck.

Bill did you hear them ring the bell? Greenspan has been warning of recession. Last week the Fed announced that fighting inflation at the expense of crashing the housing market is not a desirable policy. It looks like the new strong dollar policy of the past 9 months has ended. The Fed’s balance sheet is showing the most rapid build up of treasury and agency securities ever. Somebody has bought $46 Billion in securities in the past month. If it is the Fed buying securities to keep the banking system liquid then the great monetization of our debt has started. Last week in a major reversal of the past 6 weeks Total Commercial Paper rose $58 Billion, which again would suggest a liquidity infusion not a credit crunch. Today the Bush administration announced a reversal in 20 year old trade policies basically asking the world to crash the US $. It appears the new policy is weak $ and monetization of the stock and bond markets. The march down the Weimar Republic path has begun; as a reminder in the Weimar Republic Gold went to infinity. Coincidentally, the major drop in open interest during April-June Gold rollover combined with the highest monthly option expiration of the entire move could be foreshadowing a major move in Gold. Be long or wrong.

dans la même veine, le commentaire de Sinclair

Big Smack Attack on China Ill Conceived

Author: Jim Sinclair

The "Sneak Attack China Tariff" is the "Event of this Week" - maybe this decade.

Nothing more important has happened in the gold picture than today’s out of the blue news concerning what could be the first shot into the bow of the Good Ship China by mind-challenged politicos inadvertently seeking national economic destruction via lack of economic understanding and adherence to buying their constituents support at any price.

Nothing speaks louder than the action of the dollar at the release of the news of the implementation of tariffs against Chinese goods.

There are powerful groups with vested interest in not seeing a collapse of the U.S. dollar who stepped into the dollar fray at the low, simultaneously using COT brokers to offer gold in a "Crameresque" way. The dollar steadied at a miserable and quite dangerous low (I see Dan Chart). That client of COT is the Exchange Stabilization Fund which is no fund but simply an account run by the president of the U.S.A. or the Secretary of the US Treasury or whomever they may appoint.

Powerful or not, the U.S. dollar is headed to what we shall call the "Lars Low" (see chart) as a minimum price objective.

When the history of the Great Gold Bull Market and the fall from grace of the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency is written, today will mark the final bullet into the body of the greenback before it fell off the cliff of acceptance.

The battle royal is far from over. Today's event should give you the courage to become an active 1/3 trader in the gold market itself, assuming you qualify to trade there.


©️ Marie
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