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GATA: BOFA arrête ses opé PMs

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MessageGATA: BOFA arrête ses opé PMs
par g.sandro Lun 29 Oct 2007 - 23:11

October 29 – Gold $788.60 up $5.10 - Silver $14.32 up 15 cents

COMMERCIAL SIGNAL FAILURE: DJ Bank Of America To Close Base, Precious Metals Desks


You heard it here first. The long awaited Commercial Signal Failure, specifically alluded to on Friday again, is surely upon us. Regard:

DJ Bank Of America To Close Base, Precious Metals Desks-Sources

10:42 BAC Bank of America plans to close its base and precious metals desks -- Dow Jones (47.89 -0.14)
The headlines indicate that BAC plans to wind down its metals operations in London following Q3 losses, citing sources.
* * * * *

=DJ Bank Of America To Close Base, Precious Metals Desks-Sources
By Andrea Hotter
LONDON (Dow Jones)--Bank of America (BAC) is to close its base and precious metals desks in London and New York as it starts to cull workers amid significant losses in the third quarter, sources close to the situation told Dow Jones Newswires Monday.

Five employees in London and New York are affected by the move. The London team comprises Tony Shaw in charge of base trading and sales and precious metals trader Mike Corbi. The New York-based team comprises Russell Lynch, Miguel Vias and Jim Maloney in precious metals trading.

The metals trading book will be wound down over the next couple of weeks, the sources said.

The move has surprised market participants as Bank of America's metals trading operations are just one year old and have seen revenues steadily improve each month. aaarf Sources said more workers are expected to come under scrutiny as a result of the subprime losses.

"The metals trading book will be wound down over the next couple of weeks, the sources said."

They will be trying to cover their shorts with gold on a rampage!
-By Andrea Hotter, Dow Jones Newswires; +44 (0)20 7842 9413;



PS: this Wall Street Journal reporter continues to disregard GATA and anything we have to say.

Midas has said that The Gold Cartel would continue to sell and sell, but other tagalongs would be forced to cover, which clearly is the case with the dummies at Bank Of America (I mean how bad can you get?). How can you be forced to closed down an operation on one of the easiest trades of all time, IF you know what GATA has know for many years now? Tell them to take out a Café subscription and get on the GATA email list.

Can you imagine closing down your stock operation because the DOW hit 14,000? non ! yeuxx en bille affraid fffuck bonnet d'âne pinochio r.ire aaarf

What fun! May there be many more. aaarf r.ire

Based on what the gold open interest is doing, there will be. It went up another 14,112 contracts to 519,336. The silver open interest is finally on the move too. It rose 2713 contracts to 129,211.

Adrian notes:

One further point on this that is very important. We have always said that the Cartel made a fortune because they KNEW what was going to happen in the gold market because they were rigging it. So how could a bank closely allied to the Cartel have huge losses in Q3? The answer: They have lost control of the market and it went against them!
I am licking my chops at the momment. na ! à table !


Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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GATA: BOFA arrête ses opé PMs 2wecua10




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MessageRe: GATA: BOFA arrête ses opé PMs
par marie Lun 29 Oct 2007 - 23:18

je viens de lire ça à l'instant , c'est énorme !

pour les anglophobes, je rajoute la traduction automatique, ici

©️ Marie
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GATA: BOFA arrête ses opé PMs Sign-m10




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MessageRe: GATA: BOFA arrête ses opé PMs
par marie Ven 25 Jan 2008 - 2:59

quelques mois plus tard , confirmation de ce qui avait été envisagé ..

fermeture des trading desk mat 1eres et NRJ, Londres de la Bank of America

LOL....sans doute quelques" tradeurs fraudeurs" - ( puisque c'est à la mode de désigner ainsi ce genre de contretemps ) en gold et silver? qui ont ruiné la baraque avec des puts gold/ silver ?
sinon ... pourquoi d'autre??
pour quelles raisons fermer uniquement ce type de trading desk?? ... on évoque des conditions de marché difficiles... et la je me marre ....OUI..sur ce secteur la .... c'est difficile d'étre du coté short ..
mais sur les autres secteurs, il faut comprendre que c'est sans pb d'etre long????
ces braves gens ne savent plus quoi raconter pour justifier leur débacle ...r.ire
et ce qui est intéressant dans le cas présent, c'est donc de piger qu'ils sont en train de se faire faire la peau sur mét précieux et NRJ... aaarf avec leurs désastreuses shorts positions


Bank of America shuts London commods trading desk
Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:56am EST

LONDON, Jan 24 (Reuters) - Bank of America Corp. (BAC.N: Quote, Profile, Research) has shut its commodities and energy trading operations in London, a company spokeswoman said on Thursday, as it trims operations due to difficult credit market conditions.

The second-largest U.S. bank announced last week it would eliminate 650 corporate and investment banking jobs and sell its prime brokerage unit.

"I can confirm that our (Europe, Middle East and Africa) Commodities team has been impacted by the changes we announced last week," said spokeswoman Elizabeth Wood.

"Our core commodities clients are U.S.-based corporate and commercial entities, so to create operational efficiencies and better serve them we are centralising our commodities platform in the U.S.," she added.

Wood declined to say how many jobs were affected by the shutdown of London's commodities trading desk, which took place on Wednesday.

The Charlotte, North Carolina-based firm in October withdrew from making markets in precious and base metals trading, but continued to have a metals service for its clients.

The bank started trading in metals in mid-2006.


©️ Marie
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