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Pourquoi et comment investir dans l’or et l’argent ? Plus qu’un placement d’opportunité, il s’agit avant tout de sécuriser le pouvoir d’achat de votre épargne contre l’érosion monétaire et les conséquences de la crise systémique mondiale, tout en déjouant les pièges que réserve le marché de l’or et de l’argent, à l’investisseur non averti.

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An E-Mail to a Member of the Research Team at Goldman Sachs

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MessageAn E-Mail to a Member of the Research Team at Goldman Sachs
par g.sandro Dim 5 Oct 2008 - 1:32

An E-Mail to a Member of the Research Team at Goldman
October 4, 2008
Thank you for the opportunity to be on your e-mail list. I appreciate your
generosity and hard work.

I am writing to ask you to unsubscribe me from your list. I value your
research reports. However, it would be hypocritical of me to accept them.

I believe in death penalties for private corporations and partnerships. My
vote for one of the first to be murdered is Goldman Sachs.
You and your
colleagues have helped to build and manage a machinery that has committed
treason and genocide on a breathtaking scale.

The history of Goldman Sachs over
the last two decades is living proof that it is possible to kill with a
financial system and a pen.

The fact that you don't understand what you and your colleagues are doing is
It raises more than a few questions about whether you understand
what is really behind the flow of funds you track and publish.

The question before us is who will pay the price of the mess that you and
your colleagues have had such a significant hand in creating:
Who will lose their business and who will keep it?
Who will lose their job
and who will keep it?
Who will lose their home and who will keep it?
will lose their reputation and who will not?
Who will lose their family and
who will not?
Who will lose their health and who will not?
Who will lose
their future and who will not?
Who will lose their live and who will
Who will lose their freedom and who will not?

My plan for bailing out the country would include asserting common law
offsets against the assets of the NY Fed member banks and all of their partners
and employees who benefited up to an amount sufficient to repay $4 trillion
missing from the US government, to fund losses caused by the manipulation of the
precious metals markets and to fund claims of
fraudulent inducement and fraud on mortgages and mortgage securities.

To fund
the offsets, I would propose to seize the offshore and onshore assets of those
who created the mortgage bubble and derivatives mess in the first place.

Frankly, I see no reason why millions of poor people around the world should
pay a global tax through the dollar and US treasury and agency securities for
which the American people are liable, so you and your colleagues can continue to
live in comfort and luxury without concern that you will be held accountable to
the same standards of enforcement applied to the people who live in the communities wrecked by the mortgage,
money laundering and financial fraud that made you and your clients so

It seems to me if anyone should lose their business, jobs and home, it is you
and your colleagues.
Sincerely Yours,
Catherine Austin Fitts
Solari, Inc.
PO Box 157
Hickory Valley, TN

Silver is king, Go Gold !

©️ G.Sandro

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An E-Mail to a Member of the Research Team at Goldman Sachs 2wecua10




  Inscription :   04/02/2005
  Messages :   14522

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MessageRe: An E-Mail to a Member of the Research Team at Goldman Sachs
par marie Dim 5 Oct 2008 - 1:54

purée !! elle mache pas ses mots ...
clap clap chinois chinois chinois chappo clap clap
et quand on connait le cv de Catherine Austin Fitts, présidente de Solari, ça en dit TRES long !



et pour finir, un coup d'oeil sur la site de la sté dont elle est présidente:


©️ Marie
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An E-Mail to a Member of the Research Team at Goldman Sachs Sign-m10




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MessageRe: An E-Mail to a Member of the Research Team at Goldman Sachs
par marie Dim 5 Oct 2008 - 19:28

le plan d'action de Catherine ... ce que chacun peut faire, à son propre niveau
chinois clap clap chappo clap clap chinois chappo


©️ Marie
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par Contenu sponsorisé 

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